Finding his daddies, p.1
Finding His Daddies, page 1

Finding His Daddies
Skyler Snow
1. Lukas
2. Carsen
3. Lukas
4. Reece
5. Carsen
6. Reece
7. Lukas
8. Carsen
9. Reece
10. Lukas
11. Reece
12. Carsen
13. Reece
14. Lukas
15. Reece
16. Carsen
17. Lukas
18. Reece
19. Carsen
20. Lukas
21. Reece
22. Carsen
23. Reece
24. Reece
25. Carsen
26. Lukas
27. Reece
28. Carsen
29. Carsen
Also by Skyler Snow
Skyler Snow
Copyright © 2020 by Skyler Snow
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.
All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.”
Edited by: Ann Attwood Editing and Proofreading Service
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I tapped my pen against the dark-brown wood of my desk. If I did it enough times in a row a plot would magically appear. My characters would show up, do their fucking job and there would be no chance of a thousand and one rewrites.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“That’s not going to write the novel,” Carsen strolled into my office and placed a kiss on my head.
I frowned. “You don’t know that. This is my pre-game ritual for every single book I’ve finished, so get out of here.”
Carsen chuckled and grabbed a chair. He pulled it beside me and I smelled the minty aroma of his aftershave. It always reminded me of Christmas morning and snow. Which we saw none of living in Phoenix.
“What’s this one about?” He sat a mug in front of me and I thanked him.
The smell of coffee curled up and enticed me to take a deep drink of it. Of course, Carsen had gotten it just right—the hazelnut creamer, the perfect amount of sugar—my man knew me well. Although that shouldn’t come as a surprise. We’d been together for nine years and counting. If he didn’t know me by now, then something was really wrong.
“They’re being difficult.” I sighed, and clicked through my screen. “The grumpy one won’t stop being grumpy and the upbeat one is about to lose his mind. He’s supposed to make the grumpy one happy, not the other way around.” I scratched my head. “I question my career choices.”
Carsen chuckled. “You don’t, you’re just sick of this book and need a break.” He ran a hand underneath my chin and tilted it up. Carsen’s lips brushed against mine and I smiled at the rough feeling of his beard against my skin. “How about we go grab breakfast?”
My eyes widened. “Officer Carsen, you have time for breakfast?”
"Yes, and I am taking my man out. We're going to have a nice, quiet morning." He grinned at me. "I have the day off."
"Oooh." I abandoned my pen and shot up from my chair. "In that case I’ll take a shower and get dressed."
Carsen snagged me before I could make it to the office door. He pulled me into his arms and gripped the back of my neck to keep me in place. His lips moved against mine softly and slowly, each swipe of his talented tongue sending shivers up and down my spine.
By the time he pulled away all the blood in my brain had traveled south. I squeezed myself through the confines of the grey sweats I'd rolled out of bed in. The grin on Carsen's lips and the mischievous glint in his eye said he knew exactly what he did to me.
"I thought we were going to get breakfast."
Carsen thought it over. "How about lunch?"
I groaned. "I knew this was a trap." I laced my fingers with his. “Hurry up before I change my mind.”
Carsen chuckled and followed behind me to the bedroom. He barely made it through the door when I turned on my heels. I pushed my fingers underneath his shirt, trailing the thick muscles underneath. My teeth grazed my lip as I fingered his boxers and then slowly slid them down until they were low enough that he could kick them away. I took a step back to admire his nakedness in all of its powerful glory. Okay, the man was hot. Like hotter than the middle of summer in Phoenix hot.
Ripped muscles rippled underneath his nicely tanned skin. The hair that covered his chest, curly and dark, lured me to run my fingers through it. I liked my man hairy all over, and Carsen was that in spades. He was only an inch or so taller than me, but while I was leaner he was built like a damn tank.
My favorite features, however, weren't his rock-hard abs, or his delicious pecs tipped with the most mouthwatering brown nipples. No, I loved his eyes the best. That dark chocolate color that screamed warmth and adoration. Right after that was his smile. It always looked like Carsen was hiding a secret and I loved his boyish nature.
To everyone else, Carsen was intimidating as hell. If I didn't know the man I would be in their camp. All that intimidating muscle, tall stature and usually the blank face he wore at work was enough to make anyone squirm, including me. Something about a man that powerful being mine, did things to my body that I could never explain. I bit my lip as I looked up at him. I wanted to be on top.
I wrapped a hand around his cock and Carsen groaned. I loved the sounds he made when we had sex. They were always so deep, guttural, primal. More men needed to make noise, because the quiet thing did nothing for me at all. Hearing the pleasure, seeing it, feeling it—those were the keys to success when it came to my ridiculous libido.
"You're already wet," I swiped my thumb over the head of his cock and collected a bead of pre-cum. "You were ready long before you came for me."
