Letters to penthouse xxx.., p.1
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Letters to Penthouse XXXXIV, page 1


Letters to Penthouse XXXXIV
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Letters to Penthouse XXXXIV

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  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at permissions@hbgusa.com. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.


  Welcome to the stockrooms and bedrooms, garages and galleries, beaches and barrooms of Penthouse readers. Meet the nurses and neighbors, strippers and strangers, mechanics and movie stars who never hesitate to open the door when erotic opportunity comes knocking. They know the hottest hookups require no appointment. And what you don’t see coming will get you going… all night long.


  Is there anything hotter than a surprise fling? There’s something terrific about an unexpected, pulse-pounding romp that sends you into an orgasmic tailspin. You go to work or head to your appointment with no thoughts of your dirty desires crossing your mind. But then…

  You hadn’t planned on fucking your doctor, but the opportunity presented itself, so you took it! A near miss on the interstate leads to a different kind of front-end collision. A warm summer’s day finds you in the checkout line buying some beer when suddenly you see your old college crush. One thing leads to another and the next thing you know, you’re facedown in your sheets with his hard, throbbing meat stick probing your tingling cunt. And why shouldn’t your husband fuck your BFF if her partner is lacking in the good-lovin’ department? Sure you merely planned to meet for dinner, but the only logical dessert is you, your husband, and your BFF slapping your sweaty bodies together.

  All of these lascivious lays started out innocently enough. No planning, no force needed, just a few twists of fate to turn all the best laid plans on their heads. Enter an erotic world where there are no holds (or holes) barred. A world where no matter if you’re young or old, a wealthy businessman or a weary driver, you can easily become the pursuer—or the prey. Unexpected encounters are the most intense sexual hookups. You never know what will happen.

  Read on,

  Kathy Cavanaugh

  Senior Managing Editor

  Penthouse Letters

  Prison Pleasures

  I thought I was going to lose my mind. I’d just been talking to my girlfriend—I was allowed one phone call a week—and she’d told me that she had found someone else. She’d explained that waiting for me to get out of prison was just too much for her, and she wanted to break up.

  I went back to my cell—it was an open-cell floor—and thought about how Aretha and I used to fuck. Aretha was short and black, with a huge firm ass that any man would love to stick his jimmy into. I’m about six feet, brown, with shoulder-length dreadlocks. As I sat on my bunk the guard shift changed. The evening shift was over and the graveyard shift was coming on.

  I felt pretty shitty over losing my girlfriend of five years, and I suddenly felt the urge to fuck somebody. The officer now coming onto my floor was a hot little blonde-haired babe with what looked to be a great set of tits. She couldn’t have been more than five feet one. She walked past my cell as she started on her initial rounds, and I saw she was beautiful. She seemed very friendly; she was smiling as she walked past my cubicle. I casually turned sideways, hoping she would notice my hard-on, but if she did she gave no sign.

  I knew I had to do something to get her attention. I didn’t know what would happen, but I figured the worst they could do was take me to the hole. I waited until about three-thirty in the morning, when the blonde made her rounds again, and everyone was sleeping except me. As she passed my cell my jimmy was peeking out of the hole of my boxers, and it was rock-hard.

  I had a towel over my head so she would think I was sleeping, but by peeking out I could see her expression. As she approached my cell she looked in, opened her mouth in a gasp, and then laughed. Then she tapped on the bars. I pretended to wake up. All she did was point at my thing with her stick, which made it even harder. I rubbed it for a second, then put it back in my boxers, and she walked away.

  I waited till she got back to her post, and then I slipped out of my cell and made my way over there. I had come this far, I couldn’t turn back now. As I approached her post, I told her, “Officer, I can’t sleep.”

  She tried to look tough, the way they all do. “What do you want me to do about it?” she demanded.

  It was now or never. “Well, I could think of a few things,” I said. “I mean, everybody is asleep, so we could…”

  She just looked at me. She could have radioed for backup and they would have beat me up and put me in the hole right then and there. But instead she just sat there.

  “Can I use your bathroom?” I asked her, even though the prisoners’ bathroom was right next to hers and wide open. When she said yes, I knew I had it made.

  Inside the bathroom I stood there with the light off for about five minutes. Finally she tapped lightly on the door and asked if I was all right. “Come inside, officer,” I said.

  She came in, and I was standing there stroking my cock. She looked very nervous, but she didn’t move. I grabbed her hand gently and put it on my rod. She wrapped her fingers around it and said, “I could lose my job.” I shushed her by kissing her wildly on the mouth.

  She kissed me back, and I was surprised by her passion. When we broke the kiss, she said, “Hurry up, before someone comes!” I couldn’t believe my good luck. I dropped my sweatpants and shorts down around my ankles and helped her with her belt. As her pants fell down I told her to lean over the sink, which she did. For a minute I just stood there looking at her sweet, firm ass as it stuck out toward me

  Getting behind her, I immediately sank my stick right down to the hilt. She moaned. I started to work back and forth, moving harder with each thrust. She was moaning, “Faster, come on, faster!” I started to pound her, her ass smacking against my thighs. It had been so long since I’d fucked that I knew it wouldn’t last long. I stuck my hands under her light blue shirt and felt those beautiful tits as I banged her. She reached under with one hand and put it over mine. I thrust harder now, tweaking her nipples. She turned her head back and began kissing me.

