Your guardian angel the.., p.1
Your Guardian Angel (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1), page 1

Your Guardian Angel
Skyla Madi
The Guardian Angel Series Book 1
Your Guardian Angel
Copyright © 2012 by Skyla Madi. All rights reserved.
Limitless Publishing, LLC
Kailua, HI 96734
First Kindle Edition: December 2012
All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for the personal enjoyment of the original purchaser only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thanks you for respecting the work of this author.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
To Ash,
My guardian angel
This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of my husband, Ash. Thank you for helping me put pen to paper. Without our late night chats and your reassuring words, Your Guardian Angel would only be an idea still stuck floating around my head.
A big thank you to a small group of friends who read my short stories and let me vent to them about my novels and the difficulties that came with writing.
Words cannot express my gratitude to Limitless Publishing for giving me the opportunity to share my writing with everyone. And thank you to their editor for her professional advice and assistance in polishing this manuscript. I would also like to thank the cover artists for the perfect cover.
And to all of my family and friends, thank you for believing in me. Your support renews my passion for writing every day.
Table of Contents
In the Beginning
Sage Sanctum
Familiar Faces
Near Miss
My Guardian Angel
Forbidden Touch
Death and the Letter
Coffee and Punching
Deeper Than Physical Attraction
The Ungodly
Angel Agendas
At Death’s Door
Bright Lights and Consequences
Wherefore art thou?
About the Author
In the Beginning
When I think of death, I picture a warm light embracing me in my sleep at a very old age. When I experienced death, it was completely different…
The hot red flames that exuded from the fireplace had a calming effect on my nerves. It was winter; through the frosted window in the lounge room I could see the thick blanket of snow that covered the ground outside. The cool air blew under the front door, cooling my skin after the burning heat warmed it.
“Did you pass your math test?” Mum asked.
“Barely…” I mumbled, inching towards the fireplace, attempting to absorb more of its heat.
“What happened?”
I opened my mouth to explain but three loud bangs thundered on the front door and my words were caught in my throat as Hank, my stepdad, burst through the door and zipped over to us.
“Run, Ruby!” She shrieked in pain as he grabbed my mother by her hair.
A cold sweat ran down my forehead, it wasn’t sweat from the heat of the fire but sweat from the anxiety that grew in my chest. My heart pounded like a drum and I flicked my eyes, searching for possible exits. The door seemed like the only logical exit. I tried to run for it, but my legs didn’t work. All I got was a twitch in my calf muscle. I was frozen, staring at Hank's new appearance. The usual cheerful smile that played upon his face was contorted into an evil grin. His face was void of any warmth, any life. His usually tan skin was a deathly pale color and I could see veins run and pulsate underneath his translucent skin.
“You never have listened to your mother,” said Hank.
His long fangs stuck out from beneath his smirk. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen, until I met his eyes.
Look away, I urged myself, but I couldn't; they were too alluring, too black. They had an almost devious gleam to them, as though he knew something I didn't.
“What do you want, Hank? I’ll give you anything, just let Ruby leave,” Mum begged.
“Oh, Meredith…” Hank chuckled. "You know what I’m here for; you knew the moment I kicked down the door."
When I was sixteen, Mum explained to me that a newborn vampire needs to feed off a 'pure’ being. In our world, that meant either a guardian angel or a god/goddess. If a vampire feeds off one of these 'pure' creatures, he receives a more human-like appearance. This allows them to walk with humans at night without being too noticeable. If an already normal-looking vampire feeds off a 'pure' being, he becomes stronger. If Hank drained my mother right now, all the creepy new changes he had would disappear. I couldn't let that happen. I lunged forward in an attempt to save her, but before I could even move an inch, Hank grabbed me by my throat with his free hand. I kicked rapidly when I could no longer feel the ground. I tried to scream but the tight grip around my throat made it harder for me to breathe. I’d read about vampires and how strong they were, but I had no idea. I also read about their insane bloodlust and how they would kill anyone to satisfy it, family or not. They’re pure evil.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mum extend her hand towards the fire. It seemed a failed attempt on my part was all she needed to conjure a fireball from the fireplace.
My mother was an elemental goddess; she could control and manipulate the four elements of nature. I inherited those abilities, but given the fact that I go to a human school, I haven't learnt how to use them yet.
A ball of fire flew out of the fireplace, not stopping until it came in contact with Hank’s face. He grunted in pain as the ball of flames connected with his skin.
Suddenly, the cold surface of the wooden floor rose to meet me, connecting solidly with my body as he dropped me. I sat, forcing as much air into my lungs as I could. A warm hand took my arm and I stumbled slightly as I was abruptly pulled to my feet. I forced my legs to move one after the other towards the door. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline rushing through my bloodstream, I probably wouldn’t have budged. We made it as far as the front door and I dove for the handle, but my face hit a wall; no, my face hit a cold, dead, hard body.
