04 daddys dirty ship, p.1
04. Daddy's Dirty Ship, page 1

Daddy’s Dirty Ship:
A Taboo Erotica
By Skye Darrel
Daddy’s Dirty Ship: A Taboo Erotica is a work of fiction intended for adult audiences only. All characters therein are 18 years old or older and not related by blood. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, locales, or actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2018 by Skye Darrel
Check out my other titles here!
Daddy’s Dirty Ship
When I get back to my stepdad, he’s still sleeping. It’s dark inside the old bunker where we made camp. Sitting by his side, I hug my knees. We’ve been stranded on this island for almost a month. We’ve done things we shouldn’t have.
I think back to that sweltering afternoon on the beach, the first time I felt Daddy’s cock enter me, and heat pools between my thighs. It was wrong. Wasn’t it? We may be stuck on a tropical island, but I’m still his daughter.
We gave in to our desires. To our lust. I know Daddy still feels guilty about it, but that doesn’t stop him from touching me every day.
It hasn’t stopped me from wanting him.
I wonder what goes on in his head. I wonder if he still thinks of me as his little girl. He took my virginity. He’s put his cock in my pussy, my ass, my mouth. He’s cum inside me and made me cum so many times. Out here, nothing feels right anymore.
But I love Daddy. I know he’d do anything to protect me.
Daddy groans. My heart thumps against my chest.
Even when he’s sleeping he makes me ache for him, the only man I’ve ever been with. I know every inch of his hard, muscled body. His tousled hair, the stubble on his cheek, those broad shoulders I’ve leaned against so many times when he’s deep in my pussy. Daddy’s cargo shorts are tattered and add to his wild look. They sit low on his narrow hips, revealing the V that point like an arrow to his cock. It makes me crazy. My eyes stray to the sleeping lump under his shorts and my tummy squeezes.
I can’t pull my eyes away. I can’t bring myself to speak. My hand slips under my denim cutoffs and I struggle with the urge to make myself cum.
I have to wake him.
Daddy needs to know about the cove in the north. The ship I spotted. It may be our only chance to leave this island.
I touch his stomach. “Dad?”
Another nudge. His eyes open.
“What’s wrong, Layla?” He looks around the dim bunker. It’s getting brighter. The sun’s rising and so is his cock. “You okay, baby girl?”
He touches my knee. Daddy’s a big man. Sturdy. Solid. I want to wrap my legs around him and soak in that strength, his warmth.
“I’m fine Dad.” My voice trails off as he squeezes me. “Oh.”
Daddy smiles, mischief in his eyes. “Are you wet?”
Heat creeps up my neck and I push his hand away. “Do you ever think of anything else?”
“Hard to, little girl.” He rubs up to the hem of my shorts and over my stomach. “When I’m hard.”
Biting my lip, I straddle his waist and kiss his broad chest. A few minutes won’t hurt. Daddy always needs me in the mornings, and today I really need him.
Daddy tenses. He cups my breasts and squeezes them, molding them under his fingers. A light smack falls on my ass. “Get these shorts off.”
I can’t get used to how he stares at me, the crisp bite in his voice. In seconds Daddy has gone from protective to lust. Hunger blazes in his eyes. He pulls out his hard cock and strokes himself as I stand.
Blushing, I step out of my shorts and panties.
Daddy runs his hands down the swell of my hips. He kisses up my thigh and finds my moisture, buzzing my clit with his tongue. He knows me well after three weeks. He knows my body like I know his.
The ship. I have to tell him about the ship.
Daddy lies back, his hand gliding down my leg. His eyes fasten on the pink lips between my legs. I’m hairless down there. Daddy insists on shaving me every few days. He’d lather my pussy with coconut oil before he scrapes me smooth with his pocket knife. He insists on shaving me himself. It turns me on. I don’t know why. Not the shaving, but how he does it, how possessive he gets.
“Show me what a good girl you are.”
My pussy clenches. “Yes, Daddy.”
