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Alien Passion: A SciFi Fated Mates Alien Romance (Zolzix Brothers Book 3), page 1

Alien Passion
Elemental Mates - Book Three
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher of this book, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
ALIEN PASSION is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person’s living or dead, business establishments, events, or locals is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2023
Written by Wendy May
Elemental Mates: Book Three
Second Edition: Copyright © 2023
Written by Wendy May
Original Cover Design by: MiblArt
Cover Embellishments by: JyL Creations
Inside Artwork by: JyL Creations
Edited by J.F.F
This book is dedicated to my husband, who was my rock and my inspiration during the hardest time of my life. Thank you for your love, your patience, and your encouragement. You are my hero and my soulmate. I love you more than words can say.
This book is also dedicated to all the women who dream of finding their true love, even if it means looking beyond the stars. You are brave, beautiful, and worthy of happiness. Never stop believing in yourself and your passions. You are the stars that light up the sky.
Thank you all for everything. Here’s to many more adventures together.
With love and gratitude,
Wendy May
Before You Read
Hello, dear readers! Thank you for choosing Alien Passion, a sci-fi romance novel that will take you on a thrilling journey across the galaxy. I hope you enjoy reading about the sparks that fly between Xan and Sofia, two star-crossed lovers from different worlds. If you’re looking for more space adventures, don’t miss the other books in the series, where you’ll meet more fascinating characters and explore new planets. You can find them all on my website or by clicking the links below. Thank you for your support and happy reading!
The Zolzix Brothers novels are part of a trilogy. However, readers can read each book as a stand-alone.
Elemental Mates Series:
Alien Wishes—Book One
Alien Desire—Book Two
Alien Passion—Book Three (Pre-Order Today)
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
6. Chapter Six
7. Chapter Seven
8. Chapter Eight
9. Chapter Nine
10. Chapter Ten
11. Chapter Eleven
12. Chapter Twelve
13. Chapter Thirteen
14. Chapter Fourteen
15. Chapter Fifteen
16. Chapter Sixteen
17. Chapter Seventeen
18. Chapter Eighteen
19. Chapter Nineteen
20. Chapter Twenty
21. Chapter Twenty-One
22. Chapter Twenty-Two
23. Chapter Twenty-Three
24. Chapter Twenty-Four
Also By Wendy May
About the Author
Chapter One
“Have you seen the trailer for Starshifter yet? It looks so epic!” Sofia’s lab partner, Kira, asked as she shouldered her backpack. The anticipation in her voice was infectious.
They walked across the university’s campus park, taking in the sweet scent of freshly cut grass. Conversations and laughter echoed around them, bicycles clanked by in a blur of metal and rubber. Whoops and yelps filled the air as friends collided with loving jabs. Faint chirps of birds drifted down from above while the low thrum of cars and buses reverberated from a nearby street.
“Of course!” Sofia exclaimed, her brown eyes lighting up. “It looks incredible. Wolf shifters in space! I’ve read the books and have been waiting for this film since they announced it on WeView.”
“Me too,” Kira said, grinning. “I’m going with my boyfriend on opening night. He’s not as big a sci-fi fan as us, but he knows how much I love it.”
Sofia’s smile dimmed a bit at the mention of Kira’s flavor of the month. Jealousy wasn’t Sofia’s game but being reminded of her own singledom really sucked. “That sounds like a blast,” she said, pasting on a bright smile. “I wonder if I’ll ever find someone to snuggle with.”
“Hey,” Kira said softly. “Don’t worry. Someone will come along who’ll recognize how awesome you are, I promise.” Her lips quirked up in a small smile, the warmth of her reassurance seeping into Sofia’s heart.
“Thanks, Kira,” she replied, her spirits lifting slightly. She brushed away a stray wisp of hair from her face and smiled softly. “I just need to wait it out, I suppose.”
Sofia and Kira made their way to the cafeteria. The chatter and excitement of the campus faded into the background as they talked about Starshifter and their upcoming exams. When they entered the cafeteria, Sofia saw her friends seated at their usual table near a large window, and she let out a happy sigh. The table was overflowing with plates of pizza, sandwiches, and Boba tea drinks. Sofia’s mouth watered just looking at it.
“What’s up, everyone?” Alex said, quirking a brow. “I was just telling them about my latest conquest. So, Sofia,” he drawled, looking her way with an inviting grin. “What fresh drama you got brewing in your love shack?”
“None,” she said with a sarcastic smirk. Alex was one of her friends and unfortunately, he was an absolute dickwad. By this point, her lack of love life had become a running joke to him. “It just never works out for me, you know? Every time I date someone, things never fall into place. It’s like I doomed the relationship from the start.”
Lena shook her head with a knowing smile. “It’s possible you’ve just been too picky,” she teased. “You know, it’s okay to let loose and have a little fun with dating.”
