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The Look of Love on Christmas, page 1


The Look of Love on Christmas
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The Look of Love on Christmas

  The Look of Love on Christmas

  Roxy Davenport

  Copyright © 2019 by Lexie Carver

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover image: Shutterstock, made by Svyatoslava Vladzimirska, photo ID: 274463360

  Cover design by Merry Book Round on Etsy

  Book designed by Roxy Davenport

  Dedicated to all the kinky Santa lovers out there.

  And to all the single ladies - may you find your own Logan.

  Happy holidays. Stay sexy!

  - XOXO Roxy Davenport

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter One


  Ten days till Christmas and I’m agonizing over this merger. I think I’ve had only four hours of sleep all week! But once this deal goes through, my sleep deprivation will be well worth it. There’s a lot of money riding on this merger and I can’t have it fall through.

  I didn’t even take Christmas off. I never do, actually. The company won’t run itself. I built it from the ground up and I intend to look after it very closely.

  In the highly unlikely event that I’d ever retire, my best friend Josh would take good care of my company. Retire? Me. Never in this life.

  I’m standing here in line, in a trendy coffee shop, glaring at the baristas to hurry the hell up. I definitely won’t be visiting this shop again, not with how slow they are. Even if it is on my way to work.

  Do they even know how to make coffee here? Are they giving each other tutorials? How long have I been here? Five? Ten minutes? I’m going to be late for the meeting at this point.

  With my lack of sleep, going to work without coffee is not an option, so it seems I have to wait on this line. There’s no telling that another coffee shop won’t be as inefficient as this one clearly is.

  If my coffee maker didn’t decide to break today, my driver would have taken me from my penthouse loft directly to work. And I wouldn’t be standing here frustrated and plotting the baristas death. Maybe I should just buy a coffee maker for the office. They’re so expensive but anything beats this.

  I decide to pass the time by scouring my emails in case there’s something important that happened since I last checked, two minutes ago, when two women walk in.

  I was content to use my phone and email as a distraction for the baristas ineptitude but the second I see her, I can’t take my eyes off her. Work, my emails, my phone, the important merger, life itself, pales in comparison to her. How creepy is that? But it’s true. One look is all it takes.

  The second I see her, my heart stops. I know it in my bones, she’s the one. This brunette beauty will be my wife. She’s the one I’ve been waiting for.

  My parents were high school sweethearts, married right out of college and own a bookstore together. They never understood their thirty-seven-year-old celibate, multi-millionaire, CEO son. They thought it was odd that I didn’t date but as I told them, I didn’t see the point if it wasn’t the one girl that I was meant to be with. And I knew from one look that this girl is the one. This is the girl I waited for.

  A thin curvy frame, big blue eyes and chocolate brown locks. I’m hooked. One look and I’m gone.

  I stand in line a little off to the side so I can get her in my line of sight. Or rather, I can see her out of the corner of my eye. I’m trying desperately not to stare at her like a creeper. That’s not the kind of first impression I want to make.

  I do try every so often to gaze her way. Her friend (at least I think that’s her friend) doesn’t notice. I’m not hiding my attraction well, but they aren’t paying me any attention.

  “It’s Christmas, again, well … soon.”

  Her voice is sultry yet feminine.

  “Once more time with feeling, Mrs. Grinch.”

  So my girl doesn’t like Christmas either? Join the club, gorgeous. Maybe we can be the reason why we enjoy the holiday season. Maybe the two of us being together is what will endear Christmas to us.

  I can see our future together, a big house in the woods close to nature, snow falling down all around us and tons of kids running around. I’d finally give the company over to my best friend and retire early.

  Just one minute ago, I would have laughed at the idea of retirement. I never thought I’d get a chance to have a family but for her, I’d retire right now, today even. Josh is a good guy; he’ll run the company right.

  It’s crazy to be thinking like this but I know she’s it for me.

  “You’re hilarious, Alice. I am so not a Grinch. Well…if I am, it’s not my fault. If you had to endure the holidays with my extended family and their constant needling you would be one, too.”

  The girl named Alice, simply shrugged. “It’s kind of ironic. The erotica writer with no sexy holiday dick? No steamy sex life? No kinky Christmas plans? No plans at all really? What a Debbie Downer.”

  My girl groans and her cheeks flush a beautiful shade of red. Wait, did Alice say erotica? Did other people, other men hear that?

  I glance around the coffee shop watching the men in front of me. One of them turns around. Yep, he heard. I can see the lust in his eyes. But he isn’t putting his grubby paws on my girl. I catch his eyes and give him a death glare to end all death glares. He turns back around immediately.

  My girl places her hands on her hips and glares at Alice. About to fire off some sass?

