Genellan: Planetfall

Genellan: Planetfall

Scott G. Gier

Scott G. Gier

SUMMARY: Genellana beautiful, Earthlike world where intelligent cliff dwellers waited in fear for the day the bear people would return, killing them for their fur... Genellanthe only refuge for a ships crew and a detachment of spacer Marines, abandoned by a fleet fleeing from alien attackers. Stranded on Genellan, the humans struggled to make a home for themselves untilthey hoped against hopethe fleet would return to rescue them. Lt. Sharl Buccari tried desperately to hold on to the threads of command over the spacers and the Marinesto keep her crew together and alive. Winter was coming. No one knew if the winged natives would be friend or foe. And now the bear people were returning, intent on destroying the humansbut not before stealing the secret of hyperlight drive, the key to interstellar flight...
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In the Shadow of the Moon

In the Shadow of the Moon

Scott G. Gier

Scott G. Gier

Product DescriptionHEART OF GENELLANHotshot pilot Sharl Buccari was a living legend. She had led her crew of civilians and space marines to safety on the raw frontier planet Genellan. She had engineered peace with both alien races that claimed Genellan as their own. Now she faced building a colony, forging diplomatic relations among the three races, and raising her infant son alone.But alien rebellion and xenophobia threatened to tear apart the fragile truce for which she had fought so hard and lost so much. Worse, the dread aliens who twenty-five years earlier had massacred entire star systems were back--and on the warpath.The military needed Buccari like never before. The other survivors could take care of Genellan, and her alien friends could take care of her child. But only Buccari belonged to all three races of Genellan. Only Buccari could hope to unite them all against a common--and deadly--foe . . . From the Inside FlapHEART OF GENELLANHotshot pilot Sharl Buccari was a living legend. She had led her crew of civilians and space marines to safety on the raw frontier planet Genellan. She had engineered peace with both alien races that claimed Genellan as their own. Now she faced building a colony, forging diplomatic relations among the three races, and raising her infant son alone.But alien rebellion and xenophobia threatened to tear apart the fragile truce for which she had fought so hard and lost so much. Worse, the dread aliens who twenty-five years earlier had massacred entire star systems were back--and on the warpath.The military needed Buccari like never before. The other survivors could take care of Genellan, and her alien friends could take care of her child. But only Buccari belonged to all three races of Genellan. Only Buccari could hope to unite them all against a common--and deadly--foe . . .
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