The Starless Realm

The Starless Realm

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

INVISIBLE INVADERS!THEIR HOME GALAXY hung close to the horizon. If one were to consider it as the sun it would be possible to say that here it was late afternoon. Its spiral arms appeared to be slowly turning but of course that was merely an illusion. The other island universes were cold, dim light flecks of not much apparent significance. Barkon was a planet without light and now it was apparently a world without hope.  Rhodan looked down at the ground.  Somewhere below the Barkonides must be residing if they still lived. He had witnessed their preparations for burrowing into the planet. It had appeared to them to be the only way of surviving the long journey through emptiness."The ship!"Pucky's frightened voice was the only sound they had heard in their helmets since they had stepped onto Barkon. Rhodan whirled about. What he saw filled him with amazement—or rather it was what he failed to see.  The ship had vanished!THE STARLESS REALM!
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  • 691
Beware the Microbots

Beware the Microbots

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

EDITORIAL REVIEW:The vital structure-compensator has been installed in the Spaceship Titan. Once more its massive bulk contains the most sophisticated destructive weaponry in interplanetary space.  But the toxin-ridden Nonues have wreaked havoc among the crew. And their deadly Ionized Argon has been artificially produced. So Perry Rhodan must return to Honur, and search the treacherous valleys and desolate plains from whence it came. And Honur also harbours the dreaded Microbots… BEWARE THE MICROBOTS!
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  • 680
The Bonds of Eternity

The Bonds of Eternity

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

ARKON STAR REALM, Alert! The Cosmic Chessboard is set for a conflict of Galactic Giants. And Perry plays a perilous part between them! But Rhodan is not alone-mysteriously, the gross body' of a creature from the stars hosts the ghost (?) of an Earthman and comes to the aid of Earthman #1. It's Arkon pitted against Druufon, the Robot Regent vs. the Druufs, as titanic interstellar powers clash in—THE BONDS OF ETERNITY!
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  • 680
The Man With Two Faces

The Man With Two Faces

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

"BIG WORDS, Rhobal!" Cardif retorted. Rhodan's son rose to his feet and shoved the Anti aside. Stepping over to the ball of energy he seized the sphere and raised it above his head. "Go ahead-all of you! Feast your eyes on these cell activators which can give the gift of eternal life! 20 of them, waiting here for you... but you will never have them unless I give the mental order, of my own free will, for the sphere to open. They lie behind a barrier to our time, gentlemen. Do you understand that? They are enclosed by a time field and that field will remain closed unless I feel like having it open up. Well, Rhobal, do you still dare antagonize me with your threats?"Negotiations might have begun but at that moment a loud announcement came over the speaker: "Rhobal, a ship from the Solar Fleet is approaching!"More than two dozen Antis stiffened in sudden alarm and consternation. And the man who had usurped Perry Rhodan's position in the Sol System cursed inwardly. You'll read the rest in--  THE MAN WITH TWO FACES!
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  • 677
Secret Barrier X

Secret Barrier X

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

EDITORIAL REVIEW:And the hotspot is Venus! Perry and the fugitive Arkonide woman, Thora, are on the planet of peril, a hot-house of horror, menaced not only by the unnatural monstrosities of the natural Venusian habitat but by deadly invaders from Earth. And the positronic brain, not programmed for certain unforeseen emergencies, has sealed off the planet!An impenetrable envelope surrounds Venus!  Can Reginald Bell penetrate the barrier via the 5th dimension? If not, Rhodan must rely on his own resources to protect himself from man and monster alike, else perish in a primeval jungle far from his Mother World.  SECRET BARRIER X!
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  • 670
Time's Lonely One

Time's Lonely One

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

The dramatic events in this volume take place well into the 21st century as we leap ahead into a new epoch in humanity's history which you will witness at first hand through the eyes of a hibernator from the past, a man of many personalities, possessor of a powerful 'monoblock' & an invisibility device. The Hermit of Time.Atlan!Antagonist of Rhodan! A clash of giants ensues 12,000 light-years distant from Earth on Hellgate when the Peacelord encounters— Time's Lonely One!
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  • 662
Unknown Sector Milky Way

Unknown Sector Milky Way

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

THE DAMNED OF ISAN. Victims of hydrogen war holocaust. Decimated remnants of a once advanced culture that went down to defeat in an atomic Armageddon, a Final War.  It is among these unfortunate survivors of planetary warfare that Perry Rhodan and his people find themselves after the Affair of the Pseudo One, just completed, on Tolimon.Unusual adventure & exciting events await the Rhodanites in an uncharted area of space, among the despairing inhabitants of Isan in—UNKNOWN SECTOR: MILKY WAY, by Kurt Mahr
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  • 641