  “Really, Alice? Please announce my sex life or lack thereof to everyone on the line. I don’t think the people all the way in the back heard you.”

  I love sassy women. She can sass me any day.

  Alice glares back at her. “You should write your frustrations into a book, girl.”

  I honestly don’t hear the rest of the conversation. It doesn’t matter. I heard correctly, I’m sure of it. Fuck me! She writes erotica? This girl writes erotica? She looks wholesome, serious, sweet but clearly, she has another side, a side I’d be happy to bring out. Now I really want to meet her.

  My dick is instantly hard wondering what kinds of things she writes. What kinds of things she fantasizes about. What guys she likes. I hope she’ll like me. Oh, wait a minute, I didn’t shave today. Well I usually don’t. I like having a beard, but it’s a full beard. What if she hates beards? What if she likes scruff but not a full beard? Or maybe she likes clean shaven men. Will I shave it off for her?

  For once in my life, I’m actually nervous. Come to think of it, I don’t remember a time that I’ve ever been nervous. Are my palms sweaty?!

  Like the merger, this is one deal I can’t mess up. But business meetings never made me nervous. I’m a shark in the business world. When I want something, I make it happen. But women are a different story. You only ever get one soulmate. There’s no room for error here. I have to be suave and sexy.

  I’m not leaving this coffee shop without her number, that’s for sure. I need to go on a date with her. I have to win her over. But how? We’re in line waiting for coffee. It’s not exactly “sweep her off her feet” territory.

  “Well, maybe you’ll meet someone tonight,” Alice says with a smirk.

  I fight to stay still, watching my girl out of the corner of my eye. I fight off the urge to hoist her up, throw her over my shoulder and run out of the coffee shop with her like a damn caveman. What is this girl doing to me?

  I don’t want her meeting anyone else. I don’t like the idea of other men looking at her. What if their intentions are anything but pure? Mine are -- I intend to put a ring on it.

  I know we’re meant to be. She’ll be going with me to wherever this Alice woman is suggesting. Hmm…maybe that’s my in. I’ll get myself an invite.

  “At the terrible Christmas sweater party? Ha! Because that screams hot Alpha males. I shudder to think of the kind of men that would go to that. How did you find out about that party? Is it a work thing?”

  I’ll have my driver pick out a truly hideous sweater. Maybe with a terrible pun or lights on it? Do they have sweaters that sing?

  “No, silly, my work throws the lamest parties. I don’t even go. God no! I heard about this one through the grapevine. I have my ways, dear, and you are so coming. I’m not going alone, and you never know. There could be a really hot guy there wearing a terrible sweater and hello…can we say conversation starter.”

  Yes, Alice, my thoughts exactly. My sweater will start a conversation between me and your friend. And I’ll win her over.

  I turn around completely and look at the line in front of me. Oh, come on! Of course, just when I need the baristas to take longer, they hurry up. I’m still thinking of how to get her attention when it’s suddenly my turn.

  I stare at the barista completely forgetting my order. The CEO of a multi-millionaire dollar tech firm can’t make a simple coffee order? My assistant would have a field day with this, laughing his ass off.

  I recover quickly and turn around fully, giving my attention to the women behind me. I get a good look at my girl and I can’t stop the smile on my face.

  “Hi, I’m so sorry. I’ve been waiting here for ten minutes and the second, I get to the front of the line, I forget my order. So embarrassing. Go ahead and order and I’l
l go after you.”

  I say that to have a few more seconds to come up with a great opener and to pay for her coffee of course. I don’t miss the way my girl inhales a breath when she sees me. I know how women look at me, was never interested before but right now, I’m very happy I work out like crazy and look like an underwear model, as Josh would say.

  I was worried she might not like me but I don’t have to worry. I can tell from her reaction that she likes what she sees. My girl smiles back and her whole face lights up. Then she bites her lip and my cock twitches just from that simple action.

  She says her order to the barista and wow, does it sound good. So with my eyes still on her, I add, “I’ll have the same and you can charge their order and mine on this.” I give the barista my card and insist on paying despite my girl’s protests. I’ll take care of her now. She won’t want for anything. Coffee is the least I can do for now.

  We move over to the next section to wait for our order and without missing a beat, I hold out my hand to her. “Hi, I’m Logan,” I say confidently perhaps more confidently than I feel. I’m a lot less nervous now that we’re talking. Don’t mess up now. Play it cool. Be suave. I can do this.

  “Sophia,” she offers, a bit shyly.

  I like that she’s shy. I’m a stranger after all. I see the effect I have on her, but I like that she doesn’t do this often. That she’s wary of men. I wonder if she feels the connection.

