A late start tamers laid.., p.1
A Late-Start Tamer’s Laid-Back Life: Volume 10, page 1

Table of Contents
Color Illustrations
Chapter One: The Second Half of the Event and the Sunken Ship
Chapter Two: Taking Down One Dinosaur Boss after Another!
Chapter Three: Beginning of the Final Day
Chapter Four: The Demon Bifrons
Chapter Five: End of the Event!
Bonus Textless Illustrations
About J-Novel Club
Chapter One: The Second Half of the Event and the Sunken Ship
I had completely forgotten my original objective.
We had come out here to catch the fish we needed for making a fish print. However, with everything else that happened, like finding a sea otter, getting chased by a shark, and discovering a mysterious rocky reef, that goal had totally slipped my mind. I still wanted to get the fish print done by the end of the day, though, so we were currently in the middle of doing some night fishing.
“Let’s hurry up and catch something big, then we can move on to exploring the sunken ship!”
We had gotten pretty far out at sea since we’d been chased by the shark, so we returned to the bay before casting out our lines. Things had been so hectic since we’d set out on the ocean, which was probably what made fishing in the tranquil bay now especially enjoyable. Unfortunately, we were unable to catch any high-scoring fish; all we netted were a bunch of small fry. Y’all are tasty, but sorry. You’re not what I’m looking for today.
“Hmm, maybe I should have bought some more detailed info instead of just a list of the high-scoring fish?”
But things would get boring if I bought information about every little thing... I had been the one who tried to look all cool by not buying the information Alyssa had recommended for a surefire win on the minigame, after all. It’d be too embarrassing to go back to her and buy it now. My only choice was to rely on my own fishing chops to get a high score.
As I mulled things over, I finally realized something.
“The fish that scored highest so far are splendid alfonsino and cod, right?”
I checked the list I bought from Alyssa—I was right. It was definitely those two.
“Pretty sure those are both deep-sea fish...”
That had to mean that even higher-scoring fish would also be deep-sea dwellers, right? Which meant there had to be a spot in this bay that had deeper water where I could catch those fish from, right? Yeah, that had to be it! What do you know, even my dumb brain worked sometimes!
“Perca! Reflet! Can you find a spot where the water’s deeper?”
The two of them stopped playing in the water to snap a salute before diving back underwater. Then, after thirty minutes...
“Got one! A splendid alfonsino!”
“Squeak squeak!”
I reeled in a fifty-centimeter-long splendid alfonsino. All thanks to Reflet and Perca’s brilliantly finding us a deep-sea fishing spot.
“Very nice. A splendid alfonsino. Let’s catch some more for us to eat!”
After that, we were also able to catch a cod. Drimo drew back when he saw the cod surface from water.
“Ha ha ha! Its stomach’s coming out of its mouth! Gross!”
“They really didn’t have to make this part realistic!”
I was so thrilled, I started getting weirdly hyperactive. Drimo looked disgusted as I reeled in the realistic-looking cod. As coolheaded as he was, there were things even he couldn’t handle. And the party didn’t end there—we caught more fish that ramped up my excitement even higher.
“Whoa, it’s heavy! I got a heavy one!”
I wound the reel as hard as I could, working against whatever was pulling so strongly on my line.
“Squeak squeak squeak!”
“Growl growl growl!”
“You two caught something massive with your poles too, huh?”
My monsters seemed to have gotten a bite at the same time I had. The three of us grappled noisily with our catch, and three minutes later—which was long for fishing in the game—the fish finally emerged from the water.
“Is this...an oarfish? Sweet! Oh, Drimo! You got a nautilus! And Bear Bear, is that a barreleye fish?”
In addition to the resplendent, giant deep-sea fish called an oarfish, we also caught a nautilus, which had a distinctive spherical shell. And we’d even gotten ourselves the bizarre-looking barreleye fish, whose transparent head displayed its huge eyes in full view. We had ourselves a great spread of rare deep-sea creatures.
“Can I put the oarfish in a case...? I can!”
It barely fit in the Extra Large Terrarium. It wasn’t swimming, but was just floating in the tank, its giant body slightly folded up. The nautilus and the barreleye fish became similarly docile once they were in their cases. The sight of the deep-sea fish in the somewhat flimsy plastic receptacles looked a bit surreal. They were the type of cases made for critters like crayfish and insects, after all.
“Hmm, I wonder if we caught enough? It’s already getting late, though, so let’s head back to the village.”
“Honk honk!”
However, at the time, I was oblivious. I didn’t know what tragedy lay in wait for us...
“The fish used for the fish prints disappeeear!”
That’s right. Unlike with real fish prints, for some inexplicable reason, the fish used for fish prints in this event straight up vanished.
“I copy the entire fish for my fish prints, you see!”