“Maybe.” Sofia sipped her strawberry Boba tea. “But sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something wrong with me. Like I’m not wired for relationships the way other people are.”
“Hey, forget that,” Kira said, giving her a pat on the back. “You’re a sweetheart, and anyone would be lucky to have you. Just give it time—fate always has a surprise up its sleeve.”
Alex wolfed down the remains of his sandwich. “Yeah, some unlucky bastard out there’s gonna fall hard for you. Give it time, it’ll happen.”
“Thanks,” Sofia murmured, warmth flooding her chest at the show of solidarity. Until Alex pinched her ham-and-cheese sandwich right off the tray and popped it into his mouth. Without a single moment’s hesitation, she flung a cherry tomato at his head. “I’ll try to remember that.”
As they scarfed down their food, Sofia was happy to have her friends around. It made things better. She glanced up from her salad bowl—and immediately stilled as her gaze clashed with a pair of burning red eyes. He was tall and broad-shouldered, awesomely dangerous in his leather jacket and dark tee. There was something otherworldly about him that sent shivers cascading down her spine. It took Sofia a moment to realize he was wearing colored contacts, but even then, she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that this man wasn’t entirely human.
Sofia felt her chest tighten as she snuck a glance at the stranger—the one with the thick blonde hair and blazing red eyes. When their gazes collided, her cheeks burned with embarrassment. She quickly darted her gaze away, but it was impossible to ignore that feeling of being watched. Heart beating erratically, she forced herself to join in on the conversation around her even as she noted his every move from beneath her lashes. Then he looked at her again and winked, sending shards of heat all over her body.
“Are you okay?” Kira asked, as if she noted her sudden shift in demeanor.
She leaned in close and murmured to Kira, her gaze glued to the stunning blonde at the table across from them. “Who’s the hottie?” Her voice was low, but tinged with curiosity.
Kira glanced behind her. “Unless you’re referring to Randy, and if that’s the case, then your vision needs a serious tune-up. I don’t see anyone else there.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Where’s the tall blonde with red eyes?” She looked around, but all she could see was Randy, who thought taking a shower once every month was perfectly acceptable.
“Sorry, sweetie,” Kira said, rising from the table. “I think you should try to get more sleep tonight.”
The tone in her friend’s voice was full of concern as she spoke. Sofia nodded but said nothing. Kira was always looking out for her, even when she didn’t feel like doing the same for herself.
“Hey, you two,” Alex said as they were leaving their table. “We’re planning a sci-fi movie marathon at Lena’s place this weekend. You in?”
“Absolutely,” Sofia said, smiling at the thought of spending time with friends who shared her passions. “I’ll bring popcorn and snacks.”
“Great,” Kira rep
As they parted ways, Sofia began walking back to her dorm room. Did she imagine the guy? She couldn’t get him out of her head. The sound of her mobile phone ringing interrupted her thoughts. She pulled it from her pocket and saw that it was the local hospital calling. Her heart caught in her throat as she answered the call.
“Hello?” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Good evening, Sofia,” the nurse said quietly. “I’m afraid there’s no good news to report. William’s condition has changed.” A tourniquet of sorrow wrapped around Sofia’s heart as grim reality settled in—this wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “I’m sorry. The cancer has progressed further into his bones.”
Sofia’s vision blurred as a flood of tears filled her eyes. Her back thumped against the rough bark of a nearby tree, the only thing grounding her to reality. “Thank you for letting me know,” she croaked into the phone before ending the call. The news had crushed her spirit. Even with all of humanity’s advancements in medicine, none could save her brother from his suffering. She felt powerless—like there was no hope left in this world that could cure him.
“Science has given us so much,” Sofia said to herself. “Why am I not able to get the one thing I need most from it?”
With a heavy heart, she swiped away her tears. She had to find another job fast—something that would give her enough money to pay for William’s treatments. No kid deserved this kind of fate, especially not someone as gentle and sweet as her brother.
Life had been so goddamn unfair to them, and now he would never have the chance to finish junior high. If only she could turn back the clock and get a second chance. Her determined heart thumped hard as she unlocked her dorm room door. She wouldn’t give up until she found a cure for him, no matter how long it took or how far she’d have to go. There had to be hope somewhere—she just had to find it.
The night stretched on, and Sofia couldn’t sleep. She thought about all the ways to help her brother, but all she could see was a never-ending cycle of work, bills, and hospital visits. It seemed hopeless. As the night wore on, Sofia’s eyes grew heavy, but she couldn’t bring herself to close them. She didn’t want to dream—not tonight, not when everything was falling apart.
She got up from her bed and went to the window. The world outside was dark and quiet, but the stars glowed in the sky. They seemed so far away, and yet so close. Sofia walked over to a small closet and reached inside for her telescope, wanting to see them up close.
