Atlan And Arkon Series by Perry Rhodan
- 662
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- 43
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- 49
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- 640
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- 627
- 403
Atlan And Arkon #42

Time's Lonely One
Perry Rhodan
The dramatic events in this volume take place well into the 21st century as we leap ahead into a new epoch in humanity's history which you will witness at first hand through the eyes of a hibernator from the past, a man of many personalities, possessor of a powerful 'monoblock' & an invisibility device. The Hermit of Time.Atlan!Antagonist of Rhodan! A clash of giants ensues 12,000 light-years distant from Earth on Hellgate when the Peacelord encounters— Time's Lonely One!
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Atlan And Arkon #43

Life Hunt
Perry Rhodan
MISSION: LIFE SERUM!That is but the first of 8 exciting chapters in the next instalment of Perry Rhodan's diary. Chapter 2: A Dangerous Operation. Chapter 3: Tricking an Ara Chapter 4: Assignment—Geomorphism Chapter 5: Hill of Dreams, Hell of Dreams And more! You may want to fake home ahiobargalloo or agegerutavi as a pet—but it's a bet you won't want to buy afrogh: an 18'-long serpent-creature, monstrous mixture of centipede & snake! New planets: Oka, Devin, Xylon! New characters: Kolex, Otznam, Hduzz, Laury Marten! New thrills & chills in— LIFE HUNT!
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Atlan And Arkon #44

The Pseudo One
Perry Rhodan
ONE DANGEROUS MISSION has been accomplished by Terranian undercover agents John Marshall & Laury Marten of the Mutant Corps: they have secured a small sample of the Aras’ guarded serum which prolongs life. But what good is the miracle substance if the mutants can’t remove it from the planet Tolimon?Enter: Inspector Tristol from Arkon. And a personal servant who’s the expectorating image of a world-known mouse-beaver with telekinetic and other extrasensory powers. But the fickle finger of Fate throws a great big 8-ball into the equation when the Real Inspector from Arkon meets up with— THE PSEUDO ONE!
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Atlan And Arkon #45

Unknown Sector Milky Way
Perry Rhodan
THE DAMNED OF ISAN. Victims of hydrogen war holocaust. Decimated remnants of a once advanced culture that went down to defeat in an atomic Armageddon, a Final War. It is among these unfortunate survivors of planetary warfare that Perry Rhodan and his people find themselves after the Affair of the Pseudo One, just completed, on Tolimon.Unusual adventure & exciting events await the Rhodanites in an uncharted area of space, among the despairing inhabitants of Isan in—UNKNOWN SECTOR: MILKY WAY, by Kurt Mahr
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Atlan And Arkon #46

Again Atlan
Perry Rhodan
ATLAN the Arkonide wants to go home to his world of the 3 planets. But one man stands in the way of the fulfilment of his desire: Perry Rhodan. Rhodan, Administrator of the Solar Empire, his chief concern the welfare of mankind, feels compelled to block Atlan's return. Can Rhodan contain Atlan on Earth or will the centuries-old alien, with hundreds of years of experience, prove to be superior to his antagonist? In the fierce duel on the hothouse planet Hellgate, Rhodan came out on top and Atlan became a prisoner of the Solar Security Service. But even now his restless thoughts are gravitating toward the possibility of escape. When 2 powerful personalities clash, what will the outcome be? See when you encounter— AGAIN: ATLAN
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Atlan And Arkon #47

Shadow of the Mutant Master
Perry Rhodan
ATLAN the Ageless, Time's Lonely One has made his peace with the Peacelord. No longer does the ancient Arkonide constitute a danger to the Solar Imperium because he has clearly realized that further resistance to Rhodan would not only be detrimental to his own interests but... futile. Furthermore, he has come to genuinely admire his former adversary. All seems to be going well. But—!Something nobody could have foreseen: Perry Rhodan's wife disappears! Thora kidnapped! And, as if that weren't bad enough, the mutants mutiny! These incredible events occur in— SHADOW OF THE MUTANT MASTER!
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Atlan And Arkon #48