  She moaned out that she wanted us to come together, and that was all I could handle. I blew my load right up inside her, and she came, too. I wanted to stay there and hold her tits, but she broke away from me. She took a wad of tissue and wiped the come that was dripping down her leg, then pulled all her gear back on. I pulled my sweats back up, and she kissed me and told me to go to bed. I asked her when she would be working this floor again, and she told me, “I’ll wake you up when I do!”

  Then, with a quick squeeze of my cock, she went back to her post. I went back to my cell, thinking that prison wasn’t so bad after all.

  —Name and address withheld

  Oh, Doctor!

  When my husband was promoted this spring, we moved to a small town in Virginia. After having spent most of our lives in the big city, we were glad for the opportunity to live in a small community, where we would have the chance to meet and know our neighbors.

  Shortly after moving in I developed a slight but nagging illness. I decided to visit a doctor, and since I didn’t really know anyone yet who I could ask for a recommendation, I looked in the phone book and made an appointment at a nearby clinic. Since I was a new patient, the receptionist had me fill out all the forms and insurance papers. After finishing those I only had to wait a few minutes until a nurse called my name and led me back to an examination room.

  While she took my vitals, I briefly described how I felt and why I was there. When she finished she told me that since I was a new patient the doctor would want to give me a complete physical exam. She handed me a gown and told me to undress.

  I was a little nervous as I waited; this was the first time in years that I had been examined by anyone other than our family doctor. Within minutes there was a knock on the door, and in walked the nurse and the doctor. I guessed his age to be about the same as mine, and with his warm smile and southern tan, he could almost have been described as a hunk.

  Normally I’m very nervous about examinations, but because of the doctor’s easy manner and smile, I soon found myself completely at ease. Even with the sheet lowered as he examined my breasts, or pulled back as I lay at the end of the table while he performed the pelvic exam, I was relaxed. And more surprisingly, by the time he was done and said I could get dressed, I was almost disappointed.

  Unable to find anything wrong, he wanted to schedule additional tests at the hospital the following week. In addition to the normal blood work, he also scheduled me for a barium enema and X-rays.

  Before leaving, I stopped at the reception desk to pay for the visit. As the receptionist looked at my check, she saw my address and remarked that my husband and I must be neighbors of the doctor, who lived on the same street. I was taken aback. I knew that in a small town everyone knew each other, but this was more than I expected. When I got home I checked the doctor’s home address. The receptionist had been right; he lived just across the street.

  When John, my husband, got home that night I told him about my exam and the tests that were scheduled. He was glad I had found a doctor that I liked. However, when I
told him where he lived, his reaction was different.

  At first he didn’t want me to go back. “No neighbor of mine is going to examine my wife,” he said. “Find another doctor.” But the more we talked about it, the more I realized how much I liked that doctor. I finally told him that I didn’t want to change, and by the end of the week he reluctantly agreed.

  The morning of the tests, John was more nervous than I was. Knowing that our neighbor, even if he was a doctor, was going to do these tests on me put him totally on edge.

  When I arrived at the hospital, both the nurse and the doctor were already there. He explained the procedure to me. I would be given three preliminary enemas to cleanse my system before being given the barium enema and the X-rays. After he left the room, the nurse handed me a small sheet, telling me to undress and lie facedown on the table.

  The sheet was only large enough to cover my front, leaving my entire backside bare. I felt more naked than ever as I waited. They both returned a few minutes later, and the nurse prepped me as the doctor readied the equipment. Both ends of the table were lowered, until my bottom was higher than my head and feet. After spreading my legs and telling me to relax and be calm, the nurse began to insert a thermometer into my rectum. I felt both apprehensive and embarrassed; I’d never had an enema before.

  I watched as the doctor assembled the equipment. I noticed a large hose-like device, and surprisingly, the thought of that thing being inserted into my ass excited me. The nurse removed the thermometer, and even knowing what was next, I wasn’t prepared for the sensation I felt. While the nurse parted my cheeks the doctor slipped a well-greased, gloved finger into my waiting anus and proceeded to lubricate it thoroughly until I began to quiver from the sensation. The nurse continued to spread my cheeks as the doctor withdrew his finger and then slowly inserted several inches of hose into my anus.

  Once he was satisfied that the hose was in far enough, a warm solution was allowed to flow into me, filling my rectum. A clamp was then fitted onto the hose, and the table was returned to its level position. After helping me off the table, the nurse walked me to the bathroom while I clutched the sheet around me, the hose dangling between my legs. As I straddled the toilet, she reached between my legs and gently pulled out the hose. As I expelled the liquid I fell onto the seat, feeling almost as if I had just experienced an orgasm.