This was all the fault of the game, or rather, some magical trickery at work. My hard-won oarfish vanished right before my eyes. Nooo, that was my only one!
“I’m pretty burnt out on fishing now, though...”
It was a huge disappointment, but I didn’t have it in me to fish for another oarfish. If I found the motivation again by the last day of the event, I’d try to catch another one. I already added it to my encyclopedia anyway.
“It’s fine. I’ve got my coelacanths.”
While the oarfish was definitely rare and cool, coelacanths had it beat in terms of adventure. So yeah, a coelacanth was all I needed! As I was thinking that in an effort to console myself, the old man came over to me.
“Here, consider this thanks for the fish print. Oh, hmm?”
Was he staring at me or something? He looked me up and down, from the top of my head down to my toes. His gaze looked exactly like someone doing an appraisal.
“You’ve got a fossil and a nautilus, don’t ya? Are you maybe the type who feels a sense of adventure in the ancient? If so, I’ve got something good to share with ya.”
The fish print grandpa spoke up as he handed me an item called Authentic Fish Print Set. As I had expected, there was information hidden in this minigame too, with the trigger being having a fossil and a nautilus on hand. Speaking of which, a nautilus was considered a living fossil.
“Y’see, northeast from this island, there’s another island where ancient creatures still roam. If you go there, you’ll likely be able to encounter several of those prehistoric creatures.”
Yeah, I already knew that.
“The word is that on that island, you can catch the elusive, deep-sea fish known as the coelacanth. I know I would just love to make a coelacanth fish print!”
Right after the fish print grandpa said that, a selection window appeared asking if I wanted to hand over a coelacanth to him.
This sort of thing happened often in RPGs—that was to say, an event would trigger when you already had a key item on your person. It was a pretty common occurrence to already have the item you were requested to obtain for a fetch quest. Without hesitating, I selected “Yes.” I had caught several of them, so I didn’t mind.
After I made my selection, the fish print grandpa clasped my hands with great delight.
“Traveler! You have my thanks! Here, a token of my gratitude!”
Ten thousand evets, huh...? Okay, not bad. I accepted the reward, but the old man wasn’t done talking yet.
“But you know, the coelacanth’s not the biggest fish on that island.”
“Huh? It’s not?”
Actually, I had been wondering about something I noticed in my encyclopedia. The coelacanth wasn’t the last entry on the fish page. There was still one entry right after it that I hadn’t filled yet. Before that empty spot were the ammonite and the coelacanth, so based on the order of things, there was no doubt that the last spot was reserved for a sea creature from the Prehistoric Island. That must have been what the old man referred to as the biggest fish on the Prehistoric Island, but his follow-up information knocked me down to the depths of despair.
“Indeed. There’s a giant lake below a waterfall. Folks say an ancient fish of monumental size, far bigger than a coelacanth lives in that lake!”
Oh, hell no! That lake was the residence of the Mosasaurus boss monster, okay? That thing would make me its snack the second I got close to it. It’d be impossible to find the chance to do any fishing there. When I told the fish print grandpa as much, he shared some more information with me.
“Up in the North Fishing Village, ther
A legendary angler. Now that was the sort of news that could get a man’s blood pumping. But I was a little scared. A legendary hunter was sure to be some scary, crotchety old man.
“But I do want to fill out the encyclopedia...”
I have to be brave and meet Mr. Crotchety Grandpa (Temp Name)!
Since I still had the sunken ship to explore, I had a lot to get done!
“All right, onward to the North Fishing Village!”
“Honk honk!”
After doing some shopping in the South Fishing Village and registering the teleportation point there, we headed for the North Fishing Village. The curtain of night fell as we walked.
“These enemies are a little stronger now, huh!”
“This area must be where the northern part of the island begins. Guys, stay on guard, got it?”
Monsters became stronger at night, but even we could handle the ones that appeared around here. I stocked up on potions too, so we shouldn’t have to worry about a party wipe. We had to march forwards at a stricter pace than usual, but I wanted to reach the North Fishing Village before the end of the day. The old man had told me where to go, so we should have been able to make it there just fine as long as we didn’t dawdle, but... About halfway to the North Fishing Village, we hit a snag.
“Skeletons are popping up like crazy. What’s going on?”
“Squeak squeak!”
“Growl grooowl!”
We suddenly became enshrouded in a fog, and moments later we found ourselves surrounded by a crowd of skeletons. They were labeled as Skeleton Pirates. Matching their name, they wore red bandanas wrapped around their skulls and clutched cutlasses in their hands. They weren’t very strong, but there were a lot of them. Actually, was there an infinite number of them? No matter how many we defeated, they kept coming back.
“Hmm, what should we do?”
I was debating turning back, but Drimo and Bear Bear both looked determined. They were shadowboxing, showing off how ready they were to take these things down.
