Taming the alpha, p.1
Taming The Alpha, page 1
part #2 of Burns Brothers Series

Taming The Alpha
Burns Brothers Book 2
Skyler Snow
Copyright © 2019 by Skyler Snow
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.
All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.”
Edited By: Amanda Williams
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Beau for keeping me sane and Rhe for everything else!!!
1. Nathan
2. Emmett
3. Nathan
4. Emmett
5. Nathan
6. Emmett
7. Nathan
8. Emmett
9. Nathan
10. Emmett
11. Nathan
12. Emmett
13. Nathan
14. Emmett
15. Nathan
16. Emmett
About the Author
Also by Skyler Snow
Also By Skyler Snow Writing as Isabelle G. Snow
Chapter 1
Nathan jogged into The Crown Parlor. He was a bit late and the bar was busy as usual with patrons laughing, chatting, and drinking. A band warmed up on stage ready to entertain the drunk masses. At least everyone looks happy.
Immediately, his eyes searched the room for one person, as they always did when he walked into his place of work. There Emmett was, behind the bar, his strawberry blond hair silky and stunning under the lights overhead.
He focused that megawatt grin on a customer and Nathan practically heard his chuckle from across the room. That smile. He only wanted Emmett to smile at him like that, not anyone else. It was part of the job, of course, but that didn’t make his wolf any less anxious that one day that smile would catch someone else’s attention the way that it caught his.
His name coming from those lips forced his brain to reboot. Nathan nodded to the patrons and smiled before adopting a swagger as he walked up to the bar.
“You bellowed, Tinsley?”
“You’re late. Again.”
“You try sleeping through the night with two screaming kids. Well, one. Pryce is pretty quiet. Payton? That girl has a set of lungs on her.”
Emmett sighed. “As much as I love the fact that your brother has cute kids for you to brag about now—”
“They are pretty damn cute.”
“—I need you to pull your head out of your ass and get here on time. That’s your job,” he growled.
“Don’t pout. I’m getting to work, see? What are you having?”
Nathan got behind the bar and immediately began taking orders and handing out drinks. He’d found over the past two years that he was really good at bartending. Talking, laughing, mixing up drinks—he could do it with eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. Once everyone was served, he smiled at the bustling atmosphere.
“I’m not pouting. I don’t pout,” Emmett said as he strolled back behind the bar.
“What?” Nathan asked as he glanced at the omega. “What are you talking about?”
“You said I was pouting. I don’t do that.”
The corner of Nathan’s mouth quirked up into a grin. “I’ve seen you do it more than once.”
“You’re a pain in my ass, Burns.”
“Not yet, sweetheart.”
Emmett opened his mouth, but no words came out. Nathan’s grin widened. Boy, he loved flustering Emmett’s tightly wound self. He was just so fun to tease.
The omega turned on his heels and stalked away from him, muttering under his breath about arrogant alphas and their stupid mouths.
Nathan watched as Emmett ended up on the other side of the bar. His hair had been pushed back and Nate couldn’t help noticing that it was getting a little long again.
Emmett was on the shorter side, or at least he was compared to Nate’s six-foot-four-inch stature. He was always impeccably dressed, usually in dark clothes that accentuated his rounded hips and an ass that Nathan had wanted to grab for two solid years. He must have felt Nate’s eyes on him because his deep blue eyes glanced down the bar and Emmett raised a brow at Nate.
He quickly turned back around and focused on his job. Do not get caught up in that tonight. The longer he was there, the worse it got. Whenever he was at work, he found himself staring at Emmett more than mixing drinks. Or messing with him, since the omega ignored his flirting expertly.
Fuck! He was beautiful. Nathan couldn’t keep his eyes off him. Every time he saw the omega, the feeling just intensified. This need to claim him, mark him, let everyone know he belonged to him. Nathan rubbed the back of his neck almost scared at the strength of his feelings. He’d never felt that way about anyone. And over the years he'd had his fun. Around these parts, everyone knew him as something of a playboy.
In years past he would have been happy to be called the playboy of South River. He would bet they would be surprised how inaccurate that was the past two years.
“Earth to Nathan. Where the hell did you go?”
Nathan rolled his eyes. “I'm right here taking care of business. Isn't that right?” He asked as he winked at the cute twinky omega sipping a pina colada, doing suggestive things to his straw in front of him.
Emmett narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together. No matter how many times he said that he didn't pout, Nathan witnessed it at least once a night.
“Well, then could you take care of business by taking that table their drinks?” Emmett nodded to a table of women draped in sashes, obviously a bachelorette party. “They’ve been waiting, and they look like the type of women who will eat you alive if they don’t get their tequila shots.”
