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EROS: Yearning for a Master (A Gay MM BDSM Humiliation Erotica), page 1


EROS: Yearning for a Master (A Gay MM BDSM Humiliation Erotica)
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EROS: Yearning for a Master (A Gay MM BDSM Humiliation Erotica)


  Yearning for a Master

  by Quincy Le Roy

  Copyright © 2017 by Quincy Le Roy

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains mature content and is solely for adults. All characters depicted are of legal age and consenting.

  EROS: Yearning for a Master

  Won't make it tonight. Hope you’ll have fun! ;) x

  Dax’s eyes were digging into his phone, glaring daggers into the thing as his insides were boiling with agonising rage that was almost enough to take a hold of his entire body.

  Why tonight? Why tonight of all nights had Liam chosen to fucking cancel on him like this?

  Liam was a fucking a hole, which was the one thing about tonight he knew he was completely certain of. It wasn't like this was news to him either, because Dax had known his 'friend' was an asshole hole from the first fucking day he had met him. In fact, Dax didn't even really know why he still allowed himself to rely on him all the damn time, because all of it was just going to end up in severe disappointment.

  However, tonight the word 'disappointment' was nothing short of an understatement

  Dax had prepared for this night for fucking years and that was no exaggeration. No, he had waited for this night to come ever since he had heard about it as a horny eighteen-year-old. He hadn't been old enough then, yet, as this place—the one he was standing in front of right now, in fact—only accepted people over twenty-one. He still wanted it just as much as he wanted it then, though, which is why it came as such a huge 'fuck you' that this was all being threatened to be taken away from him once again.

  He was so close now that he could almost taste it. No, so close he could almost feel it, because feeling was what this place was all about. He couldn't let it all slip between his fingers again, because he had waited too goddamn long for it and tonight had felt goddamn perfect for this from the start.

  He felt readier than he ever had, dressed in his most gorgeous clothing. His jeans were tight and his shirt even tighter, perfectly accentuating his smooth and slender frame. He had bought this just a few days ago, because he had known that it was perfect and he had known that it was expected of him to come dressed as gorgeously as he could manage. Nobody was supposed to be able to take his eyes off of him and Dax knew that—tonight—he had succeeded. Fucking shit, he could barely even take his eyes off himself.

  If he wasn't going to do it now, then when?

  He stared up at the white, spotless building in front of him, the huge columns on the front porch making it look like a Greek fucking temple. The only thing that made it look different from that was the huge, somewhat modern letters adorning the equally Greek-looking pediment. 'Eros', they said. As simple as that, yet such an explanation of what was going on inside this gorgeous mansion.

  Eros; sexual yearning, love and desire.

  Sexual yearning that had been completely dominating Dax’s pathetic brain ever since he had hit puberty. Sexual yearning that had consumed him ever since he had been taken by another man for the very first time. Sexual yearning that had never been fulfilled, because Dax was too greedy to be okay with mediocrity. Sexual yearning that Dax knew could only be fulfilled inside this gorgeous mansion, because this gorgeous mansion was known to do just that to every single person brave enough to let their feet clash against the gorgeous marble of the lobby.

  Dax wanted nothing more than to be that person who dared to do it, who dared to completely submit to it. After all, submitting had all he had ever wanted to do, have it? It was just that there had not yet been a man who had been strong and determined enough to do it to him, because Dax had always had his heart set on finding it inside the walls of that building.

  And he would find it no matter what. He had promised that to himself.

  His heart had been racing for well over thirty minutes now, for as long as he had been waiting for Liam, but now he no longer felt as confident as he had back then. Liam was not coming. They were not doing it together, like they had promised each other about two years ago, because Liam didn't care as much about this as Dax did. Apparently.

  Dax should have known, come to think of it, because Liam was never the one to bring Eros into the conversation. No, that was always Dax, who had never made it a secret just how excited the mere idea of this made him. Liam just wanted to come along because he loved sex, any sex, with whatever gender, whatever the location. Liam had always been satisfied, because he did whatever he wanted to another person. He always bragged about that, continuously, even if it had never made enough of an impression on Dax.

  Dax wanted more than Liam, he had always known that.

  Fine, then, but Dax was not going to let his night be ruined by his negligent friend. He had let that happen way too many times already, but tonight was way too important to him.

  He put his phone back into his pocket, not even bothering to type up a message. The chances were big that Liam wouldn't respond Fine.

  to insults anyway, because he never did.

  His heart started to beat even faster now and he took a deep breath as if to encourage himself.

  He could do this, no matter how nervous he suddenly was. He wanted this more than he had ever wanted anything and there was no way in fucking hell he was going to walk away from this right now. He looked good and faceable, more so now than ever before, so he couldn't let the moment pass. If not now, then when?

  He finally stepped away from his car and—although his footsteps suddenly started to feel increasingly unfamiliar—he finally made his way over towards the grand, marble steps all the way towards the main entrance of the building.

