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Proceed with Caution (Ford Brothers Book 1), page 1


Proceed with Caution (Ford Brothers Book 1)
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Proceed with Caution (Ford Brothers Book 1)

  Proceed with Caution

  Ford Brothers Series

  Sandra Alex

  Keep in touch with the author by subscribing.

  Copyright © 2019 Sandra Alex Books

  All rights reserved

  ISBN 978-1-989427-07-1

  ISBN 978-1-989427-08-8

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Enter at Your Own Risk

  Keep in Touch

  Extended Epilogue

  Enter at Your Own Risk - Sample

  Other Books

  Did you enjoy this book? You can make a difference

  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1


  “Tube Top Tuesdays!” I bark. “Are you serious?” My face turns as red as a tomato as Mary holds up a hanger, draped with a multitude of different colors of tube tops. Covering my heated cheeks, my expression says I am half aghast, and half ‘are we really going to do this?’. “You’ve GOT to be kidding! I’m NOT wearing one of those!”

  “We’re ALL wearing one!” Mary insists, tossing each one on her bed. We both giggle over the AC/DC playing in the background. Her house is empty for the next five minutes, when we expect the other two of our work girlfriends to arrive.

  “I wouldn’t be caught dead in one.”

  Mary feigns a glare. “And you’re not wearing those glasses, either.”

  “Really?” I place my hands on my hips. “And how do you suppose I’m going to be able to see? Or shall I just walk into the walls?”

  Shrugging, she tears off her white t-shirt, braless underneath. Her jeans remain as she wiggles into a flamingo pink tube top. As she tugs it into place, her pert breasts sitting perfectly under the elasticized garment, she mirrors my defiant stance. “See? Not so bad.”

  I must admit, with the tight blue jeans, the tube top is hot on her. “Now you try one.” Mary glances at my red denim skirt and decides on a white top.

  Modesty getting the better of me, I turn my back and lift my cream linen shirt, and then unfasten my bra. “Oh, for Chrissake!” she steps in front of me and helps me wiggle into the top. “Perfect. Your nipples show just enough.”

  Through bulging eyes, I watch Mary pull my spectacles off and place them on her dresser. “Now for makeup.”

  “I don’t wear any.”

  “That’s the problem. It’s…what…twice a year your man goes away on business? You’re wearing makeup. AND you’re ditching the rock.” She points at my engagement ring as I mentally tally the two jars I have in my head: one for Mary being a good influence, the other for her being a bad influence. The bad influence jar is about to overflow. “We’re straightening this hair, too.” She picks up a handful of my long brown curls that extend three quarters down my back. Straightened, I’d be sitting on it.

  “That’s going to take hours.” I pull a strand of her short black hair, almost envious.

  “Not with four of us at it.”

  Six minutes later we hear voices downstairs. “Up here!” Mary yells over the music as she draws a thin black line across my upper left lid.

  “Where’s Chris?” Misty asks Mary as she opens the bedroom door. Mary’s bedroom boasts a four-poster oak bed tall enough that you have to get on your tippy-toes to get on it. The matching oak dresser and chest of drawers are thoughtfully placed in the small room so that one can enter and exit the room without challenge. Her iPhone sits in a cradle on the nightstand with a small speaker attached, playing music almost too loudly.

  “Fishing.” Mary answers as she dabs the eye shadow palette and blots it onto my lid.

  “I brought wine and glasses, girls!” Karen calls as she comes in behind Misty. Misty and Karen are both single, and Mary has been living with Chris for nearly a year.

  Finishing with a dab of red lip gloss, Mary stands back and observes my painted face.

  “Wow, you look awesome!” Misty compliments as she hands me a glass of wine.

  “Thanks. I feel like I’m about to wake up in a grocery store wearing nothing but this tube top.”

  “Pick which one you want.” Mary gestures towards the bed, at the leftover tube tops. “And then come help me tame this mane.” She lifts my hair again. “You guys remember the straighteners?”

