Through the woods, p.1
Through the Woods, page 1
part #2 of Juniper's Sight Series

Through the Woods
Juniper’s Sight Book Two
Jarica James
Rowan Thalia
1. Jun
2. Jun
3. Jun
4. Asher
5. Jun
6. Jun
7. Jun
8. Dexter
9. Jun
10. Jun
11. Jun
12. Alex
13. Jun
14. Jun
15. Jun
16. Sterling
17. Jun
18. Jun
19. Jun
20. Asher
21. Jun
22. Jun
23. Jun
24. Dex
25. Jun
26. Jun
Also By Rowan Thalia
Also by Jarica James
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2019 Rowan Thalia and Jarica James
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in book reviews.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.
Created with Vellum
Thank you to our supportive friends and teams through this journey. Jun was our first cowritten series and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We can’t wait to see what comes next for us, but expect more fun and spooky stories! <3
Summer is finally here and we are on a road trip! I prop my feet up on the dash, purple toenail polish shining in the afternoon sun. I’ve adapted to the nickname, Purple, which Alex gave me. I even work as much purple into my black wardrobe as I can to give it that extra oomph. Besides, it matches my badass hair color.
The guys have some old school country blaring on the radio as we fly down the interstate toward our old summer camp, well some of ours. Sterling, Dexter and I grew up together and went to Camp Darkwood two years in a row. The only camp the twins ever visited was the one at the country club where their parents played golf, which is not even in the same realm as Camp Darkwood.
Asher and his twin Alex joined our gang at the beginning of last year, our junior year in college. They got assigned to our dorm suite, and we sort of fell into this long-overdue relationship as the guys and I navigated the creepiness that seems to follow me around. I swear I attract that shit like a purple beacon.
My four boyfriends are the perfect mix of geeky, snarky, sweet and angsty. I love them all for different reasons. Sterling and Dex… well, I’ve loved them since we were kids playing hopscotch on the playground together. I fell in love with Asher and Alex sometime between the time they accepted my quirks and when they saved me from the demon that was after me… is after me.
"Hey, Purple. It's your turn to pick a song," Alex says from the driver's seat.
With a cheesy grin, I sit up and grab for the iPod. As soon as the first notes of my punk song play, Alex looks over at me with a curl to his lip. I shrug and tap my feet along to the beat. He should have known where that offer was going. I think he believes if I listen to his music enough, I will move over to the twangy side... yeah not happening.
"Are you ready to see where we went to camp?" I ask as I rub his leg.
"Baby, I'm ready for any place you want to take me." He waggles his eyebrows.
We both laugh and I give his thigh a squeeze, the tips of my fingers coming dangerously close to his cash-n-prizes. He lifts his leg and gives me a look that wets my panties. Before I get myself too riled up, I run my fingers back toward his knee. Alex makes a pouty face, sneaks the ipod off the dash and flicks on another country song. This one, I like, but I will never tell him that. The lyrics are about a girl who starts her day with coffee and ends with wine... that's my kind of chick. Plus the guy's voice is hella sexy.
"Hey Alex, it's the next exit," Sterling yells from the middle seat of the Tahoe. He's got his laptop open and headphones on, so he’s either listening to his own music or doing some research. I love Specs, but he needs to put the books down once in a while. He’s had his nose in either a book or a computer since he could read. We’ve tried to lighten him up, but it only works in shifts. That being said, deep down, I never want him to change. I just like to give him a hard time about his nerd side.
"What are you working on?" I yell back, turning in my seat to face him.
He looks at me with his brow furrowed. "Just some stuff about demons," he shrugs.
I open my mouth to reply, but face the windshield again instead. A flashback of the demon I saw in the kitchen takes my breath away. 'I told you, you will never be free,' his voice rasps in my mind. I grab the armrest as my heart races. We thought when we got rid of Leonard, I’d be free. But I’m afraid to tell the guys we might have been wrong, I think something bigger found me. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that nothing else has happened since I saw him in the kitchen that morning in the dorm suite. Maybe I was hallucinating? Yeah, I was in shock, things like that happen - right?
“You good, Purple?” Alex asks, giving me an assessing glance. He’s clearly more observant that I give him credit for.
“Yeah, just hungry. No worries,” I play it off, my stomach giving a soft rumble to backup my story. He turns back to watch the road as my mind continues to spiral.
The swerve of the vehicle snaps me out of my mini panic attack. Alex takes the exit, and the Tahoe tilts to the right as we fly around the almost full circle, off ramp. I’ve always hated this exit, if I wanted to ride a rollercoaster ... I would. Putting my feet down, I sit up and look for the little mom and pop store on the way to camp. I’m craving a root beer and I need to pee.
