Game for love best laid.., p.1
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Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella), page 1


Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Nyree Belleville, Oak Press, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Game For Love remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Nyree Belleville, Oak Press, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Best Laid Plans

  Taige Crenshaw

  Best Laid Plans

  By: Taige Crenshaw

  In an instant plans change and he has to find a way to outmaneuver the inevitable...

  Garret Reid has plans for his days of retirement from the NFL. He’ll miss the rush of the game and winning but it was time to relax. Enjoy a life away from the game and doing absolutely nothing for a while. But an favor for an old friend changes all that. Yet the favor doesn’t turn out as he thought it would. Maura, the woman he’s sent to assist, is stubborn, opinionated, and drives him crazy. She doesn’t appreciate his help and now he finds himself in a predicament. Go back to a life of doing nothing or accept the challenge she sparks within him. Garret is not one to back away from any challenge. Garret can’t decide if he is more drawn to her because of her passion for the center she runs or for the sassy woman who makes him feel things he never has before. Garret doesn’t have a problem letting Maura think she is in charge of things. Now he has a change of plans and he has to find a way to outmaneuver the woman he wants more than anything else.

  Maura Maxwell didn’t need some egotistical football player to interfere with her center. She knows his type—inflated ego because they were the supposedly the best at the game and had a few super bowl rings. She wasn’t about to let any of her people get attached. No matter if Garret seems genuine, affable and charming. She didn’t believe it for a minute. No one had the kind of success he had in the sport if they weren’t determined and had some backbone. She would be on her guard and not let him outmaneuver her. Garret might have been the master on the football field but in her world there was only one person in charge—her.

  When two strong-willed people find themselves put together due to circumstances they each have an outcome they want but...who will have the best laid plans?


  To my mother, who has always been my number one fan. Because of you, I love to read and write. To my big sister and second mother who has always believed in me.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Also by Taige Crenshaw

  Additional Books by Taige Crenshaw

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Look at you being all lazy. Give yourself a gold star. Garret Reid smiled wryly.

  Slowing down and doing absolutely nothing took some getting used to but just like his days in the NFL, he was working hard to master it. The most he did these days was check in on the various businesses he co-owned which he could do 99-percent of the time from the comfort of his home. A soft brush against his leg made his smile widen then the touch moved up. He glanced down into those familiar keen blue eyes. She lifted her head regally and stared at him. Garret lowered his hand and scratched behind her ear. The loud purring of his Siamese cat filled him with warmth.

  “You’re so spoiled.” He paused then. “Even more so now that I’m home all the time.”

  She butted her head against his fingers and came closer then onto his chest. The comforting weight was so good. Garret continued to stroke her fur as he stared into her gaze.

  “What shall we do today?” He wrinkled his nose then widened his eyes playfully. “Wait, I have nothing to do today. It is fabulous.”

  She tilted her head to the side and stared at him.

  “Yeah I know I need to feed you and make sure all your needs are meet, Diva.”

  She meowed as if in agreement.

  “Such a big ole diva.” Garret rolled his eyes. “No wonder that’s what I named you. You know when I got you I didn’t want a cat—“ Garret settled in and told her again the story of how she choose him as hers. “—it’s amazing that you such a little bitty thing could be so demanding. It—”

  “You really need to get out more and with human company if you’re having conversation with your cat.” A man’s voice came from by his hip.

  Garret sat up quickly and looked around. “What the hell?”

  “Check your cell phone,” the man said dryly. “Did by chance my lovely niece answer a call for you without you knowing?”

  Diva slid off Garret chest and went by his hip and purred. Looking past her, Garret saw his cell phone and recalled he had put it on vibrate last night before leaving it there.

  He sighed and laid back. “Diva you really need to stop answering the phone.”

  “We both know technically she can’t answer the phone.” The man laughed. “But my niece somehow steps on the right buttons to answer the call and put it on speaker. She’s awesome. Now you shut up I’m bonding with my niece,” the man said. “How’s my Diva doing? I’m going to come see you really soon. And I’ll bring you a nice surprise.” There was a woof sounding through the phone. “And Dex says hi. Now let me talk to your lazy daddy who I’m sure is driving you crazy being around all day.”

  “And you said I need human company.” Garret chuckled. “How often are you talking with Dex lately?”

  “This isn’t about me it’s about you.” He sing-songed.

  “Symon.” Garret returned in the same sing-song tone.

  “That’s my name.” Symon Kyle laughed again. “How ya doing buddy?”

  “The same as you I expect.” He paused then said, “Learning to live a life of leisure.”

  “You’re bored out of your mind,” Symon stated.

  “No I’m not,” Garret said, although he wasn’t yet he could tell it was only a matter of time…a short time when he would be itching for something to do.

  “Yeah.” The disbelief was plain through the phone line.

