Dirty indiscretions a da.., p.1
Dirty Indiscretions: A Dark Mafia Romance, page 1

Dirty Indiscretions
A Dark Mafia Romance
Roxy Sinclaire
Edited by
Teresa Banschbach
Illustrated by
Resplendent Media
Mailing List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
About Roxy Sinclaire
Also by Roxy Sinclaire
Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
1. Alexa
2. Martin
3. Alexa
4. Martin
5. Alexa
6. Martin
7. Alexa
8. Alexa
9. Martin
10. Alexa
11. Martin
12. Alexa
13. Martin
14. Alexa
15. Martin
16. Alexa
17. Martin
18. Alexa
19. Martin
20. Alexa
21. Martin
22. Alexa
23. Martin
24. Alexa
25. Martin
26. Alexa
27. Martin
Between The Tackles: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
1. April
2. Nick
3. April
4. Nick
5. April
6. Nick
7. April
8. Nick
9. April
10. Nick
11. April
12. Nick
13. April
14. Nick
15. April
16. Nick
17. April
18. Nick
19. April
20. Nick
21. April
22. Nick
23. April
24. Nick
Copyright © 2017 by Roxy Sinclaire
All rights reserved.
Cover design © 2017 by Resplendent Media
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the authors’ imagination.
Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.
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Visit her on the web: www.roxysinclaire.com
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Chapter 1
I walked around the spacious room, keeping an eye on the guests. I could think of a dozen things off the top of my head, that I would rather be doing, but it was part my job description, apparently.
I wasn’t a guy that liked to wear suits, but I'd had to get used to it with the crowd I ran with. Still, dealing with the upper crust wasn’t a part of my job that I liked. I was supposed to be there to enjoy the events, not working; but I couldn’t help but act as a lookout. The party was boring, anyway.
And then she caught my eye, and I had second thoughts.
Tall, slim, in a close-fitting black dress with a slit up the side that stopped high on her thigh, showing a mile of pale, toned leg. The dress had a 'V' neckline, down the front and back, that showed, even more, skin, so pale that the contrast against the dark dress was striking. The hem nearly swept the floor, even with her high heels. Her dark brown hair was held back by pins on one side so that it hung down her back and onto her opposite shoulder. I wasn’t close enough to see her eyes, but I thought with her coloring, they would be a dark color like her hair, maybe brown.
She wasn’t the best dressed, nor was she the skimpiest dressed woman in the room, I could see that with just a cursory look around. Yet, when I took my eyes off her to do just that, I found my attention skittering back to her.
I didn’t think I knew her. That wouldn’t be surprising; I didn’t know a lot of the people at this party, considering I was technically just the help. But I'd been to enough of these parties that I knew the crowd my boss ran with.
Intrigued, I followed her around the room. She interested me more than most, because unlike everybody else, she didn’t find a group and stand around chatting with them. Instead, she moved around the room, never sticking to one group long, always with a glass of champagne in her hand that she never drank from, though she brought it to her lips a couple of times, only to be 'distracted' and forget about it again. I noticed, that in all the stops she made, she didn’t speak to anyone.
I narrowed my eyes.
I looked around. Everyone was busy, making polite conversation and whatever else those rich types did when they got together at a party. I caught sight of my boss on the other side of the room and decided that for once, he wasn’t doing anything shady. No one was paying attention to things they shouldn’t, yet this woman didn’t look like she was paying attention to anything specifically.
Trying not to act suspicious, I moved into her orbit. She wasn’t following a pattern, but I'd gotten good at maneuvering this sort of shindig.
I was lucky enough to have her coming closer to me. No one was close enough to pay any notice to either one of us. I couldn’t resist the urge to move and intercept her circuit.
She looked up, almost surprised, to see me. I'd seen her moving with single-minded focus, despite how randomly she seemed to move, so I wasn’t sure I bought that she was surprised to run into me.
"Please, forgive me for interrupting you, ma'am, but I couldn’t help but notice you and get a little curious." I gave her a genuine-looking smile, playing the part of a young gentleman.
It was almost laughable.
The surprised look was instantaneously replaced by something gracious, a small smile curving her lips. "Think nothing of it. Who, if I may ask, do I have the pleasure of conversing with?"
She held her hand out to me, the curl of her lips turning up into something like mirth. Feeling amusement curve my own mouth in response, I took her hand and brought it to my lips, kissing the back of it. Her dark eyes watched me, intent on mine.