“Hey, stop here would you,” I point to the run-down shack of a store. “I need to use the bathroom and we should stock up on snacks before we go any further. There’s nothing after this on the road to camp.”
“Okay, I better get gas too,” Alex answers.
When we stop, I look in the back and see that Dexter and Asher are both asleep, leaning against one another. No wonder they were so quiet. With a laugh, I pick up the socks I had on and ball them up before tossing them at Dexter’s face. For once, I have perfect aim and hit him square in the nose. He looks around, down at his lap and frowns.
“Who in the hell threw dirty socks at me?” he grumbles. “Juniper?”
I fake innocence, grabbing my chest. “Me? I would never!”
Chuckling, I pull on my Converse sockless and hop out of the vehicle. Alex is already pumping gas, so I grab my purse and run inside. The car door slams behind me and the sound of running feet approach me. Before I can turn to react, Dexter swings me over his shoulder and slaps my ass.
“Juniper Nevels, you are in big trouble,” he chuckles.
“Put me down, you ass. I have to pee,” I screech while struggling against his hold.
“You better put her down unless you are into the golden showers I’ve been reading about,” Sterling deadpans as he passes by, stopping to hold open the door.
Dexter and I share a look as he drops me to the ground, and we burst out laughing. Ever since Sterling suggested we all enter a relationship together last year, he’s been reading up on sex. He’s determined not to let the fact that he was a virgin when we first got together make him a bad lover. Sterling is the best. Little does he know, there’s nothing he needs to study. He’s a natural, if quirky lover.
“Sterling, you never cease to amaze me.” Dexter claps him on the back as we pass.
Sterling looks confused, but I just smile and kiss him on the cheek before rushing to the bathroom. It's in the back of the store, with a rusted metal sign on the door. The sign says ‘Sitters or squatters welcome’. Fun. Pushing the creaky door open, I flick the light and check the cleanliness before walking in. It’s passable, if a little dark and creepy, so I lock the door behind me. I quickly do my business and then rush over to the sink to sanitize my soul. Just before I look up at the mirror, something dark flickers by in the corner of my eye. I grab the white porcelain, lean forward and take a deep breath. It’s over, Jun. Let it go.
When I look back up, only my reflection stares back at me. Thank goodness. After adjusting my braid and washing my hands, I rush out of the bathroom. The cool air of the store washes over me as I step out, waking me up and reminding me of my craving. The root beer cooler is easy to find, I grab a bottle, before heading for the candy aisle and grab a few chocolate bars and some chips before making my way to the register. Alex is there with a shit-ton of junk food and beer. I raise an eyebrow as I walk up beside him and throw my items in the pile.
I’m super pleased that we followed through in having a family bank account, it makes these situations so much less awkward. Plus we don’t have to hold up the line while five separate people check out.
“Got everything you need? Tampons? Coffee? Donuts?” He waves his arm around the store.
“I had my period last week, dork. As you well know, but thanks for looking out for me. I have the good coffee in the truck.” I bump hips with him and smile fakely at the old ass woman who looks like she is about to fall over listening to us.
“A b
“That will be seventy, twenty-five,” she grumbles, like our existence alone is a burden to her.
Alex laughs and hands over our credit card. The old hag rings us up, bags the goods and gives us a mumbled thanks. The other guys step in to help grab the bags and we head to the Tahoe.
“I think that lady worked here when we were kids,” Dexter lifts his thumb over his shoulder.
“She must really enjoy her job,” I deadpan, glancing over my shoulder to see her still scowling after us. I lean over and smack Dex’s ass just to fuck with her.
Rummaging through the bags, I grab my root beer, open it and take a gulp. The almost frozen, cold drink slides down my throat and hits my belly in a flurry of awesomeness. I fucking love this store, even if it’s a little run down. I’m glad the drinks are as cold as I remembered. Almost better than coffee… almost.
Once we all climb back in the truck, Asher pulls the Tahoe back onto the road. Alex has taken the back, laid across the seats like the king he thinks he is. Sterling called shotgun, so he’s in the front. I’m sitting with Dex in the middle seat, leaning forward with excitement. We’re almost there!
“Do you think it’ll be the same as the last time we saw it?” Dexter asks, his voice full of anticipation too.
“Probably, I mean why would they change it?” I answer as I snuggle into his side. Dexter runs a finger down my arm and kisses my temple.
The road darkens as we enter the less used portion of the old road. Thick forests of various pines line both sides, with the occasional oak reaching its large branches over the roadway. The dark, cool of the forest here has always called to my inner weirdness. I love the spooky, yet adventurous feel the camp has to its grounds.
After a few miles, the huge iron gateway appears. Curled into the overhang is the wooden Camp Darkwood sign hanging from the poles, looming more ominously than a summer camp entrance should. We slow, pull into the drive and pass underneath the swaying, red scrawl and pull to the rear of the property. The staff parking lot is next to the camp office. We won’t be seeing kids for another few weeks. First, we have to set up the camp, then train the counselors before the camp officially opens for the season.
