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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting), page 1


Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

  The Men of Treasure Cover 12

  Her Dirty Mechanics

  Vanessa Sanchez is the owner of a small boutique in Treasure Cove. She lives life by her rules, and sees no reason to complicate matters. She’s come to understand that while many of her friends are getting married and starting a family, she will never have that, because who would want half of a woman?

  The men over at Cove’s Auto Body shop are hard working men, who, for the last seven years, have lived a quiet life raising their son. When the beautiful Latin shop owner revs their engines, they take a leap of faith and step on the gas. The only problem, she refuses to go for a ride.

  When a stranger comes to town and threatens to roadblock their happiness, the men take the wheel and put them all on a course that could have dire consequences. Can they all work together to get themselves out of the jam, or will they all crash and burn?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 59,302 words


  The Men of Treasure Cove 12

  Rebecca Joyce


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Rebecca Joyce

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-239-3

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  This is Rebecca Joyce’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Rebecca Joyce’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my best friend…Life isn’t easy. There isn’t a manual on how life will go. Sometimes, you just to take a deep breath and take a leap of faith. Know that when you land…I will always be there for you.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author


  The Men of Treasure Cove 12


  Copyright © 2014


  Saturday, December 21st, four days before Christmas

  Vanessa Sanchez was just about to lock up for lunch when she heard the front door open. Looking up from her desk, she shouted, “Well, it’s about damn time. I was starting to think you guys weren’t going to make it.”

  Walking out into the front of her store, she stopped dead in her tracks. She was expecting Jacks and Davis McDaniel, but not the three men standing before her. Vanessa had seen them about town a time or two, but never really had the chance to introduce herself. Of course, remembering how they were dressed, she wasn’t sure she really wanted to.

  Oh, she knew being superficial bitch wasn’t kind and her momma would whip her ass if she ever found out, but damn it, a girl had to have priorities. It was those same priorities that caused her problems when she lived in Dallas. Yep, a girl had to have standards, and these three men were not up to par no matter how fucking hot they were.

  “Can I help you?” she asked in her most superior voice. She really hated being rude to anyone, but she couldn’t fathom she would have anything for the three grease monkeys that ran Cove’s Auto Body.

  They were dressed in filthy, greasy coveralls. She prayed they didn’t touch anything in her store. Just the thought of having to send her beautiful clothes to the cleaners made her cringe. If that happened, she would have to mark the already reduced clothing down further, and she wouldn’t make a profit. Nope, she needed to figure out what they wanted quickly and get them the hell out of her store.

  “Yes, ma’am. We were wondering if you could special order something for us?” the handsome brunet said huskily. He was stunning in a total bad-boy kind of way. She could clearly see the tattoos on his wrist as he handed her a small sheet of paper, smudged with grease.

  Taking the paper from him, she opened it and read the contents.

  1.Prada Ostrich Double Zip Tote

  2.Erdem Faris Dress size 8

  3.Jimmy Choo Jalislo Lace & Suede Sandals size 7

  Coughing, Vanessa looked up at the three men and blushed. Okay, so they knew their designers. “Um, you do realize that the purse itself is over six thousand, the dress is almost three thousand, and the shoes are roughly twenty-five hundred, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the tallest one said. Standing just over six foot seven, he towered over the other two by at least three inches. With raven hair and a tribal tattoo visible from the collar of his jacket that ran up toward his neck, he looked to be the toughest of the bunch.

  “And you want me to order these items…for you?” Vanessa asked incredulously.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the third one said, blushing. His boyishly good looks would be the envy of anyone in the New York fashion district. His honey-blond hair glistened under her store’s ultraviolet lights.

  “Is this some kind of joke? Did Macie put you up to this?”

  “No, ma’am,” the brunet quickly said.

  “Oh for crying out loud, stop calling me ma’am. I’m twenty-eight years old, and the name is Vanessa.”

  The blond stepped forward and smiled. “I’m Peter Castillo.”

  Next, the brunet said, “I’m Carter James.”

  And the giant blushed. “I’m Brice Venter.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Vanessa replied dryly. Turning away from them, she needed to think. They were all so yummylicious. She couldn’t get her head to stop twirling with images of them naked, working on whatever car. The bulging muscles glistening in the summer heat as sweat rolled down their toned bodies. Oh yeah, she needed to get laid soon. These three grease monkeys were wreaking havoc on her inner slut.

  “Is everything all right, Ms. Vanessa? Did we come at a bad time?” the one called Carter asked.

  “No, not really. I was just waiting for someone. If you guys are serious about this order, I won’t be able to place anything until the spring. These items are from the designers’ spring lines.”

  “That’s all right. Our number is at the bottom of the paper. Could you call us when they come in?” Peter asked.

  “Yeah, sure. I will call you before I place the order, just to make sure you still want the items,” she said, looking back at them. She still wasn’t sure this wasn�
�t some kind of joke. However, if they were on the level, she was going to make on hell of a commission and finally have something from the latest lines in her store. Even if it was only until they came and picked them up.

  “Oh, we want the items.” Cater smiled.

  “You have a very lucky lady,” Vanessa muttered, placing the sheet of paper on her bulletin board behind the counter.

  “We think she is something very special,” the tall one named Brice said.

  “Well, we better get out of your hair, Ms. Vanessa. Don’t forget about us, okay? We will be expecting that call,” Carter said as they all headed out the front door.

  She didn’t know how long she stayed behind the counter, looking at the front door. All she could see was them, still standing there, looking at her. She had never felt so raw, so stripped naked before in her life. Just being in the same room, as they looked at her, she actually swore they saw through all of her bullshit that was her armor.

  Those men were dangerous.