The Dead Live
Perry Rhodan
CRITICAL SPOT: HeperaisTwo members of the Mutant corps have broken their loyalty to Perry Rhodan and now he must risk detection by going in person to the trouble area of Heperais. Before his mission is through, there is excitement unlimited in this, the first adventure of the interstellar colonists. And the Robot Regent of Arkon learns to its dismay that the long-thought-dead Administrator of an Earth destroyed... still lives! And by a chance of cosmic proportions, Talamon the Mounder is shocked when he has an insight that leads him to realise that— THE DEAD LIVE!
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Atlan And Arkon #49

Solar Assassins
Perry Rhodan
DANGEROUSLY CLOSE.That point in time so long secretly feared by Perry Rhodan is now perilously near for the Robot Brain of Arkon has been informed that the apparent destruction of Sol Planet 3 and its leader, Perry Rhodan—both were but an ingeniously planned deception. The Positronicon of Arkon now knows, inside its incredibly complicated circuitry & information banks, that the Earth lives. Perry Rhodan lives. The inevitable result: the time for a test of strength between Arkon and the Solar Empire is at hand. Is the young empire of the Terranians strong enough to defend itself against the might of the ancient Arkon menace? As if this were not enough, Perry Rhodan has still other worries: recently on Earth certain restive elements have become active again and are working toward the overthrow of the prevailing order of science & sanity.These disruptive elements are the— SOLAR ASSASSINS!
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Atlan And Arkon #50

Attack from the Unseen
Perry Rhodan
INVISIBLE ASSAILANTS!Attacking an entire world! Kidnapping—or killing?—the inhabitants of a whole planet! Today, Mirsal 3—tomorrow, other worlds of the Arkon Imperium?Of the Solar Empire?The Robot Regent of Arkon wants its domain protected from the invisible invaders. And Perry Rhodan is determined that they shall not threaten Earth and its companion worlds. You will be caught up in a whirlwind of excitement and a tornado of terror when you get involved in THE 57th PERRY RHODAN EPISODE , a masterpiece of mystery & menace worthy of our half-a-hundred issues Hallmark. It all comes together with hurricane force in—ATTACK FROM THE UNSEEN!
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Atlan And Arkon #51

Return from The Void
Perry Rhodan
ALL GALACTIC INTELLIGENCESAre endangered by the invisible alien attackers, the Unseen. A defence against this incomprehensible & diabolical enemy must be found if, planet by planet, the inhabitants of uncounted worlds are not inexplicably to disappear from the face of space like the pitiful population of ghost world Mirsal 3. What, indeed, happened to the Mirsalese people? No one knows the answer yet to the wholesale vanishment of the populace of Mirsal 3 but Mirsal 2 now takes stage front & centre as the most likely spot to confront & apprehend the uncanny opponent. A trio of Terranians volunteer to risk their all to save a doomed world in— RETURN FROM THE VOID!
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Atlan And Arkon #52

Fortress Atlantis
Perry Rhodan
WHEN Atlantis was named, He was there.Atlan!You'll be there too—10,000 exciting years ago—when the Crystal Prince of Arkon returns in vivid memory to the Zakrebians and their problem... the Mysterious Aliens and their attacks... the action on Larsa (Venus)... the perplexing puzzle of the 'Body' Ship... and an amazing encounter (that long ago) with some one—or something —you've met before (if you've been a Rhofan long enough to have visited the planet Wanderer). It's another Atlan Adventure and one you won't soon forget. In fact, you may call it his greatest yet— FORTRESS ATLANTIS!
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Atlan And Arkon #53

Perry Rhodan
ATLANTIS. The legendary continent. A survivor into the 21st century-Atlan, after whom the sunken land had been named-had unfolded an unknown chapter of Earth's prehistory before his listeners. Privy in person to Atlan's gripping, vivid narration had been the top officers of the Drusus, flagship of the Terranian Space Fleet, but via the ship's intercom and the viewscreens the ship's complement had been able to share the event either in their quarters or at their posts. When Atlan ended his amazing story a heavy silence descended on all concerned... SPYBOT!
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Atlan And Arkon #54

