Spit In The Ocean: A Laid-Back Bay Area Mystery (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 4)

Spit In The Ocean: A Laid-Back Bay Area Mystery (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 4)

Shelley Singer

Shelley Singer

Someone broke into the North Coast Sperm Bank, stole the frozen stock and set it free in the ocean. Jake Samson and his partner, Rosie, head up the storm-swept California coast to get to the bottom of the crime. Was it just a prank? The work of religious fanatics? Were the ransacked files the retribution of a disgruntled donor? But when one of the bank's employees takes a fatal plunge and Jake and Rosie barely survive one of their own, it doesn't take a genius to realize someone wants them off the case and out of town permanently.
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