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Daddy's Protecting (ABC Towers Book 5), page 1


Daddy's Protecting (ABC Towers Book 5)
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Daddy's Protecting (ABC Towers Book 5)






  Text copyright© 2022 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved


  The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment.

  This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to enjoy the characters best. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces.

  You can contact me on

  my Pepper North Facebook pages,


  eMail at

  I’m experimenting with Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok.

  Come join me everywhere!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Dirk walked into the bar of the upscale steak restaurant. It had opened years ago and still was a favorite for both the business crowd and elegant diners. He strode into the dimly lit, wood-paneled bar and spotted his favorite table in a secluded corner. Feeling his lips curve in a pleased grin, Dirk claimed his spot. This table always brought him luck—in negotiations and in important conversations. He didn’t know why Easton wanted to talk to him, but he had a feeling something important loomed in his future.

  They’d been meeting here for years. Each month, they shared a glass of the finely aged scotch and discussed anything but business. Dirk and Easton had met in college, each recognizing the potential in the other as their similarities had drawn them together. Years later, they were still friends first and colleagues second.

  When Easton walked in, completely focused on him, Dirk knew their rule of avoiding a discussion of Edgewater Industries wasn’t in effect that night. He stood and shook his friend’s hand.

  “You look like a man on a mission, Easton,” Dirk commented.

  “You know me too well, old friend.” Easton paused to order a glass of fine scotch when the waiter appeared at the table as well.

  “I’ll have the same,” Dirk requested from the server. Easton had good taste. He’d follow his lead tonight.

  As they settled into their chairs, Dirk studied his friend. “You look good, Easton. That Little girl of yours is keeping you young.” He loved the grin that spread his friend’s lips at the mention of Piper. There was no doubt they were a perfect love match.

  “That she does,” Easton agreed. “I can’t believe I found her after all these years of waiting. What about you, Dirk? Have you found your one?”

  Shaking his head, Dirk commented drily, “She’s probably running far away from my reputation as a vicious prosecutor.” The server returned quickly with their drinks, and he sipped his in appreciation.

  “You paint yourself as a villain easily, Dirk. We both know that under that tough lawyer persona is a completely different reality,” Easton observed.

  “Shh! Don’t tell anyone. You’ll lose your most effective legal tool,” Dirk warned with an over-the-top paranoid look around.

  Easton laughed and took another sip of his drink. “I won’t blow your cover, Dirk. I do, however, have a favor to ask.”

  “Surely you aren’t calling in all those favors I promised you each time we played poker back in college,” Dirk laughed before sobering immediately as Easton answered.


  “You might have me a bit spooked, Easton. Tell me what’s going on,” Dirk requested, leaning forward.

  “Remember the cyberattack we survived?”

  “Of course. That had repercussions throughout the entire business. We’re still reviewing all the legal guidelines to make sure we’ve crossed all our Ts. The federal government is cracking down on electronic crimes. I anticipate they’ll take over the case and send in a prosecutor,” Dirk assured him.

  “I’m glad you’re earning that ridiculous salary I’m paying you. And thanks for doing all you do to protect Edgewater Industries. I’ve never doubted that you have my back completely.”

  “Why does that sound ominous?”

  “You’re not going to like this, Dirk, but I’m going to ask for your help. Our experts have tracked the culprit to a young woman who worked in the cafeteria. She used the computer in the office to load a virus into the system,” Easton explained.

  “From all I’ve seen in the reports, it’s cut and dried. She’ll do a sentence for her crime.”

  “That’s the problem. I know Cynthia was the vehicle for the attack, but I also know she isn’t guilty. I need you to prove that she’s innocent, Dirk,”

  Easton requested.

  “I’ve looked at the file, Easton, and I won’t sugarcoat this for you. I don’t know if I can get her off. Every single path seems to point to her working alone,” Dirk told him with a shake of his head before lifting the cut-glass tumbler of amber scotch.

  “She’s a Little. She needs someone in her corner. I don’t believe she did this knowingly,” Easton informed him.

  “This isn’t the type of law I specialize in, Easton. She would do better with a criminal attorney to protect her in the courtroom. I can suggest a few highly skilled trial lawyers…”

  Easton shook his head and interrupted. “She’s coming to you. I want you to handle this.”

  “Because you think she’s innocent?” Dirk suggested.

  “Because I know she’s innocent, and I don’t want whoever forced her to do this to ruin her life. I have a feeling he’s had a hand in screwing up her success before.”

  “That’s a big hunch to risk letting someone who almost transferred all your money to an offshore account get away with betraying your company. She would have hurt many more people than just you,” Dirk pointed out.

  “I’m aware of that. I’m calling in my favor,” Easton said softly. “Hell, I’ll call in all my favors.”

