The chase a dark rocksta.., p.1
The Chase: A Dark Rockstar Romance (The Austin Series Book 1), page 1

H. Vesterbak
The Chase
The Austin Series
Book 1
Steam Books
The Chase — The Austin Series Book 1
H. Vesterbak
Copyright © H. Vesterbak 2024 & Steam Books ApS 2024
Translated by Lisbeth Agerskov Christensen / Revised by Catrine Bollerslev
Cover: Mette Hammerich Caserta / Adobe Stock
All rights reserved
ISBN: 9788785238740
Format: Epub 3.0
1st ebook edition
The novel is fictional and all names, locations, etc. are made up by the author. If there is any resemblance to people or real-life events, it is purely coincidental. Copying this book may only take place at institutions that have an agreement with Copy-Dan and only within the framework specified in the agreement. It is allowed to bring short excerpts in connection with the reviews by prior agreement with the publisher.
The Austin Series
Book 1: The Chase
Book 2: The Catch
Book 3: The Claim
Book 4: The Chaos
Book 5: The Chance
Book 6: The Curve
Book 7: The Climax
Author’s note
This is no sappy romance story. This is a dark romance rock star series containing intense emotions and rough sex scenes with lots and lots of dominance.
If reading about a female protagonist meeting an alpha male with a dirty mouth and a dark mind (and a soft spot for our heroine) is for you, then you picked up the right series.
Trigger warnings: The series contains triggers such as childhood neglect/trauma, drug/alcohol use, dubious consent, graphic violence, infidelity (not between main characters), mental health issues, and suicide.
For readers 18+ only.
Chapter 1
Damn, this is a-freakin’-mazing!
Friday, June 20 · Aarhus, Denmark
The number on the screen starts with +44. London calling. The phone’s vibration spreads like nervous twitches from the palm of my hand to the rest of my body, and I can feel my heart rate rising. Is this it? Will I actually get an answer? Right here, in middle of the organic produce section of the supermarket? It’s only been three days since my interview. Surely, it couldn’t be anything but a rejection call this soon? After all, Elaine didn’t exactly make any bones about not thinking I was the right person for the job. Maybe she figures I might as well find out right away.
When I asked her during the interview how many roadies South Bane were actually looking for, she answered with a note of resignation: “Those boys need an entire army to make everything work. So far, I’ve interviewed almost seventy hopeful young people, and we’ll end up choosing between fifteen and twenty of you.” Damn, if only I could get one of those spots, if nothing else!
My hand is shaking as I press the green receiver and put the phone up to my ear. Suddenly self-conscious, I turn to face the shelves with organic jelly and dried fruit. This is the moment I find out whether I got my dream job, and I’d rather not share it with the entire supermarket.
“This is Heidi Johansen,” I say, as discreetly as possible. No need to broadcast my name to everybody and their wife. I was already recognized in here once by a flock of teenage girls who in passing exclaimed: “No way, you guys, that’s Heidi J!”
“Elaine Palmer speaking,” the voice on the other end says in perfect Queen’s English.
We exchange a few preliminary pleasantries, mostly revolving around whether I had a good journey home on Tuesday, meanwhile I’m making an effort to speak proper English and appear professional in spite of my shaky voice and my sneaking suspicion of a rejection.
“Well, Heidi, I may as well get right to the point. I’ve thought long and hard about this. As I mentioned to you already, I think you’re overqualified for the roadie job, but I also realize that you really want this. I don’t doubt that for a minute.”
“I do … I really, really do,” I say, emphasizing the last “really”.
And please, please, please, give me the job!
“Well, I’ve had a little talk with the South Bane boys about it.”
That practically takes my breath away. She’s talked to them about me? To John, Ben, and Mason? Since we talked at her office in London last Tuesday? Oh my God!
“Yes?” My heart is beating out of my chest. Let’s hear it, lady!
“Heidi, you’re cheerful and seem very trustworthy, and you’re clearly a girl with a mind of your own and great passion for the industry, so I kind of feel like I’m passing up a great opportunity by turning you down. But I’m just worried that you might get bored when it comes down to it.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I really, really won’t!” I blurt out, rather undignified.
“Well see, here’s the thing. There’s actually a different position we think might be more suitable for you.”
“Another position?” What’s she talking about? What am I going to do? Not that it matters. I’m saying yes no matter what.
“As I told you on Tuesday, they’re in the process of recording their new album at Boulder Creek Lodge in Austin. They’ve been there two months now, and well, to be honest – it’s moving along quite slowly. John and Ben are having trouble getting along, they spend too much time on everything else, and I think there’s a little too much partying and drinking going on. You probably know from your father what it’s like with these rock stars. So things are pretty much moving at a snail’s pace, and they really need to be ready for their tour in three months. That’s the whole reason for hiring roadies, obviously.”
I listen breathlessly to everything Elaine’s saying. I think, she is moving at a snail’s pace. I’m about ready to burst!