Nathan groaned. “Bachelorette parties. One of them always tries to grab my ass. I blame this town for not having a proper strip club they can let their frustrations out on.”
Emmett snorted. “You’re a moron. Besides, I thought you would like the attention.”
“You think I don’t? My powers of seduction work just as well on the ladies as they do on you.”
“Not once has one of your pickup lines worked on me.”
“They work on me,” the omega seated at the bar grinned.
“See? I’ve still got it.” Nathan winked at the omega, even though he was not interested in the slightest.
“Drinks. Take. Now,” Emmett said, as he pushed Nathan down the bar and away from the wandering eyes of the eager twink. “When we’re done for the night, stick around and come into the office. I need to talk to you about something.”
Nathan’s heart sped up. “What?”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll talk later.”
Nathan would be lying if he didn’t admit that his cock stiffened at his words. That scenario had gone through his head a million times. Sitting in Emmett’s office, pushing him onto his desk, fucking him senseless. Yeah, that was an amazing image.
Nathan focused on work to distract himself. Even his pep talk—if you could call it that—couldn’t get rid of the image of Emmett under him, begging Nathan to fuck him harder. Nathan cursed himself and the constant boner that wouldn’t go down in Emmett’s presence. He needed to get those thoughts out of his head. It was better to focus on drink and food orders than to have a permanent erection because he couldn’t touch the man.
“That’s the last person,” Emmett said as he slapped a towel over his shoulder. “Thank God. My feet are killing me. Count up the till and bring it back.”
“What?” Emmett asked as he stretched his fingers.
“You should say please. You know when you want someone to do something nice for you, that’s usually what you say first.”
“I will fire you.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to treat me better you know.”
Emmett looked like he was going to try to decide between clawing Nathan’s eyes out or actually firing him. So he was surprised when his boss said, “Please.”
“That must have tasted like bile in your mouth.” Nathan couldn’t help poking the bear.
“Can’t say it came out smooth,” Emmett deadpanned.
“Gotta say I’m surprised that worked. You actually listened to someone?” Nathan narrowed his eyes. “You want something from me, don’t you?”
Emmett heaved a sigh, before replying, “Lock up and come back please. See, I know how to say it.”
Nathan heard the urgency in Emmett's voice and that stopped him from teasing the man. As much as he liked to mess with him, he wasn’t going to do that when he could tell something was up.
He locked up the bar and counted the till. When he was done, he took a deep breath before carrying it back to Emmett’s office.
The space was pretty small and Emmett was secretly a bit of a packrat. Old papers and files hung out of the file cabinet. Knickknacks co
Emmett had put another chair behind the desk like he did most nights so they could tally up the figures for the day. The till was set on the desk, and he got started before Emmett walked in and settled in beside him.
When he was that close, Nathan had a hard time concentrating. It was like a fog took over his brain and made him want to get other things out of the way first. Like holding Emmett down and marking him.
“I wanted to ask you something,” Emmett said as his knee brushed against Nathan’s.
The alpha cleared his throat. “Ask me what?”
“So, I bought another bar. It’s a few towns over. You know Rosewater?” Emmett waited as Nate nodded. “I could use some help getting it up and running. It’s nearly done and there’ll be an opening night. I want you to go with me.”
Of course, that’s what he wanted.
Nathan didn’t know what he’d been expecting. It was about work. It was always about work.
“Can’t,” he said as he pulled his knee away and continued to count. “There’s too much going on.”
“Come on. I really need the help.”
Nathan shrugged. “Can’t do it.”
“Well, Colten can’t. He just had the twins and I’m pretty sure Declan would curse me out if I took him away. They have their hands full.”
“Don’t I know it.”
Emmett leaned forward until his face was on top of Nathan’s hands. As much as he tried to resist, Nathan glanced down at him. Emmett wore that big-eyed, pouty-lipped expression that drove him wild.
“So, you’re going to help me?” Before Natan could protest, he threw in. “I’ll double your pay there. And you’ll make a ton of great tips. Please?”
Nathan’s heart melted. The soft voice Emmett used on him was a downright travesty, but it worked every single time. He groaned.
I could use the money. Two pups running around is going to get expensive. Dec and Colt could use the help while Declan heals up more.
“Fine,” Nathan groaned as Emmett blinked up at him innocently. “I’ll help you.”
“I knew you would. You’re the best!”
The pure joy that radiated from Emmett tore down his walls yet again. Every time he tried to put some distance between them, Emmett smiled and it lit up his world.
What am I getting myself into?