“Too slow.” Hank chuckled, blocking our exit.
I grunted in pain as he backhanded me to the floor and slammed a foot down onto my head, pinning me to the ground. The pressure was intense; any harder and my head would no doubt be crushed. I strained my eyes to see out of my peripheral vision. He had my mother by the hair again; I could see her as she fought against him. She extended her hand, once again, towards the fire.
“If you do it Meredith, I will pulverize Ruby's skull.”
“Please!” I cried out as he pushed down harder. The pressure was so intense and the pain was just as bad. It felt like I had dived into the sea and my ears had popped a thousand times. I could feel my brain pulsating and that was not a good sign.
“Okay, okay stop!” she begged. “I’ll do it.”
Mum smiled at me and tears rolled down her face. It wasn’t a happy smile; it was an apologetic one, a smile filled with sorrow and regret. Hank pulled her hair harder and pressed her back against his chest, exposing her neck.
“No… Please don't!” I sobbed.
His long white fangs flicked out further and he ripped into her neck. My stomach sank into my intestines and my heart shattered into a million pieces. A loud sob escaped my lips as her warm blood sprayed my face. Squeezing my eyes shut, I prayed for my own death. I prayed for something to come and relieve me of this sick, twisted nightmare. Mum’s pain-filled grunts turned into a blood-curdling gurgle as her life was drained from her. I squeezed my eyes tighter and felt a few more drops hit my face.
It felt like an eternity had passed before I heard Hank toss her body away. She hit the floor; he empty eyes were level with mine. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream; I could hear my heart hammering in my chest as it rattled my ribcage. My lungs ached and I realized I was holding my breath; I eased the air out of my lungs slowly. He removed his foot from my head and the adrenaline kicked in again. I started crawling frantically away from Mum, towards the kitchen.
Hank grabbed me by the legs but I kicked free; one of my blows hitting his face. He was no longer human so of course it didn’t affect him. screamed as he grabbed me by the hair, lifting me off the floor. He then switched hands, grabbing me by the throat. His fingers curled around my neck, pressing harder. A strangled scream fell out of my mouth as I kicked my legs in an attempt to break free. Hank’s hands continue to squeeze, making my ragged breathing turn to gasps. My heart, once quickly beating, slows in tempo. My arms and legs droop to my side as all energy escapes me. I locked eyes with my stepdad and chills rolled down my spine. The veins that recently ran under his skin had disappeared. His complexion was deathly white but no longer translucent. His eyes were still pitch black but no bags hung underneath. It was true; in order for them to look normal again they had to k
“Please, Hank, don't,” I managed to squeeze out.
My lungs burnt with every word due to the lack of oxygen.
“You’re useless, more or less; a snack,” He growled.
He pulled me closer and bared his fangs. I began squirming in his grasp but he squeezed harder, blocking all air from my lungs. I flinched as his fangs penetrated my skin, the pain was excruciating. I wanted to kick and scream but I was paralyzed. He lessened the grip on my throat and air flooded in. With the new found energy, I tried to thrash and wriggle out of his grasp but I just couldn't move. Seconds later, the pain subsided and I could feel my body growing weaker once again. Hank pulled away from my throat and smiled ravenously at me.
“Delicious.” He drank hungrily from my neck again and I was left to wonder about his question. He knew what I was, he just drank my mother.
The pain that came from being bitten became tolerable, then it became pleasant.
Am I dying? I tried to get my bearings but my head was spinning. I no longer knew where I was.
A burning pain tore through my veins as what felt like a rather thick liquid forcing its way into my bloodstream from Hank’s fangs.
He was turning me.
Out of shear panic I tried to fight it him off but I couldn't the pain was too much and I was paralysed; I couldn't move.
My entire body became overwhelmed by pain as if I was doused with gasoline and set alight but beneath it all; a weird tingling sensation started in my toes and began working its way up my body, coming to a stop at my heart.
My thoughts became non-existent; there was too much going on within my body, mind and soul. Hank pulled away from my neck and my head fell, my chin touching my chest. I started passing in and out of consciousness as fire gushed through my insides and a beam of light exploded from my chest, throwing Hank and I to opposite sides of the room.
Pain shot through my body as I hit my head on the bricks surrounding the fireplace and darkness swallowed me.
I was fourteen when we discovered that I had inherited the goddess magic. One morning, Mum and I were having an argument at breakfast. When I look back, it was a minuscule fight but one that changed my life forever. I wanted to go to the local carnival that rode through town once a year and of course, she said no.
