Guardian angel 2 flight, p.1
Guardian Angel 2: Flight, page 1

Guardian Angel 2: Flight
By Sean Michael
Rafe Gialto was pretty fucking tired of driving.
Texas was damned huge for all it was only one state and then Colorado'd been nothing but hills and mountains. Still, they'd just crossed into Wyoming and based on the directions he'd gotten from Daniel before the man had drifted back off to sleep, it wouldn't be far now.
The driving would probably have been easier if he hadn't been worried about someone realizing who Daniel was and calling the news media or something. The crazy-assed militia group was still looking for Daniel, and he'd bet now it was personal. He’d bet they were less concerned with getting Daniel alive and a part of their cause and more wanting revenge. A car was a piss-poor place to defend from.
He glanced at the man sleeping next to him, admiring the blond hair curling down the man's neck, the lean body. He winced at the way Daniel was cradling his casted hand. Country music star Dusty Young was not going to be able to play the guitar until that was healed, and it was Rafe's fault that it was broken in the first place. He'd been assigned to keep Daniel safe, and when the militia had broken into the safe house he was keeping Daniel at, it had been Daniel himself who'd taken the lead and decked the guy guarding their only means of transportation out of there. Man, he’d felt like an idiot for that one – he was supposed to be the big bad federal agent protector.
Not that it was entirely his fault; there was a leak in Rafe's office. Which was why he and Daniel were on their own, headed to Daniel's cabin in the mountains outside of Cheyenne. No one knew about the place, and they'd be able to see anyone coming.
He popped a new CD into the player -- they'd given up on the radio in Colorado -- and started tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as Tim McGraw poured through the speakers. He was growing a whole new appreciation for country music. Not that the man with the sexy as hell body sleeping next to him had anything to do with that...
Man, there was another thing in the long list of things he was doing to screw up this particular case -- getting involved with the primary.
Way involved.
You knew you were in trouble when a list of supplies for survival in a remote cabin was a buttload of condoms and even more lube.
He turned onto a road that started winding through the mountains and called out Daniel's name -- he wasn't a hundred percent sure he'd made the right turn off and it was almost twilight -- he needed Daniel's eyes.
"Time to wake up, man."
"Mmm? Where are we, Angel? You know?" Daniel blinked awake, stretched and then started cussing as his casted hand banged against the window for the hundredth time.
Rafe winced and didn't even bitch about the nickname. He was getting used to it anyway, maybe even liked it quite a bit.
"We just made the turn-off onto Hunter's Road. I wanted to make sure this was right before we got too far up and it got too dark to make stuff out. Did I take the right road?"
"Yeah. Yeah. There's a little dirt road just up ahead. Slow way down or we'll miss it."
He did as he was told, suddenly feeling a little giddy. "You mean we're almost there?"
They'd stopped at a couple of places for a few hours sleep, but mostly they'd just pressed on and on and he couldn't wait to be out of the car for more than a couple of hours at a time.
"Yeah. Yeah, there'll be the road and we'll drive a mile and a half, then there's a gate." Daniel frowned, staring. "Slow down, it's right there."
He slowed almost to a stop, squinting hard to see the turn off. "Is that it by the big aspen?" If you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't even see it. He approved.
"Yeah. Take it easy, easy. It's an old road." Fuck, it was beautiful out here. Private. Green.
He took the turn and kept them at about ten miles an hour, slowing even more as they hit one hole in the dirt road after another. The place seemed absolutely deserted. Again, he approved. "This is awesome, Daniel. Doesn't look like you get to take advantage of it often, though."
"No. I work the road hard. The gate's up here on the left. Just let me hop out and open it."
There was a well-made fence, a solid gate and Daniel tapped out a code on a lock box to get the key and swing it open.
This was getting better and better. When he'd heard of the cabin, Rafe'd known it would be isolated, but he hadn't imagined just how ideal the obviously unused road would be, how much security Daniel would have in place. He'd imagined a place just sort of plonked in the middle of nowhere, which this was, but with those bonuses.
Daniel'd have made a good agent.
He inched the car forward through the gate and then waited for Daniel to lock back up and rejoin him.
"Man, I hope you like living rough. There's propane and water, but the electricity can be really wonky."
"I can think of lots of stuff to do in the dark," he said, blushing a little as he followed the lane.
"Mmmhmm. There's a sweet, big bed, you know? And a big tub. And a sweet fucking deck."
He wriggled a little and nearly lost the muffler on a huge hole, which made him frown and concentrate harder -- it was getting dark and he had a feeling the road would be impossible once the light disappeared entirely. "You been thinking about those a lot?"
"Those what?" Daniel smiled over at him, blue eyes twinkling as he stretched out a little.
"The bed, the tub, the deck. The stuff we can do in them." He was trying not to look because every time his eyes left the road -- grass really, it was hardly even a path -- he hit another bump or hole.
"I'm ready, man. I need a break." Daniel sounded exhausted, but eager at the same time.
