A late start tamers laid.., p.1
A Late-Start Tamer’s Laid-Back Life: Volume 9, page 1

Chapter One: The Summer Event Begins
“My preparations are all complete. All that’s left now is to wait for the event to start.”
It was while I was waiting leisurely on the veranda that the announcement finally came.
“The event to welcome the second-wave players will now commence.”
“Here we go!”
I selected “Yes” when the prompt appeared to ask if I wanted to participate. Instantly, my monsters and I began to shine, and then we were transported to an unfamiliar room: a midsize studio apartment. The only furnishings were a bed and a table big enough for six people, and the floors were wooden, to my surprise. Well, a tougher flooring made sense, since players would be wearing shoes.
There were no windows, but a large lamp hung from the ceiling emitting a bright white light, so the lack of them was hardly noticeable. The room looked a bit old and lived-in overall, which brought to mind the sort of cheap inn that would appear in a fantasy novel. It was charming in its own way.
“What’s this? We’re not on a playing field?”
My monsters had also been safely transported with me. I chose my party members to have a balance of fighting and crafting abilities. Our team was Olto, Sakura, Reflet, Himka, Drimo, and Perca. I hesitated a little on Perca, but I ended up bringing him along so that he could level up. That wasn’t the only reason, though. It was just a rumor on the forums, but people had been speculating that this event would take place on the water.
It was currently the middle of summer in the real world, but LJO hadn’t yet held a summer-related event. This was in spite of the fact that other games regularly held ocean-related events, like beach events or gacha rolls for swimsuits. People were convinced that LJO would do something for the season too. So it wasn’t farfetched to expect that this event would be the one.
“Looks like I’ve got all my items.”
For this event, players could bring with them at most ten items. Since crafting sets were considered a single item, I went ahead and brought all of mine with me. That included my concoct, cooking, and alchemy sets. I also brought a farming hoe, logging ax, mining pickax, fishing pole, and fishing bait, so I was perfectly set up to gather materials. I couldn’t reasonably participate in battles anyway, so I had to do my best in crafting. Those items took up eight slots, so for my last two items, I brought an Escape Orb and a Flee Orb. These were for getting me out of a crisis if it came to it.
“We will now explain the details of the event.”
“Oh, I got a message.”
I looked it over. The first half was the usual precautions, such as the handling of pictures and warnings about harassment.
“Okay, so as the earlier announcements said, it’s going to be an adventure taking place in a large city and around the island where the city is located. Here, we’ll be earning points through various actions...”
As I continued reading, I found a few new bits of information. The first was the deal with this room. We were in the Event City Bazaar. This room was one of the special homes for players within the Bazaar. Each player was given their own personal room, which could be used to log out and other purposes.
The other important bit of information was regarding the currency that would be used during the event. To my surprise, I wouldn’t be able to use any of the currency that I already had on hand. Instead we would be using a currency with the unimaginative name “evets.” This was probably for the sake of leveling the playing field, considering that this was an event for the second-wave players.
I was given one hundred evets to start, but I had no way of knowing how much that was really worth.
“Should we start by heading outside?”
Normally, when I left my room, I would emerge in the large plaza in the middle of the city. However, only for the very first time apparently, I would be transported to a random spot within the city in order to mitigate congestion. I could easily access my home from the plaza by using a menu window.
I opened the doors of my event home and stepped outside. I was transported somewhere that looked like the back alley of a residential area. The street was lined with a messy array of brick houses. I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a slum, but it did sort of have the appearance of a rough part of town. Though I doubted I’d be mugged by an NPC or anything.
“Let’s start by looking for a shop. I want to figure out how much my currency is worth. You all keep an eye out too, okay?”
After a few minutes of walking, said shop practically fell into our laps. Once we left the alley and made it onto a main road, we found plenty of NPC carts lining the street. There were carts selling juice and sweets, along with those selling flowers and accessories. Oh of course, though I called them carts, they weren’t like the ones you might see at a Japanese festival. They were smaller, like a small box with small wheels attached to it. Sort of like a European-style wagon.
I decided to start by approaching the cart nearest to me. It was a flower cart, tended by a petite elderly woman. The flowers, which looked like sunflowers, were being sold from a basket. I thought maybe they were some special item, but the flowers were just listed as a weed, with no effects. All the plants in the world of LJO that had no special effects were classified as either weeds or shrubbery.
“Are you selling locally picked flowers?”
“These flowers here are ones I grew in my own home garden.”
“Wow, really?”
Each sunflower cost one ever. I’d assumed getting one hundred evets at the outset was chump change, but I guessed its value was different from gold. I decided to try buying a sunflower. I picked one up and selected the option to purchase.
