Rockstar intern infinity.., p.1
Rockstar Intern (Infinity Prism, #5), page 1

Book 5
Infinity Prism Series
Kylie Walker
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 2019 by Kylie Walker
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Kylie Walker holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
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Chapter One
Abigail Jones focused on the insect as it buzzed around the office without a care in the world. She was trying to tune out Burt’s tantrum, one of many she’d been subjected to in her six weeks as his intern. She’d learned early that letting the high-profile talent agent wear himself out with a tirade was her best shot at self-preservation. Don’t say anything. Just agree. Apologize. Get the hell out of the office as fast as possible.
Burt was rambling something about his schedule being too full. He was overbooked. He was tired, damn it, and couldn’t keep all these damn appointments. Why hadn’t she thinned his schedule like she was supposed to? He seemed to forget that when he’d hired her, he’d explicitly told her not to make any changes to his schedule; just pen appointments in and keep him update of additions.
His voice rose in pitch, his face turning yet another shade of red. Abigail held back a sigh and seriously second-guessed her choice to intern here. She’d only signed on to see the inner workings of managing huge bands, like Burt’s hottest client Infinity Prism. So far, she’d only seen the inner workings of Burt’s calendar.
It’s not like she expected to hang with the band or anything but getting a closer look at how their venues were scheduled, contracts negotiated, and music produced were things she’d hoped to see. She was only a junior in college; had been fortunate to get this gig at all considering she had a long way to go.
“These calendar glitches cannot happen again, Abigail,” Burt said and placed his hands firmly on his waist. He adjusted his khaki pants and sniffed, eyeing her expectantly as if she was just going to get down on her hands and knees and grovel at his feet, begging for mercy.
Never going to happen. She tried not to stare at his gaudy mustache.
“Yes sir,” she said. The words tasted bitter on her tongue, and she nearly choked them out. “I won’t let it happen again.”
What the hell was this guy’s problem anyway? She was an intern, not his full-duty secretary.
Abigail subtly turned her head around to look through the glass windows showing the cubicles in the main room. Jaime Hinson peeped her head over the divider, staring at the exchange between Abigail and Burt.
Jaime was the most obnoxious middle-aged, sad sap of a human that Abigail had ever met. She probably went home at night and cried and ate ice cream while abrasively petting her hoard of cats. She was the brown nosing suck up assistant of Burt, and she would stop at nothing to bring other people down. No way would she fall on a sword for someone else, but she wouldn’t have a problem holding the blade and stabbing it into someone’s back.
Nope, Jaime could not be trusted on any level. Abigail had only been an intern at the firm for a little over six weeks of the twelve that she was supposed to do in order to receive college credit. She hadn’t learned much other than the fact that Burt loved to yell a lot. In fact, she was sure he got off on it. She also knew that no one liked Jaime, but they stayed out of her way because it was well known that she wouldn’t hesitate to throw them under the bus any chance she got.
Noticing the way that Jaime appeared to be snickering before she disappeared behind the cubicle, hiding like the coward she was, infuriated Abigail. She clenched her jaw and glared, waiting for the older woman to slink a look back over the divider for more of the show. In fact, the two most recent additions to Burt’s calendar had been Jaime’s doing. And she’d done so without asking him like she was supposed to, instead of passing them off to Abigail so her initials would be by the appointments.
Abigail shifted her attention back to Burt. He was calmer and winding down in his tangent, but he was still a little red-faced and hot under the collar.
“I just did what Jaime told me to do, sir.” Abigail planted on one of her most deceptively polite smiles that she could muster and spoke through clenched teeth.
Her ears and cheeks felt hot with rage. Jaime was the one who really made the snafu on the calendar. Why wasn’t she getting reamed a new one too? Abigail was not a sellout, but Jaime’s behavior had sent her catapulting over the edge, and now she was a slimeball in the situation also.
She felt vindication even for calling Jaime out on the issue, even if it was a minor dig.
Burt opened his mouth to retort something. In his eyes, his assistant Jaime could do no wrong. It was probably a lost cause for Abigail to even protest.
Before Burt was able to fire back a retaliation response to Abigail’s shifting the blame onto someone else, the door to his office swung open. Abigail tensed up. The breath caught in her throat. Now, she was blushing for an entirely different reason.
All six foot three of Lucas Smith, one of the guitarists for the band Infinity Prism, strutted into the room like he owned the place. He had tattoos on both arms, although they didn’t go all the way up his arms. She’d never met him but had seen enough pictures to know him anywhere.