Sofia stepped out of her dorm room. She walked across the college campus and to the back of the school, where a small patch of land overlooked a forest. It was the perfect spot for stargazing. Hopefully, no one would be around to bother her at this late hour.
She carefully set up her telescope and gazed up at the stars above. They sparkled like diamonds in an endless sea of black velvet, each pinprick of light representing something magical and far away. She felt connected to them somehow—like they were giving her strength in this difficult time.
“Sofia!” A voice ruptured the serenity of the night, sending an unexpected shiver down her spine. Reluctantly, Sofia’s gaze slid from the eyepiece of her telescope, and her eyes locked onto the figure who yelled from a short distance.
She spotted a girl from her math class, and she offered a timid wave. “Hey Talika,” Sofia said, and felt a twinge of sadness that her solitude had been disrupted.
“Look at her, a loner with her telescope.” A cruel voice cut through the air, like a knife slicing through her tranquil night. Another group of students joined Talika.
“She’s probably looking for alien friends since she can’t make any here,” a second girl added, riding on the crest of laughter that rippled through the group.
A dry smile crept onto Sofia’s face as she thought about the irony of it all. If only they knew how close they were to reality... She’d happily pick an alien over these lame-ass bitches any day.
Sofia felt the heat crawl up her cheeks. She felt exposed, her gaze fixed on the limitless expanse of stars above. Her fingers tightened around her telescope, the cold metal beneath her hands bringing a semblance of grounding reality.
Just as the second wave of their ridicule was about to crash over her, an unfamiliar voice cut through the night air. It was warm and assertive, a pleasing contrast to the stinging mockery that had preceded it. It was a sexy voice she wanted to remember, the kind that could fill her dreams.
“She isn’t alone. Sofia’s with me,” announced a masculine voice, his tone leaving no room for argument.
A flicker of movement caught Sofia’s attention. She turned to see the same blonde man with red eyes emerge from the shadows, a towering figure silhouetted against the moonlight. His long hair swayed gently with the stir of a breeze, and a confident smile played at the corners of his mouth. He strode with purpose, his eyes never leaving hers.
A ripple of silence fell over the group. Sofia could almost feel the confusion, the questions spiraling in their minds. This guy looked popular, handsome, respected. Why would he side with a nobody like her? The giddy flutter in Sofia’s heart didn’t quiet down, even as the laughter faded away. He was here, defending her, choosing her over the ridicule. It was a simple act, but one that echoed loudly in the cold, cruel night.
With a slow wink, he took a seat next to her on the grass, his shoulder brushing against hers. It was a subtle reassurance that he was indeed on her side.
“If you aren’t interested in learning about the universe, that’s your loss. I mean, look at this... It’s incredible,” He said, gesturing towards the sky, his awe genuine.
Sofia could only nod in response, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It wasn’t just the stars that had her heart racing tonight.
The ringleader rolled her eyes, strands of hair cascading around her face. “Whatever,” she dismissed with a flip of her hair. “Let’s go.”
They moved on, but Sofia’s mind was racing as she tried to make sense of what she was experiencing. Was this some sort of hallucination brought on by her grief? Or was this man actually sitting beside her, with his broad shoulders and chiseled features? He looked even more stunning up close.
“Who are you?” she asked softly. There was something about him that felt both familiar and otherworldly, like he was both a stranger and a long-lost friend.
“I’m Xan, and I’m not from around here,” he said, still peering into the night sky. “I’ve been watching you for a while now, Sofia. You’re not like other humans.”
“What do you mean?”
Xan reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her body. “You have a unique energy about you. It’s what drew me to you.”
“Unique energy? What does that even mean?” she asked, confusion marring her features.
He chuckled. “It means that you’re special. You have a spark within you that most humans don’t possess.”
She felt her heart pound harder as Xan spoke, his words hitting her with implications she hadn’t even thought of. He wasn’t like anyone she’s ever met; that much was painfully obvious. His gaze roved over her and the next words out of his mouth made her jaw drop.
“I’m an extraterrestrial being,” he said firmly, finishing her thought off with a flourish. “I’ve crossed galaxies to be here with you.”
Sofia’s breath caught in her throat, her mind reeling at the sudden turn of events. An alien? She couldn’t believe it. This was something straight out of the movies. But as she looked at Xan, she couldn’t deny the truth in his words. His red eyes were unlike anything she’d ever seen before, and his features were too perfect, too symmetrical to be human. And yet, there was something about him that felt familiar, like she’d known him her whole life.
“How is that even possible?” she asked.
Xan turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers. “My kind has been watching your planet for centuries. We’ve been studying your culture, your technology, your way of life. And we’ve concluded that humans possess something we don’t.”