“All right, here you go.”
“Thank you, son.”
Buying and selling works the same, huh? The sunflower was now in my inventory. The truth was, I had another reason for buying this other than it being the first time I had seen one. I wondered if I could get some seeds out of it if I dried it. Rick would like that. I took out the sunflower and appraised it, but it really was just a regular sunflower, so it seemed unlikely I could get any—
“You have appraised a sunflower. It will be registered to your event encyclopedia.”
There was a sudden announcement. Event encyclopedia? When I checked it out, I found that an extra page called “Event Encyclopedia” had been added after my regular encyclopedia sections. There were four categories in this extra section—Plants, Animals, Insects, and Ocean.
I looked at the plant encyclopedia, where there were already five types of plants registered. In addition to the sunflower I just appraised, there were also hydrangea, Japanese beech, sawtooth oak, and mizunara listed along with their pictures. It looked like the plants I already had in my regular encyclopedia prior to the event would be considered appraised without my having to do so again.
“So there’s twenty-five left?”
Thirty varieties could be registered under each category of the event encyclopedia. We were obviously meant to go to various locations to complete this encyclopedia during the event.
“It might be fun to fill this out as we go.”
“Oh? You think so too, Sakura?”
Sakura was also in favor of obtaining some new plants.
After buying the sunflower, I decided to go around to check out the other sellers. By doing so, I found out that even if I appraised the items being sold at the carts, they wouldn’t be registered to my encyclopedia unless I purchased them first, but it worked fine once that had been done. I also registered a rhinoceros beetle being sold at a cart after buying it. However, that wasn’t what was important to me.
“Hold up... I can own a rhinoceros beetle?”
It looked like a regular rhinoceros beetle. It wasn’t a tamed monster, and it didn’t even seem like raising it would give me any sort of benefit. And actually, the moment I put it into my inventory, it wasn’t considered a living creature. But I didn’t care about that. Owning a rhinoceros beetle was every boy’s dream. I couldn’t believe that dream could come true in a game...
“Can I make my own case for it? I think these cases are made completely out of plastic, though...”
Each beetle was being sold in a clear plastic case. It was one of those cases with a blue or green basketlike lid that I often saw in real life. It was called a Terrarium, so was it exclusively used for that purpose? So if I have one of these, could I use it to keep insects I catch?
If that were the case, I definitely wanted one.
“Let’s look around town.”
As I walked through the town with that thought, more players started to show up. And almost all of them were staring at me.
“Honk honk!”
Well, my monsters do stand out. Add Perca into the mix and we stood out more than any other party. They were all friendly and even waving their hands, so they were bound to get the attention of even people who didn’t like cute things.
They’re keeping their distance, and no one’s coming up to talk to me, so maybe I should just not pay them any mind. I ignored the onlookers and returned to my shopping, but I never found what I was looking f
“Hmm, no one’s selling a Terrarium, huh...”
I really want one!
“Squeak squeak!”
“What is it, Drimo?”
Drimo suddenly started tugging at the hem of my robe. He seemed to have spotted something.
“Did you find a Terrarium?!”
I followed Drimo’s gaze.
It looked like it was not the Terrarium that he found. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. He seemed to be staring at a space between two buildings. What was he looking at? As I approached the gap, I saw what it was that Drimo was reacting to.
“Uh...a cat?”
Come to think of it, this was probably the first time I had seen a stray cat in this world—though cats did exist as mascots. Judging from a glance, it was a brown tabby cat.
“Uh-huh, it’s a regular cat.”
After I appraised it, one of the squares under “Animals” became filled in. First the sunflower, and now the cat—it looked like the subjects of the event encyclopedia were all fairly common plants and animals.
“It also registered the rhinoceros beetle. This is starting to feel like I’m doing a summer break research project.”
Actually, that probably was what this was supposed to be. It was currently summer break, and a lot of students played this game. There were probably a lot of elementary and middle schoolers too, so it wouldn’t be odd for this event to have been made with that in mind.
“Well, all right. Now I know that there are a bunch of things I can register to the encyclopedia in town too. Should we indulge ourselves in a little town exploration?”
“You’re all motivated too, huh? Okay then, let’s make it a competition to see who can find the next thing to register! How about it?”
“Honk honk!”
Then, ten minutes later...
“Whoa! Nice find, Sakura!”
Sakura was pointing at a small, white butterfly that had stopped to rest its wings on top of the leaf of a weed. I appraised it. It was instantly registered to my encyclopedia.
“A cabbage butterfly! Nice, great job. Keep it up!”
After seeing me praise Sakura, the others became even more motivated. They started searching for the next thing that could be registered to the encyclopedia more seriously than ever.
