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inter 2012/2013
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vol 24 no 4 #91
on spec winter 2012/2013, vol. 24 no. 4 #91
The Copper Pig Writers’ Society
Managing Editor:
Diane L. Walton
Art Director:
Diane L. Walton
Poetry Editor:
Barry Hammond
Production Editor:
Cat McDonald
sponsors & inancial supporters
Fiction Editors:
Robin S. Carson
Barb Galler-Smith
Thanks to Alberta Culture, Alberta Multimedia Development Fund; and Alberta Human
Ann Marston
Susan MacGregor
Diane L. Walton
Cat McDonald
last year invested $24.3 million in writing and publishing throughout Canada. Nous Publisher’s Assistant:
Jennifer Laface
remercions de son soutien le Conseil des Arts du Canada, qui a investi 24.3 millions de Copyeditor & Twitter:
Brent Jans
Cover Artist:
Kenn Brown
supporters & patrons
On Spec is published quarterly through the volunteer efforts of The Copper Pig Writers’
Danica LeBlanc, Jennifer Laface, Isaac Calon, Heather Price Ferguson, Laurie Penner, Society, a registered non-proit society. Annual subscriptions are $24.00 in Canada for individuals, and $35.00 for institutions (price includes GST). GST# 123625295. Full and volunteers. Special thanks to everyone behind the Pure Speculation Festival.
subscription rates are on page 2 of every issue, and our website: www.onspec.ca
behind the scenes support
Send all mail (letters, submissions, subscription requests or queries, art samples, advertising rate card, etc.) to On Spec, P.O. Box 4727, Edmonton, AB T6E 5G6. Phone 780-628-7121. Email: onspec@onspec.ca. Please note: we do NOT read unsolicited noniction or long iction (e.g. novels, novelettes). Non-iction pieces are commissioned only.
Library, and our dedicated Editorial Board.
See our website for contributors, guidelines, payment schedule and ordering information: Magazine Publishers Association, Magazines Canada, and The Edmonton Arts Council.
Copyright belongs to the author or artist by-lined, and no portion of this magazine may be reproduced without consent from the individual author or artist. On Spec is a licencee of Access Copyright.
Publication and promotion of this issue have been made possible by inancial assistance from The Canada Council for the Arts; Alberta Culture, Alberta Multimedia Development Fund; and Alberta Human Services (Summer Temporary Employment Program). On Spec is a member of The Alberta Magazine Publishers Association and The Edmonton
Arts Council. Our special thanks goes out to Clear Lake Ltd. and Jena Snyder for 16 years of dedication and support.
On Spec is a member of Magazines Canada, and is also distributed in Canada by Magazines Canada. Printed in Edmonton, Canada, by Capital Colour Press. Postage paid at Edmonton, AB, Canada.
email: onspec@onspec.ca
ISSN 0843-476X
© 2013 On Spec
winter 2012/2013
#91 vol 24 no 4
10 Things I Know About Jesus
Steven Popkes
Let There Be
JD DeLuzio
Gaie Sebold
Kevin Cockle
Ghost Ride
Leslie Claire Walker
One Shoe Highway
Kim Neville
The Devil’s Eyes
David Gordon Buresh
The Proof is in the Reading
Editorial by Diane L. Walton
Apocalypse: It’s the End of the Word As We Know It
Op-Ed by Allan Weiss
Kevin Cockle: Grist for the Mill
Author Interview by Roberta Laurie
Kenn Brown
Artist Interview by Cat McDonald
Delta Theta Alpha Beta
William B. Robison
Read the Digital Edition of On Spec!
On Spec is currently working on having a digital version available
that can be ordered directly from our website. We’ll keep you
In the meantime, for digital subscriptions, please visit
http://magazinescanada.zinio.com and ind us under the
“literature” section. Rates vary depending on your region, and
are available online.
Keep in touch with On Spec!
Our Facebook page “I Read On Spec” has moved! We look
forward to hearing from previous and new members!
Follow our Tweets: http://twitter.com/onspecmagazine
Visit Edmonton’s Pure Speculation Festival: purespec.org
Comments and questions? Voice messages can be left for us
at 780-628-7121, or you can email onspec@onspec.ca for
more information.
Thank You!
2 onspec winter 2012/2013
Don’t miss a single issue of On Spec!
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$54.00 CAD $56.00 US $90.00 US
(per year)
$35.00 CAD $40.00 US $45.00 US
All prices include GST (Canada), shipping and handling.