  Misty plugs hers into the outlet above Mary’s dresser and touches up her mid-length red locks. Karen tosses back her wine and picks out a flaming red tube top to go with her leather skirt. “Girl, you look hot!” Mary whistles at Karen.

  While nervous, I can’t help feeling liberated. John rarely goes away and when he does, I have to go with him. This once a year trip is paid for by the company and therefore no spouses are allowed. Despite his distaste, he went. Our wedding is still two years away, only because his company is rumored to be relocating, and he doesn’t want us to settle until that is over with. Luckily, I’m not in a rush. Frankly, I hesitated when he knelt in front of me and asked me to be his forever. If it wasn’t for my father, I would never have said yes. Dad told me that John had asked him for his blessing first, and the warning not to disappoint did not fall on deaf ears.

  Gregory Abbott’s mission in life is to marry off his daughters to well bred men, and I’m no exception. We haven’t even started planning our nuptials yet. But with money, timelines are a moot point. John’s said more than once that we’ll have a spontaneous destination wedding if he has his way about it. But we’ll see. If John knew what I was up to tonight, I don’t even want to say…John hates Mary, and has warned me to avoid her, but what can I do? I work with her. Mary, Karen, Misty and I all teach at the same school, and have for the last two years.

  My phone rings from the other side of the room, inside my purse, announcing that it is John. Hearing it, Mary gives me a warning look. “Ignore it, babe. This is our night.” the ‘bad influence’ jar tips over inside my head. I’d heard it beep ten minutes ago but I hadn’t said anything. John is likely flipping out back in Toronto, where he flew for work. A mere two-hour plane ride away, and I can still feel his seething glare. I’ll pay dearly for that when he gets home.

  The Florida summer heat is almost too much to bear. Thankfully, we’re all wearing next to nothing when we hit the hottest club in town. Mary has been wanting to check it out for months, but John would never let me go. “Here. Give me this.” My bossy girlfriend slides the one and a half carrot solitaire diamond ring off my finger and places it in her jewelry box. “You’re single tonight. You’ll have way more fun that way.” Inside my head, the jar falls off the counter and onto the floor. For this, I’ll pay.

  An hour later we arrive at ‘Proceed with Caution’, the newest, hottest club in Florida, that just opened six months ago. They opened with promotional nights where ladies have no cover charge, this one entitled ‘Tube Top Tuesdays’. The place is crawling with people and it’s only ten o’clock. As we enter the club, a pack of four gorgeous men are standing by the door, leering at all the women who arrive sporting tube tops. One is particularly delicious in jeans that hang so sexy on his toned hips. His sandy blonde hair is swept back in a Patrick Swayze look. “He’s cute.” Karen comments, leering back at him.

  “I bet you’re not that impressed.” Misty says to me. “What with the Adonis you have pining for you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I adjust my tube top, which is surprisingly comfortable and staying in place. Looking down, I can see that the makeshift pasties I applied earlier using toilet paper are working. You can’t see my nipples at all, and Mary is none the wiser. “Let’s get wasted.” Mary announces, grabbing me and Misty by the arm, as we follow Karen to the bar.

  “You’ll thank me for tonight.” Mary says after she orders two white wines. She speaks over the din of music. “You look so hot and sexy; the men will be lining up for an ounce of your attention. You haven’t lived until men worship you.” The oval dance floor congregates the whole first floor except for the bar off to the side, and a couple of tables peppered towards the entrance. Patrons are lined up in three layers waiting for booze. A second floor, with a wraparound balcony for accessing upper offices and a second set of washrooms, has people lined up end to end, leaning on the handrail, watching dancers from their Birdseye view.

  The sexy male bartender, who could pass for Channing Tatum, hands us our drinks with a wink. “See? What did I tell you?” Mary brags. “Let’s go shake it up.” She wiggles he
r eyebrows.

