Texas Trails 2

Texas Trails 2

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

In the time the hardworking Barlow boys tended their south Texas spread, there'd been no rustlin' trouble. So, when Morgan got word of his old Mel buddy's funeral, he saddled up, leaving his brother Sam to mind their herd for a spell while he paid his respects. 'Course, he never reckoned on the likes of Zach Medford and his gang of blood-thirsty gunmen riding across the Mex border to kill his kin and steal his cattle.Revenge burning in his guts, Morgan tracked the varmints day and night by the trail of blood they left clear down to Mexico. Taking up with a sharp-shootin' gal name of Anna lee and Marcel Pain, a rawhide tough Cajun trapper both with their own bitter debts to settle with Medford,Barlow cornered the outlaws in their own stinking hideout. With bullets flying fast and furious under the hot desert sun, the final showdown leaves the Texican trio standing tall and the hardcases facedown and done for!
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Medicine Bundle

Medicine Bundle

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

The final opening of the Indian lands in what is now part of present-day Oklahoma was a turbulent time. Luther and Fionna McCracken and their children sought a new beginning on the Medicine Bundle Grasslands, hoping to escape past unhappiness. Instead, they found themselves caught up in a struggle against both the law and lawless they couldn't ignore if they were to make their dreams a reality. The final crushing dilemma came when their son joined the ranchers who were fighting to stop what they saw as an invasion by the homesteaders. And when the boy's rebellion turned to outright banditry, the McCrackens had to face the catastrophic consequences.
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The Dragoons 3

The Dragoons 3

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Roberto Weismann and his gang of renegade outlaws rode into Arizona to hunt scalps for the rich bounty the federales paid. When the chief of the peaceful Chiranato Apache tribe saw his people slaughtered, he swore revenge and traded death for death until the whole territory was on the brink of war. Riding straight into the jaws of hell, Captain Grant Drummond and his tough Dragoons had to put down the uprising and round up the greedy killers before the desert was soaked with innocent blood!
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The Devil's Bonanza (A Piccadilly Publishing Western Book

The Devil's Bonanza (A Piccadilly Publishing Western Book

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

The homesteaders out on the Kiowa Flats were in big trouble. Money was scarce and the local banker was foreclosing on their properties. Then the shifty brother-in-law of one of the sodbusters, comes up with a scheme to steal gold from a small mine in Colorado. The desperate folks on the Flats agree to pull the job. But robbers pay their dues and success leads to tragedy when a cold-blooded killer gets involved in the plot. The farmers who return home are greeted by an unexpected reception back on the Flats.
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Colorado Crossfire

Colorado Crossfire

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

It was a vicious robbery, if there ever was one. A bunch of scummy gunsels had ambushed a Northwest and Canadian Railroad car, and left a pile of bodies in their wake. Detective Jim Bigelow figured it had to be Milo Paxton's Gang; no other pack of pistoleros was so downright mean – or so dang slippery-footed. The Pinkerton man needed a pair of crack frontiersmen to capture the outlaws – or kill 'em – and bring back the loot. So he hired two hell-raisin' whippersnappers names of Lefty McNally and the Kiowa Kid ...Lefty was a U.S. cavalryman's son and the Kid was half-injun, yet they were closer than natural brothers. Together, they'd set out to find adventure. But hunting down twelve of the meanest men in the west not only put Lefty and the Kid on the deadly trail of hidden treasure, but plunged them into a six-gun war that'd leave gunsmoke and splattered blood on every one-horse town and mining camp from Kansas clear to Colorado!
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Gunsmoke at Powder River (The Long-Knives #4)

Gunsmoke at Powder River (The Long-Knives #4)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