  “Yes.” Garret rolled his eyes. “Why are you calling me so early in the morning anyway?”

  “It’s six-twenty six and I know you would be awake,” Symon paused. “Although I know you told me you’d be sleeping until noon since now you can be lazy. How’s that noon thing working for you?”

  “Don’t think I don’t hear you suppressing laughter. Fuck you,” Garret said good naturedly. “How’s your time of leisure coming?”

  Symon didn’t seem to know the word ‘leisure’. Yes he wasn’t putting in the grueling hours he had when he played but he was busy with many other things.

  “Unlike some folks I decided to not be a man of leisure after retiring from the NHL and instead spend my time working at that center I mentioned to you.” Symon chuckled. “Although it’s been fun, it’s a challenge getting their athletics area up and running. You know I love a challenge.”

  A pang of longing filled Garret at the sound in Symon’s tone. It was so familiar—the thrill of adrenaline as they talked about getting ready for a challenging game. Although Symon had been in the NHL and Garret in the NFL, both of them along with a few friends from other sports as well as their own had a ritual of calling each other just before each other’s game to go over plays and studying the other team. They were his inner circle of friends and Garret enjoyed hearing their view and they his own. They might not have played the same sport but they were all professional athletes, knew what it took to win and how to lose gracefully if it came to that. They all hated losing but it was part of their respective sports and they did their best to prepare beforehand so they would have all the tools they needed. Even though a few of them had retired, they still did those calls for those who still were in their sports.

  “I need an answer on that favor, Gar.”

  “Sure.” Garret answered without hesitating knowing Symon rarely asked for anything and if he was it was something important.

  “Thanks.” The relief was clear over the line. “She’s expecting you at the center.”

  “Huh. Wait slow down. Who is expecting me where?”

  “MM at Rising—the center I’m working at.” Symon sighed. “You didn’t see my text did you?”

  “Umm…no.” Garret reached for the cell. Diva meowed as if in protest and he absently stroked her then lifted the cell before going to the messaging app. Quickly he read then said. “You want me to cover for you at the center?”

  “I didn’t call you last night since it was so late and I know how you need your beauty rest.” Symon teased then got serious. “Yeah…I hate to ask but with the chef quitting with no notice, Mama needs some help and I can’t—”

  Garret cut him off since he already read the text. “Beauty rest my ass. I’m not the one whose ugly mug needs the rest.” He retorted then said, “Don’t worry about anything. Go on and help make sure Mama S has all the helps she needs. All your focus needs to be on helping her at the restaurant. Did you call Zander to help?”

  Although Symon was a chef and cooked as well as worked at the restaurant with his mama, Symon deliberately didn’t want to be the head chef. Symon had enough on his plate overseeing the various businesses he owned as well as donated his time as he did to the center he had recently s
tarted working at.

  “Yeah.” Symon laughed. “I just called him to see if he could get some time from his job in Chicago to come here to New York to help us for at least a week or so until we can hire someone new. Before I knew it he and Mama had talked and he’s now going to be the new head chef of Kyle’s. I had no clue he hated the place he was working at. Come to find out the owner was a dick and he hated being the head chef there. Zander was even contemplating using his skills as an enforcer and putting him on his ass just for kicks. So he quit his job and will be here in about two weeks—he’s working out his notice at the other place—and has to arrange to get his stuff moved.”

  “He hated his job.” Garret frowned. “I had no idea.”

  “Seems like our buddy has been keeping that from us.” Symon sighed. “We’re going to have to talk with him when he gets here to see what is going on.”

  “Yes.” Garret smiled. “I wonder if the owner of that place he is working in Chicago knows how close he came to being checked.”

  “They have no clue how close they came. We both know when he is off the ice how Zander is can be deceptive. People see that affable easy going man until they piss him off then, well they know why he was so good at what he did in the NHL before he retired.” Symon laughed. “Hmmm…when he gets here maybe we can get everyone together and all have a game.”

  “Which sport would we play?” Garret was up for that. They hadn’t done it for a while. With the some of the retirees getting settled in their new professions or like him learning to be lazy and the others still playing it could take some planning to get enough people together to play a game.

  “All of them eventually.” Symon said. “But we’d let the group decide which.”

  “Sounds good.” Garret sat up. “So from your text you are usually ready for the kids by eight forty-five.”

  “Yeah.” Symon sighed. “I hate not being there. I was just getting them to trust me.”

  “It’ll be okay. By the time you get back they’ll be tired of seeing me.” Garret laughed.

  “They’ll think you’re as bad as I am. They think I’m too intense when it comes to showing them stuff. But although they don’t say it I can see they appreciate that I give a damn.” Symon blew out a breath. “Some of these kids have a chip on their shoulder. Ju—”

  “Don’t worry I got it.” Garret wasn’t worried about a bunch of teenagers.

