Valdemar (10): Darian's Tale Series by Mercedes Lackey
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Valdemar (10): Darian's Tale #1

Owlflight v(dt-1
Mercedes Lackey
Darian's parents had been hunters who worked in the Pelagris forest, trapping the bizarre change-creatures which had been created by the Mage-storms, and selling their fantastic hides. But Darian had not accompanied them on their last expedition into the Pelagris- a hunt from which they never returned. Now Darian is apprenticed to Wizard Justyn, a kindly old man who insists that Darian has "Talent." But Darian, grieving over his parents, has no interest in magic, and instead of studying, finds solace in the forest, where he can hide among the huge trees and mourn in privacy. And it is from this secret retreat on the edge of the Pelagris that Darian sees an army of northern barbarians sack and burn his village. Alone and helpless, Darian flees into the deep forest. But unbeknownst to him, the Hawkbrothers, an old and magical race, dwell in the ancient woods, and his flight will lead him on a path of discovery which neither Justyn nor Darian's parents could ever have predicted.
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Valdemar (10): Darian's Tale #2

Owlsight v(dt-2
Mercedes Lackey
It has been four years since the orphan boy Darian sought sanctuary with the mysterious Tayledras Hawkbrothers when his village was sacked and burned by barbarians. Born a Valdemarian, but now steeped in the mystical ways of the Tayledras, it has become Darian's dream to be their emissary-forgind an alliance and providing a diplomatic link with his own people. Back in Errold's Grove, a young woman, Keisha Alder, has taken over the job formerly held by Darian's old teacher, Wizard Justyn. With no formal education, working with only the natural instincts of her inborn Healing Gift, she has devoted herself to the care of the people of her now bustling community. Yet with the heightened empathy of her Gift, and the inability to sheild herself because of her lack of training, it is becoming harder and harder for Keisha to bear the strains of everyday life. But when Darian returns to Errold's Grove with a small contigent of Hawkbrothers to warn the townsfolk that another tribe of barbarians is approaching their village and advise them to evacuate their homes, Keisha refuses to flee. As a Healer she knows she will be needed if there is bloodshed, and her Gift dictates that she stay, even if it puts her life in jeopardy. Yet how can one small band of Hawkbrothers and two Valdemaran teenagers with partially trained Gifts stand against the destructive might of a barbarian horde?
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Valdemar (10): Darian's Tale #3

Owlknight v(dt-3
Mercedes Lackey
It has been six years since the orphan boy Darian escaped the sacking and burning of his villge by barbarians, and found sanctuary with the mysterious Tayledras Hawkbrothers. This once troubled youth has now grown into a mature and responsible adult who has acheived more than he ever dreamed possible. Not only is he a Master Mage, but he is the titular head of a new community-the Vale of k'Valdemar-which houses a diplomatic council comprised of Hawkbrothers, Valdemarans, and representatives of the mor peaceful barbarian clans of the north. But despite Darian's glowing success, life is not completely rosy for this brave young man. For he is still haunted by the pain of not knowing what happened to his missing parents-not even knowing if they are alive or dead. Now that he has made Master Mage, his skills are finally sufficient to try to resolve this mystery once and for all. And as a series of clues lead Darian to believe that his parents may indeed be alive, he mounts a small search party to try to locate them. But their trail leads far to the north-deep into little-known territory, rife with bellicose barbarian tribes as well as treacherous mountain terrain. And though Darian is desperate to know what became of his parents, he can't be completely certain that they are alive or totally confident that he can find them. Is it worth risking his life and the lives of his companions to chase what could be a dream?
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