Reflet was on her hands and knees as she examined the ground, looking way too much like a little rascal. Even though she was wearing a dress. The image didn’t match up at all.
Incidentally, the weeds we found didn’t get registered. To be more precise, they were all lumped together and registered as “Summer Weeds.” When I selected that, I was able to see the ten types of weeds I’d found, like ragweed and green foxtail, along with their pictures. Alas, poor weeds. Herbs also weren’t registered to the encyclopedia, even though ones like Basilil were growing here.
“Maybe they need to be more unique... Though I don’t know whether a cat or a sunflower counts as being unique.”
While I was looking through the encyclopedia thinking about that, this time it was Himka who spotted something. He was beckoning me over urgently.
“What did you find this time?”
Himka was pointing at a lone dog tied to the front door of a house. My guess was that it was a Labrador Retriever. But when I appraised it, it just showed up simply as “Dog.” The dog offered no resistance even when Himka ran up and threw his arms around it.
“All right! Nice, Himka!”
I unintentionally patted Himka on the head like a dog while he himself was petting the actual dog. He seemed to like it, though, so it was probably okay.
We continued walking around the town in the same fashion for two hours, and we ended up doing a complete lap around the place. The town was pretty spacious, its size probably necessary in order to accommodate all the players.
In the center of town was a plaza where players were free to open up their own stalls, and it was already bustling with people. At a glance, the plaza didn’t look that big, but apparently the size changed depending on how many players were in the area, so it wouldn’t be a problem even if everyone gathered here.
“All right, we managed to find a Terrarium and filled out the encyclopedia a bit.”
In addition to the sunflower, rhinoceros beetle, cabbage butterfly, cat, and dog we had already found, we also found a Joro spider. Since we had to search meticulously for insects, the encyclopedia could still turn out to be surprisingly difficult to fill out.
We also found morning glories entwined around a gate, but for some reason I couldn’t register those to my encyclopedia. They weren’t even lumped in with the weeds, so it was unclear why they didn’t get added in. Well, if I found another chance to appraise them again and it still didn’t work, I would ask Alyssa about it. Since players weren’t divided into servers this time, she was probably around here somewhere.
“Okay, I’ve got a good feel of the town, so how about we go outside of it next?”
“Honk honk!”
Perhaps looking forward to exploring a new area, Olto led the way with a smile on his face. My other monsters looked excited too. It was worth it to participate in this event just to be able to see them like that.
“Squeak squeak?”
“Oops, sorry. I’m coming, I’m coming.”
I had already procured the information regarding what was outside of the Event City Bazaar. The old man selling the rhinoceros beetles told me about it. There were gates on the east and west ends of the Bazaar. The east end led to a stretch of plains while the west was a wooded area, both geared for beginners. Only weak monsters appeared in the plains and the wooded area. They were probably on the same level of difficulty as Zone One. That meant that I would have no issue with the outskirts of the Bazaar either. I decided to leave from the east gate—I wanted to warm up in the plains where I’d have good visibility.
“Is this the road the guy at the stand told me about?”
I headed east from the gate, where a road paved with brick stretched ahead. Apparently, if I followed this brick road, it would lead me to a village.
“All right, let’s go!”
I felt at ease knowing there were very few monsters around this road. There wasn’t a zero chance of monsters appearing, but they wouldn’t pose a problem to us. Sakura restrained the one Fanged Rat that did appear, which became a sacrifice to Perca’s battle practice.
I was surprised to see I could gain evets just from felling monsters. I was sure they had explained that event points could be obtained by defeating enemies. That meant the in-game currency “evets” equaled “event points.”
So does that mean if I splurge too much on shopping, my rank will go down? I’ll have to be careful.
“Well, I’ll think about that when I need to. It’d be lame not to buy the things I want.”
As we were leisurely making our way along the tranquil path, Sakura found something. She was crouching down at the side of the road and looking intently at a grassy spot.
“A mantis?”
“Oh wow, you can just reach out and grab it.”
Sakura firmly grasped the mantis and tried handing it over to me. Very intimidatingly, I might add.
We came across many other insects and animals along the road: a white-tailed skimmer, a swallowtail butterfly, a Japanese honey bee, and a migratory locust. Aside from insects, we even saw a tanuki.
Meanwhile, monsters were few and far between. I saw some players here and there battling monsters in areas away from the road, so the road itself really must have been special. It was probably set up in a way to keep monsters from approaching.
Clip-clop clip-clop clip-clop.
I was crouched over at the roadside turning over rocks, wondering if I could find pill bugs too, when I heard what sounded similar to the clopping of horse hooves. No, it’s not “similar.” It is a horse.