“So, I spoke with them and suggested they get a personal assistant. And I told them that I might have just the right girl for them. Meaning you, Heidi.”
Me? I’m speechless. Is she asking me if I want to be a personal assistant for South Bane? Personal assistant! Is she absolutely crazy?
“If they’re going to be ready for a tour in three months, they need somebody to keep track of their appointments, while checking their e-mail and screening telephone calls, so they aren’t distracted by all that stuff. In fact, just having someone to go pick up a cup of coffee and a sandwich while they’re in the studio, so they can focus more on being creative – that can make a world of difference. So, the work is still fairly simple, but there’s no doubt that it would be a more interesting position for you. And then you’ll be very close to the boys, which I assume you won’t mind either,” she continues with a dry laugh. I think she’s figured out that I’m a huge fan even though I tried to tone it down during the interview. It was a struggle to appear well informed and interested without showing that I know everything there is to know about South Bane. Everything!
“I’m supposed to be South Bane’s personal assistant?” I ask – just to make perfectly sure I heard her right.
“If you want to – yes, that is my offer. However, Heidi, there are three conditions that distinguish this job from the roadie job. One is that the job is 24/7. You need to be willing to be on all the time. Day and night, as needed.”
She pauses briefly to hear if I have any objections, but it doesn’t scare me. After all, it’s freaking South Bane we’re talking about! I’d work night and day, all year round, even without pay if I had to.
“Another thing is that of course they need to check you out first and make sure you’re compatible. Therefore, initially, you’ll be on probation for two weeks. If they like you, you’ll be hired for six months to start. The first three months, you’ll be staying at Boulder Creek Lodge, while they complete the album, and afterwards you’re joining them on tour.”
I can hardly believe it! Stay at Boulder Creek Lodge … with South Bane? What the hell kind of turn has this conversation taken all of a sudden?
“Okay,” I gasp into the phone. There was no probation for the roadie job, but of course, this is something completely different. I’ll be very close to them, so naturally they’ll need to figure out if they even like me first. “What’s the third thing?”
“The third condition is for you to be able to drop everything and go over there as soon as possible. The sooner, the better, actually. They’ve become totally hooked on the idea of having a personal assistant, and since I mentioned that I’ve already found the perfect fit, they pretty much want you over there right away. Your father said that you just completed your bachelor’s degree, so now you have no obligations aside from your blog, right?”
“That’s right.” I’m completely and utterly blown away.
“So, what’s your decision, Heidi? Are you up for it?”
“Yes, I’m totally up for it!”
“Can you leave in a week? Next Friday, actually?”
In a week? Damn, I’m going to be busy! The tour is starting in the fall, and I’d planned to prepare in all sorts of ways before then, should I be so lucky to be chosen as roadie. Now I have no time to prepare. But who cares!
“Sure, I can!”
“Well, congratulations, Heidi! Then you’re part of the team as South Bane’s personal assistant.”
“Thank you. Thank you, Elaine. Thank you so much. I’m speechless. And really, really happy!”
“Great, dear. I’ll take care of the arrangements with your father and get a contract in place with him, and then we’ll make sure there’s a plane ticket ready for you by Friday.”
I’m rushing down the street to my apartment with a huge smile on my face. I can’t believe it! I got it! I got it, dammit! And not just the job as roadie, but something much, much better. I’m going to be the personal assistant to John Monro, Ben Monro, and Mason Walker! It almost sounds like I made it up. It’s surreal as hell.
Immediately after ending the conversation with Elaine, I called Daniel to tell him everything. I forgot all about being discreet in the middle of the supermarket and blurted out the news. Understandably, his reaction was a bit mixed. Of course, he’s happy for me, I don’t doubt that for a second. He knows I’ve been a huge fan of theirs for three years. Still, it means that we have to be away from each other for at least six months, which wasn’t the plan at all, and we only have a week to get used to the thought. Unless I’m such a horrible personal assistant that they send me home after the two weeks. But I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Now I’m just looking forward to saying the words out loud again. I can hardly wait to tell everyone who’ll listen, especially Anne. She’s going to freak when she hears this! It’s raining, and I have no umbrella, so I have to wait and call her when I get home, although I’m dying to take the old lifeline back out of my pocket.
I make my way through wet clusters of people in the street as fast as I can. None of them have any idea what just happened to me. They just walk right on with their wet umbrellas, smoking, texting, and, more than anything – getting in my way.
Crossing the street at the intersection just before my apartment, I hear the sound of screeching tires and incessant honking. Startled, I look up to see a car coming straight at me. I freeze right there, in the middle of the crosswalk. I’m the only one in the street. Apparently, everyone else is still waiting for the green light. Oh no!