  Yep, they were too much men for her. Better to forget they ever existed and move on.

  Walking toward the door, she peered out. The snow whipped every which way. It was going to be another blustery day, and bitter cold to boot. She loved living in the mountains, but being from south Texas, the cold was hard to get used to.

  When she moved to Montana, she never thought she would stay, but thanks to the friends she made here in Treasure Cove, she planted her feet and hadn’t moved in two years. It was something new for her to be stationed in one place for a significant period of time. At the age of twenty-eight, she couldn’t remember a time when she had been in one place for very long. She’d grown up in a military family, and they moved as leaves blew in the wind. Thirteen school cafeterias in her lifetime. That was a lot to deal with. To make matters worse, like her brothers, she joined the Navy right out of high school. She figured since she saw the whole United States, why not finish and see the world. Too bad what she saw she wanted to forget about. After doing eight years of service for her country, she had had enough. She packed her duffle and left, never looking back.

  She remembered camping not far from Treasure Cove with her family when she was younger, and really loved the area, so peaceful and quiet. She needed that after leaving the service, making her way to Montana, and the rest was history. That was until her mother arrived two months ago. Vanessa knew it wouldn’t be long before her brothers arrived. Then, three of the nosiest buffoons that didn’t take a liking to anyone, ever, would invade her tranquil life. How those three idiots were related to her, she would never know. Nevertheless, until they arrived, and they would eventually, she was going to enjoy her peace and quiet.

  Looking around, a movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.

  She didn’t need this crap.

  “Come on out. I saw you,” she said loudly to the person in her store. Vanessa wasn’t a stupid little woman. She had lived in some of the most unsavory towns in the States, and having three older brothers, she knew how to defend herself. However, she would be damned if someone came into her store and stole anything. She couldn’t abide thieves, ever.

  “You’re not leaving here without paying, asshole. You stepped into the wrong store for that. Might as well come on out and pay.”

  Slowly, from behind one of her displays, walked out a small young boy with curly blond hair, wearing a cowboy outfit complete with chaps and boots. He was adorable, but a child, and had no business being in her store without a parent.

  “And what is your name young man?” she asked.

  “Colby,” the little boy said, shuffling his feet as he looked at the parquet floor.

  “And where is your mother, Colby?”

  “She’s dead.”

  Wow, okay, I don’t have a response for that one.

  “Where’s your dad?” she asked, praying he wasn’t dead, too. Just then, she heard the sounds of a snowmobile approaching. Standing by the front door, she never took her eyes off the little boy, even when Jacks and Davis walked in, bumping into her. Vanessa lost her footing, tripped, and would have fallen if Davis hadn’t caught her.

  “Oh damn. I’m sorry, Van.” Jacks laughed, brushing snow from his jacket.

  “It’s all right,” she turned to look at him. That was when her stealthy little customer made his move. Running for the back of the store, the little imp was out the back door before Vanessa could get her hands on him. “Damn!”

  “Are you all right, Van?” Davis asked, a concerned look on his face.

  “Yeah,” she whispered, wondering what a little boy was doing out in the snow without any parents. It angered her that some people could be so careless, yet, as she looked toward the heavens, she was glad that she didn’t have to worry about that. As much as she didn’t mind being the honorary auntie, hell would freeze over before she had a child of her own. That wasn’t in her cards, and never would be.

  Vanessa knew she would never have a child. It wasn’t that she couldn’t have one. Hell, as far as she knew her reproductive organs were working just fine. It was that fact that she wasn’t whole. In her eyes, a mother had to have everything, and she didn’t. As much as it pained her, she refused to have a child with only half a mother.

  Brushing off the morose feeling, she turned and smiled at Davis.

  Chapter One

  Six months later…

  “Oh wow!”

  There were not many things that made Vanessa Sanchez froth at the mouth. However, wearing the latest fashions from New York was making her do just that.

  Damn did she look good!

  She literally couldn’t help it. She just had to try them on. She remembered last Christmas when those dirty, greasy mechanics came into her crisp, clean store. To say they shocked the hell out of her was an understatement, but what bothered the most was how her body responded to them, as if her body knew theirs. That and who knew three greasy auto mechanics knew fashion? She sure as hell didn’t. However, when they handed her the smudged paper with three items on it that they wanted her to order, well, she about peed her pants. They paid her in advance of course, and she ordered the pieces when they came available.

  Now, she was wearing them and she never looked better.

  Vanessa Sanchez ran a little secondhand shop in the town of Treasure Cove that catered to last season’s fashions. Unable to afford the current styles, she kept her little business afloat with little trinkets and such, but clothes were her passion. Vanessa wanted so much to pack it all up and move to New York and become a designer herself, but she fell in love with Treasure Cove and its residents.

  When she moved to Montana, she never thought she would stay, but thanks to the friends she made here in this small town, she planted her feet and hadn’t moved in two years. It was something new for her to be stationed in one place for a significant period of time.

  At the age of twenty-eight, she couldn’t remember a time when she had been in one place for very long. Growing up in the military, her family moved as leaves blew in the wind. Thirteen school cafeterias in her lifetime. That was a lot to deal with. To make matters worse, unlike her brothers, she joined the Marine Corps right out of high school. She figured since she saw the whole United States, why not finish and see the world. Too bad what she saw gave her nightmares and a constant reminder. After doing eight years of service for her country, and three tours in hostile combat zones, she had had enough. She packed her duffle and left, never looking back. Not that she had any other choice on that matter.

  Needing time to forget everything she saw and did, she remembered camping not far from the small town of Treasure Cove with her family when she was younger. She really loved the area. Everything was so peaceful and quiet as she made her way to Montana, and the rest was history. That was until her mother arrived two months ago.

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