The Blue Dwarfs
Perry Rhodan
8000 INTERSTELLAR EXILESThe 2nd Adventure of The colonists. In an Unknown Sector of the Milky Way. On the grey beast of a planet which they have named... Grauntier. These belligerent ex-Terranians, exiled from Earth, have begun to subjugate a new world. They could have created another Paradise on this unchartered globe but for the enmity of 2 strong men: one a determined defender of democracy, the other a fanatic disciple of dictatorship.The democratic leader of the Free Settlers has suffered near fatal wounds... and this is where the medical knowledge of an alien life form enters the picture. Learn, now, of the way of life on Grautier... and the role of—THE BLUE DWARFS!
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Atlan And Arkon #55

The Micro-Techs
Perry Rhodan
A NEW MUTANT!Jost Kulman enters the scene. And what a scene. The menace from the Other Dimension swoops and scoops up 20,000 Swoons! The Swoons: the microtex, the micro-technicians, specialists in techniques of ultra-smallness whose scientists could prove of immense future help to Perry Rhodan's cosmic agents. The Robot Regent's fine Arkonidean 'hand' is also at work, attempting to outwit Perry. Is it likely the positronicon will succeed? Unlikely. Very. Nevertheless, there'll be plenty of suspense when you encounter—THE MICRO-TECHS!
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Atlan And Arkon #56

Prisoner of Time
Perry Rhodan
TATS-TOR: A world in danger of engulfment and depopulation by the mystifying Time Front. But the inhabitants are going blithely about their business, blissfully unaware of their impending peril. Concerned for the population's safety, Perry Rhodan dispatches 6 Terranians to this 2nd planet of the sun Morag in order to warn the colonials of this Arkonidean world, help them prepare for a defence against this eerie enemy—against whom there well may be no defence.In the course of their action to aid the people of Tats-Tor, the Good Samaritans sent by the Peacelord find themselves in an incredible world where time has slowed down 72000 times relative to time. And then, there are the Druufs. They say a clock only runs, but time flies. It will for you when you read next month— PRISONER OF TIME!
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Atlan And Arkon #57

A Touch of Eternity
Perry Rhodan
MISSING: ONE WINDOWONE VERY SPECIAL 'window'–the point of egress from an alien dimension–ceased to be and with its disappearance there vanished the means of return to our ownspatima continuum, our own universe of space and time and matter. Perry Rhodan learns whether a man can drown in an 'ocean of time'. And the crew of the spaceshipSherbourne –does coincidence, chance, a lucky accident or fate determine the outcome of their adventure in the Other Dimension? The lens-field generator and the dread Druufs are all part of the package of those who, like you when you read this breadth taking episode, sense—A TOUCH OF ETERNITY!
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Atlan And Arkon #58

The Guardians
Perry Rhodan
CHELLISH. A mysterious messenger from Earth. His mission—one given him in great confidentiality by Perry Rhodan himself. A role he is to play on distant Grautier, the new home of the 8000 Exiles from Earth. A world of grey beasts . . . semi-intelligent monkeys . . . and the weird Blue Dwarfs with the astonishing parapsychological powers as well as paramechanical. And then, dropping from the skies of this untamed and largely unknown New World, come—the Whistlers! Interplanetary invaders! The Grautierians have need indeed of— THE GUARDIANS!
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Atlan And Arkon #59

Interlude on Siliko 5
Perry Rhodan
THORA KIDNAPPED!THE 11th HOUR!1 minute before they were 83 space cadets!1 minute after—?The 83 young aspirants to acceptance as officers were scarcely calm and collected. Yet the closer time marched to the hour of 11, the more uniform their collective expression became: each strove to suppress the least outward sign of inner excitement and attempted to project instead the picture of self-composure and confidence...INTERLUDE ON SILIKO 5!
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Atlan And Arkon #60

Dimension Search
Perry Rhodan
DATE DECISIVE: 2042.This is the year the 2 leading men of the Solar Empire—Perry Rhodan and Reginald Bell—must receive another biological cell shower without fail if they are to avoid a tragic end to their existence within a very few days. But the planet Wanderer has lived up to its name in a most ironic and alarming fashion—it has wondered away completely! Pel, as Wanderer the Planet of Eternal Life is also known, must be found pell-mell, for in disappearing from space it has taken with it the 'fountain of youth'.Now Rhodan and Reggie must make a—DIMENSION SEARCH!
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Atlan And Arkon #61