  Dirk blinked at him in surprise. “Really? You’re going to use your favors to have me defend this woman?”

  “I’m going to call in all my markers to have you prove her innocence,” Easton clarified before glancing at his watch. “Cynthia is turning herself in to you this evening.”

  “Did you just say she’s turning herself in to me?” Dirk repeated, focusing on Easton’s exact words.

  “Yes. You’ll find her under the stairs of your deck. I told her she would be safe there until I convinced you to represent her.”

  “No judge is going to allow me to represent both the company and the person accused of trying to steal billions of dollars from that same company,” Dirk pointed out.

  “So, for once, you don’t represent me. The feds have stepped in to prosecute the case, Dirk. She needs someone equally skilled on her side,” Easton shared.

  “This isn’t a sound business decision, Easton,” Dirk warned. “I would like you to think about this over a week or two before you make your final choice of how to proceed.”

  “I appreciate your counsel, Dirk. You are my oldest friend and the one who’s guided me to establish all that Edgewater Industries has become. I assure you, I’m not going into this blindly.”

  “When I find her hiding under my deck, I will have to take her to the police station to turn herself in,” Dirk pointed out. “I can’t harbor an alleged felon.”

  “Take time to talk to her, Dirk. Surely a few hours of conversation between a lawyer and his client would be normal before you escort her to the authorities?”

  “That would not be uncommon,” Dirk allowed, setting his almost full glass down on the table with a quiet thump. As delightful as the scotch was, he wanted to have his mind clear to meet with the young woman who he had no doubt was either already taking refuge under his deck or would be there shortly.

  “Thank you, my friend,” Easton said.

  “You’re going to owe me several of these when this is all done,” Dirk warned.

  “I will look forward to celebrating with you.” Easton signaled for the bill as Dirk pushed his chair back from the table.

  “It’s getting ready to rain. I wouldn’t want a stray dog to struggle to stay dry under my deck. I’ll be in touch,” he promised.

  “She deserves your best,” Easton said quietly.

  “I wouldn’t give her anything less,” Dirk reassured him before leaving.

  Easton sampled the fine scotch in his glass and smiled. His friend had no clue what he was walking into. Damn, this would be fun to watch.

  He sent the server off to charge his credit card and messaged Piper.

  On my way home. Everything is set.

  The return message made him smile. A line of alternating Xs and Os filled several lines of text. His Little girl had needed him badly in the beginning as well. He hoped Dirk garnered as much happiness as Easton had found with Piper.


  Dirk pulled into his garage
and was out the door of his luxury sedan before the garage door even started descending. He quickly turned off his alarm and dashed into his house. The skies had just opened, and rain pelted from the clouds. Flipping on the lights, he rushed down the stairs to the lower entrance.

  He moved slower to slide the glass door open onto the concrete patio located under his extensive deck that spanned the length of the main floor. “Cynthia, are you here?” he called softly, trying to peer into the shadows around the circle of light pouring out.

  A small rustle at the edge of the darkness drew his attention. “I can go away if you want. You don’t have to talk to me.”

  Something lurched inside his chest. That voice sounded so dejected, as if her last potential source of survival had just kicked her. “Come inside, Cynthia. It’s raining. You’ve got to be soaked.”

  Slowly, she inched forward. “Did you call the cops?”

  “Easton is my oldest friend. I promised I’d talk to you first.”

  The bedraggled figure before him nodded as if resigned to her fate. Water dripped down her face to soak into her wet clothing. She wore a backpack strapped against her chest under her coat. Cynthia’s hands held the edges of her denim jacket pulled as far around the fabric carrier as they would go. He understood immediately that whatever she kept inside the canvas carrier was more important than anything else.

  “He said you’d known each other for a long time and that you were the best legal mind he’d ever found. Easton didn’t promise me you’d help me,” she rushed to assure him.

  “Come inside and get dry, Cynthia. We’ll talk and I promise I’ll tell you the truth.”

  She nodded and stepped inside onto the rug. Her arms remained locked around her body, as if making herself the smallest target possible. “I’m sorry. I’m getting everything wet.”

  “The carpet will dry. Come upstairs. I didn’t stop for towels. I’ll grab some from the hall closet.”

  Dirk turned and led the way to the stairs. He turned back to see her standing rooted in the same place. “Cynthia. You’re safe. Easton wouldn’t have sent you anywhere that he didn’t have complete confidence in. Follow me, Little girl.”

  Immediately, she stepped off the rug and walked forward.

  Cynthia took several deep breaths, trying to calm her wildly beating heart. If turning herself into the police would be safe, she’d have gone there directly. But it wasn’t. He’d make sure she suffered before something happened to her.

