Tease, p.1
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Tease, page 1


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  Table of Contents




  Roxie's Backlist

  About Roxie


  Copyright © 2012 by Roxie Rivera

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.




  She was the dirtiest little cock tease he'd ever known. Mack watched Jolie climb out of the lake and gingerly step onto the boat. Droplets of water glistened on her tanned nubile body. He watched the glimmering beads ride her curves. They followed the swell of her pert breasts and dripped down her lean belly. He took a good, long look at that sweet little ass of hers before it was hidden by the beach towel she wrapped around her wet body.

  Swallowing hard, he glanced away and busied himself with turning the boat around and back toward the docks. All day she'd been parading around in progressively skimpier clothing, tempting him with things he couldn't have. He silently berated himself for lusting after the eighteen-year-old daughter of his best friends. God, he was such a filthy fucking pervert! She called him Uncle Mack, for crying out loud! And here he was dreaming about that tight, teen pussy of hers sliding up and down his cock.

  His balls ached at the very idea of Jolie's wet cunt squeezing his dick. He could just hear the naughty sounds she'd make, the squeals and moans of joy as he pounded her pussy until she came. He'd fill her up with his cum while she screamed his name and—.


  Jolie's sweet voice interrupted his salacious thoughts. She stood close enough that he caught the coconut scent of her sunscreen. Her fingertips scorched his wrist. That megawatt smiled made his stomach flip-flop. Her green eyes seemed even brighter this afternoon.

  "Yeah?" He finally found his voice. He consciously ordered his cock to behave, demanding the erection he sported to deflate before someone on the boat noticed.

  "Can I drive back to the lake house?" She rubbed her fingers over the wheel. The sight of her hand moving over the gleaming wood sent shivers right through him. He wanted that hand on another piece of wood he owned.

  "No." The word was gruffer than he'd intended. Her face fell and he hurried to explain. "The water is busy today, Jolie. You've never driven a boat. Some other time when it's not such a big risk."

  "Promise?" She turned those doe-eyes on him and stroked his arm.

  He gulped down the arousal threatening to choke him. "Promise."

  She grinned and sidled closer instead of moving away from him. She unhooked the towel wrapped around her body and dabbed at her skin, wicking away the last bits of dampness. He'd never seen a simple white bikini look so damn hot. It was criminal, really, for any girl to look that good and be untouchable.

  "What's on the agenda tonight?" she asked as she finger-combed her long black hair.

  He tore his gaze away from her breasts and back to navigating the lake. "Barbecue, I suspect. You know how your dad is about grilling when he's out here."

  "It would be nice if he actually knew how to grill." She bent over and dug around in the ice chest. Her heart-shaped ass wiggled as her fingers sloshed through the ice. Heat streaked through his groin and made his dick throb. "Want something?"

  Oh, he wanted something all right. Instead, he cleared his throat and nodded. "Soda's fine."

  She grabbed a bottle of water and a can of soda and flipped the lid shut. She used a corner of the towel she'd discarded to wipe away the water clinging to the can so it wouldn't be slippery. He was surprised by her considerate gesture. As an only child, she tended toward the spoiled end of the spectrum.

  Their fingers touched as she handed him the soda. The electric spark zinged up his arm and across his chest. He fought the urge to rub her knuckles with his fingertip. His gaze skipped to her face. Did she understand the effect she had on him? That mischievous smiled told him all he needed to know.

  Jolie opened the bottle of water and took a long, slow drink. She glanced back toward the other end of the boat where her parents were sipping beers and petting one another. "I wonder if they're going to play 'bridge' with the Hendersons tomorrow night."

  He didn't miss the way she drew air quotes around the word bridge. He wondered when she'd figured out that her parents' bridge games weren't actually bridge games but swingers parties. Barbara and Derek were very open with her—too open, for Mack's taste—so she'd probably figured out her parents' love of swinging and cuckolding at a way too early age.