The owners, Jessica and Bobby Thibodeaux, are waiting in front of the staff common cabin. The old farmhouse houses our shared facilities: the kitchen, game room, and laundry. There is also an apartment on the top floor where the owners stay. The farmhouse is painted white, with a big sign hanging on the wrap-around porch that says ‘Staff only’.
“Hey, Mrs. Thibodeaux,” I call as I open the door and stretch my legs.
“Juniper Nevels! It is great to see you again! It feels like a million years, even though you all came down for interviews last week! Please, call me Jessica now,” The tall blonde smiles.
“Yes ma’am. It’s good to see you too. Dexter, Sterling and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to see our old haunt!” I laugh.
“Well, as I stated when we met for the interviews, you will have your pick of either cabin one or two. Today, you will focus on getting settled in and we will have a meeting a little later to discuss individual duties and set up the timeline. The other five staff should be here shortly,” Bobby adds as he points to the cabins on either side of the common building.
“What do you guys think?” I look back at the group, but just get answering shrugs. “Are the cabins exactly the same?” I ask Jessica.
“They are,” she confirms.
“Then we’ll take the one on the left,” Alex says as he looks back and forth from each of us. We all nod. Jessica smiles and hands Alex the key.
“We’ll leave you to it! Come up to the farmhouse around dinnertime, and I’ll have something ready for everyone!” She calls, turning back to Bobby and heading inside.
We grab our bags and head toward the cabin. It's a small cedar A-frame, with a porch on the front with a swing off to one side. After he launches himself up the three steps, Alex puts the key in the lock and opens the door. Once it creaks open, we all follow him over the threshold and into the main room. The living space includes two old chairs, and a beat up sofa. There is a small hall with three doors.
Alex runs through the room, opens each door and calls out what he sees. “Two bedrooms with three single beds each and a bathroom. That means us twins in one room and you two in the other. Jun can have a bed in both rooms.” He suggests as he enters the room on the left.
The guys and I all shrug, makes sense. For today, I walk into the room on the right and throw my bag on the bed by the closet. Dexter and Sterling walk in after me, Sterling grabs the bed by the window and leaves Dex with the one by the door. Each bed has its long side against one wall, which is nice. I enjoy sleeping between a guy and the wall when I can.
“You know, we could push all the beds together and make a family bed.” Sterling rubs his chin. I can see him calculating how much area the bed would take up and what wall would be the best position to put it against.
“We could, but let’s leave it for now, it’s nice to have options,” I say, giving him a smile and opening my bag to unpack. I figure I’ll leave my clothes in this room, Sterling and Dexter are much cleaner than Alex.
“I’m surprised Jessica didn’t give us a hard time about sharing a cabin.” Dexter mentions while he hangs his shirts in the closet, shooing a stray moth away.
“I might have called ahead about that,” I say with a wink. There’s no way I was accepting this job if she would force me to be apart from my guys. Since there was an uneven number of guys to girls anyway, she didn’t put up much of a fight. The other cabin can split the rooms into gender if they want. Jessica mentioned there would be three girls and two guys that make up the rest of the co-directors.
It doesn’t take me long to unpack. All I did was hang up a few shirts and then keep everything else organized in my suitcase and push it under the bed. Grabbing my bathroom caddy, I walk into the hall and turn right, opening the bathroom door between the two rooms. The room is basic with a combination shower and tub, a sink with a mirror and a toilet. The nice part is the shelves over the toilet that give me a space for both my towel, caddy and makeup bag. My stomach growls as soon as I set my stuff down. I ignore it for now, looking in the mirror to peer at my reflection. I still have a hint of dark circles under my eyes, but it’s getting better now that the nightmares are back to a minimum. Sighing, I turn away from my reflection and leave the room.
“All I’ve eaten is candy, chips, and a root beer. Let’s go check out the kitchen and eat,” I shout as I enter the hallway.
“Man, this place is peaceful,” I say around my bite of sandwich. We decided to just make our sandwiches and go, since Jessica would be down to prep dinner soon.
“This is nothing like the camps we went to,” Alex adds with a snort as he looks over the lake. His brown hair is blowing softly in the breeze, and he almost looks sweet and innocent against the scenery. “Plus I didn’t get to fuck hot girls at camp,” he adds as he turns to me and gives me a hip thrust. There’s my loveable asshole.
“He’s not wrong. Our camp was more like golf practice, spa days for the girls, and counselors who were taught to kiss everyone’s asses. This looks like it was way more fun!” Asher adds, looking excited as he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh as he sets me on my feet and crushes his lips against mine. He’s so adorable when he’s excited.