Death Waits in Semispace
Perry Rhodan
BETWEEN DIMENSIONS! DIMENSION 4...DIMENSION 5... AND SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN–SEMISPACE!The unknown realm of the halfplane must be penetrated if the planet Wanderer is to be reached in time. For it is the year 2042, the critical date when Perry Rhodan and Reginald Bell must have a biological booster from the physiotron on the artificial world: without the cell shower renewal they will degenerate into old age! The venture between the dimensions turns them temporarily into giants who cause devastating storms as they cross an entire ocean with one step! But even giants can be felled (as David demonstrated to Goliath) and our intrepid Terranians discover that—DEATH WAITS IN SEMISPACE!
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Atlan And Arkon #62

The Last Days of Atlantis
Perry Rhodan
10,000 YEARS into the past.To legendary Atlantis, island named for an ancient Arkonide you have come to know and love: Time's Lonely One... the Crystal Prince. While Rhodan and Bell are busy seeking their boon of another life-boost from the infuriatingly playful mass-intelligence known as It, dweller on the manufactured Planet Wanderer, Atlan returns in memory to his young manhood among the Atlanteans. When something unexpected happens that alarms PUCKY for the safety of Perry and Reg, Atlan returns to be on the present scene. But in the meantime we will have seen a sight never before beheld by the eyes of 20th (or 21st) Century human beings, the unique, exciting event of:THE LAST DAYS OF ATLANTIS!
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Atlan And Arkon #63

The Tigris Leaps
Perry Rhodan
PERRY RHODAN gives a command!Maj. Clyde Ostal, an experienced officer of the Solar Security Service, is to take Responsibility for the armed spacer Tigris. His mission, together with 31 picked men: to leave Earth in the ship in a deliberate attempt to learn whether the Robot Regent of Arkon can detect the frequencies of structural compensators and thereby determine the position of spaceships going through hypertransition. In 2042 the Positronicon that rules the Arkonide Empire does not yet know the location of Earth—and Perry Rhodan wants to keep it that way. Hence, Maj. Ostal's important mission. You're in for a wild time when— THE TIGRIS LEAPS!
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Atlan And Arkon #64

The Ambassadors from Aurigel
Perry Rhodan
EXISTENCE QUESTIONABLE!That is the question facing the 8000 exiles from Earth, banished to Grautier, 7th planet of the Myrtha system, lying far off the routes of the interstellar space lanes. For they have learned, these transplaneted Terrestrials, that they are not alone on their grave new world—in the mountains exists a semi-intelligent race of monkeys, the Mungos, and in the jungles of the lowland live strange blue dwarfs who are endowed with amazing paramechanical and parapsychological powers. But that's not all. There are also intelligent beings inhabiting the 12th planet of the system—the Whistlers—and their recent invasion of Grautier has made the continued existence of the colonists quite questionable. To protect themselves against a potential second invasion, A group of Grautierians 'reciprocate' the visit of the Whistlers, appearing on their planet in the guise of—AMBASSADORS FROM AURIGEL!
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Atlan And Arkon #65

Renegades of the Future
Perry Rhodan
EVACUATION TO VENUS!This is the fate forced on a portion of the exiles from Earth who have just begun to get used to the planet Grautier. Others begin to do service with the newly established Solar Fleet Base on Grautier. The problem of peril: mathematical calculations have revealed that in about 10 months the Myrtha system will be overlapped by the time-plane of the Druufs. When every volunteer counts in the race against time, there is no time for deserters. And yet–Perry Rhodan is confronted with the frustrating fact of—RENEGADES OF THE FUTURE!
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Atlan And Arkon #66

The Horror
Perry Rhodan
THE DRUUF DANGER!All sentient beings in the Milky Way are threatened by it. Hence an expedition to Eppan is ordered by Perry Rhodan. At first it is mere routine, a simple precautionary measure to discover what the Robot Brain of Arkon is up to and if it has dispatched any agents to Eppan. But then-! When one of Rhodan's telepaths boards the K-262, bound for Eppan, his mind is assaulted and he finds himself in the thrall of a terror that has no name. No name... unless it can simply be referred to as... THE HORROR!
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Atlan And Arkon #67