"Luke Bable. But please, call me Luke."
Bable, technically, wasn’t my real name, but it was the name I’d taken when I’d left my old life after being recruited. It was a safe enough name to use, the few times I’d had to introduce myself to people because Luke Bable did not exist.
The pretty lady in front of me didn’t need to know all that, though.
"It's wonderful to meet you, Luke. I am Elda Abba. But you can call me Elda," she added, her smile turning into a smirk.
"Elda," I repeated, curling my tongue around the name. Her eyes grew slightly darker in fascination, and I felt almost smug. Her last name was foreign, but I couldn’t begin to think from where. "Well, Elda. I was wondering if you would mind accompanying me."
I tugged her closer by the hand, pulling it around my elbow and flattening my hand over hers on my arm. She moved without resistance.
"Should I be worried? A strange man comes up to me and asks me to accompany him. It's suspicious, no?"
I chuckled, keeping my voice low. "It’s a private party. Trust me, everyone is vetted for these things. We're both here, so you should have nothing to worry about," I said pointedly.
Her lashes lowered to cover her eyes, lips pursing. "As you say," she murmured, diplomatically.
I pulled her with me and she followed. We avoided other guests and the staff. The room was quite large and littered with guests, but I didn’t need to take her from it.
Instead, I dragged her over to a corner that left us out of view from most of the room, and the section that could still see us weren’t going to be considering dark corners unless they wanted some action for themselves. But this crowd was much too classy for something like that.
I stopped her there, turning so we were facing each other and took a quick glance around, just to be sure.
"Are we here for any reason in particular?" she sounded amused.
I decided to be blunt. "I need to frisk you."
Just about any other person would have been annoyed or insulted. No one got frisked at these parties, they were checked before they got this far. This woman was a little special, though.
"Is there any particular reason?" she murmured, looking up at me from under her lashes, but I thought her amusement only grew.
"I never saw your name on the gu
She gave a Gallic shrug. "Maybe I was invited last minute and my name isn’t on it."
I smiled tightly, repeating, "Just the same, Miss Abba, I'm going to need to frisk you."
"There's no reason you can't still call me Elda." She tugged her hand away from me and I didn’t stop her. "And of course, you can frisk me. For purely security reasons."
I narrowed my eyes on her. "Are you laughing at me, Elda?"
"I wouldn’t dream of it, Luke."
I was sure she was, though.
She took a step back and raised her arms from her sides, arching an eyebrow at me, her look practically daring me to go ahead.
I couldn’t help the suspicion. These parties had such tight security, even I was impressed. No one not on the list—prepared weeks in advance, should have been able to bypass it. How she got in, I didn’t know, but I didn't think asking would get me anywhere. She'd just deny, deny, deny.
Or, if she was especially good, she'd have an airtight excuse.
"You can frisk me," she told me when I didn’t immediately begin.
I moved closer, moving my hands and placing my fingertips on her wrists. There was no need, her arms were bare so there was no way she could have hidden anything there, but I ran my fingertips up her arms and to her shoulders. I followed the straps of her dress, sliding my hands down her sides and around her back, being thorough.
Of course, there was nothing on her. I also noticed the very conspicuous lack of a purse on her person. And what self-respecting woman, even in a crowd like this, wouldn’t have a purse on her? I didn’t see her coming in, so there was no way to know if she had one somewhere in the room. I'd have to leave her and go ask the guard outside the main entrance.
But I couldn’t think about that for long. I couldn’t really think of anything but slowly frisking her, all the time my eyes on hers.
When I got to her hips, I lowered into a crouch, craning my neck to keep her eyes.
"Widen your legs for me, just a bit." The words came out in a murmur, and I saw her swallow, felt her body shift under my hands as she moved to comply.
I'd looked at her body long enough to know every curve, even as I mapped them with my hands—for purely business purposes, of course—but I hadn't gotten a good look at her eyes. They were brown, like I'd guessed, but not a dull brown like I was used to seeing. Even in the slightly shadowed corner, they seemed to glimmer.
They were surprisingly familiar eyes. But right then, all I was interested in was how intently they watched me.
Chapter 2
I'd had a suspicion something like this was going to happen to me. I didn’t think it would be quite like this, though.
The party was still in full swing, and I had lasted longer than I thought. But the man who owned this house didn’t employ fools; no matter how good I was, I was bound to be noticed. So, of course, I came prepared for that eventuality.