U.S. Army Captain Charles Riker had been ordered to march his company of social misfits and raw recruits deep into Sioux territory. It was a land of heat and blistering winds where daydreaming could separate a man from his scalplock, and when Indian patrols spot the bluecoated interlopers they set upon the troopers with burning powder and hot lead.Riker and his struggling command turn back—only to find their retreat to the main body of troops has been cut off by the avenging Sioux.Outnumbered hundreds-to-one in a Montana wilderness where good men could be living one moment and dying the next, Riker must lead his band across long miles of open country to the nearest army post at Tongue River. But between them and the fort ride fierce warriors aiming to add bluecoat scalps to the ones already hanging on the tribal lodge poles. Short on rations and ammunition, but long on determination and guts, Riker's column begins its hell trek to freedom while hundreds of Plains Indians close in...
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The Long-Knives 6

The Long-Knives 6

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Guns blazed and blood spilled on the hot Arizona sand when the Apache warriors exploded from their ambush and fell upon Sergeant Terry O'Callan's squad of blue-coated troopers. This wasn't the first time O'Callan had traded hot lead with Chief Halcon's braves—and as his troopers raised sabers and broke through the Apache ranks, he knew it wouldn't be his last.Halcon burned with a fierce hatred for the pony soldiers that rode from Fort Dawson, and vowed to take the scalp of every round-eye in the territory. And when gold is discovered on Apache land and an army of bloodthirsty prospectors armed with guns and dynamite surround the Indian village, it's Halcon's revenge against blood-crazed greed ... until the brassy notes of CHARGE echo off the hills—and O'Callan must ride to glory or death for peace on the new frontier.
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Renaissance of a Gunfighter (A Piccadilly Publishing Western Book 12)

Renaissance of a Gunfighter (A Piccadilly Publishing Western Book 12)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

In his prime, Marshal Charlie Martell had been the surest shot and toughest lawman in all of Kansas. But his days of gunfighting and keeping the peace ended when he was badly shot up while single-handedly breaking up a bank robbery. The incident left him badly crippled, and he became a drunken derelict. He reached the point of deciding to do himself in when he heard that his ex-partner had been gunned down by three outlaws. Charlie knows he stands no chance of surviving, but if he's going to die, he might as well do it in a final showdown with that outlaw trio in this one final gesture of defiance and personal pride.
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Rocky Mountain Warpath (A Crossed Arrows Western Book 1)

Rocky Mountain Warpath (A Crossed Arrows Western Book 1)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Captain Mack Hawkins, Lieutenant Ludlow Dooley and the Kiowa-Comanche Detachment of Indian Scouts are sent on a hazardous assignment up into the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Their orders are to protect railroad surveyors coming under fire from hidden snipers. But when the detachment arrives, they find themselves caught in a deadly crossfire. Mysterious threats and baffling situations abound that are intertwined with gun battles and ambushes in the mountainous crags and forests of the Rockies. To further complicate matters, a revolution by the Métis—a people of mixed French and Indian blood—against the Canadian government unexpectedly involves Hawkins and his men.
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Pistolero Justice (A Piccadilly Publishing Western

Pistolero Justice (A Piccadilly Publishing Western

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Raul Mackenzie-Mendoza is the mixed-blood son of a Scot-American father and a Mexican mother. He is an adventurer who speaks two languages and can back up anything he says in either one with his sixgun. He is hired by a desperate Arizona rancher to rescue his niece from the Mexican bandit El Demonio. At first it seems a routine job of finding the bandido then ransoming the beautiful captive. But El Demonio has sold the young woman to traffickers of human beings. Now bringing her back will become a hunt-and-escape adventure challenging Raul's courageous determination and his gunfighting skills.
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Oklahoma Showdown (An Indian Territory Western Book 1)