Carsen laughed. "Guilty." His words rumbled out of his chest as I stroked his hair. His hand came around and he cupped my ass through my pants. I pushed back against it and let him slide my sweats and boxers down until I was naked too. "That's better." He sucked in a breath as his eyes ran over me. "Go get the lube."
My smile widened. I crossed the room and opened our bedside drawer. There was always a variety of lubes in there. We liked to be prepared. I grabbed a bottle and walked back to him before I placed it in his hand. "Here you go, baby."
Carsen grinned. "Bend over so I can get you ready."
I blinked up at him. "Me? No, no, no. It's my turn to be on top."
One of his brows shot up. "It definitely isn't your turn."
I crossed my arms over my chest. "It definitely is. I let you be on top last time and the time before that. I remember because it was pretty fucking hard to sit for the next day after each time."
"It's not my fault." Carsen sheepishly toyed with his black locks. "You get so excited and then I get excited and then I kind of lose my mind."
"That's an understatement," I mumbled. "Still, that doesn't change the facts. You were on top last time so it's my turn." I poked him in the chest. “That was the deal.”
Carsen finally gave in and I smiled. "You're lucky I'm so damn horny and I don't want to argue about it," he grumbled.
I smirked. "You act like you're not going to love every minute of it."
"Now, I never said that," he laughed.
I stretched out on the bed and Lukas curled into my side. He panted softly, but there was a huge, dopey smile on his face. Slowly, his fingers stroked through my fur and he looked relaxed and happy. I loved it when he settled down and looked so thoroughly blitzed out. I adjusted myself in bed and sighed.
"What's with that sigh?" Lukas asked right away, and his green eyes cut up to me. "Are you okay?"
I smiled down at him and stroked his cheek. "Of course I'm okay. I'm better than okay. I feel great."
Lukas relaxed again. "Alright, then why are you sighing?"
I chewed my lip. It wasn't really something I wanted to talk about, not right now. Most people would call me selfish for my thoughts and while Lukas knew about them, I didn't want to make him feel less than either. It wasn't fair of me to ask for more when we were already so happy.
"Carsen?" He tapped my chin with his fingers. "What's going on?"
"I was just..." I glanced away and tried to think of how to word things so I wouldn't sound like a complete and total dick. "I was just thinking about what we were talking about before. You know about maybe finding someone to join us for a night."
Lukas sat up and his eyes searched my face. "What brought that on?" He frowned slightly. "Was it that bad?"
"Hell no!" I pulled Lukas against me. He was a bit stiff before he relaxed a little and let me stroke his hair and back. "That's not why I was bringing that up. It's just that there are some things I want to try, things that you don't
Lukas stayed tucked against me and I was glad for two reasons. If he pulled away, it would mean he was irritated, and I didn’t want to see a look of hurt on his face, especially if I was the one that had caused it.
I probably should have kept it to myself, but it was hard to do that when I had urges that I wanted fulfilled and I couldn't get them. I wasn't spoiled by any means, but I just needed some things to survive. Maybe I was a dick. Shit. I should have kept my mouth shut.
"Well, the last meet up we had was a train wreck," Lukas muttered. He was quiet for a while before he spat out "Carsen, I don't know if I want to try that again."
Lukas was right, our last time trying to meet someone had been a disaster. The guy was handsome, but he was a mess. He'd gotten sloppy drunk and puked in the back of our car when I tried to take him home. Not to mention he then tried to come onto me and told me that Lukas wasn't his type. That he wasn't a real "daddy" type of guy. It pissed me the fuck off and the moment I made sure he was safely at home and wouldn't die, I promptly lost his number. The worst part was having to tell Lukas the full story since he'd gone off in search of water and medicine for the guy at a nearby pharmacy.
If Lukas wasn't a Daddy, I didn't know who was. We might be two different kinds, but that didn't make him any less than, and it pissed me off that anyone had ever made him feel self-conscious about that. After such a horrible experience, we'd put our little search on the back burner and hadn't revisited it. That was six months ago and internally I was crawling up the walls.
"It sucks," Lukas’ voice was muffled as he spoke into my chest. "I don't get why I can’t be submissive for you. It wouldn't be that difficult."
I kissed his head. "Yes, it would. You wouldn't enjoy it and I wouldn't enjoy it because it’s not who you are babe. There's no point going down that road again."
We’d tried that before, but it hadn’t gone well. Lukas simply wasn’t submissive. He could be a bottom at times, but being submissive wasn’t who he was. And I couldn’t be the small, unprotected little that needed his adoration and guiding hands. It was like we were both missing a piece of the equation and while we were happy, we both longed for things we couldn’t give the other.
Lukas went quiet on me and I shook his shoulder a little. "Did you fall asleep babe?"