Crimson Universe
Perry Rhodan
THE HORDES OF DRUUFON!They constitute a clear and present danger on distant Grautier, the Solar Empire's forward base 6562 light-years from the homeworld, Earth. Grautier is in a state of alarm as the Terran Spacefleet prepares to engage in battle with the enemy Druufs. Out around Grautier a unique phenomenon is occurring: two time-planes are beginning to stabilize–the Einstein continuum that includes our own Earth and that other continuum of the menacing alien universe of the Druufs. The ferocious foe is not unknown to Atlan for he fought them 10,000 years ago in his youth and is wary of them now. He warns Perry Rhodan of the peril they portend and his friend heeds the warning and develops an audacious plan. Little as the peacelord likes it, a blood-red haze of battle is about to explode in... THE CRIMSON UNIVERSE!
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Atlan And Arkon #68

Under the Stars of Druufon
Perry Rhodan
Rhodan had known it...They wanted to conquer the Arkonide realm and then bring all the intelligent races of the galaxy under their rule. And they would succeed unless someone took care at the right time that their advance was stopped. That's what Perry's doing there--UNDER THE STARS OF DRUUFON!
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Atlan And Arkon #69

The Bonds of Eternity
Perry Rhodan
ARKON STAR REALM, Alert! The Cosmic Chessboard is set for a conflict of Galactic Giants. And Perry plays a perilous part between them! But Rhodan is not alone-mysteriously, the gross body' of a creature from the stars hosts the ghost (?) of an Earthman and comes to the aid of Earthman #1. It's Arkon pitted against Druufon, the Robot Regent vs. the Druufs, as titanic interstellar powers clash in—THE BONDS OF ETERNITY!
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Atlan And Arkon #70

Thora's Sacrifice
Perry Rhodan
THE SHIP is a Death Ship. Thora Rhodan is dying. There is no more life-preserving serum left for her. The supply has been exhausted, that precious boon for which lives were once risked on Tolimon, location of the secret laboratory of the Galactic Physicians. The sentimental should not read this story. Nor those to whom tears come easily. Nor any of the many legions who love Thora only slightly less than Khrest, than Deringhouse, than...Rhodan. And yet—you must. As a disbelieving generation, long ago in the 6th decade of the 20th century, watched en masse on TV the death and funeral rites of a beloved president, JFK, you owe it to Perry, Darlton, Scheer, the Solar Imperium... yourself... to witness—THORA'S SACRIFICE
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Atlan And Arkon #71

The Atom Hell of Grautier
Perry Rhodan
WITH THE LOSS of his wife, will Perry Rhodan be able to carry on? He must... for the sake of mankind, for our stake in the future, in the universe, and for the goal of galactic peace. So 'tis to Grautier that he'll go, to combat a menace even greater than that of the Druufs. On Grautier, the Grey Beast world, the Terranian Spacefleet—500,000 soldiers strong—will hold themselves in readiness to hurl their might against an inhuman enemy. The next episode is no picnic.It's the saga of— THE ATOM HELL OF GRAUTIER!
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Atlan And Arkon #72

Caves of the Druufs
Perry Rhodan
PERRY RHODAN—dead? Has the Peacelord passed on to his reward? It sure looks that way after the atomic holocaust loosed on Grautier. If so, the interregnum governors of Earth agree that the world must not yet know. It would be too great a blow for the home planet of the young solar to absorb at this stage of its development. Meanwhile, in the weird other-plane of the Druufs, strange things are happening. Deep things. You might even say—cavernous. It all takes place in... CAVES OF THE DRUUFS
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Atlan And Arkon #73

Spaceship of Ancestors
Perry Rhodan
WORLDSHIP: A gigantic spacer, thousands of years from home, moving majestically through the maw of the universe. A self-contained world unto itself, pacing through the untraveled spaceways, past unknown worlds living and dead, planets where life is but burgeoning and burned-out worlds where life has become extinct. And the crew of this cosmic ship? Slaves! Flesh-and-blood slaves to metallic-and-electronic robots! A situation which intensely irritates Pucky... who does something drastic about it in—SPACESHIP OF ANCESTORS!
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Atlan And Arkon #74