  "Did you ever swing with Mom and Dad?"

  Mack choked on a mouthful of soda. He swallowed the fizzy fluid and tried to clear his throat with a loud cough. "No."

  "Really?" She frowned at him in disbelief. "You're sure?"

  "Yeah, Jolie, I'm pretty sure I'd remember having sex with your parents."

  "Jeez!" She put up a hand. "No need to shout."

  "I didn't shout." He looked over his shoulder to make sure Derek and Barbara hadn't heard him. That was the last thing he needed. The happy couple seemed totally oblivious. He focused his attention on Jolie. "Your dad and I have been friends since basic training. There was no way in hell I was crossing that line with my friend."

  "Is that the only line you have?" She turned those earnest eyes on him. Was she really asking what he thought she was asking?

  "No." He didn't even want to go there. Those were dangerous waters and he sure as hell wasn't going to wade into them.

  "I see." Her soft tone said otherwise. He got the distinct feeling she wasn't going to let this one drop.

  "I don't know what game you're playing, Jolie, but it needs to stop." He made sure to lace his warning with the toughness he used with new recruits. "You're wasting your time shaking your little ass in my face and parading around in your bikini."

  "Is that so?" She took a step closer, her breasts dangerously close to his chest, and lifted her chin. "And if I slipped my hand right down here," she held his gaze as her palm glided down the front of his t-shirt to the top of his board shorts, "I won't fight a big, hard cock?"

  Mack hissed as her smaller hand squeezed him through the stiff fabric of his shorts. Even though it felt so damn good, he backed away quickly and knocked away her hand. "Don't."

  She smiled smugly. "I always get what I want, Uncle Mack."

  "Not this time, Jolie." But even as the words left his lips, he knew it was a lie. She wasn't going to let up. She was going to push and push and push until she got what she wanted. "Just remember, Jolie. We don't always like the things we get."

  One perfectly shaped eyebrow lifted. "Is that a dare?"

  "More of a caution, young lady."

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, sir. Sergeant Hartigan, sir!"

  The mock salute came across as simply a substitute for shooting him the bird. He waited for another witty remark to leave those pouty lips but she simply shook her head and walked away from him. He watched the sultry swing of her hips as she crossed boat and joined her parents. Turning his attention to the wheel and the wide swath of lake ahead, he tried to forget the wicked feeling of her fingers wrapping around his dick but it was impossible. She'd wormed her way into his mind and wouldn’t leave him be.

  Mack gritted his teeth. Of all the women in the world, it had to be her. It had to be the one girl he couldn't touch.

  But he could touch her in his fantasies. In that dream-world, she could belong to him. She could be his little cock sucking slut. She could kneel at his feet and worship his dick. She could drape herself over the arm of a couch and offer that tight ass to him. She could be anything he wanted.

  As the docks came into view, Mack decided he really needed a long, hot shower. If there was any hope of getting through this week at the lake, he had to exorcise those demons and exorcise them well.

  By the time the boat was docked and secured, Jolie had skipped off and disappeared into her parents' lake house. He trudged back to the shared yard with Barb and Derek. There was no shaking the awkward and guilty sensations that plagued him. Even as he discussed steaks and side dishes with his two friends, he was secretly fantasizing about fucking their daughter. If that didn't make him a pervert, he wasn't sure what would.

  Safe inside his smaller cabin, Mack headed straight for the bathroom. His cock throbbed mercilessly in his shorts. Every time he closed his eyes, Jolie's face tormented him. The phantom sensation of her hand frisking him made his balls ache.

  He whipped back the curtain and turned on the water. He braced for the knock and rattle of the old pipes. He really needed to get a plumber out here. That old water heater was probably on its last leg too. It was always something.