  I begin to wonder if this escapade is about dancing and having a girls’ night out or picking up guys. Then I observe the four of us, clad in the least amount of material, and I inwardly nod. We aren’t even on the dance floor yet and a pack of guys are following us, one of them trying to grind me from behind. “You go girl, uh huh.” Mary coaxes as the guy remains glued to my side like a hopeless magnet. He is only semi-cute, but evidently, he fit Mary’s bill.

  A popular song comes on and the dance floor is suddenly jammed. Karen takes our drinks and places them on the ledge over the handrail while we dance. The magnet guy is apparently a boob man, as he’s moved on to a girl who looks like she shoplifted two watermelons. The music is pumping, and the alcohol starts to seep in just enough to help me relax. Mary and Karen are grinding together as two guys watch from behind the railing.

  A blonde, thoroughly inked, approaches me with a toothy smile. Smiling back, I continue dancing as he inches his way closer. He is cute, with a baby face and blue eyes. My guess is that he has a fake I.D., and that he has the ink to appear older. Not completely through his pubescent years, I surmise he can’t even grow a beard. But he isn’t being vulgar with his moves; his hands stay above my belt and away from my chest.

  “What’s your name?” he shouts over the music.

  “Julia.” I answer, unsure why I give him my proper name.

  Lifting his left forearm, he shows me his bicep, which boasts a tattoo with ‘Julia’ on it. Impressed with himself, he smirks. “It’s a magic trick.”

  Squinting, because my glasses are on Mary’s dresser, I look closer. Sure enough, my name is etched on his skin. “So you use that as a pickup line?”

  He shrugs. “Kinda.”

  “My real name’s Linda.”

  The song changes and the dance floor thins out some. Magic Man picks up on the joke and chuckles. The song is slightly slower, not quite a ballad, but slow enough for sexier moves. “What’s your name?” I ask as he places his hands on my hips and lifts his hips from side to side with my motion.


  “I’m going to get more drinks.” Karen shouts to us, winking at me. She mouths to me. “He’s cute.”

  Smiling, I let Rick close the gap between us as his hips rise and fall with the rhythm. His breath is minty, and his cologne is heady but not overpowering. “You smell nice.” I say. “What’re you wearing?”

  Leaning in, his cheek brushes mine as he answers that he’s wearing some men’s fragrance brand that I wouldn’t remember. Karen delivers the drinks and I take a sip of mine, suddenly feeling very brave. “What are you wearing?” Rick asks me.

  “Nothing.” I answer, which he takes as flirting, I’m guessing, because he moves closer, draping his arm under my hair and pulling me to him. As I’m enjoying the proximity to him, with this stranger who is being semi-gentlemanly with me, something catches Karen’s eye and she whispers to Mary.

  Mary lifts on to her tippy toes, searching for something. When her eyes widen, I pull away from Rick. But it’s too late.

  Cutting in front of Rick, Mary stands in front of me, so we are face to face. Karen shooes Rick away, but he can’t get away before he’s grabbed by another man’s barbaric grip. “Party’s over.” Mary’s gaze on mine is firm, almost protective. There, in the middle of the dance floor, with a cold, cutting glare in his eyes is John, my fiancé.

  What I do next is impulsive and life-altering.

  It’s the smartest thing I’ve ever done to date.

  …and the stupidest.

  Chapter 2


  Gripping the man by the scruff of his shirt, I look him in the eye. His eyes are glassy with booze, and his breath smells like a brewery. Before I can lift my tightened fist towards his face, he passes out. Releasing him, I watch him slither to the ground like a large garbage bag full of old clothes. As he lies flat on his back on the floor, I catch my breath and rake a hand through my mussed hair. “Anyone know how to get in touch with Maggie?” Maggie is Ralph’s wife, the man who lies completely pickled on the floor of Mingles, the bar I work at.

  “I’ve got it, Colton.” Liz, one of the waitresses, offers.

  “Are you okay?”