The Columbus Affair

The Columbus Affair

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

THE INCREDIBLE had happened. —Thus begins chapter 1, ‘The Message of the Century’, of the next episode of Perry Rhodan’s ‘diary’, It continues: In clear, uncoded text the unmistakable signature appeared on the tape. Mute. Cold. Inanimate. Yet possibly signifying a turning point in human history. —And the beat goes on. ‘Cosmic Friend & Cosmic Foe 2,000 Druuf Ships... The Most Critical Moment in the Entire History of the Human Race’... ‘When Mutants Enter the Ring... The Battle for Terra’. Peril from Pluto explodes, with 4,000 Springers involved, in—THE COLUMBUS AFFAIR!
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  • 640
Escape to Venus

Escape to Venus

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

EDITORIAL REVIEW:Impetuous Thora, beauteous woman from distant Arkon, breaks the bonds of Earth and, with a robot as her only companion, rockets toward Venus as he first step toward returning home to he native world.  But she reckons without SBX... and her plans are wrecked. She finds to her dismay that she has fled the frying pan, only to land in the fire of the volcanic primeval planet that is Venus, a dangerous dinosaurian world where giant slugy ugly snail-worms creep and frail flesh crawls and winged terrordactyls swoop in the long long night.This is the stirring story of-- ESCAPE TO VENUS!
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  • 640
Phantom Fleet

Phantom Fleet

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

"WE STILL have some hope," Perry Rhodan said."But slim at best," Atlan replied."Hope is hope!" the Peacelord declared adamantly. "Don't forget that we have always mastered the worst situations."'"But nothing as dreadful as this," the Crystal Prince muttered glumly.  And Perry Rhodan knew in his heart of hearts that his immortal friend, the Imperator of Arkon who had survived from the time of Atlantis, was right. The existence of the Imperium was at stake. A tale of the Blue System, the Akons and a ghostly group of spaceships known as—THE PHANTOM FLEET
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  • 635
Challenge of the Unknown

Challenge of the Unknown

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

EDITORIAL REVIEW:Perry Rhodan is on a secret mission on a planet of Arkonide descendants. With him, on a mile-long ‘liberated’ space battleship is the extraordinary Pucky, and the imperious Thora. But new mysteries arise on the planet Zalit. The Zalites are coppery-skinned aliens with copper-green hair. Their planet has become the base of the ‘Watchdogs’–telepathic, marine methane-breathing creatures from another world who establish themselves on Zalit for unknown purposes. What are their aims? Are they malevolent? A new and fantastic challenge for Perry Rhodan and his mutant allies... CHALLENGE OF THE UNKNOWN!
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  • 628
Unleashed Powers

Unleashed Powers

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

Save them! Save them! Save them! This was the only thought that found room in Pucky's brain. I must save them from that flaming inferno. At least I owe them that. Who has made this attack on my home world? The Druufs? The Springers? The Aras?Oh, Perry, you must help me destroy those scoundrels! Pucky was blindly determined to get to Vagabond as soon as possible. He kept thinking desperately about the heat there: It was going higher than 135 Fahrenheit in some areas! For his own kind, the mouse-beavers, he knew this would be like the fires of Hell!  All Hell breaks loose in next adventure—UNLEASHED POWERS!
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  • 627
Enemy in the Dark

Enemy in the Dark

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

THE WORLD by which they were now surrounded gave them an eerie feeling. They were familiar with the wide open spaces of the universe or the inhospitable surfaces of other worlds but rarely ventured into the deep regions of oceans. Although deepsea cruises in land-sea-air transporters had been part of their training they had assumed they would spend all their time in the comfort of a spaceship and never seriously contemplated a life underwater.As soon as they entered the water the observer had detected small semi-metallic objects moving in the vicinity of the ship. The way they moved indicated that they must be steered. Untcher tried to contact them with the short-range intercom but received no answer.The unidentified boats finally left as if they had been suddenly called back.  What happens next is part of the exciting plot of–  ENEMY IN THE DARK!
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  • 625
Checkmate Universe

Checkmate Universe

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

COMBAT for galactic supremacy. The Imperium of Ancient Arkon. The domain of the Druufs. And imperilled by both: Earth! The safety of the Solar Empire is at stake and Terra must somehow weaken these two warring giants. Julian Tifflor? Ah, yes, the Cosmic Decoy. He's back and he doesn't hesitate to make the move he believes most beneficial to his homeworld in— CHECKMATE: UNIVERSE!
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  • 616
The Plasma Monster

The Plasma Monster

Perry Rhodan

Perry Rhodan

The Solar Empire has become a major commercial power along the rim of the Milky Way. For the past 22 years a virtual stream of emigrants has been flowing out to suitable colonial worlds. Also on many of the planets inhabited by other intelligences, Terran embassies have been established as well as far-flung trading settlements.  In spite of all this, however, the situation is tense. An ominous discovery has been made: there is a super power in the galaxy which is friendly neither to Arkonides nor to Terrans! These are the Akons of the so-called Blue System. This terrible race will unleash the most incredible and frightening creation humanity has ever seen...THE PLASMA MONSTER!
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  • 613