  “It’s going to be a snowy Christmas this year,” I offer, inwardly cringing at how corny that sounds. The weather? I finally get her to talk to me and I start with the weather? Wow, I have no game. Josh would be laughing his head off. Then again so would my assistant, Brian.

  Sophia groans. Is it because of my Christmas comment or because I have no game? I’ll never know and I don’t care. We’re talking and that’s all that matters.

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates Christmas,” Sophia whispers conspiratorially.

  She looks at me fully at that point, her eyes roving up and down my physique and she smiles even brighter. “You hate Christmas too?”

  She emphasizes the you as if someone as hot as I am should love Christmas. That I have someone to spend it with. Well, I guess now I do. The incredulity in her voice is clear as day. She speaks again before I can respond.

  “If a man who looks like Thor incarnate hates Christmas, what hope do the rest of us have?”

  I have to chuckle at that. “Being single for the holidays is the worst.” I reply.

  I see her looking at my ring finger to verify that I am single. I waited for you, Sophia. You’re the one. I don’t even have a female assistant. Haven’t even been on a date. Women have never really interested me until now.

  “Single? You? Now that’s a shame. I’m one lucky girl then. A Christmas meet-cute in a coffee shop? I don’t know…I kind of like Christmas now.”

  “How hasn’t a guy snatched you up yet?”

  “I’m too much woman for New York men,” Sophia says with a shrug.

  I see her friend mouth, “He’s hot. Ask him to the party,” out of the corner of my eye.

  Sophia rolls her eyes before turning back to me. “You know, I have a party tonight. You want to come? Though it would be shame covering up all that hotness under an ugly sweater but that’s the theme.”

  “I’ll find one with lights that turn on.”

  “Oh god, save us all. I don’t think there’s a contest.”

  “If there is, we’ll win. I always play to win. Just tell me where and when and I’ll be there.”

  I smile into Sophia’s hair as the alarm clock goes off. I groan quietly not wanted to get out of bed. I love sleeping snuggled into my wife.

  I volunteered to wake up early and let my wife sleep in. We’ll have Christmas Eve, alone, just the two of us without our two-year-old daughter. I can’t wait to have Sophia all to myself. She’s been a good girl all year and Santa really wants to reward her. My wife has a Santa kink and what kind of husband would I be if I didn’t give my girl what she wants? Especially for Christmas.

  I still have presents to wrap and breakfast to make before my mom picks up Maisie. I have quite the busy day, but I would love nothing more than to stay here in bed snuggling.

  I still can’t believe this is my life. I keep thinking I’ll wake up and this will all be a dream. I’ll still be running the company, alone, working past midnight on Christmas Eve. I have no idea how I lived that life now that I have Sophia. Giving up my company was the best decision I ever made.

  After turning off my alarm clock, I pull my wife closer and just relish my life for a few more seconds.

  I have a huge house in the woods with a daughter and a wife I’m crazy about. And it all happened because my coffee maker broke. Fate works in mysterious ways.

  I kiss Sophia on her forehead and slowly get out of bed. She doesn’t wake up. Good, she needs her rest. She stayed up until eight in the morning, writing a Christmas-themed erotica about our lives. The working title is, “The Look of Love on Christmas.” I think it’s endearing to have people read our love story. I hope they enjoy it.

  With a cup of coffee in hand, my thoughts drift to tonight when as usual on Christmas Eve, I play Santa and my wife plays my sexy little elf. This year, she’s been a good girl, but I do hope she’ll be my naughty little elf for tonight, just for Santa.

  Maisie is asleep in her carrier as I let the coffee wake me up, lost in thoughts of Sophia. Right on cue, my mother knocks on the door ready to take Maisie off our hands for the day.

  I open the door to see my mom smiling at me, the sun shining, and the forest around our huge cabin covered in snow.

  “Where’s Sophia,” she whispers so as not to wake Maisie up. I swear my parents love her as much as I do. They were getting worried I’d never get married. My mom is so happy to have a daughter-in-law. They have a weekly girl’s night and are as cute as can be. Who knew they would bond so well?

  “She’s still sleeping.”

  “Stayed up writing that novel again, Logan?”

  “I hope people will love it.”

  “How could they not? You two are meant to be together. Like your father and I. Enjoy your day together. Let her get some rest. We’ll all be over at ten tomorrow. “

  And with that my mom leaves with Maisie and I walk into my office to wrap some presents, a huge smile on my face.

  Chapter Two


  I couldn’t believe my luck that I’d run into such a hunk at the local coffee shop. I live around here and just figured I’d pop in for some human interaction to offset my intense writing sessions devoid of any human interaction. Think super anti-social. But I have a good reason, I can only really think and formulate books in silence. And my editor is breathing down my neck to get my first draft. So I have to be a busy writing bee.

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