“All right, let’s get ’em!”
“Squeak squeak!”
Throwing caution to the wind at times was one of the true pleasures of gaming.
“Everyone, we’re gonna force our way through!”
“Perca! Make them scatter with Penguin Highway!”
“Honk hooonk!”
Following my command, Perca leaped out. His skill shone super bright in the darkness of the night. Perca the cannon, enveloped in a blue light, sent the skeletons flying, cutting a path through the crowd. Since Perca didn’t have much attack power himself, he didn’t kill any of the skeletons, but his skill’s Blow Away effect was still tremendous.
We sped through to the exit Perca had cleared for us and managed to break free of the encircling crowd. However, our surroundings were still engulfed in the white fog.
On the other side of the thick fog, I heard the dim sound of countless rattling bones. And it was steadily getting closer. There was no denying it, they were chasing us.
“Aagh! Run, run!”
We ran away from the pursuing skeletons for several minutes.
“Did we...finally...lose them?”
Damn, I can barely catch my breath! But we had managed to shake off the skeletons. It looked like they wouldn’t follow outside of the fog. The skeletons abruptly stopped in their tracks and retreated back into the fog.
“Wheeew... That was close. Also, pretty sure no one told us about that...”
None of the information I heard had mentioned anything about Undead monsters appearing, or anything about the fog. This was clearly some sort of event.
Afterwards, we walked around and did some investigating of the area. As a result, we were able to determine that the fog was covering a certain area.
“Aha, looks like it’s around the western coast.”
This event island was, roughly speaking, the shape of a pentagon pointing south. Well, there were variations to the shape, like a bay and a cape and such, so a pentagon was just the closest term I could use to describe it. The Bazaar was situated a bit east from the center of the island. The South Fishing Village, which we’d just left, was situated in the middle of the southwest area of the pentagon. The North Fishing Village was probably near the northwest point. And the spot we were just in was right in between the South and North Fishing Villages. I had a suspicion the source of the fog was around the westernmost point.
According to the information I got from Alyssa, there were no places that really stood out on the western shore. There were no sandy beaches, only stretches of plains and rocky areas.
The fact there was nothing of note was actually what made it suspicious.
“The skeletons are weak, so let’s try and aim for the center of the fog.”
“Honk honk!”
I felt like we should head back to the village first, but I didn’t fully understand the conditions that made this fog appear. If we left, I didn’t know if the same thing would happen a second time.
“All right! Bear Bear, Drimo, I’m counting on you two! We’re going to fight our way through!”
Bear Bear and Drimo flexed their muscles in reply. Then, they posed like they were bodybuilders, saying to leave things to them. What were those poses called? Bear Bear was doing a side chest, and Drimo a double bicep pose? They were our dependable cuties. Or deputies, for short.
And so, with our deputies leading the way, we submerged ourselves once again into the white fog.
“Squeak squeak!”
“Growl growl!”
We crossed through the fog as Bear Bear and Drimo mowed down the swarming skeletons, one after another. I’d have been more excited if the experience we were getting was anything to celebrate, but these skeletons weren’t exactly formidable foes. We’d taken down so many, and yet no one had leveled up, and each skeleton only earned us one evet. They didn’t even drop any items. At a rate like this, it would be much more beneficial to just hunt random weak event monsters.
Eventually, our unproductive fighting came to a close. After having fought for twenty minutes straight, we finally made it out of the fog. I heard the faint sound of crashing waves—we must have ended up right by the coast.
And that wasn’t all there was.
“Is that...a village?”
Right before our eyes was a small village bathed in the moonlight. It looked like not a single lamp was lit, so I likely would have missed it if the moon wasn’t out. We’d found ourselves another new location.
“Eine, can you check things out from above?”
I had no information on this village, so we had to tread carefully here.
While we waited for Eine to do her thing, the rest of us quietly walked around the outskirts of the village. But there were no monsters around, and no items to gather.
Could we be right in the middle of an ongoing event? Was this related to that ghost sailor we met on the reef? Ghosts and skeletons. They were both Undead monsters. Oh, and maybe pirates were connected somehow too? It seemed highly likely that meeting the ghost on the reef had triggered the emergence of the white fog.
While I was contemplating things, Eine came back.
“What’d you see?”
I guessed she hadn’t found anything noteworthy. At least, she hadn’t been able to detect any sign of movement. With only that much to go on, I wasn’t sure if the villagers were just asleep, or if this was some sort of ghost town.
“There’s only one thing to do. Let’s go in.”
We got into formation and slowly approached the village. The entrance gate was open, but there was no gatekeeper. That could have been enough to convince me the villagers were just sleeping, but it seemed strange to me that there wasn’t a single streetlamp lit. On top of that, there weren’t any NPC shops.