One word answers were never good. I shifted out of bed and Lukas quickly followed. Whenever he wouldn't let me get a good look at his face he was hiding something. He knew how easy it was for me to read people's expressions, it came with being a cop and when he didn't want to be read, he made sure I couldn't see.
"We should get ready so we can get that food. I think we're just in time for brunch. Why don't we go to Darla's Cafe? You love their food." He snatched up his clothes from the floor and then mine before he dumped them into the hamper. "We should really get going. I still need to make progress on that book today."
I frowned. "Lukas..."
"I need to pee," he said quickly, and exited the room like his heels were on fire.
My shoulders slumped. Shit. I should have fucking kept my mouth shut. I gave Lukas some space instead of following after him. If he didn't want to talk, he wouldn't. That was his personality.
I gathered up the blanket and sheets and carried them down the hall to the laundry room. After I dumped them inside I heard the shower turn on. Yep, he was definitely in a mood. Usually he would wait for me, but not today.
What had done it? Was it because I asked? Was it because of the last shitty meetup? I felt guilty either way. The day had started out so well until I decided to open my big fucking mouth.
I rapped against the bathroom doorframe. "Can I take a shower with you? Or are you pissed off at me?"
"I'm not pissed," Lukas called back from inside the tub. "I'm just hungry."
I didn't believe that for a minute, but I didn't want to push Lukas either. Not now. We'd have to talk about it when we were back home and he'd had some time to work things out in his head. I pulled back the blue and white shower curtain and stood there for a minute.
How could I not appreciate my boyfriend? He had that dark-brown hair that always looked soft and smelled like lavender shampoo. Lukas' body was gorgeous as well—toned and lean and lickable. I wanted to touch him every time he was in sight, but I knew he wasn't in the mood for that either. I kept my hands to myself.
I stepped inside and pulled the curtain closed after me. Lukas reached over and picked up a bottle of body wash before he passed it to me. I kept my eyes trained on him, watching his every movement as if it would disclose what was going on inside his brain. We washed up together in silence, but when he tried to step out I wrapped my arms around him.
"Lukas, you know you can talk to me."
"I know." He patted me softly. "I just don't want to talk about it right now, that's all. Can you give me some time to process?"
I nodded. "Of course. You know I’ll always give you whatever you want."
Lukas only half smiled, nodded and grabbed a towel off the shelf before he left the bathroom altogether. I could have kicked myself a thousand times over. I finished up my shower silently and shut off the water. The bedroom was empty when I slipped inside and looked for my clothes. A dark blue t-shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. I brushed my fingers through my hair and went off in search of my boyfriend. By the time I found Lukas he was back in front of his computer, his lips moving silently as he read over what he'd been writing. I laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Ready to go?"
"Hmm." That was the only answer I got, but he locked the computer and stood up, so I took it as he was ready to leave.
Lukas had decided on a Star Wars t-shirt and a pair of jeans as well. I loved it when he showed off how secretly nerdy he was. He slipped his glasses on, and grabbed his wallet and keys from the bowl that sat on our entryway table. After he patted himself down checking to make sure he had everything, he nodded and we left out of the house. My heart still sank into my stomach. I wished he would talk to me.
"You still want to go to Darla's?" I asked as we left the house. I set the alarm and we both walked to my black Mercedes. I was in love with that car and it was the one really nice thing I’d allowed myself to splurge on recently.
"Yeah,” Lukas climbed in and I joined him. “I think that's what I want to eat right now."
"Darla's it is."
I pushed the button and the car came to life. Music blasted from the radio and Lukas turned it up more and nodded his head. When I reached the main road I reached out my hand and held onto his tightly, our fingers laced together. Lukas didn't pull away, instead, he glanced at me and smiled softly before he focused back on the open road and the music.
We pulled up to Darla's, and, thankfully, Lukas was in a better mood. We slipped out of the car and he put his hand in mine. There was a little smile on his lips and it made me relax.
"You're happy.” I elbowed him lightly. “Let me guess. You're thinking about food."
"You know I am," he grinned. "I'm going to devour everything in sight. I need to eat a ton if I'm going to have the fuel to get through a good chunk of that book today."
I rolled my eyes. "You're going to fall asleep as soon as you get home, that's what you're going to do."
Lukas elbowed me hard. "You don't know me that well!"
I threw my head back and laughed as we walked into the cafe. Lukas liked to tell himself that, but we'd known each other long enough that every little quirk and pattern was memorized. I held the door open for him and he thanked me as he strolled through.
Darla's was always super busy and today was no different. We were given a seat outside on the patio and even though it wasn't even noon, the misters were on to keep us cool. It was nice and shady where we sat and you could see the mountains in the background. I would never get tired of seeing them.