I sink on to his cock and close my eyes as he slides up my heat. My folds pull around his thickness, clinging to him, burning for him. Wetness seeps out of me. Pressure builds in my core. My knees touch the ground as his cock splits me apart, stretching my walls. It shocks me how hard he feels. Maybe we’ve never tried this exact angle, my body perched upright over his hips, his cock straight up in my pussy.
Daddy teaches me new sensations every day. New feelings.
I lean back and ride him in, bending his cock with turns of my hips.
“Good girl,” he whispers. “Show me your breasts.”
It’s a command. I lift up my top to free my chest, and Daddy’s gaze rakes across my mounds as his hands grab my spread thighs.
I bounce a little, jostling his cock. Daddy sees the jiggle in my breasts and breathes a rasp.
“Beautiful,” he says.
I stifle a smile. “You don’t think they’re too small?”
“They’re perfect.” His hand goes to my clit and a single finger rubs me in circles. Daddy presses that bundle of nerves against his thick cock inside me. “Fucking perfect.”
My body boils and I squeeze him, turning my hips in circles as I push up his abs. I can feel the contractions in his abdomen, in rhythm to the clenching of my pussy. I breathe in his smell and feel the damp sweat coating his torso. My fingertips buzz as Daddy trembles under my touch. I bend down and give him my breasts.
Daddy suckles my nipples one by one, making noises with his lips as his tongue swirls and laps. His cock swells even more.
His face tightens and I know he’s close.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, throwing his head back.
He shuts his eyes for a moment and I admire the way his muscles shift under his skin. I breathe slowly and bite my lip as I rise and sink on his cock. “Daddy.”
He opens his eyes. “How did I raise such a perfect little slut?”
I smile because his tone is soft with love, thick with need. “Did you ever think about me back home? I mean before we crashed here.” My breathing quickens. Soft squishes fill the air as I bounce harder on Daddy’s cock. “Did you ever want to fuck your little girl?”
He flinches. “No, baby. Never. I’d never hurt you.”
“You’re not hurting me now.”
He groans, his hand leaves my clit and he holds my thighs, trying to control my rhythm. But for once, I’m on top, and I need to know the answer.
“Baby girl, I love you.”
“I know, James.”
He flinches again at his name. “I would’ve never touched you if we hadn’t crashed here.”
“Oh?” I pout. “So you’d keep fucking other women? You’d keep trying to get Mom back?”
He growls and sits up, holding my waist. The motion sends his cock deeper into me and I suck in a breath. My hands loop around Daddy’s neck as I straddle him tighter, squeezing his cock.
“It doesn’t matter what I would’ve done.” He grabs my breast. His other hand finds my asshole and a finger slides into my rear as his cock pumps my pussy. “We’re here, baby. I love you.”
“What are you gonna do when we get home, Dad? Pretend this never happened? Pretend you didn’t take my virginity?”
He pauses, his cock deep inside. His eyes waver before they darken with lust. “I won’t pretend a fucking thing. I made you mine and I’ll keep you just like this. I’ll put my cock in this tight little pussy every fucking day. I’ll kill any man who so much as touches you. I don’t give a shit what the world thinks.”
Daddy lifts me up and pins me down. He’s on top. My legs close around his waist, my toes curling in the air. He sinks into me with one slow thrust. Forceful. Urgent. A cry leaves my mouth
“I own this cunt,” he snarls. “Is that what you want to hear?”
My head slumps back. “Yes.”
Daddy growls and pumps his cock hard and fast. A blur of violent thrusts slams into my pussy as he gnaws my neck with frenzied kissing. I scream and writhe. He locks me down and swings his hips out. Deep thrusts squelch in my juices. His cock rams in and out from tip to sac, with blistering speed.
My body heaves. I arch against the ground.
“Cum for me,” Daddy grunts.
I shudder with orgasm, my back arching, and a wave sweeps through my body. Every muscle coils tight. A long moment of agony and pleasure, heat and chills. Daddy’s cock pumps away between my quaking walls and I push my hands against his stomach.
I can’t bear it.