  Moments ago, Ralph had called Liz over for another beer, but she told him he’d had enough. She’d cut him off ten minutes ago when he downed his fifth bottle. Not liking the answer, Ralph first threatened her, and then when she turned her back to serve the customers behind him, he shoved her. Offering her my hand, I help her to her feet, and she dusts off her apron. “I’m fine. It’s Maggie I worry about. Hope he doesn’t go pushing her around like that at home.”

  “Hey, Colton!” My younger brother Wade calls me from the stage, where he is playing the guitar and singing lead vocals. “Can we start up again?” Wade and his band had paused during the confrontation.

  Lifting my thumb into the air, I see Wade nod once and the music starts again. “You’re sure you’re alright?” I ask Liz.

  “I’ll have a bruise on my ass tomorrow.” She sighs and waves her hand as she lifts her serving tray off the floor. “Someone want to get me a mop?”

  One of the other waitresses brings over a mop and bucket while I begin stalking the bar again. An older woman, maybe in her fifties, is giving me bedroom eyes. “Hey, sailor. You got anyone warm to go home to tonight?” She has bleached blonde hair with caramel roots, and caramel colored teeth to match.

  “Oh, hey, Colton don’t go home with no one.” Cheetah, one of the regulars at Mingles, says. He’s sitting at the table across from Brown Teeth. “I think he’s either a sissy-boy or he’s shell-shocked.” Cheetah and his trailer trash friends laugh.

  “He’s not gay, that I can tell.” Brown Teeth argues. “See how he walks? Straight as a pin? And his pants aren’t tight enough.”

  Watching Cheetah, I feel my nostrils flare. It isn’t so much his comments that bother me, it’s the fact that I can see through the corner of my eye that one of Cheetah’s friends is stealing Liz’s tips off her tray as she delivers drinks to another table. This exchange is a diversionary tactic that I’ve gotten used to. If I had my way about it, I’d ban Cheetah and his gang from Mingles, but his Uncle keeps our liquor license. It was Cheetah himself who nearly made us lose it, after bringing in a pack of minors without identification.

  “Well, he’s shell-shocked then.”

  Brown Teeth gives me a once-over. “You serve in the military?” she asks as though it’s complimentary. “A marine? Na, I’ll bet you were on the front lines. With all that muscle and ink and all.” She clucks her teeth like a hen. I try to ignore them while I walk towards Liz and motion to her that somebody is taking her tips. The guy is ninety-five pounds soaking wet. He takes one look at me up close and his face goes pale. Liz holds her hand out and he gives it back to her immediately.

  “He don’t like talking about it.” Cheetah continues. “He’s too sensitive.” He says in a sing-song voice, trying to get under my skin. I walk away and scan the room. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Wade punches it up a notch with a more upbeat tune and the small dance floor fills up with about twenty people. Mingles is around two thousand square feet, with a bar on the longest wall at the entrance, the dance floor, and twenty small, round tables scattered around the dance area. Wade has been playing exclusively at Mingles for the past two years. The music is soft and hard rock, and the place is packed every Thursday through Saturday. It is the most popular bar in North Carolina, if we keep the fights to a minimum. Me and Bingo, the three-hundred-pound bouncer who mans the entrance, and two other bouncers who are scattered through the bar, keep the place as peaceful as possible.

  “Yo, bro!” Wade calls as the band takes a break from their set. “You want a beer?”

  “No, man. Still on duty, thanks.”

  Wade is my doppelganger, except that he’s two inches shorter and has darker hair like my dad. I inherited my mom’s dirty blonde locks. We are the youngest of five boys, Jack, Garrett, and Dalton being the three older boys. Wade is five years my junior. Our brothers don’t live far from here; in South Carolina. “Well, I’m having one, and I’m still on duty.”

  Taking a pull from his beer, he speaks softer, with the pre-recorded music playing lower through the small speakers flanking the dance floor. “Why didn’t you smack that guy out?”

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