  Mack peeled out of his clothes and stepped into the shower. He dipped his head under the pounding stream. Warm water rushed down his back. His eyelids drifted together. The image of Jolie in that white bikini seared his eyeballs. The white triangles barely covered her perky tits. That scrap of fabric clung to her perfect ass and outlined the waxed lips of her hairless cunt. The need to push her thighs apart and bury his face in that sweet pussy overwhelmed him. He wanted to lick and suck and—.

p; His head lifted at the unexpected squeak of the bathroom door. Someone else was in the house. He glanced around the shower and silently cursed. Of all the places to be ambushed it had to be the fucking shower.

  Never one to shrink away from danger, Mack gripped the shower curtain and yanked it back, ready to strike with his balled up fist. But it wasn't an armed intruder who had wandered into his bathroom. No, it was something much, much worse.

  "What the fuck are you doing in here, Jolie?" Mack yanked the curtain over to cover himself. "Get out!"

  She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "Nah, I think I'll stay."

  Mack's jaw dropped. "I'm not joking, Jolie."

  She held his gaze. "Neither am I."

  He started to argue with her but then she reached behind her back and tugged on the tied strings keeping her top in place. He gulped as her breasts were revealed. The rosy nipples had hardened to peaks. He licked his lips as the tremble of excitement rocked his core. She pulled on the strings knotted on her hips. The fabric fell from her body. She kicked away her bikini bottoms and stood in front of him in all her naked glory.

  His resolve began to crumble. "We can't do this. You need to go back to your cabin."

  "Why?" She took a tentative step forward. "Why can't we do this?"

  The devil dancing on his shoulder wondered the same thing. He silenced it that nagging temptation. "You're just a baby, Jolie. You're my best friend's daughter."

  She cupped her breasts and rubbed her thumbs over her nipples. "Do I look like I'm still just a baby, Mack?"

  He gulped. She had him there. "No."

  "I'm a woman now. I have needs, too, you know."

  "That so?" He allowed his gaze to slide even lower to that pretty little pussy.

  "Uh-huh." She moved closer, so close he could see the jump in her jugular vein. "Don't you have needs?"

  "More than you can imagine," he admitted reluctantly.

  "So what's the problem?" She reached out and caressed his chest, her fingertips feather-light on his skin. "I'm an adult. You're an adult."

  It wasn't that simple. It really wasn't but his raging libido wouldn't listen. Blood rushed through his veins and adrenaline saturated his bloodstream. There was no going back now. He'd crossed the line mentally. Now he was about to do it physically.

  "Come here." He growled as he reached for her and dragged her into the shower with him. She giggled excitedly and stepped over the side of the tub. Her enthusiasm surprised him and stroked his ego. When was the last time a woman had seduced him? The answer? Never. He'd always been the aggressor until Jolie.

  She pulled the curtain closed, cutting them off from the rest of the world and creating a cocoon of secrecy. She put her hands on his upper arms and smiled up at him. "Kiss me, Mack."

  He'd never heard a sweeter order. Wanting to savor that first touch of her lips, he took his time, lowering his mouth to hers and just barely teasing their lips together. She whimpered and pressed against him. Her nipples grazed his chest and he groaned. The tiny amount of control he'd managed to corral vanished with in an explosion of pent-up passion.

  Their mouths smashed together in a wild frenzy of lust and need. His tongue stabbed between her lips. She swirled her tongue around his and mewled like a kitten when he sucked on the very tip. Their tongues tangled together as he fisted his hands in her damp hair and devoured her mouth. She clutched at his sides and moaned. Her body rocked against his as she sought more contact.

  Happy to oblige, he crouched down a bit, grasped the backs of her thighs and lifted her off the ground. She inhaled with surprise but didn't hesitate to wrap her legs around his waist. The feel of her bare pussy lips touching his belly made his cock buzz. He wanted nothing more than to thrust up inside that wet, hot cunt but somehow managed to keep his baser desires in check.

  "Mack," she whispered against his ear. "You feel so good."


  "You feel like a man. No fumbling, you know?"

  Something primal and male flared inside him. "Have you done this before, Jolie?"

