Sweet corn conclusion, p.1
Sweet Corn Conclusion, page 1

Sweet Corn Conclusion
Twin Berry Bakery - 9
Wendy Meadows
Copyright © 2022 by Wendy Meadows
All rights reserved.
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No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
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Majestic Owl Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 997
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Author’s Note
Hi reader! Thanks for grabbing my book. I hope you enjoy the twins, Rita and Rhonda, on their sleuthing adventures. :)
If you’re ready to grab more books in the series, you can click below to view them all. :)
Twin Berry Bakery Cozy Mystery Series
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Happy reading,
Wendy Meadows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
More from Wendy
About Wendy Meadows
Chapter One
Rita Knight decided it was time to take a reasonable, relaxing vacation with her soon-to-be husband Billy Northfield. And why not? Rhonda was in North Carolina with Zach, helping her soon-to-be husband handle some last-minute legal matters. The last thing Rita wanted was to spend the remainder of her summer stuck in a hot kitchen baking cupcakes, pies, and cakes. As much as Rita adored the bakery she and Rhonda had bought, the Georgia heat was becoming unbeatable, turning the kitchen in the bakery into a dungeon of torment rather than a place of joy and peace. No, it was time to take a vacation… a nice, relaxing, cozy vacation. Yes, that’s just what the doctor ordered.
“A vacation?” Billy exclaimed, holding a pitchfork in his rough hands. “But I got tons of work to get done. Why, summer is almost over and I gotta get this farm in shape for autumn. It ain’t gonna be long before the Pumpkin Festival arrives.” Billy tossed his left thumb back at a dim barn that smelled of hay and cow manure. “Jose is down in Mexico with his folks for a couple of weeks, and Zach is away. I’m up to my ears in work. Why, I gotta get the cows fed and then get out to the fields and—”
“And check on your pumpkins… yes, I know.” Rita sighed, standing just outside the barn under a hot, bright sun still holding a vicious summer heat. Rita felt sweat drip off her soft forehead and crawl down onto the shoulder of a lovely blue dress that offered little reprieve against the heat. “Billy—”
“Now listen,” Billy told Rita, reading the disappointment in her voice, “I know you’re mighty bored, but I got a farm to run.”
“But you said your pumpkins were doing well,” Rita pleaded in a pouty voice. “Zach and Jose both helped you get caught up on your chores before they left and—”
“But I still got plenty of more chores… and my pumpkins don’t get watered by themselves,” Billy stubbornly cut Rita off and then sighed. Rita sure looked pretty in the blue dress she was wearing and Billy liked the way her hair was put up in a little bun. He wanted nothing more in the world than to take the pretty woman on a vacation, but Dagburinit Jersey Milk Cow, he had chores, and chores came first. “A man’s got to run his farm. My daddy said if a man falls behind on his chores, them chores will bite him in the butt.”
Rita sighed again. She knew Billy had his farm to run and chores to tend to. And, she thought, the Pumpkin Festival isn’t too far away, which means Billy has to pay special attention to his pumpkin harvest. “I guess I can go back to the bakery and bake more cupcakes and—”
Before Rita could finish her sentence, she heard an approaching truck.
Billy threw his left hand up to shade his eyes and studied a long, hot, dusty driveway. “Well, I’ll be. That’s Jose. What’s he doing back?” Rita turned and saw an old, rundown, yellow and white Chevy truck crawl down the driveway and then park next to Billy’s truck. Billy tossed the pitchfork he was holding down onto a pile of hay, hitched up his overalls, and marched out to the truck.
“Now, what are you doing here?” he asked a sweaty young man who didn’t look too happy.
Jose crawled out of his truck and slapped on a straw work hat. “I got all the way to the Texas border,” he complained to Billy, “and then… I—”
“You done forgot your papers, didn’t you?” Billy asked in a painful voice.
Jose reluctantly nodded yes. “I wasn’t allowed to drive over into Mexico. I decided to just come back on home.”
“Did you call your folks? They went into Mexico two days ahead of you if I recall, right?” Billy asked. “You went to visit that friend of yours in Dallas, right?”
“Yeah, I went and saw Mike for two days. Mike’s family owns a horse ranch, and we went horseback riding a few times,” Jose confirmed. “Maria is already in Mexico, and she loves horses… I didn’t want to look like an idiot, and Mike helped me out. I guess now… Maria will be riding horses all alone.”
“Oh, Jose, I’m so sorry,” Rita told the upset young man. “Maybe we can put you on a flight to Mexico… our treat?”
Jose slapped at the old brown button-up shirt he was wearing and then brushed some dust off his blue jeans. “I thought about that, but… I kinda argued with Maria on the phone…. She doesn’t want to see me right now.”
Rita felt her heart break for Jose. Jose was a good kid, deeply in love with Maria. Rita could see Jose’s heart was broken. “I say you let us put you on a flight,” she pleaded.