He walked with a sexy edge as if he knew exactly how important and sexy he was. His dirty blond hair fell down to his chin, and he had a hint of five o’clock shadow that made him look mysterious.
He caught Abigail’s gaze, and his handsome grin became even more prominent. He eyed her with a dangerous glint that floored Abigail and made her insides quiver. She knew her mouth was open but couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
“What’s up, man?” Lucas said and pumped Burt’s hand with an enthusiastic shake. “Why are you scaring this poor girl? I could hear you hollering down the hall.” He nudged his chin in Abigail’s direction.
“I’m not scared. This happens all the time.” Abigail blurted, speaking out even though no one had asked her for her opinion on the matter. She just had to put that out there because it burst from her like a dam breaking. “We were just talking.”
Burt waved his hand dismissively. “Stupid calendar issue.”
“Oh,” Lucas feigned to care about the mix-up and gave Abigail a curious glance.
She had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from giving him a smile in return. It should be a sin for him to be so coolly attractive and pleasurably spicy. He was eye candy, and she wanted to lick him up until there was nothing left but a stick of the lollipop.
He might have been wickedly gazing at her as if he wanted to plow through her right then and there, but she knew that as soon as he left the office room that he would forget she ever existed. All rock stars were like that. She had been around for long enough to get the gist of how things operated around here.
She tried not to stare. On the inside though, she felt a twinge and a tingle growing between her legs. She was flushed and had to look away from Lucas before she audibly moaned out or something.
She was enormously attracted to him. As he stood there discussing politics and business with Burt, she eyed the bulge in his pants. She privately wondered how many inches he was equipped with under those jeans. The answer would probably make her gasp.
“Excuse me, I’ll get back to work now,” Abigail said and abruptly stood up while pointing to the doorway that she couldn’t wait to reach.
Burt, of course, mumbled something under his breath. He didn’t give a shit what she did, as long as it didn’t affect his daily routines. What a fucking jerk he was.
Lucas kept his gaze on her. She felt him staring at her as she turned her back and walked away. He didn’t say anything, but she felt his gaze with every step she took. Her heart pounded. Damn, he was so fucking hot. She needed to take a deep breath once she got back to her office and cool down on the inside. No guy had ever had that kind of intoxicating pull over her before.
“How did it go in there?” Jaime whispered as Abigail breezed past her cubicle.
Abigail ignored her and plopped down at
She looked up and saw Jaime staring at her, but as soon as their eyes met, Jaime hastily spun back around in her swivel chair. If it were legal for Abigail to punch Jaime in the face right here in the office, she would have.
Nothing would give her more pleasure than to ball her fist and clock Jaime on the side of the head. Abigail usually didn’t allow her aggression to expose itself, even in her mind. Jaime really got on her nerves though.
She huffed and leaned back in her seat and began rocking back and forth, creating a squeaking noise. She envisioned that the squeaking was coming from the sound of a mattress and box springs rocking back and forth in a hotel room that she shared with Lucas. She visualized his handsome smirk as he pumped on top of her.
She shook her head to clear it. What the hell was wrong with her?
She glanced at her watch. Hell yes, it was almost time to go home. Thank God. She wouldn’t be able to stomach another hour here. As an intern, she didn’t have to do more than 10 hours at the office in a week, but the way things were going lately, even that was taxing.
Abigail had come directly to the firm after class, and she was working until five o’clock when everyone else went home too. Burt closed his office door after Lucas left. She watched him leaving. He was like a walking, talking sex-god, all muscle, and tight lines.
Abigail turned off her computer and sighed, grabbing her purse from under the desk. She rose to stand and tried to brainstorm a way to get around Jaime without having to be sucked back into an abyss. It was like Jaime to ask Abigail to complete a tedious task for her that would take a while, and it always seemed to be right when Abigail was trying to leave.
It wasn’t like Jaime was focusing all her attention on singling Abigail out. She treated everyone around her like shit. No wonder she was still single. She decided that her best route was to go through the human resources offices. That way she could kill two birds with one stone. It was the opposite direction of Jaime’s desk, and she needed to give them her clocked hours for the week anyway.
“Hey, Kelly,” Abigail said, rapping her knuckles against the wooden door leading into the Human Resources director’s office.
Kelly spun around. “Hi there Abigail,” she chimed in her bright, British accent.
“I just wanted to let you know that I logged my hours into the app on my phone,” Abigail said. She didn’t technically have to come and tell Kelly that in person, but she was trying to avoid brushing paths with Jaime at all costs.
“Great,” Kelly said in a peppy tone. “I’ll take a look at them for you.”
“Thanks,” Abigail said and turned to walk away. “Have a great night.”