"I picked up some chicken at the last gas stop -- they had a tiny diner next to them. I bet it's still sort of warm. Got biscuits and gravy, too." And pie, but he was saving that as a surprise. He'd bought the whole pie, too, so they'd have something yummy for a few days without having to make it themselves. He sure hoped Daniel did okay in the kitchen, because there were only so many dishes he knew and they'd get really tired of them quickly. "I was thinking food, shower and bed. Oh, there it is!" He crowed happily as the building came into sight.
"Fucking A."
The cabin was rustic, but it looked solid, looked like it had been aired out and used. He could see white curtains in the little windows. The deck had to be out back because there was just a small porch up front, it didn’t even have railings.
"We can probably leave everything but the food and a change of clothes in the car, yeah?" He dropped it into idle and looked around. "Is there a shed or something for the car? If not we should cover it with a tarp or something. Hell, branches'll do." Something to keep the place looking deserted if seen from the air.
"There's a carport around the back - there's an old truck and a boat in it, but you should be able to sneak it in."
"There somewhere to go fishing around here?" They bounced their way around the back and Daniel was right, he could squeeze the car in. Just. In fact he wasn’t sure if the ass end of the car was hidden; they’d need to throw something over it.
"You know it. There's trout at Whimsy. It's a little lake down the road." Daniel stepped out, grabbed some bags one-handed. "Man, it's chilly this high up."
"You got lots of blankets in there?" he asked, nodding toward the cabin as he found a ground sheet and tossed it over the trunk before gathering up most of the rest of what they had, his arms just full.
"Yeah. It's all stocked. Remember, I was planning to come up here before."
"Yeah. Lucky for us." It was ideal, really. Well as ideal as hiding out from bad guys with guns could be.
He followed Daniel up the stairs to the porch, checking the place out, looking for the trees with the best vantage points, the best hiding places. He'd have to go exploring in the morning, map out a few escape routes.
Daniel unlocked the door, led him in. "There are propane lamps, so we won't be in the dark if the electric’s not working, and a stash of batteries for the radio."
The place was simple - a couch, two recliners, bookshelves stacked with books and board games. There were quilts draped over everything, paintings of the mountains on the walls. Simple, but cheery, a place you could stay for awhile and not feel like you were being trapped.
Rafe dumped the bags he was carrying by the door, keeping hold of the food, which he set on the little coffee table. God, it felt good to be out of the car. "This isn't bad at all. Peaceful. You hungry?"
"Sure." Daniel headed for the couch, plopping right down. "You?" Someone sounded exhausted.
He sat next to where Daniel lay sprawled, the couch pretty big and comfy, too, and opened the bags of food, passing over a biscuit and a piece of chicken along with a couple of napkins. "Yeah, I'm starving." He nudged Daniel with his elbow. "And not just for food."
"Horndog." Daniel moaned, sitting up and taking the food. "Damn, I'm tired. I bet you're wore through."
"I am. And I gotta admit I'm looking forward to lying next to you on a bed, sleeping as late as we want, doing... whatever." He broke off a piece of biscuit and fed it to Daniel, touching the man’s lips.
"Mmm. I'm all about the whatever." Daniel snapped up the bite, licked his fingers clean. He'd never met anyone so easy in his skin, someone who could make everything so sexy. He tore off a piece of chicken and offered it over next. "Is it good?" Daniel's legs spread as the bit was devoured, his fingers given the same treatment.
His eyes were glued to where Daniel's tongue was working magic on his fingers. "Uh-huh
"Good." Daniel hummed, started sucking, one finger after another, tongue flicking and sliding on his skin.
"Oh, shit." He swallowed, his cock going hard as nails.
He pushed the food back onto the table, Daniel’s too, and slid his free hand along Daniel's thigh. Daniel hummed, lips wrapped around his thumb, the suction fucking unbearable.
"You... I..." He swallowed again, his breath huffing from him. So sexy. So hot. And all the man was doing was sucking his fingers... thumb... whatever.
Teeth scraped along the pad of his thumb, making him gasp. "Mmmhmm."
His hips jerked and his free hand found the bulge in Daniel's jeans and cupped it -- he wasn't the only one hard as nails. "Bed," he murmured. He'd meant to say something witty about Daniel having mentioned a bed, he’d meant to be witty or at least not caveman-like, but just the one word came out.
"Uh-huh." Daniel nodded, reached for him.
He stood and brought Daniel up with him, pressing close for just a second before tearing himself away. If he started kissing and rubbing now, they wouldn't make that bed.
"Let's get naked, Angel. Fucking and napping, then a snack."
"I do like the way you think." Smiling, he took Daniel’s good hand and led him down the short hall.
It wasn't a large cabin and it didn't take long at all to find the bedroom, the bed itself taking up most of the room. There were more quilts on it, bright and colorful. There was a little bedside table with a hurricane lamp, which they lit. It made the room cozy, private.
"It's nice," he murmured, fingers moving to work on the buttons of Daniel's shirt. As if he really cared what the bed looked like instead of the fact that it was there and they could use it. He slipped the shirt off Daniel’s shoulders, watching it hit the floor in a rush of cloth.