“That’s right,” Billy supported Rita. “Ain’t right for a man to be punished for a simple mistake. And besides, I know Maria… that gal is like a daughter… she’ll get over whatever fit she’s pitching. Now, you just go get yourself some cold lemonade and Rita will call the airport—”
“Thanks, Billy… but I’d rather stay home,” Jose sighed. “My parents are already at my uncle’s ranch with Maria. By now my cousin Juan has probably asked Maria to marry him.” Jose slapped as his pants again. “If it’s all the same, I’d just rather drown myself in work.”
“But this is the time of year you take your two-week vacation,” Billy fussed.
“Maybe I can take the rest of my vacation when winter arrives, Billy? I’ve been saving up to go see Aspen.” Jose sighed. “I’ll go get some lemonade and then get to work. The pumpkin fields will need watering, and the apple house needs some maintenance.”
“I can handle those chores—”
“Please, let me work,” Jose begged Billy. “You once told me that the best thing a man can do when he’s drowning in troubles is to work.”
Billy pulled his old ballcap down over his eyes. “Yeah, I said that all right.” He nodded and then offered Jose an understanding smile. “You can water the pumpkin fields, son.”
Rita felt a sudden light bulb go off inside of her mind. If Jose was back… that meant Billy wasn’t tied down to handling all the farm chores alone. She swung away from Jose and flashed Billy a hopeful smile. Billy quickly read Rita’s face and cringed. “Three days… no more than three days. We can drive to Helen, Georgia and visit Unicoi Park… picnic… oh Billy, it’ll be so nice.” Rita swung back around to Jose. “Jose, can you handle the farm for three days?”
“Sure,” Jose assured Rita. “Billy taught me to run the farm singlehandedly. I can do anything that’s needed… and more. Right, Billy?”
Billy pulled a piece of straw out of his front pocket, tossed the straw into his mouth, and nodded. “Yeah, you’re a farmer who has brains, Jose,” he confirmed while giving Rita a curious eye. Women sure were schemers—clever little flowers who knew how to get what they wanted. Of course, Billy wasn’t surprised one little bit. Billy’s mom had been a sneaky woman who always got her way one way or another. “I guess I’ll be going on a vacation for a few days, Jose.”
“Oh, Billy, thank you!” Rita ran to Billy and hugged him. “I can reserve two very nice rooms for us… we can eat German food and have a picnic… and there’s river rafting, and—”
“Now wait just a second,” Billy begged. “I said we’ll be taking a vacation… but not to Helen. No offense, Helen is a neat little town and all, but Old Billy ain’t much for German food. Besides”—Billy studied Jose—“since Jose is back, and since he can handle the chores, maybe we can take a full week instead of three days and just… drive as far as we can and end up where the winds carry us?”
Rita stared into Billy’s warm eyes and fought back a frown. She was the type of woman who needed an itinerary—Billy was the type of man who just liked to jump in his old truck and drive. Helen was a lovely town that wasn’t too far away from Clovedale Falls. Helen offered vacation brochures that advertised different family activities. Helen had restaurants and hotels and shops. Helen was safe and practical. Jumping into an old truck and just… driving into the wind… was… horribly impractical
“German food gives me gas,” Billy confessed and then touched his round belly. “Yes sir, Old Billy likes Helen just as much as the next person, but the food there… well, the food kept Old Billy on the toilet.”
Rita blushed. Billy’s tongue wasn’t exactly… kosher. “Okay, Billy… then maybe we can visit… Charleston, South Carolina… or maybe we can visit the Amish in… Ethridge, Tennessee? Or maybe we can drive to Saint Augustine, Florida?”
Billy wasn’t attracted to any idea that involved bunches of people and bunches of traffic. “Well, you see, it’s like this,” he told Rita in a voice that was meant to get Rita on his side, “I’ve been reading this book, you see—”
“What book?” Rita asked, eager to get out of the hot sun but unwilling to lose her ground.
“This book about a family who traveled out west from Tennessee in the year 1820. This family just went where the wind took them, you see… not knowing where they would end up,” Billy explained. “Yep, they just threw their stuff into the back of a covered wagon and drove west.”
Rita saw Billy’s eyes glow and cringed. Billy was in the mood for an “adventure.”
“Billy, we don’t live in the year 1820. We live in a time filled with indoor plumbing, electricity, technological advancements—”
“Junk stuff,” Billy complained. “We have junk food stuff that’s killing the back of mankind. Why, folks are tied to them there smartphones. Ain’t no smartphone gonna put seeds into the ground and make food.” Billy shook his head as he chewed on the straw in his mouth. “The Amish people are mighty smart folks who know how to live… folks today… kids today… would wet their pants if the power went off for over twenty-four hours.”
Rita knew Billy was speaking the truth; however, she wasn’t in the mood to discuss the decay of America’s society. “We could visit the Amish?”
“I reckon we could,” Billy agreed, “but maybe we can just drive west and see where the wind carries us? We’ll stay on the back roads the whole way.”
“Sounds fun,” Jose told Billy and then hurried away toward the farmhouse to get a glass of cold lemonade.
Rita sighed. “Okay, Billy, we’ll drive… west… and see where the wind takes us. But I’m a little shocked. I mean, the last time we drove west wasn’t under the best of conditions, remember?”
