Parenting a Child With Autism: A Modern Guide to Understand and Raise Your ASD Child to Success
Richard Bass
Richard Bass
When a baby is born, you count the fingers and toes, you wait for the cry, and finally, there is a sense of relief that everything is ok. Over the next few months, you learn so much about this tiny human and, of course, plenty of reading about what to expect. But what happens when the expectations aren’t met? When there is no sign of the first smile? Or there is no babbling back to you? Your first thought is that you are paranoid. Every baby is different and yours is just taking a little longer to develop. And then the suspicions start to add up. Fear, panic, stress are just some of what arises. As the issues become more apparent, your own health starts to suffer as you give everything to make sure your child is taken care of. Autism is a highly complex disorder – one that not even scientists completely understand. You shouldn’t set such parenting standards where you know exactly what to do. Just like your child, you are going to need a little bit of extra education to support your ASD child. In Parenting a Child With Autism , here is just a fraction of what you will And much more. You don’t need to be a psychologist or have special training. What you need to do is act fast, because one of the most consistent pieces of advice you will hear from any ASD expert is that early intervention is always best. Every parent goes through life doubting their skills. When you are parenting an ASD child, these doubts can have a significant impact on their development. But all of that can change – starting today!
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