“You too,” she heard Kelly call out behind her.
As soon as Abigail stepped out of the building a few minutes later, she felt free, as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders. She wanted to experience the best of what the music industry had to offer, but not like this. Would it be better anywhere else? Maybe, but Burt’s firm was the only one in the area giving out college credits for interns.
On the subway ride home, Abigail put her earbuds in her ears and got lost in the music of Infinity Prism. She allowed her mind to drift over Lucas again, picturing him up on the stage, towering over everyone as he strummed his heart out on the strings.
She nearly missed her stop because she had been so focused on her vivid daydreams about Lucas. Her heart was pounding once she got off at her exit and walked the one block to her apartment building.
It was getting chilly outside, so she picked up her stride to a brisk walk. Once she got to the lobby, she was hot again. There was apparently not going to be any happy medium today.
She yawned and plucked the mail from the box she shared with her roommate and best friend, Meghan Talbot. Meghan was a dental hygienist uptown. Her commute took longer, although she was probably already either on a bus or rail. She would be getting home soon too.
Abigail tossed most of the junk mail into the trash beside the elevator and thumbed through the bills. She took a lonely ride up the elevator to their apartment on the fifth floor. They had a two-bedroom apartment with a living room and a galley kitchen. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was enough room for both of them to have their own space and stretch their legs.
Abigail poured herself a glass of Merlot and walked to the bathroom to wash her face. Then, she walked back to her bedroom and closed the door. She wished that she had the bathroom that was connected to one of the bedrooms, but she didn’t have that luxury. Her bathroom was across the hall. Meghan got dibs on the one attached to the bedroom because she was able to pay a little more in rent. It was fair, albeit sometimes an annoying inconvenience.
She sank down into her mattress and stared up at the ceiling fan. She could hear the sounds of the city streets below. She watched the blades of the span as they whirled around and around. The rhythmic movement was lulling and tranquil to Abigail’s senses.
She closed her eyes after a few minutes. She wasn’t necessarily tired enough to go to bed yet, but she wanted to think about Lucas some more. Ever so slightly, her hand began to skirt down to her midsection.
She pushed her hand up under her jeans and panties. She began to graze her swollen slit with her index and ring fingers, arching her back and moaning softly as she pictured Lucas fingering her.
She imagined that he took her backstage and had his way with her. She could stare into his blue eyes forever because they were like an infinite ocean. What she wouldn’t give to have his warm arms wrapped around her right now. He had the body of a Greek god. She couldn’t even begin to understand the amount of pleasure he probably brought the girls he slept with.
Her moaning and panting became more desperate as she continued to stroke her clitoris with her fingers, dreaming that it was Lucas’ tongue going down on her instead. She ached with desire for him that felt natural and real, so raw. She was breathing in and out rapidly, smoothly slinking into her mattress as her moans became more urgent.
She felt the heightening sensation of climax as it bubbled in her belly and spread across her entire body. She was like a geyser that was on the cusp of explosion. With one final cry of passion, she pictured Lucas’ head between her legs as she pushed him further into her and she came with vigor.
She laid there on her bed for several more minutes, trying to climb down from the orgasm that she had given herself. Somehow though, this masturbation session seemed different. She felt empty instead of rejuvenated. Did she really want Lucas that badly that it made her feel gloomy that he wasn’t there to experience in her pleasure? Either way, she knew she had to get over it, and fast. The fantasies in her mind were just that. Fantasies that were never destined to come true. The sooner she realized that, the better.
She walked to her bathroom and turned on the shower. She stared at her own reflection in the mirror until it had disappeared into a hazy fog of steam. As she climbed under the water, she couldn’t help but feel like she was left wanting something more. Hopefully, by the time she got out of the shower, Meghan would be home, and they could go out to dinner or something. Abigail would welcome the distraction.
Chapter Two
“CARE TO TELL ME WHY you were treating the intern like shit?”
Lucas Smith eyed his manager with a hefty dose of impatience. Burt was a damn good manager, but he was a right asshole when he wanted to be. You never knew what you were going to get. Burt made an annoyed face, but Lucas wouldn’t be deterred.
“Did she do something to deserve being chewed up and spit out?”
“Since when do you bother yourself with interns, Lucas?”
Burt had his hands on his hips in an attempt to intimidate. It worked for a lot of people, but not Lucas. He never had time for machismo bullshit. Glancing over his shoulder, he was disappointed to see the sexy brunette with the sleek body had skittered out of sight. He’d never have remembered her name even if he’d been introduced. But he wouldn’t forget a figure like that.