I can’t move. Suddenly, everything comes back to me. The entire nightmare. The traffic accident. Even though back then I was inside the car. But the sound of screeching tires is the same, only even louder this time because of the rain, and because I’m standing right in front of the car, whose driver is standing on the brake. It stops inches from me, and I’m looking into the eyes of a shocked man behind the windshield as I instinctively and defensively place my hand on the front end of the car. Damn, that was close!
The guy comes charging out of the car, alternately yelling at me and checking if I’m okay. My heart is in my throat, and a lot of unpleasant images from my past flicker in front of my eyes, making me dizzy. I need to get them out of my head again as soon as possible.
Several people come over to me, and it feels as though I’m being smothered by their presence. They’re stealing all my oxygen. I can’t breathe among all these people. Short of breath, I apologize profusely to the man. I was distracted. I wasn’t thinking. My head was somewhere else entirely. Sorry. Sorry. I then break loose of the worried pedestrians and hurry off to my apartment. Imagine if I’d have been run over – just after receiving the best news of my life.
When I reach the stairs to my apartment, I’m completely out of it. About everything that just happened. The news that I’ll be the personal assistant for South Bane. And then the car that almost hit me. I need my sedatives, so I can calm down again.
I struggle up the stairs to the apartment with a shopping bag in one hand and a bundle of keys in the other. Without taking off my wet shoes, I go directly into the bathroom to get out the benzos. I sit down on the toilet seat and try to regain control of my breathing, so I can swallow the pills. The familiar boulder in my chest that blocks out all air is growing and growing, so I know I need to hurry. I take a deep breath and swallow a handful of benzos. It’s been a long time since I’ve needed them, so I know I have to be cautious, but I need relief very quickly before I see those images again.
I lie down on the sofa, and once I get myself more or less together again, I call Anne. In spite of the lethargy spreading slowly through my body from the pills, I’m still really excited and impatient and looking forward to talking to her. I don’t want to tell her about the car and everything that just happened. None of that matters at all right now. Of all people, she’s the one who understands best how insane it is that I’m going to be the personal assistant for South Bane.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up, dammit …”
“Hi, Heidi.”
The sound of Anne’s voice instantly makes me even happier.
“I’m so excited, Anne!”
“Okay. You sound rather groggy?”
“Nah, I’m just a little tired. But I got an answer about the job.”
“Damn, that was fast! You got it, then? Tell me you got it!”
“No, I didn’t get the roadie job.”
“Ehm … how come you sound as though John Monro were standing in your bedroom naked, then?”
I smile, but ignore her stupid joke.
“They want me to be their personal assistant instead. John, Ben, and Mason want me as their personal assistant!”
She’s silent for a moment.
“Oh, come on … shut up! You’re not serious?”
“Sure am!”
The joy of telling her about it is effervescing through my body like champagne bubbles, tickling me on the inside, as I try to ignore my increasing sense of guilt over Daniel and the awareness of the loss that’ll inevitably be part and parcel of the new experiences. Because, damn, this is a-freakin’-mazing!
“You’re gonna be the personal assistant for South Bane? That’s actually happening?”
“It’s happening.”
“Oh my God, Heidi. I’m so jealous!”
“I know. It’s unreal. I’m totally psyched. I’m completely out of it!”
“But how on earth did that happen? They were just looking for roadies, right?”
“Yes, but Elaine thought I was overqualified, and, as it turns out, they need a personal assistant, because they’re running behind with everything, and they need somebody to help them with all the day-to-day practical stuff. Something like that. It’s all a bit of a blur to me right now.”
“No freakin’ way! See what I told you? Good thing you included a picture in the application!”
I laugh, thinking about the way Anne had practically insisted on it.
“Well, I was interviewed by a woman.”
“Sure, sure, but now all of a sudden you’re gonna be a personal assistant instead! They’ve seen your picture and thought, ‘That one, she’s coming over here to sit on our laps!’ Obviously, nobody can resist your long legs and those tits you like to go parading around. How’s that, blonde Heidi-Ho from the frigid North!”
I love Anne’s humor and laugh at her explicit compliments.
“Well, it didn’t end up being the picture you chose. I sent one that was a little more professional. A little less cleavage.”
“Nevertheless, it’s a good thing you sent it.”
“And my dad’s probably done his part as well. I haven’t talked to him yet, but I bet he’s pulled every string he could.”
“Good thing he did! But now what, will you still be leaving in the fall?”
“No, they want me over there immediately. I need to leave in a week. I’ll be crazy busy!”
“Holy shit! Damn, that’s insane! And how’s Daniel taking it?”
“He’s happy for me, but he also thinks it sucks, and he’s sad. But it’s a great opportunity for me, and he knows that.”
“Sure, of course it’ll be hard for both of you. But damn, hun, huge congratulations to you!”
“Thank you, sweetie. I’ll throw some sort of going away thingy before.”
“Of course.”
I finally pull myself together and start putting away my groceries, while Anne and I text back and forth a little bit about how insane the whole thing is. Slowly, my thoughts start to revolve around the next thing – status updates.