His cock lets off a second later. Spurts of cum coats my walls as his body quakes. A hot mess pools between our bodies.
“Good girl,” Daddy says. He kisses my hairline. “My little slut.”
“There’s a ship.”
I roll out from under him. A gob of Daddy’s cum leaks out of my slit and I push it back in. Daddy’s eyes blaze.
“There’s a ship down there,” I say again. “I saw it. People too.”
“For fuck sakes, Lexi! Why didn’t you wake me?”
I shrug. “You were sleeping.” Tears brim in my eyes at the way he looks at me. “Then y
Daddy glares at me for a while. He sighs and gets up, holds me in his arms. “It’s okay, baby girl. It’s okay. Get dressed.”
The cove is just ahead. I see the ship anchored off the beach. It looks like an old fishing boat, except there’s some kind of cannon mounted on the bow. There are men carrying plastic barrels off the gangplank into a seaside cave. The bonfire I spotted last night still smolders on the sand.
The men look rugged. All muscle and wild-haired with dirty shirts. They’ve all got guns slung over their backs.
Daddy and I peek out over the bushes nearby.
“That’s no cruise ship,” he mutters. “They’re pirates.”
“Pirates? Pirates as in argh?”
“Pirates as in smugglers, baby girl. This isn’t the Caribbean.”
“It’s a ship,” I hiss. I stand up, determined. “It’s a way out.”
“Lexi, get down! We don’t know who they are—”
But I’m already walking out of the bushes and strutting down the beach. Daddy scrambles out after me.
“Hey!” I shout. “How are you guys doing?”
The men stop and they stare. Then they rush over, guns leveled, and form a circle around us. They glare at me, eyes wandering over my body. The one closest to me licks his lips. He’d be handsome if it weren’t for the scar that cuts over an empty, shriveled eye socket. Apparently eye patches aren’t in style anymore.
My stomach flips as the circle closes. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to run out here.
A big man approaches us.
“Who are you?” he says in accented English.
Daddy’s beside me. “We had an emergency landing on the beach west of here.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Just looking for a way off.”
The men trade glances, gawk at me.
“Who’s the girl?” the big man asks.
“My wife,” Daddy grunts. He gives me a look that says play along or we’re in big trouble. “The name is James. Hers is Lexi. She’s mine.”
The big man sizes Daddy up. “What line of work are you in—James?”
“The same as you.”
I lay my head against Daddy’s chest and add my own smile.
“Hako,” says the big man. He thumbs his chest. “Captain Hako.” He barks something in another language and the men go back to work.
“You’re lucky,” Hako tells Daddy. “This is Tuaroa Island. No one comes here. No one good at least. We’ll leave in a few days and drop you off at the next port.” Hako gives me a lusty stare. “She looks a little young to be your wife.”
“I’m eighteen,” I snap.
Daddy clears his throat. His hand tightens on my shoulder. “It was love at first sight. The girl’s mine.”
Hako’s eyes wander up and down my body. His amber eyes glimmer. “We don’t have any women aboard.”
“Well that’s fucking tragic,” Daddy says.
“Do you share?”
“That’s a problem. Passage isn’t cheap.”
“You can watch,” I say in a sultry voice. “If that’s your thing, Mr. Hako.”
Daddy’s fingers dig into my shoulder.
Hako grunts. “Good enough, missy.”
Daddy keeps his hands on my back as we follow Hako up the gangplank. His hand is trembling, but I can’t shake away the thrill in my belly.
Inside, the ship reeks of oil and metal and man sweat. Heat crawls up my face as I imagine what lies ahead. I feel a quiver in my pussy.
The captain gives us a tour of the ship, from the hold to the galley, from bow to stern. He’s proud of it all. Even the grimy galley where a cook is stirring a pot of stew with his eyes on my breasts. And Daddy nods along. Every man we pass gives me ravenous looks. My face burns at their unrestrained stares. Daddy holds me against his chest.
“I’ve got eighteen men under me,” Captain Hako says. “Seasoned sailors.” He chuckles at the word sailors. “Or cutthroats. Depends on who you ask.”