  “I have information in my office on those in my programs. And MM can tell you whatever you need to know too.” Symon hesitated then. “About MM… she’s well her. Just tread carefully with her.”

  Garret frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Just be you and don’t let her get to you.”

  “Nothing gets to me.” Garret snorted. “Stop worrying, women love me. Especially older women they all want to mother me for some reason.” He shook his head having had that happen to him many times.

  “What makes you think she is older?” Symon sounded curious.

  “From what you told me about her. She’s seems to be a force to be reckoned with and having the respect of the kids she works with.” Garret wondered at his tone. “Isn’t she older?”


  Garret didn’t like the tone at all. Symon was up to something.


  A loud bang was heard over the phone. “Shit I have to go. The old chef hired someone a week ago and I swear this lady is trying to maim someone. How the hell can someone be such klutz and work in a kitchen?”

  Before Garret could reply he hung up. Garret lowered the cell and stared at Diva. “Looks like Daddy has something to do. I’ll be leaving you for most of the day for a week or two.” He leaned down. “Are you going to miss Daddy?”

  Diva gave him a disinterested look and lifted her head haughtily.

  “Yeah I love you too.” Garret slid off the bed. “Better go get ready.” He rubbed his hand over the scruff on his face. “Gotta get presentable.” He snickered. “Who am I kidding? I’m a lost cause.” He paused. “Symon wasn’t telling me something about MM. Oh well I’ll see her soon enough.” He headed off to get ready.

  Over an hour later Garret turned his black Tribeca into the parking area reserved for employees and volunteers of the center. He parked then exited the vehicle before glancing at the building. It was a large stout building that he would estimate had at least two floors. It was imposing yet gave off the feeling of welcome with its pale yellow color and from what he could tell street art that filled the walls of the building. He wondered if they were deliberate or someone just decided to do it. Garret strode toward the building’s back entrance and his excitement started to build. Maybe Symon was right after all that he had been bored. The door swung open as he was few steps away from the entrance. Garret blinked at the sight before him.

  The woman was almost as tall as he was at six-feet three—he would estimate she was about six-feet two. The woman came forward, her stride all control and power yet with an innate sensuousness that he found captivating. Her dark red T-shirt was slightly loose but he could see her curves while her jeans fit her in all the right places. She glanced at him as she neared, her thick curly lashes framing her cool golden gaze and although she didn’t look away from his face Garret felt as if she studied all of him and didn’t like what she found. Her kinky unruly curls framed her face that was just as enticing as the rest of her. Her face with her high cheekbones, pert nose, adorable dent in her chin and lush lips came together into a very sexy woman. A bead of sweat slid along her honey-colored skin. He wanted to touch that satiny looking skin.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t get this sort of reaction. Garret clenched his fist. Maybe I have been in my own company too long.

  “Mister Reid.” The woman’s voice with her accent was like a cool breeze on a hot night.

  Garret stifled a shiver and cursed Symon for saying she was older. No way was this woman older. Although he hadn’t been officially introduced yet he figured this was the MM that Symon talked so much about.

  “Yes.” He took a step closer and held out his hand. “But you can call me Garret.”

  The woman accepted the handshake. She inhaled sharply and her nostrils flared although her expression didn’t change. Garret smiled pleased that she was affected as he was. He deliberately pulled his hand away from hers slowly. When she didn’t react Garret almost laughed out loud. She was controlling herself but that earlier initial reaction made him know she wasn’t unaffected.

  “Mister Reid.” The woman stated coolly. “Thanks for coming by but I can handle the athletics program until Sy returns.” She smiled tightly. “I’m sure a man like you is too busy.” She pivoted and walked away.

  “Before someone dismisses me I usually like to at least know their name.” Garret shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

  “Maura Maxwell, the owner of Rising Community Center.” She didn’t stop or look back.

  “Nice to meet you MM,” Garret called after her.

  “You too, Mister Reid.” She paused opened the double doors before going into the building.

  Garret took out his cell and called Symon. As the phone rang he stared at where she had went too.

  “Gar.” Symon sounded amused.

  “You bastard.”

  “My mama would take offense to that.” Symon chuckled. “I take it you meet MM.”

  “Yeah.” Garret thought of the brief yet impactful moment. “”She’s not older.”

  “In life experiences she is,” Symon replied. “In years not so much. She’s the same age as we are.”

  “Why’d you let me believe she was older?”

  “’Cause I know what your reaction would be when you found out.” Symon lowered his voice tone going intense. “And from your tone she piqued your interest. Don’t mess with her unless you are serious. MM is a woman who you commit to not dally with.”

  “Dally.” Garret frowned. “Dude who the hell says dally?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah.” Garret looked at the center. “She told me to go home.”

  “I figured she would.” Symon snorted. “She doesn’t like professional athletes much.”

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