  "In the shower?" She shook her head. "No."

  "I meant sex in general."

  "Oh." She gave a little shrug. "A couple of times with my old boyfriend, Tyrell."

  He'd met the All-American running back a time or two. A quiver of doubt pierced his chest. If that was the kind of man Jolie was comparing him to, Mack could never win. That kid was in the prime of his life. Mack was staring forty in the face. Sure, he was in tip-top athletic shape because of the nature of his work but he sure as hell couldn't compete with a twenty-two-year-old football player bound for the professional teams.

  "What's wrong?" She narrowed her eyes. "You're thinking. Don't."

  "Can't help it," he admitted.

  She pressed her lips to his ear and whispered, "Every time Tyrell fucked me, I pretended it was you. It's always been you, Mack. It's always been you that I've wanted. No one else ever had a chance."

  His mind reeled at her confession. Had he been that blind to her infatuation? Had he been so consumed with his need to deny himself any pleasure or happiness that he'd stupidly ignored what was right in front of his face?

  He let his lips follow the edge of her jaw and the curve of her throat. She gasped when he playfully bit her neck and then sucked and licked the red spot. He wanted to mark her so badly, to leave love bites all over her body, but didn't dare risk it.

  Instead he contented himself with her mouth and breasts. The second his lips touched her nipple, Jolie threw her head back and cried out his name. His cock throbbed painfully but he didn't let up a bit. He wanted her to know what a real man was like. His mouth moved from nipple to nipple. He traced the pink buds with tongue and flicked them. She cooed and thrust her chest against his mouth. He chuckled at her enthusiasm. What would she do when it was her clit he tormented with his tongue?

  Desperate to find out, Mack dropped to his knees and maneuvered her into position. He draped her legs over his shoulders and used the tile wall to support her back. She gazed down at him, eyes wide open with surprise, and bit her lower lip. He noticed the way she shuddered when he brushed his lips over her belly button. He nuzzled her pussy with the tip of his nose and let his mouth slide side-to-side over her smooth cunt lips.

  "Open your pussy for me, Jolie."

  She squeaked in shock at his bold order. He noticed the spark in her green eyes. Maybe little Miss Bossy had a hidden submissive streak. He'd have to find out later. Fingers shaking, she reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart for him. He gazed at the dewy center of nearly virgin sex. She had the prettiest, pinkest pussy he'd ever seen. All soft and wet and begging for his tongue and cock.

  "Oh! Mack!" She cried out when he flicked his tongue over the swollen berry of her clit. "Oh! Ah! Oh!"

  He circled her clit a few times before sliding his tongue through the silky folds of her pussy down to the tiny opening hidden there. He wiggled his tongue inside, all the while listening to her groans of delight. The salty sweetness of her cunt honey coated the tip of his tongue. He went even deeper into that tight passage, pressing forward until his nose was smashed against her clit, and tongue-fucked the hell out of her pussy. Her fingernails scraped his scalp as she held onto him for dear life. He grinned as he drove her wild with his tongue. That was the response he'd wanted so dearly.

  He pulled his tongue from her cunt and let it slither back up to her clit. The tiny kernel had grown even more swollen. He sucked it between his lips and fluttered his tongue over it. When he released the pink bud, Jolie yelped and pushed her pussy against his mouth again. Chuckling with amusement, he suckled her clit a few more times and then attacked it with his tongue. She went wild above him, hands smacking the tile and hips swiveling, as he ate her pussy.

  "Mack! Oh. God. God!"

  "Uh-huh," he hummed against her clit. He wanted to feel her shatter on his tongue. He showed her just how a real man ate pussy and lashed that clit until she exploded. Her screams of ecstasy echoed in the shower. Her cunt gushed, the slick nectar spilling onto his chin as he continued to stimulate her right through the first orgasm and forced her into a second. The shocked, strangled groan that escaped her throat told him she'd never come like that before, had never had one orgasm roll right into another.

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