“It's a school night,” she protested.
Like any other hard done by teenager, I got angry.
“You never let me do anything!” I shouted, throwing my arms up in exasperation. The jug of water that sat upon the table flew onto the floor, shattering and sending glass and water in all directions.
A few weeks later, Mum uprooted us from Salter City and we moved to Lake Thanton. She claimed it would be safer and that vampires strolled through there less frequently than the busy city of Salter. For the few vampires that visited Lake Thanton, Mum assured me she could handle them. A few months later, she met Hank. He was so good for her, he made her happy; so happy that just after my fifteenth birthday, they got married and Hank became my step-dad. Sadly, just after my seventeenth birthday, he had become a vampire. He killed my mother and technically killed me.
“Are you even listening?” Camilla asked me, shaking me from my memory.
Camilla has been my best friend since kindergarten, and as luck would have it, she was also my cousin, at least on paper. Aunt Jen was adopted into the family when my mother was young. Regardless of the un-blooded relation, they were always close and I always have (and always will) class them as family. Family ties run deeper than blood.
“Yes, I am,” I lied, glancing uneasily at my watch and pushing the dark tangle of hair out of my face.
“Then what did I say?”
Busted. Staring at her with a blank expression was the only answer I could provide.
I rolled my eyes at her.
“I was talking about your party tomorrow.”
Camilla pulled her long blonde hair into a stylishly messy strawberry blonde bun and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as she bent over in search of something in her make up bag. My long dark hair was looking a little messy. I grasped the hairbrush that Camilla left on the table and after a few frantic strokes through my hair, I gave up and tied it into a ponytail.
“What about it?” I asked, checking my watch again.
I was ready to leave for school half an hour ago, but Camilla was taking her time doing her hair and make-up. She has her own room with a functioning bathroom and mirror; I could not begin to understand why she was doing it in my room.
“Don't you have your own room?” I asked.
“Please, don't get mad, but I changed the plans… I invited the entire senior class,” She said, ignoring my question.
“What? Why?”
I can't say I’m too surprised. Camilla has always changed plans at the last minute. Just last week we were supposed to see a movie but at the last second she cancelled because she decided to go to a late night dance class.
“Don't stress, it’s only for a few hours. Besides, in a few short weeks you won't see them again. School will be over.”
I sighed.
It's not that I have a problem with my school mates; we generally got on well. I just prefer to keep school and home life separate. The last thing I need are snoopy teens asking questions about my family.
“Don't worry, your party will still be bad ass,” she said, noticing my worried expression.
“Yeah, because that's what I’m worried about,” I scoffed.
“I know you don't get on with everyone, but it’s not hard to pretend for one night.”
"Is this party yours? Or mine?”
Camilla rolled her eyes.
“Of course it’s your party, but I'm hosting it.” She laughed, putting her mascara back into her make-up bag.
I exhaled in relief, it was about time she finished.
We found Aunt Jen downstairs; she was busy setting up some decorations for my party.
“Bye, Mum,” Camilla called, walking past Jen and exiting out the door.
“Bye!” Jen called back.
“Thank you for doing all this,” I said, gesturing to all the colourful decorations that hung from the ceiling and ran across the white walls.
“You’re more than welcome; you deserve it after everything.”
She pulled me into a hug. I subtly held my breath as the smell of her blood, mixed with her sweat, filled my nose. I swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the excess saliva that now filled my mouth.
“It’s my first birthday without her; it’s going to be hard,” I mumbled. I tried to push down the lump that formed in my throat.
Jen didn't say anything, she didn’t have to. I had lost my mother and Aunt Jen had lost her sister.
“You’re doing great, despite your loss and…” she paused, releasing me from her embrace. “…changes.”
Aunt Jen and Camilla knew what Hank had done to me. She was aware that his bite had left me in somewhat of a vampiric state.
I say 'somewhat' because the night Hank bit me, something happened, something I can't exactly explain.
When his razor sharp teeth pierced into my skin, pain tore through my entire body, but then something else happened. It began at my core, a burning sensation rising up my body, getting hotter and hotter until suddenly a beam of light threw Hank and I to opposite sides of the room, causing my head to hit the bricks that surrounded the fireplace. Whatever happened that night, whatever occurred inside me, made me different from Hank and any other vampire that I know of. I could go out during the day and still have my normal appearance, except for the two bottomless, cold black eyes, which were easily passed off as contacts. I was weaker than other vampires, a lot weaker. If I ever fight another vampire, it would be like sending a toddler to fight a lion.
“It isn’t too late to cancel the party, if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“I'm fine,” I assured her, forcing a fake smile.
I really wasn’t in the mood for a party. It was, after all, Camilla’s idea.