  He was well aware that he and his car—which was nothing but a second hand, run down piece of shit—looked terribly out of place among all these Mercedes, Porsche and Tesla. However, this was a reason for Dax’s cock to throb prematurely, because this meant something. This meant that this lifestyle was exquisite and extreme, something for sadistic business men with too little time on their hands to look for love. It was sexual yearning to them as well, the kind that could not be satisfied outside these walls.

  Dax was dying to get a taste of this and suddenly the building in front of him couldn't seem close enough. He sped up, suddenly hungry to hear his feet clash against the marble of these ridiculously gorgeous steps. He was wearing the perfect shoes for it, too: expensive dress shoes that he had bought especially for tonight, like the rest of his attire.

  The sound sent shocks of thrill through his system. It was even more perfect than he had imagined it to be.

  Momentarily he felt the need to laugh at himself well up within him. This was fucking ridiculous, wasn't it? He was freaking out over the sound of the marble. Not the hot business men that were waiting for him inside, but the marble. The proof that this house was more expensive than anything Dax could ever dream of owning did more to his cock than the men inside these walls were doing.

  Oh, but he wanted them too. He did. He just didn't dare to think about them yet, because this entire thing in itself was way too nerve wracking to put too much thought into. He just needed to let it happen, mind shut down. He needed his body to think for him, like it was doing now.

  He was certain he looked confident and hot as he made his way over to the front door and that the security guard next to the door was checking him out, instead of judging him. He was certain he looked like a piece of fresh meat, ready to be devoured by one of the many hungry wolves inside of this building. The guard would know it too, he thought. Perhaps that's why the man's lips curled upwards into an almost threatening smirk.

  The man knocked on the door. Two loud, strong thuds that had Dax blink violently with shock in the aftermath.

  "Have fun, kid," the guard mused. Underneath his gangster sunglasses, Dax could see that he was winking.

  Dax’s heart was pounding in his chest as he stepped inside. There was light coming in from all angles. It was artificial, but at the same time it looked warm and tropical. As thought it was midday inside this paradise, while the world outside was completely dark already. It was 11PM, but here the night never came. Here everybody just gave over to the lazy lust Dax could already feel welling up within him.

  The door was being held open by two boys, both dressed completely in white. They were wearing golden headbands in the shape of olive leaves and branches. They looked like two angels, because of which Dax momentarily couldn't help but feel jealous. He wanted to be them right now. He wanted to be these two pretty boys, who had undoubtedly been fucked inside these walls many more times than just once or twice.

  "Oh wow."

  Dax felt caught, his eyes instantly traveling in the direction of where the voice was coming from. They came from a woman, dressed in a short, white dress. She wore white roses in her bright, red hair and she was smiling in Dax’s direction, from behind a deserted desk in between two columns. There were noises coming from behind her, which had Dax’s focus on sha
rp. He wanted to get past her immediately.

  "You're not just a tourist, are you? You're aware of the fee?" She asked. Her eyes were friendly, but her voice was far from. She was judging him and the fact that she had never seen him in here before. Dax suspected that this place was full of regulars and barely invited any newcomers. Their city wasn't that big, after all. Chances were big that everybody who was interested had already come here. "How old are you? No, I'm going to need to see some identification."

  Dax tried to speak, but his voice was caught in his throat.

  She smirked.

  Yeah, one for her. Zero for Dax.

  He cleared his throat and squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds as if to recollect himself. Oh God, let him be able to act on impulse. God, let him behave like that horny little slut he was. "I am aware of the fee and I'm twenty-two." Good. Good. At least he had managed to sound confident.

  "Impressive," she mused. "Get it out for me, won't you?"

  He stood there frozen for a couple of seconds, as though he had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, despite the order being more than clear. It was just that he hadn't expected her to have that power, while being dressed like the sweetest little thing Dax had probably ever seen. She was a Goddess , Dax was certain of it, but she didn't look the part. She didn't look as self assured as she sounded and perhaps that was exactly her strength.


  He spurred into action, hand finding the pocket of his jacket. He fumbled with the zipper, feeling like a complete fool. He needed to do as he was told or his evening was going to be cut short by his own stupidity. That would certainly something he would never recover from, he knew. Especially after all this time of longing and waiting for exactly this.

  He had the money in cash. Two hundred dollars. A hundred for them to keep and another hundred he would get back upon leaving. It was a deposit. For what, he had wondered at first, but now he knew perfectly well that it was for Dax to stick to the strict rules. One mishap, he'd lose it. And he needed that money, because he wasn't necessarily rich.

  The lady took it, processing it immediately and presenting him with a ticket—probably meant to serve as some kind of receipt in order to be able to claim his deposit back later on. It was a black little card with golden letters on it. Eros, it said.

  Sexual yearning.