  She shrugged her shoulders as she walked up the stairs behind the handsome man before her. Focusing on the pristine carpet below her feet, she kept herself from studying his chiseled body. Cynthia was a bit rattled by his use of the term Little girl, but with no makeup on and dripping wet clothes, she knew she looked pathetic. Gathering her tattered hope around her, she crossed her fingers. Please, let him help me. Please.

  As they emerged into the bright light of the kitchen, she kept her eyes focused on the linoleum and the small puddle forming around her soaked tennis shoes. Cynthia watched his polished shoes come into focus as he approached. She jumped at the feel of his hand that cupped her chin, raising her gaze to meet his.

  “You’re safe, Cynthia. We’re going to talk. I need you to promise to be honest and brave.”

  She exhaled a gust of pent-up breath and nodded. “I promise.”

  “Let me go get some towels. Take off your jacket and those wet shoes. I’ll put them in the dryer.”

  Obediently, she toed off her shoes and shrugged out of the wet garment. Cynthia shivered slightly at the feel of the soggy denim against her thighs and lower legs. Wrapping her arms around her backpack, she ran her hands over the canvas to make sure that she’d protected her belongings. To her relief, the outside seemed completely dry. The contents should be fine.

  “Here. Wrap this around your hair.” Dirk held a plush towel out to her and watched as she bent over to trap her hair under the makeshift turban.

  The bag sagged away from her body and Cynthia stood immediately to scoop her hair up in the towel and awkwardly wind it around her head. “Thanks. That rain came down fast,” she murmured, looking back at the floor.

  “Cynthia, I need you to look at me. When you avoid my gaze, I immediately suspect that you are lying. Everyone else will, too. You need to hold your head up and meet everyone’s eyes when they talk to you,” Dirk said with authority that immediately made her want to obey.

  “Okay.” She struggled to keep her head up. Since the incident, Cynthia had hidden from everyone.

  “Let me get you something to drink. What would you like?”

  “Could I have chocolate milk?” she asked, surprising him. “It always makes my stomach feel better.”

  “I think I can concoct some. Take a seat at the table. Have you been sick?” Dirk asked.

  “When I’m worried or nervous, my stomach gets upset,” she explained before blurting, “I did it. You know… I loaded the virus into the computer at Edgewater Industries.”


  “That’s a tough question to answer,” she evaded.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he assured her before pulling a carton of milk and a bottle of chocolate syrup from the fridge.

  She watched him create chocolate milk for her as if he’d done it a million times. The click of the spoon against the glass interrupted the silence that stretched between them. Cynthia swallowed hard.

  “I don’t know how to explain.” She waved a hand around his beautifully designed and decorated home. “Have you ever not been in control of your life?”

  He stopped stirring and looked at her in surprise before answering, “As a kid, certainly. As an adult, I don’t remember a time I’ve given someone power over my life.”

  “I didn’t give someone control,” she corrected him snippily. “They took it and there wasn’t anything I could do.”

  “Tell me about it,” he urged. “Have you eaten?”

  “Yesterday. I’m okay.”

  “That’s not okay. I haven’t eaten, either. You can keep me company.”

  Dirk pulled open the freezer to reveal a stack of individually packaged meals—not like the frozen dinners from the grocery store, but as if he had some service that created choices for him. Immediately, Cynthia was sorry he didn’t have anyone making him meals with love.

  Before she could listen to that voice in the back of her head saying she could cook for him, he pulled two out and turned around to ask, “Do you like meatloaf?”

  “Love it. But you don’t have to feed me,” she rushed to assure him.

  The look he gave Cynthia made her drop any further attempts to protest him from feeding her. “Thank you.”

  “You haven’t told me what happened,” he reminded her.

  “I have an ex-husband. My marriage was ugly and the divorce even worse,” Cynthia tried to explain.

  “And he has some kind of hold over you?” Dirk probed.

  “He doesn’t, but his brother does,” she admitted. “Stan, my ex, is in jail. Not only did he treat me like dirt, he stole money from his parents’ restaurant and they prosecuted him. That’s where I learned how to cook. Stan was awful, but his parents loved me. I think I married him to be related to them.”

  “Belinda reported talking to you in the green space prior to the event. She said you were visibly upset and shared that someone had maneuvered you to do something you didn’t want to do,” Dirk shared.

  She had a moment’s reprieve from his perceptive gaze when the microwave beeped and he had to trade dinners inside. When he turned back to look at her, Cynthia swallowed hard and asked, “Are you going to try to help me? Mr. Edgewater seemed to think that you would be able to convince the jury that I was coerced to load that program onto the computer.”

  “Easton has asked me to represent you. I’ll tell you what I told him. I’m good, but my specialty isn’t as a defense attorney. I could find you a very skilled defense attorney,” he suggested.

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