Checkmate Universe
Perry Rhodan
COMBAT for galactic supremacy. The Imperium of Ancient Arkon. The domain of the Druufs. And imperilled by both: Earth! The safety of the Solar Empire is at stake and Terra must somehow weaken these two warring giants. Julian Tifflor? Ah, yes, the Cosmic Decoy. He's back and he doesn't hesitate to make the move he believes most beneficial to his homeworld in— CHECKMATE: UNIVERSE!
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Atlan And Arkon #75

Planet Topide Please Reply
Perry Rhodan
A FATEFUL PERIOD in this history of humanity. This is what lies ahead of mankind as Earth celebrates the inauguration of the year 2044 AD On Terra and on the far-flung colonial worlds of the Solar Empire, few realize the tempestuous events that the next 12 months will bring. WAR throughout Earth's domain could come at any moment—for a flame has been smoldering for 73 years in the alien star-system of the Topides. What will the answer be when the word goes out—PLANET TOPIDE, PLEASE REPLY!
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Atlan And Arkon #76

Recruits for Arkon
Perry Rhodan
TROY LIVES AGAIN!The famous Trojan Horse ploy is revived in the 21st Century. This time, though the "horse" is blueprinted on Terra and built on Zalit, its destination is: Arkon. For Khrest reveals that his ancient ancestors provided the Robot Regent with, one might say, an Achilles heel. Meanwhile, unknowing of the plot strands being drawn against it, the Giant Brain, the positronic robot of Arkon, analysing the war against the inhabitants of Druufon, reaches the conclusion that robots are not enough and what is needed are living human beings as— RECRUITS FOR ARKON!
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Atlan And Arkon #77

Conflict Center Naator
Perry Rhodan
MOCK BATTLES must preceed real battles... if the Robot Brain of Arkon is to be destroyed. And the time has come for the mentanical marvel, the great positronicon, the soulless Regent to be eradicated. Such is the mission of the Recruits and it is realized full well that theirs is a task which cannot simply be rushed into nor regarded lightly. Commando training must first be undergone, battle tactics tested in a baptism of fire. For this purpose and to this end, the creation of a special combat 'school'. Naator! The action next month centers around–CONFLICT CENTER: NAATOR!
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Atlan And Arkon #78

Power Key
Perry Rhodan
ROBOT REGENT, your regency may soon be a thing of the past. The positronic control that you have so long exerted over your interstellar domain may be painfully close to catastrophe. Trained in Conflict Center Naator Recruits for Arkon are even now on their way to the headquarters world where you hold sway. And why? To destroy you! Robot Ruler of Arkon, beware! If the key to power leaves your 'hands', who then will hold it? The legions of impatient followers of Rhodan's adventures will find out next time in—POWER KEY!
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Atlan And Arkon #79

The Sleepers
Perry Rhodan
DISSATISFIED with the here and now of the 20th Century? Or the then and there of the 21st? Like to skip 100 years… or 200… or 300… and take up life again in the 22nd Century, 23rd or 24th? Become a hibernator! Sleep now, play later. But the price may be more than you’d care to pay. Behind this seemingly euphoric offering is a sinister scheme to enslave Earth! Don’t be caught napping next month. Find out what’s really going on behind the innocent-seeming scenes. Read— THE SLEEPERS!
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Atlan And Arkon #80

The Columbus Affair
Perry Rhodan
THE INCREDIBLE had happened. —Thus begins chapter 1, ‘The Message of the Century’, of the next episode of Perry Rhodan’s ‘diary’, It continues: In clear, uncoded text the unmistakable signature appeared on the tape. Mute. Cold. Inanimate. Yet possibly signifying a turning point in human history. —And the beat goes on. ‘Cosmic Friend & Cosmic Foe 2,000 Druuf Ships... The Most Critical Moment in the Entire History of the Human Race’... ‘When Mutants Enter the Ring... The Battle for Terra’. Peril from Pluto explodes, with 4,000 Springers involved, in—THE COLUMBUS AFFAIR!
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Atlan And Arkon #81

