

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

Following a motorway accident in which both his wife and daughter are killed, Jack Vail, now alone in the world, finds himself in London—though it is not quite the city as we know it.While his home in the North of England was stricken with poverty and radiation poisoning, the capital is characterized by consumerism, media-obsession and moral corruption. Basic manufacturing no longer exists, but pornography, show business and money-marketing flourish.Vail is immediately drawn into this sinister world, yet throughout the novel he attempts to maintain a belief in a larger order of things. In such a society, however, it seems impossible to defy the chaos, and it isn't long before Vail is engulfed by the ever-developing anarchy surrounding him.Through his nightmarish vision of the country in a not-too-distant future, award-winning author Trevor Hoyle vividly reflects the grim mood of 1980s Britain, the period in which this cult novel was originally published.
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Rule of Night

Rule of Night

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

If the sixties were swinging, the seventies were the hangover: darker, nastier, uglier—especially if you lived on a council estate in the north of England.Sixteen-year-old Kenny Seddon is the miserable product of one such estate: a bleak, characterless place that epitomises Nordic frugality. Kenny stumbles through life, from one dead-end job to the next, only finding a release for his all-encompassing despair in the mindless violence in which he indulges. He hates everyone and everything: the Bury fans, the teenagers who roam the streets dressed as their Clockwork Orange anti-heroes, the Pakistanis he mugs for pennies.In Rule of Night Trevor Hoyle creates a chillingly detailed world, with the backdrop provided by Ford Cortinas, Players No.6, the factory and—above all—the relentless struggle to maintain hope. First published in 1975 and pre-dating the vogue for hard men and hooligan novels by twenty-five years, it has since become a cult classic.
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The Man Who Travelled on Motorways

The Man Who Travelled on Motorways

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

During his long, late-night drives along the motorways of Britain—through Manchester, London and the South Lancashire mill towns—our narrator falls victim to a series of psychoses. Soon these familiar landscapes are no longer what they seem, taking on a nightmarish quality as he descends into reminiscence and doubt, and the objective world crumbles to dust in his hands.The Man Who Travelled on Motorways is a cult classic, the first novel to exploit the mystique of motorway travel—the realities, unrealities and fantasies that take over the mind of the long-distance driver—from award-winning novelist Trevor Hoyle.
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The Gods Look Down

The Gods Look Down

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

While working with another scientist on decoding texts from ancient history, myth technologist Christian Queghan discovers his colleague's plans to use the research to alter history.Queghan must now draw upon his abilities to pass into alternate realities in an attempt to stop him.
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Down the Figure 7

Down the Figure 7

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

In this fictional memoir, one of Britain's favourite cult authors takes us on a trip back to the 1950s, and to the secret world of childhood.The war may be over, but Britain is still struggling to surface from beneath the long shadow it left in its wake. While the inhabitants of one northern cotton town fight to emerge from years of rationing, life for the moment remains characterised by a 'make-do-and mend' attitude. On the wasteland between their houses, gangs of kids are still fighting the enemy, their young heroism fuelled by the exploits of Hollywood tough guys and the tales of dads and uncles who served in the forces.But it's all just innocent fun—until the arrival of one boy's uncle, an ex-Desert Rat who bring a piece of the war home with him.
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Last Gasp

Last Gasp

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

A large, dense, frightening novel from the UK author of This Sentient Earth. In 1990 the ocean's oxygen-producing plankton are dying from pollution. Maverick oceanographer Theo Detrick predicts a disastrous drop in the air's oxygen content within 20 years. Nobody believes him. Polluter-industrialist J.E. Gelstrom is furiously empire-building. The US/USSR military have abandoned nuclear weapons for a better deterrent--environmental warfare. Marine biologist Gavin Chase teams up with Detrick's daughter Cheryl to gather facts & alert the public. The climate warms, the protective ozone layer thins, equatorial regions become uninhabitable. The military, led by maniacal Major Madden, unleashes environmental weapons while retreating to secret, sealed labs to breed mutants able to survive anaerobic conditions. Eventually the dying Gelstrom has a change of heart & gives funds to Chase & friends who work desperately to reverse the ecological transformation. Hoyle's ear for American dialog is nonexistent. His narration is sluggish, weighed down by self-conscious message-mongering. But the apocalyptic premise here is plausible. In the final 100 pages his morbid imagination propels matters to a tensely absorbing conclusion.--Kirkus (edited)
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Through the Eye of Time

Through the Eye of Time

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

A group of scientists on the planet Earth IVn are attempting to duplicate the human brain—and they've chosen that of Adolf Hitler as their prototype.While investigating their research, Christian Queghan, scientist and myth technologist, unveils an alternate universe in which Germany, and not the United States, developed the first atomic bomb.Queghan must avert this threat to the known reality; but to do so, he must first enter the alternate universe.
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Blind Needle

Blind Needle

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

Peter Holford is on the run, wary of both the police and a mysterious figure he believes is stalking him. He is also on the trail of the man he believes murdered his wife, and he is determined to get revenge. But it isn't long before the hunter becomes the hunted, and Peter finds himself the prey of the brutal henchmen of his intended victim.Moving from climax to climax, Blind Needle takes the conventional elements of the thriller genre and twists them to reveal a deeper, darker exploration of the nature of identity and the fracturing of personality.
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Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

With just nine days left to live, death-row inmate Frank Kersh is made a very strange offer by a powerful cult called the Messengers: in return for his salvation and the fulfilment of his every desire, he must thwart any threat to the cult's plans for world domination.With nothing left to lose, Kersh agrees, and soon finds himself elevated to a god-like position, and with more power than he could ever have imagined. His success would appear inevitable, were it not for one man.Cawdor. Unbeknown to him, his history is entangled with that of the Messengers, and over the generations he has unwittingly become their arch nemesis. To gain immortality, Kersh must destroy Cawdor, both in the past and present, but Cawdor proves a determined adversary. And he may just have found a way into Kersh's realm—that frozen moment between life and death in which Kersh now exists.But time is ticking, and for Cawdor it may already be too late.
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Seeking the Mythical Future

Seeking the Mythical Future

Trevor Hoyle

Trevor Hoyle

Christian Queghan is a myth technologist and a highly respected scientist on the planet known as Earth IVn, a planet created to be as much like Old Earth as possible, although Old Earth itself is now the stuff of myth and legend.Now, a machine has been developed that will project a researcher into one of the infinite number of possible futures of Earth IVn, and Christian Queghan would be the ideal subject. He cannot resist the idea of going where no man has gone before; despite the fact there's only a 50% chance that the machine will bring him back again.
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