Oklahoma Showdown (An Indian Territory Western Book 1)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Dace Halston faced the hardest decision of his life: Honor friendships formed during his ranching days in the Oklahoma Territory or stay true to the code of the lawman he had sworn to uphold when they pinned the tin star to his vest.Dace chose the latter—and was willing to use both his Colt .45 and Winchester .44 to back his choice.But Dace's best friend, married to the only woman he'd ever loved, had taken up with the owlhoot trail when the Territory was opened up for settlement. As full of fight as an untamed mustang, George McClary waged a self-declared war on the newcomers from the East who were turning the lush open rangeland into a checkerboard of fenced off squares.Dace knew their meeting was inevitable, a meeting of good friends who'd ended up on different sides of the law—a meeting across gun sights that was sure to be one blazing hellfire of an Oklahoma showdown.
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Colorado Crossfire (A Piccadilly Pulishing Western Book 15)

Colorado Crossfire (A Piccadilly Pulishing Western Book 15)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

It was a vicious robbery, if there ever was one. A bunch of scummy gunsels had ambushed a Northwest and Canadian Railroad car, and left a pile of bodies in their wake. Detective Jim Bigelow figured it had to be Milo Paxton's Gang; no other pack of pistoleros was so downright mean – or so dang slippery-footed. The Pinkerton man needed a pair of crack frontiersmen to capture the outlaws – or kill 'em – and bring back the loot. So he hired two hell-raisin' whippersnappers names of Lefty McNally and the Kiowa Kid ...Lefty was a U.S. cavalryman's son and the Kid was half-injun, yet they were closer than natural brothers. Together, they'd set out to find adventure. But hunting down twelve of the meanest men in the west not only put Lefty and the Kid on the deadly trail of hidden treasure, but plunged them into a six-gun war that'd leave gunsmoke and splattered blood on every one-horse town and mining camp from Kansas clear to Colorado!
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The Ghost Dancers (A Crossed Arrows Western Book 2)

The Ghost Dancers (A Crossed Arrows Western Book 2)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

Captain Mack Hawkins, Lieutenant Ludlow Dooley and their Kiowa-Comanche Detachment of U.S. Scouts are dispatched to the Arizona Territory, their mission to put a halt to a series of raids on horse ranches. Neither they nor the U.S. Army realize these crimes are connected to a Native-American religion called the Ghost Dance. An Indian prophet is preaching war to the fierce Guerras Apaches living on a reservation in the Tierra Brava Desert. His sermons announce the coming of a messiah who can summon slain Indian warriors back to life. The Prophet promises there will be thousands of these ghost warriors resurrected to massacre all whites that exist.Hawkins and Ludlow lead the detachment into the hinterlands to kill or capture the horse thieves. But this time out their enemies are fanatical warriors who believe they have been made immortal by the Prophet's big medicine. Then, as if things aren't bad enough, there's a group of white religious zealots who believe the messiah's...
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Crossed Arrows (A Long-Knives Western Book 1)

Crossed Arrows (A Long-Knives Western Book 1)

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

It is the 1890s, and the Indian Wars have finally come to an end. Captain Mack Hawkins is ordered to take command of one of the first units of the recently organized U.S. Scouts. For the first time in American military history, these tribesmen are being allowed to enlist as fully-accepted soldiers in the United States Army. Hawkins' new command is the Kiowa-Comanche Detachment, and he has little time to turn his team of former nomadic prairie warriors into an efficient, disciplined fighting unit. If he doesn't, they're sure to be wiped out on their first mission of tracking down the outlaws who stole an army payroll.
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Texas Trails Book 3

Texas Trails Book 3

Patrick E. Andrews

Patrick E. Andrews

The governor had ordered Texas Ranger Captain Charlie Delano to clean up Denton County by putting Ace Erickson behind bars. Teaming with Guy Tyrone and Gideon Magee, two of the orneriest peace officers ever to pack a Ranger star, Delano cut a road of outlaw blood clean to Ace's door. Outnumbered by the owlhoot army, with the odds fading faster than the Rangers could reload, Delano reckoned there was one way to bring law and order back to Stavanger. Standing tall, he walked out in the open, ready to face Erickson alone in a deadly showdown only one man could win!
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