"Mmmhmm. It's comfortable." Daniel toed off his boots and socks, leaving just those tight jeans and the belt.
Rafe dropped to his knees, looking up at Daniel, the long, lean belly, the pretty little nipples and those eyes, staring down at him. Smiling, he tugged open Daniel's belt, undid the tight little button at the top of Daniel's jeans. He groaned as he fought the denim and metal.
"Damn, it's fine having a man that looks like you on his knees for me." Daniel's uncasted hand brushed through his hair.
He nuzzled into the touch, Daniel's words warming him through, making him not give a shit if he could get that button undone or not. Lips open, he pressed his mouth against the denim covered bulge, breathing Daniel in, mouthing the hard flesh.
"Oh. Oh, fuck." Daniel arched, hips pushing against his lips.
He slid one hand around to hold Daniel's ass, encouraging those movements, while his fingers continued to fight the button and his mouth rubbed and nibbled. The sounds that came out of Daniel’s mouth were amazing, sliding down his back and settling right in his cock. No wonder the man was a star.
He finally got the button popped, and tugged the zipper down, groaning as Daniel's cock popped right out, the man not wearing any underwear. The smell was sweet and male, intoxicating.
"Fuck, Angel, you want so goddamn pretty." He got this smile that just... Fuck, he was deeply screwed.
He couldn't help but smile back, and his mouth opened, but nothing came out, his breath caught in the heat and smell of Daniel's cock, in that smile. Moaning, he wrapped his lips around the head of Daniel's cock. The flavor of pre-come exploded on his tongue, and he sucked harder, wanting more.
"Oh. Oh, fuck, Angel. Don't you stop that." The cast was scratchy on his shoulder, the tips of Daniel's fingers scraping as the man tried to pull him closer.
Like he could stop. The taste was better than anything and the feeling of Daniel in his mouth... a man could grow to need this feeling, need to have his lips split by the velvet heat of Daniel's prick. Groaning, he took in more, knees inching forward as his hands grabbed hold of Daniel's ass and squeezed.
That got him a low moan, Daniel pushing in deep, then pulling back. "Sorry. Was caught up in it."
"'s okay," he muttered around Daniel's prick, the words coming out more as unintelligible mumbles than words, but he didn't care, he didn't want to let go of the sweet heat between his lips.
He sucked harder, hands tugging, encouraging Daniel to move again, to take his mouth. He wanted to make Daniel need more; he wanted to feel that need on his tongue, in his throat. It took a few pulls, but then Daniel gave in, cock sliding in his lips, prick fucking his mouth. The dripping tip painted the inside of his mouth with the taste of Daniel, the heat almost searing his lips. His eyes dropped closed as he moaned around the hot flesh, his own cock jerking needily in his jeans.
"Yeah. Yeah, Angel. Just... Just like that, huh?" Daniel began to jerk, eyes rolling.
He nodded, sucking harder, hands encouraging Daniel's thrusts. He wanted to make it so good for Daniel.
"Gonna. Gonna make me." Yeah. Yeah, he knew. Daniel's cock swelled on his tongue, jerking in his lips.
He squeezed Daniel's ass, lips closed tight around hard flesh as he swallowed, anticipating the rush of liquid. It splashed over his tongue, into his throat, salty and bitter and hot. Groaning, the taste making his whole body tighten, his own need growing stronger, he swallowed again and again, not wanting to lose a drop. Each new swallow had Daniel jerking, and once he'd swallowed it all Rafe slowly let Daniel's cock go, tongue playing with the slit as it slid from his mouth.
Daniel swayed, then plopped on the bed, flushed and panting, the smile on the lean face making Rafe feel like a fucking god.
He'd done that.
Grinning like a loon, he leaned forward and tugged off Daniel's jeans, pulling them down the rest of the way, and off. Then he stood and started stripping, feeling a bit silly, like he was putting on a show, but wanting to be naked with Daniel so bad that he didn't really care.
"That's a good look on you," he whispered.
"Yeah? Baby, I'm beginning to think anything's a good look on you. You're the finest son of a bitch I've ever seen."
"Me? You're the hot super star. I'm just Mrs. Gialto's middle son." He liked what Daniel said though, liked the way Daniel made him feel with eyes and words. Even if it did have his cheeks heating, it wasn’t making his cock go down any.
He advanced on Daniel, hoping he didn't look too much like he was going to attack the man where he lay sprawled, though he supposed he sort of was. It was a friendly attack, though. The best kind.
"Uh-huh. I could eat you up." Daniel reached up for him with one hand, the cast still lying heavy on the mattress.
He stood against the edge of the bed, leaning over Daniel. His prick was hard, his muscles tight. A low moan left him as Daniel's fingers slid over his thigh.
"Mmm. What do you want, Angel? My hand? My ass? My mouth?"
"Oh. Oh, your ass." They hadn't done that. Their stops had been quick and for sleeping only, quick hand jobs. They had the time now. And supplies. "I've never... we have lots of stuff." Lots and lots of stuff.
"We have lots of time." Daniel spread wide, one knee lifting up, exposing that little hole.