  "My God, they're going to have a lot of fun playing with you. I hope you know that, boy," a throaty chuckle escaped from her mouth, which—again—Dax hadn't exactly expected. She was full-on mocking him now and she didn't seem to care about humiliated it'd make him feel in the aftermath of it. No matter that Dax was very definitely—and very visibly, for that matter—gay.

  "I suppose they will," Dax answered, hiding the nerves behind a thick layer of confidence—that he somehow still somewhat possessed. "I hope they do."

  She chuckled once more, and then reached behind her for a small, empty box. Some of them had already been filled up with personal belongings. He knew that this was what happened, phones being strictly forbidden. No photographs were allowed to be taken and absolutely no online communication. If these rules would be broken, every single thing about this place could fall into jeopardy.

  There was something about the mystery of this place that made it worth going to and everybody knew that. There wasn't much known about it either. Not what it looked like from the inside—which was, now that his eyes were properly on it, far from what he had expected—and not what was done inside of these walls. Everything was a complete surprise to everybody brave enough to visit, aside from the regulars that came here every single weekend and had picked up on all the patterns. They'd know about events before they were announced in the early evening. They'd know everything, like the sex-crazed junks they were.

  Dax wanted to be somebody like that. He already knew it.

  Without having to be told to, he took out his phone, keys, wallet and everything else he owned. He put it in the box without any hesitation, much to the lady's obvious surprise. In response, a smug smirk appeared on her face. His non-existent reputation was momentarily restored.

  "You're free to go up the stairs now, boy," she smiled. "But just one tip; just because someone tells you to take off all your clothes the minute you step in, doesn't mean you have to. Don't be too gullible, because these men are fucking hungry for people like you."

  Dax simply blinked for a few seconds as if to decipher what exactly this meant, but he was getting no closer to the explanation. It only fueled his nerves, induced his nausea and made his palms clammy with sweat. God, he was so nervous and he was going to need to do something about this if he wanted to make a lasting expression on any of the people here.

  He heard snickering from behind him, from the boys standing besides the door. He would be fucking stupid to think that this wasn't in response to what he was doing, because Dax was behaving like a fucking tool. It was fucking pathetic.

  "Thank you," he simply said, shaking his head to himself and making his way past the front desk the very instant he saw the chance to.


  Like he had seen from the very instant he had stepped into these doors, Dax had known that this was truly something he wouldn't have been able to foresee even in his wildest fantasies. This went far beyond anything he had thought it was going to be, the decorations so on point in each and every corner of the mansion. The entire place had an entirely ancient Greek theme, but it was subtle in everything that other people did. For instance, it didn't seem to matter that none of the guests had stuck to the theme, as they were all mere humans inside a Godly world that had momentarily opened for them to explore. None of them really belonged there, because that was the whole point. Eros was a different world, an escape. It was a place where you could—without any judgment—do whatever you wanted to do to another person. In whatever way, for whatever reason, to anyone who consented to it.

  Dax had merely explored for the first hour (or had it even been an hour, yet? He hadn't been able to check). He had seen suited up men with stern faces in every corner of every room. They seemed as hungry as the woman at the front desk had told him they'd be, studying their prey only to find the right moment to attack. They didn't dance along with them. Or well, the ones most serious about what they wanted didn't dance along with them. There were some that moved their hips, standing behind a boy or girl, hands on their hips, but they had already lured them in. They had found themselves a girl or boy who wanted them to dance with them. They were the ones who didn't just take, but also gave.

  Dax didn't want somebody who gave. He wanted someone who only took, like those men sitting on the side, watching the crowd as they licked their lips whenever they saw something that appealed to them. They didn't get up until they felt certain and they attacked with their eyes alone, locking them with their prey with one of these subtle smirks on their lips and that threatening darkness in their eyes. They used their eyes to make their prey feel nervous and watched to let them know they were looking and appreciating the show. Like this, they were encouraging their prey to work harder for them, to show them what they had. They would be confident in their abilities, no hesitance, no doubt.

  Dax wanted somebody to look at him like that, but he hadn't made his way over to the dance floor thus far. He was frozen instead, studying what he knew needed to be studied before he would move at all. He was overly careful, he knew that, but he'd much rather be that than be ill prepared when someone would—finally—get their eyes on hi—

  "I've never seen someone be so unapologetically obvious about the fact that this is their first time here."

  There was a hand on Dax’s shoulder; he could feel the firm weight on top. He shivered, the hairs on the back of his neck instantly standing up straight. This man had taken him by surprise.

  Taken him.

  Avoiding breaking out into a fit of panic, he turned around to meet the man's eyes. They dug into his, pulling out what he wanted to have. Dax’s fears were on the surface, for the man to see and do with what he wanted, because Dax wouldn't have the heart to tell him no. He hardly even understood why, until his eyes fell onto that face, attached to that body—until he realised what this meant.

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