Pucky's Grestest Hour
Perry Rhodan
PUCKY made use of his telekinesis, for the first time taking an almost hostile stand against Rhodan. What it cost him could be judged only by someone who knew that Perry Rhodan was the mousebeaver's best friend and that Pucky almost worshipped him.Rhodan's arm was flung to one side by Pucky's telekinetic power. The mousebeaver scrambled to a safe distance and there assumed a military posture."Administrator... Lt. Puck reporting back from self-appointed mission. In this action I have determined that your son has not gone to the Springer side out of malicious intent. The defected Lt. Thomas Cardif is convinced that you sent his mother to her death!""And no matter what happens now, Perry, even if you send me away, I have to ask a question: who is more to blame for what has happened, your son Thomas Cardif or you?""Perry, why is he named Cardif and not Rhodan?"This, and more in PUCKY'S GREATEST HOUR!
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Atlan And Arkon #82
Atlan And Arkon #83

Ernst Ellert Returns
Perry Rhodan
OVER 70 years ago Ernst Ellert had been a member of the Mutant Corps. His faculty of being able to project his mind into the future had also shaped his destiny. An accident had separated mind from body. Restlessly his mind had wandered astray in time and space, ever seeking its own plane of the present but never finding it. What it did find, however, was a new present, which was a future plane by comparison to its own time.Now it possessed a body again but it was not his own. The latter lay in a mausoleum on Earth near Terrania. Perry Rhodan, Administrator of the Solar Empire, had kept it preserved there. So the essence of that which was Ellert lingered on Druufon, the chief world of the Druufs. He had promised to send a signal when the time had come for him to leave his host body and when he would be able to return to the Earth-- ERNST ELLERT RETURNS!
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Atlan And Arkon #84

Secret Mission Moluk
Perry Rhodan
A PREVIEW of what you will read next time:"Careful, my friend," said Dr. Lewellyn. "What frightens you and your people so much about the desert? Do you fear the terrible storms or do you believe that demons and evil gods live there?"The bird-creature nodded. "The wasteland is evil embodied, Doctor. Many Greens have disappeared there or they have returned insane. Strange things happen that are uncanny to us."Get the whole exciting story in— SECRET MISSION: MOLUK!
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Atlan And Arkon #85

Enemy in the Dark
Perry Rhodan
THE WORLD by which they were now surrounded gave them an eerie feeling. They were familiar with the wide open spaces of the universe or the inhospitable surfaces of other worlds but rarely ventured into the deep regions of oceans. Although deepsea cruises in land-sea-air transporters had been part of their training they had assumed they would spend all their time in the comfort of a spaceship and never seriously contemplated a life underwater.As soon as they entered the water the observer had detected small semi-metallic objects moving in the vicinity of the ship. The way they moved indicated that they must be steered. Untcher tried to contact them with the short-range intercom but received no answer.The unidentified boats finally left as if they had been suddenly called back. What happens next is part of the exciting plot of– ENEMY IN THE DARK!
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Atlan And Arkon #86

Blazing Sun
Perry Rhodan
"ATTACK!" Rhodan ordered for the second time inside a few seconds. Grenoble and Raft were witnesses to an event which previously they could only have imagined in a dream. Filled with admiration, they watched their chief, Perry Rhodan, standing next to Col. Sikerman at the controls and giving his orders. The Administrator's eyes were a little narrower than usual but otherwise his face showed no signs of excitement. And yet Rhodan had just pronounced the death sentence of several hundred Druufs. He would not do it without reason, for when he could avoid it, Rhodan preferred not to kill his enemies. When he killed them, it was only to save the lives of others.The Drusus wheeled about and climbed into the sky at a crazy speed towards the waiting Druufs. Two of the Druuf ships streaked straight into the destructive fire of the battlespacer... This is but a sample of the action and excitement that awaits you in— BLAZING SUN!
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Atlan And Arkon #87