“Oh, that storm cloud has done passed,” Billy assured Rita and gently patted her soft arm. “Man can’t keep looking back at a storm that’s done passed.” A happy smile touched Billy’s eyes. The truth was, he was feeling tired, and the thought of taking seven days off to catch his breath felt like a cold glass of water on a hot summer day. “We’ll stretch our legs before we get busy preparing for the Pumpkin Festival.”
“I… guess we will,” Rita told Billy and then felt a little smile touch her lips. Would traveling west—driving into the wind—really be so bad? Maybe being practical wasn’t what Rita needed. Maybe she needed to take the hand of her soon-to-be husband and jump into the wind, slap a horse on the backside, and take off running like lightning? Well… maybe not like lightning… but faster than a turtle. “I’ll drive back to the cabin and pack and meet you first thing tomorrow morning.”
“You ain’t coming over for supper tonight?” Billy asked in a disappointed voice. “I was going to make my cabbage chili rolls.”
Rita’s lovely face rolled up into a pained expression. “Uh… I’ll pass, honey,” she told Billy in a quick voice. “I… think I’ll stay home and have a nice, quiet dinner.”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Suit yourself,” he told Rita and then made a happy face. “My daddy made the best cabbage chili rolls this side of the Mississippi, and ol’ Billy didn’t fall far from the oven, no man. I can taste those cabbage chili rolls now.”
Rita had the… uh… privilege of tasting one of Billy’s cabbage chili rolls once. She didn’t leave the bathroom for two days. Rita was polite and didn’t point out her… uh… gastrointestinal displeasure to him. Instead, Rhonda had made it known to the entire town that Billy’s cooking had given her the “runs.” “Uh… I think I’ll have some teriyaki tofu with some vegan noodles and a nice glass of cold tea, honey.”
Billy made a “yuck” face. “You eat that garbage? You must have one iron stomach.” Billy shook his head. “My daddy said it ain’t right for a person to torture himself… sure seems like you’re eager to punish your poor belly. Tofu… just saying that word upsets my belly… sir.” Billy shook his head and walked back into the barn. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
Rita watched Billy disappear into the barn and then let out a little giggle. Marrying a farmer like Billy would definitely be an adventure. “Maybe someday I’ll have you eating tofu, Mr. Northfield.” She giggled and walked to her parked SUV, climbed into the driver seat, and immediately turned on the air-conditioning. “Maybe this trip won’t be so bad,” she whispered and drove away down the long, hot driveway.
Billy stuck his head out of the barn and watched Rita drive away. He smiled, glanced up at the hot sun, and then went back to shoveling hay. Hours later, when suppertime arrived, he made his famous cabbage chili rolls while Rita ate teriyaki tofu. Opposites sure did attract.
Chester could no longer take another round of Billy’s “On the Road Again.” The poor dog let out a miserable howl and then tucked his face down onto Rita’s lap. “Now, what was that all about?” Billy complained. “My singing ain’t that bad.”
Rita giggled to herself. “Chester dares to disagree, Billy.”
“Aw, that dog just ain’t got no sense,” Billy fussed as he worked his old truck down a lonely Nebraska road. Miles and miles of tall cornfields stretched out as far as the eyes could see, making Billy feel right at home. No big cities. No traffic jams. No loud cars blaring with junk music. No crime. No pollution. No, sir. Just corn as far as the eye could see. “You know, I’m mighty glad we got lost and ended up here in Nebraska. This is a mighty pretty state.”
Rita glanced out at the cornfields and then kinda rolled her eyes. At least she was dressed in a pretty yellow summer dress that matched the corn. Billy, bless his heart, was dressed in his same old overalls and wearing his same old ballcap. Rita guessed they looked like locals. If Billy’s old truck wasn’t carrying a Georgia license plate, the real locals probably wouldn’t know that the two strangers were from another state. “A little detour isn’t too bad, Billy. But we do need to get back on track if we’re going to reach Nevada.”
Billy stuck his arm out into the hot summer air that was slowly losing its strength. The taste of autumn was lurking under the heat. “Maybe we need not get to that town we agreed on?” he stated in a lazy voice. “This here state is sure mighty pretty.”
A groan left Rita’s heart. “Billy, we agreed to make Nevada our destination.”
“I know… I know.” Billy began to defend himself the way a child who gets caught stealing the last piece of chocolate cake defends himself. “It’s just that… these here cornfields are calling my name.” Billy looked over at Rita. “Say, what’s the closest town to us? Maybe we can stop and get something to eat? It is getting close to suppertime.”
“It’s just ten past three, Billy,” Rita pointed out.
“Is that all?” Billy asked in a shocked voice. “My belly is telling me it’s close to suppertime.” Billy made a confused face. “Well, I didn’t have a big lunch… maybe that’s the reason?”
Rita held back the urge to roll her eyes again and hurried to grab a map out of the glove compartment. “The man had four chicken sandwiches for lunch and two milkshakes… and he’s still hungry,” she whispered as her hands unfolded the map. “Let’s see… the next town should be….” Rita rolled her eyes.