  Returning to the table, I was no longer embarrassed. In fact, the thought of having the procedure repeated heightened my feeling of excitement. Taking my place on the table again, I willingly spread my legs, secretly looking forward to the hose and the warm solution again filling my rectum.

  I made it to the bathroom by myself this time, and as I expelled the liquid I again found myself trembling from the sensation. Unable to control the feeling, I felt the sheet slip from my fingers and fall to the floor. As I got ready to leave the bathroom. I stared at the sheet on the floor. I was so hot now, I didn’t care who saw me; in fact, I wanted them to see me. Besides, I rationalized to myself, between my exam last week and the tests today, there wasn’t anything left of me that the doctor hadn’t seen or touched. Leaving the sheet where it was, I returned to the room totally naked. If either the doctor or the nurse was surprised, they didn’t show it, nor did they say anything.

  Returning to the room after the third and final cleansing, I was surprised to see that another man had joined us. He was a lab technician, there to assist with the X-rays. Still on a sexual high, even with this stranger in the room I made no effort to cover myself. I could tell he was more than surprised by my nakedness, and as he set up his equipment his eyes never left me.

  Once more I assumed my position on the table. The nurse again parted my cheeks and the doctor inserted the hose. As the solution flowed into me I could feel my stomach expand, trying to accommodate the volume of it. This time, after clamping the hose and leveling the table, the doctor asked me to roll over and scoot to the end of the table.

  With both the doctor and the technician watching, the nurse positioned the stirrups and placed my feet in them. With my legs up and open and the hose extending from my rectum, I lay naked in front of them. I remained that way for about twenty minutes, unable to move until the X-rays were taken and reviewed.

  That night, as I told John about my day, I could see that he was turned on as much as I was. “Secretly,” he confided, “I was turned on all day, knowing what you were going through, knowing that another man—our neighbor—was seeing you naked.”

  My illness turned out to be a minor one, easily treated with antibiotics. Since then we see our neighbor often. In fact he and John are good friends, often golfing together. And guess who continues to be my doctor?

  —M.J., Bluefield, Virginia

  Fire Down Below

  It was about seven o’clock on a Wednesday morning when I was awakened by a knock on my door. I sleepily got out of bed, and as I went to the door, trying to pull my robe around me, the knocking became more frantic. Wondering what the hell was going on, I opened the door, still tying the belt of my robe. Standing there before me was the most handsome man I have ever seen, dressed in a fireman’s uniform. I suddenly snapped awake.

  “Is there a problem?” I asked.

  The man told me there had been a small fire in the apartment next to mine, and he needed to make sure everything was okay on my side. I invited him in and led him into my bedroom, which shared a wall with the apartment next door. As I did so I was suddenly very aware that I had nothing on under my thin robe, and that he was probably getting quite a show.

  In the bedroom he inspected the walls, and as I watched him I felt myself getting very turned on by this strange man, who I was sure had checked out the shape of my ass through my robe. When he asked if he could move a dresser over to check the wall behind it, I got up and went to help him. As I leaned over, my robe fell open, giving him a full view of my breasts. I stood up quickly and pulled the robe around me. I thought I saw him blush just slightly, but there was also a small smile on his lips. He told me that everything looked fine—and then added hastily that he was talking about the wall.

  As we walked back through the apartment I thanked him for checking on me, and he said it was his pleasure, adding that he was sorry he woke me, but now I could go back to bed. “No,” I said, “I’m just going to fix some coffee and breakfast.”

  “That sounds nice,” he said.

  I looked at him for a minute. I couldn’t believe what I was about to say, but I said it. “What time do you get off?”

  I saw his eyebrows rise. “I’ll be back at nine,” he replied. “If that’s an invitation.” I told him it most definitely was.

  As the door closed behind him I took a deep breath, then ran inside to shower. I was incredibly turned on. I reached down to feel my pussy, and it was wet. I played with myself a little under the warm water, but not too much. I didn’t want to waste it.

  I was all dressed and had started the coffee when I heard his knock on the door. My nipples were suddenly hard. I called out for him to come in, telling him I was in the kitchen. When he walked into the room I had to catch my breath. He looked so yummy in his black T-shirt and jeans that I wanted to drop to my knees right there on the kitchen floor and suck his cock.

  My hand was shaking as I handed him a cup of coffee. I felt his eyes follow me as I moved across the room to the toaster. “Lost the robe, huh?” he said. I laughed nervously and said I was sorry about that morning, and he said there was nothing to be sorry for; he’d enjoyed it. I felt awkward as I put some bread in the toaster, talking about anything I could think of, just to keep myself from begging him to fuck me.

  I was so distracted that the bread started burning, and when I tried to pop it out the toaster got stuck. For a minute I didn’t know what to do, and then I felt him behind me, his hand reaching around me as he calmly pulled the plug. I turned to him, laughing and saying, “Boy, am I glad you were here!”

  “Me, too,” he said, and then he took hold of the back of my head and kissed me hard on the mouth. When he stopped I was panting. “By the way,” he said, “my name is Tony.”

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