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Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling] - Shielf of Winter Deleted Scene (html), page 1

![Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling] - Shielf of Winter Deleted Scene (html) Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling] - Shielf of Winter Deleted Scene (html)](
Deleted Scene from SHIELD OF WINTER
by Nalini Singh
Author's Note: I was looking for something to put in the newsletter and found this deleted scene featuring a baby Naya. Our favorite tiny panther and her parents have a role to play in WOLF RAIN, so you'll see them again in June, but for now, I hope you enjoy this little bite!
“Oh, I miss Naya.”
“You’ve only been away from her for a few hours.”
Sascha was on to him. “Stop pretending you don’t miss her, too. I seem to recall someone asking me to drive into the city so he could cuddle his baby before a meeting.”
“It was going to be a long meeting,” Lucas protested.
“Do you think we’re spoiling her?” Sascha was suddenly worried. “I wasn’t raised in a maternal way, and I’m trying so hard to give Naya everything, and you’re so protective—what if we’re overdoing it?”
Lucas shot her an affectionate look, his gaze full of tenderness. “She’ll be fine, Sascha darling. Even if we mess up, the rest of the pack will make sure to haul us back on the right path.”
He was proven right minutes later, when they arrived at Tamsyn’s home to find their baby laughing uproariously as two tiny leopard cubs--claws extended--threatened to pounce on her.
The only reason Sascha hadn’t screamed at the first sight of sharp leopard teeth near Naya’s delicate skin was that she knew Roman and Julian would never hurt the baby. They were babies themselves, but they already had a very strong protective streak, would often play with Naya for hours when they visited with her and Lucas.
“Don’t worry,” Tamsyn whispered in her ear as Lucas went over to grab Julian by the scuff of his neck, growling deep in his chest. “I kept an eye on them the entire time.”
The cub growled back at Lucas, and the “fight” was on, Lucas staying in human form as the twins pounced and Naya laughed.
Sascha made a face, laying her head against the healer’s shoulder. “I was just saying to Lucas how we’re probably too overprotective. It’s good for her to play like this.”
“Trust me, you won't have a problem there.” Tamsyn tugged on her braid. “As soon as she’s able to shift, you won’t be able to keep her in one place.” A one-armed hug. “Come into the kitchen. I made your favorite cookies.”
Copyright © 2014 by Nalini Singh
Shielf of Winter Deleted Scene (html), Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling] - Shielf of Winter Deleted Scene (html)
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