Daddy grunts.
The last stop is the captain’s quarters. Hako’s desk is piled with charts and the shelves above his bed look like a pharmacy. So many bottles of this or that. I spot a few labels in English and I’m guessing the captain doesn’t sleep easily. Can’t blame him. His men look like cutthroats.
“Where do we sleep?” Daddy asks.
“I’ll put you on a good deck,” Hako says. He glances at me. “But tonight, I want to see some pussy.”
Daddy stiffens but I give a quick nod and smile. “No problem, Mr. Hako.”
We enter a lounge of some sort. A dozen smugglers are stretched out on ramshackle sofas drinking out of bottles with no labels. Captain Hako sits in his own loveseat like a king. Rugs are laid out the in the middle directly under the lights. The men have their cocks out. And when they see me, they cheer. Shirtless torsos slabbed with muscle make my chest flutter. Daddy’s big, but he’s not the biggest man in the room.
That honor goes to Captain Hako.
He watches me, his head resting on his knuckles.
Daddy and I have agreed to put on a show. It’s been so long since the smugglers have seen a girl, they hoot and holler until Hako waves them to silence.
“You sure you want to do this?” Daddy whispers in my ear.
“You got a better idea?”
“We take our chances on the island.”
“And wait forever? Trust me, Dad. I have a plan—”
“What’s the holdup?” Hako shouts.
“I’m talking with my wife,” Daddy replies. “It’s not every day we fuck with an audience.”
My pussy clenches. Daddy’s pretend-smuggler voice has a grating edge, a roughness that makes me melt. I squeeze his crotch and I feel how hard he is. “Tell them I’m your daughter,” I say drily. “Maybe they’ll like it more, Daddy.”
“Get me a chair,” Daddy shouts.
One of the smugglers plants a stool in the middle of the room. He winks at me, stroking his hard cock.
Daddy grabs my waist and squeezes my breasts. “Take off your clothes, slut. Show our hosts those perky tits.” He leans in and adds in my ear, “I bet they don’t see many blondes around here.”
“Stay in character, Daddy.”
“Show them that little cunt wet for cock.”
I shed my clothes. Murmurs run through the room when they see my smooth lips. My breasts aren’t huge, but the men gawk wide-eyed at the pink crease between my thighs. Hands move faster on cocks. Captain Hako glares harshly.
“Put your hands on the stool,” Daddy commands me. “And don’t you dare move.”
I do as I’m told, rearing my ass for Daddy. My skin prickles and I shiver, even though it’s warm inside the room. Getting warmer.
Soon I feel fingers dancing at my aching folds, probing the sensitive skin of my moist vulva. I arch and make eye contact with Captain Hako. His knuckles are white around his big cock.
A slap lands directly on my pussy making me yelp. The sting makes me cry out and my clit throb. I move my feet apart and spread myself open. Daddy slaps my pussy again, and tiny vibrations jolt up my womb. Another slap whips across my ass cheeks jiggling my soft flesh.
I clutch at the stool to keep from toppling as my body trembles.
It’s hard to tell if Daddy’s acting or he’s really enjoying this. I am. My face burns as I realize how much pleasure I feel at the humiliating stance, my most private place exposed, my breasts hanging under me.
Hungry eyes leer at me from the edge of the room.
It feels like a dream. Or a nightmare. A good nightmare.
Every cock in this room is hard for me.
Daddy taps my clit making me moan. When he slides two fingers into me, I thrust back on his hand and my ass goes taut.
“Dirty little slut,” Daddy growls.
“Fuck me,” I gasp, trying to sound like an experienced woman instead of an eighteen-year-old teenage girl. “Put your cock in me.”
Daddy glides his fingers around my clit and his thumb traces the rim of my asshole. My body shakes and I stretch out into a deep arch. His fingers inside me push to the knuckles and I hold my breath as shockwaves echo in my belly.
Daddy finds that spot on my front wall and massages it back and forth, rubbing and stroking until I’m whining for relief. I can feel my juices leaking out to coat his palm.