The Starless Realm
Perry Rhodan
INVISIBLE INVADERS!THEIR HOME GALAXY hung close to the horizon. If one were to consider it as the sun it would be possible to say that here it was late afternoon. Its spiral arms appeared to be slowly turning but of course that was merely an illusion. The other island universes were cold, dim light flecks of not much apparent significance. Barkon was a planet without light and now it was apparently a world without hope. Rhodan looked down at the ground. Somewhere below the Barkonides must be residing if they still lived. He had witnessed their preparations for burrowing into the planet. It had appeared to them to be the only way of surviving the long journey through emptiness."The ship!"Pucky's frightened voice was the only sound they had heard in their helmets since they had stepped onto Barkon. Rhodan whirled about. What he saw filled him with amazement—or rather it was what he failed to see. The ship had vanished!THE STARLESS REALM!
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Atlan And Arkon #88

Mystery of the Anti
Perry Rhodan
"DEATH," the high priest said to me. "You are close to death. I knew that you did not have a second device. So my information was valid. I demand full freedom and the right to participate in programming the robot Regent.""You're a little late with that idea," remarked Rhodan. "Without the activator, Atlan will die. If that happens because of you, Kaata, I'll come after you personally! You'll not get inside the ship. If Atlan is put out of action you will still have me and my mutants to face. We'll chase you all over this moon if we have to. I am familiar with the spacesuit you are wearing. It only gives you 10 hours of oxygen. Our Terranian suits have a superior regeneration system. We can breathe for 24 hours! What use is it to resist? What could you gain by Atlan's death? Use your reason! I'm offering you complete freedom—what more do you want? You're beaten, anyway."The Anti was silent for a few moments, during which we allowed our weapons to cool off. Otherwise we would not have been able to use them.Then came Kaata's answer: "I can't rely either on your promise or on that of a dying man. I prefer to gamble on what's real. My prospects of conquering you are better than anything you can guarantee me. I have no faith in the pledges of a barbarian or in the promises of an Imperator who has gained power through deception. You will have to die, Atlan!"THE MYSTERY OF THE ANTI!
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Atlan And Arkon #89

Power's Price
Perry Rhodan
ALL ARKON would now begin to search for Thomas Cardif. Perry Rhodan's rebellious son had finally slipped from his hands and was marching blindly to his doom. Rhodan was thinking of what Atlan had told him concerning Thomas and the laws of Arkon. Even the Imperator had to abide by the law and his hands would be tied if an Arkon court should sentence Cardif to death.Pucky was needed desperately!In every cabin and hold of the Lorch-Arto the intercom speakers rang out with an urgent call for the mousebeaver. Pucky had been on board but at present was nowhere to be found on the freighter. Nor was he hiding in the air-regenerator unit.Find Pucky! This was Rhodan's order.But if Pucky did not wish to be found he simply screened off his thoughts and then all the mutants including the mental tracker Lloyd could only reach out into Emptiness. Such is the desperate situation faced in the next adventure— POWER'S PRICE!
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Atlan And Arkon #90

Unleashed Powers
Perry Rhodan
Save them! Save them! Save them! This was the only thought that found room in Pucky's brain. I must save them from that flaming inferno. At least I owe them that. Who has made this attack on my home world? The Druufs? The Springers? The Aras?Oh, Perry, you must help me destroy those scoundrels! Pucky was blindly determined to get to Vagabond as soon as possible. He kept thinking desperately about the heat there: It was going higher than 135 Fahrenheit in some areas! For his own kind, the mouse-beavers, he knew this would be like the fires of Hell! All Hell breaks loose in next adventure—UNLEASHED POWERS!
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Atlan And Arkon #91

Friend to Mankind
Perry Rhodan
KHREST had to close his eyes for a moment. His worst fears were surpassed by the evidence before his eyes. The three aliens ran around the disk in a high state of agitation in an obvious attempt to find a way of gaining access through the protective shield of the little spacecraft. One of their visible efforts was a huge hole they had burned out of the ground with their thermobeamers. Their attempt to get to the jet from underneath had failed but this did not dampen their frantic activities. They kept furiously attacking the invisible screen and tried every imaginable experiment to accomplish their purpose.For awhile Khrest watched them motionlessly. Then he drew his weapon. It was an automatic reflex, triggered by determination to save the space-jet at all costs. He drew a bead on the alien trespassers.Don't be a fool! His logic asserted itself. You'll lose the ship as well as your life!The action continues with the Peacelord, Perry Rhodan, with the next action-packed story of a—FRIEND TO MANKIND
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