Purposefully, I left my purse, with my gun inside of it, taped under a table. I'd only sat down for a moment when I came in, under the excuse of taking a short rest before I began to mingle—plenty of ladies were part of that group, in fact—and I'd known not to walk around with it. If the man in front of me had seen me with it in the beginning of the evening, I would have worried, but I didn’t think he had.
An ordinary name for someone that was anything but. I hadn't seen this man when I walked in, even with all the security around, either inconspicuous in glasses, black suits, and earpieces or moving as part of the crowd. He stood out.
And he was suspicious of me.
I felt the edges of my lips curve up just a bit more.
"You're being especially thorough," I murmured.
His lips curled into a smile. "It's part of my job."
Right. That was why he was running his hands up and down each of my legs, meeting skin instead of satin when he worked his way up my right leg, hand going under the slit in the dress. I bit my lip at the sensation of calloused hands running up the soft skin of my leg, up my thigh, getting close to my panties and running back down.
I was suddenly glad I'd opted for not wearing any pantyhose.
Even expected, this was a definite wrench in my plans. It had all been going so well, but it was better to get this out of the way. But I found myself getting distracted from the goal. I had no doubt I could get myself out of this situation, without causing a scene. But even though I could tell the man was interested in me, there was no reason for him to be quite so handsy, or for a simple frisk to be taking this long. Not that I could place all the blame on him.
I didn’t try to stop him.
I had plans for the day, and that was where my focus was; where my focus should be. But this man, Luke, was turning me on, surprisingly.
My men were few and far in between. Usually, my head was too full of the job, and part of that meant being immersed in normal society when I felt the term no longer quite defined me anymore. Normal men were a bore. But I knew, just looking at him, the man who was going to his knees in front of me, I knew there was nothing normal about him.
I looked out of the corner of my eye, felt the corner of my lip twitch upward. How convenient, I mused to myself. And he was moving his hands and sliding them up my sides, making my body shiver. I couldn’t help myself. I took a quick glance around the room, saw no one was paying attention to us, so I pulled open a nearby closet door and shoved him inside. I moved my hand around until I hit a light switch by pure luck. The room was surprisingly spacious, and I shoved some coats aside and pinned him to the wall.
He looked surprised, and I grinned. "You're not needed anywhere for the moment, I hope," I murmured, sidling closer, curling my hands into the lapels of his coat.
He was still for a moment, and then his hands reached for mine. Instead of pulling me off him, his hands curled around mine and rested there, his eyes dropping to my mouth.
"Not for the moment, no." His voice was even quieter than mine, and I inched close enough that my breasts brushed against his chest with every breath, making my body shiver more. Then his lips curved up in a lazy smirk. "What are you going to do with me, now that you have me alone, Elda?"
My body shuddered.
I was a tall woman to begin with, at five foot ten, but he had maybe five inches on me that were cut down by the four-inch heels I wore. Still, I knew I couldn't have moved him if he hadn't wanted me to, even if I'd taken him by surprise.
Realizing that only made me hotter for him.
I slammed my mouth against his, pushing the jacket off his shoulders. I was surprised he didn’t have a shoulder holster on, the way he pulled me aside for a frisk I assumed he was security. It didn’t last long as he reacted to the kiss, arms wrapping tight around my waist, holding my body to his, ravaging my mouth and making me moan.
Damn, I couldn’t remember the last time I'd gotten this hot just from a frisking—with clothes on—and a kiss that was admittedly impressive.
He didn’t let me have the upper hand for long. Or rather more like he was done pretending I had it at all. His arms tensed, then he was shifting us around so I was against the wall, pushing his body against mine, trapping me between his hard body and the wall. Then his hips met mine and I broke the kiss off with a gasp, my body shuddering as I felt him hard against me.
I laughed, a little breathless, but then I happened to look up and meet his eyes, and the laugh cut off, nearly choking me. His dark eyes were darker, the brown completely swallowed by his pupils. This was what lust looked like; his eyes practically burning with it, his face twisted in it.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me," he growled, and I could hear it in the roughness of his voice, and it made my body shiver with more want.
"And what about what you do to me," I shot back with no heat, breathless. "You better take responsibility for this, Luke Bable."
His grin was feral. "With pleasure, Elda."
Then he was kissing me again, and I could no longer think or do anything other to keep up with his ferocity. The kiss was wet and messy, I could feel spit dribble down my chin, but then he was pulling back and licking it up, then kissing me again, one hand going to my chin, holding my mouth open for his tongue.