Payment Options
Subscribe and renew online through PayPal: onspec.ca/
subscribe. You can also email onspec@onspec.ca to request
an invoice to pay without requiring a PayPal account.
Send cheque or money order by regular mail to: On Spec,
Box 4727, Edmonton, AB T6E 5G6 CANADA. You can also
place your order by email (onspec@onspec.ca) or phone (780-
To pay by credit card, there are two options:
1. Download, print, complete and mail to our address the
merchandise order form. Available at onspec.ca/subscribe.
2. Send an email, letting us know you wish to pay by credit
card, provide your daytime phone number, and we will call you
to get your card number, the expiry date, and the name as it is
printed on the card.
Please indicate whether you wish your subscription to begin
with the current issue or the next issue.
The Proof is in the
Editorial by Diane L. Walton
You don’t have to be an editor to cringe when you hear the oft-
misquoted phrase “the proof is in the pudding”. We all know that the
“proof” of the pudding is in the eating.
In other words, something has to be experienced in order to determine
just how good it is.
We do this with On Spec all the time. We shamelessly try to entice new
readers at conventions and trade shows, by waving a copy or a promotional
item in front of them, and attempting to convince them that we offer a unique reading experience; one that is going to change their world view or
improve their quality of life somehow. In this day and age, even $6.95 is
dificult to part with. So what will it be? Copy of On Spec or a latté? In a
perfect world, a copy of On Spec PLUS a latté makes an excellent pairing,
but irst, we have to get past the “I have never heard of you” challenge
(referred to in a previous editorial).
So we do “the pitch”. Authors often come to us to pitch their story
ideas, and similarly, we have to go to prospective readers to pitch the qualities of On Spec. You, who are reading this editorial, have already
joined us on this magical mystery tour, and we hope you stay with us for a
long ride. But in order to sustain this magazine and pay the piper, we need
a constant supply of new readers─readers who demand proof that we can
provide them with quality short iction over the long haul.
Some people are easier to convince than others. You may recall I’ve
mentioned the lady who had found some old On Specs at a yard sale, read
them all, and then purchased a gift subscription for her son. This year, at
4 onspec winter 2
the World Fantasy Convention in Toronto, we had another such moment that warmed the cockles of our hearts. A couple bought a copy of our Fall
“Apocalypse” theme issue from our table in the Dealer room. (Note: we
sold more than 50 copies over the WFC weekend!) As we later learned,
during that day, the wife read the issue, cover to cover. Then she gave it
to her husband to read. He, apparently, read the prize-winning story, ( All
Them Pretty Babies, by Camille Alexa). The next day the couple came into
the Dealer room and bought a one-year subscription! That is the kind of
validation we live for. So for us, the proof of On Spec, like the proverbial
pudding, is in the consumption of it. It’s all about the reading.
We look for new ways to deliver On Spec to readers. People still
enjoy our handy digest format, and we have no intention of ever going
completely paper-less. In fact, it is already possible to subscribe and/or buy a single issue in pdf format through Zinio (see the link on our website).
We are very happy to announce that soon you will be able to buy On Spec
in formats that are compatible with your Kindle and other eReaders. We
will be partnering with Weightless Books (http://weightlessbooks.com/) to
provide (drm-free) a pdf version of On Spec, with mobi and epub versions
to follow as soon as they are available.
2012 was a busy year for us. Our Apocalypse story contest brought in
90 entries, all from Canadian authors. It was a great pleasure to bring you
the best of those stories packed into the Fall issue, and it has been selling
very well. Our Summer issue, with the lovely Melissa Wartenberg (http://
www.intheattic.co/) and one of her masks on the cover, has sold out of the
print copies. Our appearances at both the Calgary and Edmonton Comic
& Entertainment Expo events were very good for business. The World
Fantasy Convention in Toronto brought us to the attention of a world-wide
audience, and opened the door to new partnership opportunities. Stories
published in On Spec have come to the attention of a movie director, and
we are eager to see some of them brought to the big screen in the years to
come. All in all, it was a very good year. As usual, we do depend on you,
our faithful readers, to help spread the word about On Spec. Link to us
from your website; Like us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter. Every
little bit helps.
This year may bring even more adventures. We have learned that some
libraries in Canada and the U.S. have signed on with Zinio to provide
free access to magazines electronically for their patrons, and On Spec is
Editorial by Diane L. Walton 5
Winter 2013-2013, Untitled
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