Chapter 2
The truck rumbled into view as Emmett locked up his place. He lived in a tiny little apartment since he moved out on his own a few years ago at twenty-three. Four years later, and he was still out on his own. It wasn’t anything to brag about, but it was peaceful and it was his. Albeit, a little lonely.
He didn’t have time for it to bother him. Sure, growing up with six brothers and a sister, he was used to the chaos a big family usually entailed. Sometimes the apartment felt eerily quiet, but that was life. He had a business to run, and, if he was successful with opening Grand Parlor, he’d have two.
“Morning,” Nathan said as he hopped from the truck and strutted over to him. “How much stuff you taking?”
“Morning. Enough to stay for a while. I told you that I might need more time to get things established. Are you going to be okay running things here if I do?”
Nathan grinned. “I think I can handle it.”
Emmett shuddered. “I feel like I’m tempting fate letting you be in any kind of control.”
“Get in the truck and stop doubting me so early in the morning. Let me grab your bags.”
“I can get them.”
“I got it. Get in.”
Emmett shook his head at the stubborn alpha. It wasn’t the first time, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last that Nathan got his way. He fussed over him even when it was unnecessary, but Emmett didn’t always mind.
He climbed into the truck and rubbed his hands together. It was already fall and the mornings were on the chilly side. Nathan climbed in, took one look at him, and turned on the heat.
“There’s coffee in the side door in that thermos,” Nathan said as he pointed it out.
“I don’t drink coffee.”
Nathan rolled his eyes. “I know that you dork. Give me the coffee and the other thermos has herbal tea in it.”
Emmett blinked at him. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Too late now. Hand it over Tinsley.”
Emmett shook his head and tried to hide the grin that tugged at his lips. He handed Nathan the coffee and picked up the thermos full of tea. Before he even took a sip, he smelled mint. When he tasted it, he knew it was sweetened with honey. Maybe he knows me a little more than I thought.
He was always pretty sure that Nathan paid him no attention. Every once in a while he’d catch him looking, but he chalked it up to mere coincidence. Nathan was a known flirt, and he knew that the man could have anyone he wanted. So why would he settle for a plain thing like him?
Not that I want him to settle for me. He had a job to focus on. More than one. Dating wasn’t in the cards for him anytime soon. He couldn’t afford to get distracted.
“Thanks,” Emmett said as they pulled off and headed for the highway. “We can grab some breakfast when we reach Rosewater if you haven’t already eaten.”
“Nah. I figured I’d wait until I picked you up,” Nathan said as he turned the dial on the radio and music filled up the tiny space.
Emmett nodded in response, at a loss for words. Sometimes when he was around Nathan, it was like his mouth forgot how to work right. His heart fluttered in his chest being in such a small space, and he glanced at Nathan from under long lashes.
Nathan looked gorgeous as usual, dressed in a black and red flannel shirt. Underneath it was another white one that peeked out of the bottom of his partially rolled-up sleeves. His dark hair was short and neat, and the beard he had growing in looked sexy as hell on him.
Did I really just think that? Emmett kicked himself. The last thing he needed was to be looking at his employee like he was a snack ready to be devoured. He adjusted himself in his seat and Nathan grinned in his direction.
“What’s wrong with you? You’re all squirmy.”
“Can’t I get comfortable?” The omega snapped back before his cheeks reddened. “Sorry. I think I’m cranky. I didn’t sleep all that much last night.”
“Are you worried about the opening?”
Emmett nodded. “Really nervous. If this crashes and burns, I’m going to be out of a lot of money. It’s a crazy investment, but I think it’ll be worth it. Maybe. I hope.”
“Relax. I’m sure it’s going to be fine.”
“How can you say that? You have no idea what it takes to run one business let alone two,” Emmett said as he fidgeted with his fingers. “It’s a lot of pressure.”
“Well, you’ll have me there to help out.”
“That’s kind of comforting I guess,” he mumbled.
“Kind of?” Nathan clicked his tongue. “You’re just too wound up. What you need is to get laid already.”
Emmett turned toward Nathan and raised a brow. “And who says I haven’t been getting laid?”
As soon as he said it, Nathan’s face clouded over. He watched those dark eyebrows as they knit together and his expression darkened. The way he gripped the wheel, Emmett was almost positive that he was going to break the thing.
“Who, what?” Emmett asked as he sipped from his mug and hid his grin behind it.
“Who have you been hooking up with?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Emmett tutted. “We should keep things professional. Don’t you think?”
Somehow Nathan’s grip tightened and Emmett heard the way the steering wheel cracked. Serves him right. If he wanted to mess with him, Nathan could get it right back. He had no problem with that.