Misbehaving pastors tabo.., p.1
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Misbehaving Pastors Taboo Boxset, page 1


Misbehaving Pastors Taboo Boxset
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Misbehaving Pastors Taboo Boxset


  Paloma Eroti

  This handy boxset contains ALL THREE Paloma Eroti stories from the recent ‘Misbehaving Pastor’ taboo series also available in the TEN TABOO TALES BOXSET and as individual titles:




  All Rights Reserved

  Please do not reproduce this ebook in any way. This ebook is only available legitimately on Amazon-run sites: all other sites are piracy and the author will not be compensated.

  Copyright@PalomaEroti2013, 2014


  These stories are highly sexually explicit and contain taboo XXX 18+ fetish material for ADULT READERS ONLY . Please only purchase if over the age of consent. Please read and store responsibly on your e-reader, and keep these stories out of the reach of minors.

  BE AWARE! These stories contain references to specialized fetish activities which can no longer be named in titles or Product Descriptions on Amazon. Please be warned by this notice and do not download if easily offended by strong sexual material such as loss of virginity or intimacy between step-relations or guardians.



  Paloma Eroti

  Virginia might be just eighteen, and step-sister to one of the town’s most clean-living pastors, but she was no fool. When Darren groped her in the back of his friend’s car after baseball practice tonight, and she responded at first with interest, letting the car windows get steamed up before she called a halt … Well, she knew her sex drive was getting dangerous.

  The last thing she wanted was to plunge into sin. Her older sister Carmen had gone down that path a few years back, and been turned out of the house by their stern older step-brother Pastor Robert. Carmen had deserved it too, for her wild sexual behaviour. But Virginia did not want to suffer the same fate. She liked living at home with Pastor Robert. In fact, she loved her older step-brother and did not want to disappoint him.

  Virginia looked at herself in the mirror, seeing a young blonde girl with wide blue eyes, a soft pink mouth smeared with lipstick, and the tiniest sprinkling of freckles across her pale skin.

  Oh God, what had she done tonight?

  She had tried so hard to stay clean and wholesome, and to give Christ room in her heart.

  But then she remembered how Darren’s hand had pushed up under her blouse tonight, pushing aside her bra to find her nipples, and she had not stopped him. Nor when he groped beneath her skirt had she cried out, “Stop!’ or fought back. Only when he tried to push her back on the seats so he could have sex with her had common sense returned, and with it a deep sense of gnawing guilt.

  “I can’t, Darren!” she had whispered, closing her legs against him.

  “But we’ve been dating nearly a month,” Darren exclaimed impatiently, and pressed her hand against the ugly bulge in his jeans. “Come on, give out. Your friends all do.”

  He had smirked, looking over his shoulder at her friend Samantha in the front, being kissed and groped by Darren’s older brother. True enough, Samantha was moaning gently, her breasts exposed and braless, her skirt already about her waist while her boyfriend slipped several fingers in and out of her willing pussy.

  “I’m not like that, Darren. You know I’ve never done it before. Please don’t make me.”

  “It won’t hurt much. For God’s sake, what’s your problem, Virginia ? Or is that it?’ He grinned down at her through the darkness, making a lewd gesture. ‘That you don’t want to lose your virginity?”

  “My brother wouldn’t like it,” she whispered.

  “What, Pastor Robert? Fuck him, your brother can’t tell you what to do your whole life. Besides, he’s not even a blood relative. He’s your step-brother, for Christ’s sake.” He kissed her forcefully until she squealed. “I’m your boyfriend now. You owe me.”

  “No,” Virginia insisted, a little panicked now. She tried the door handle, wanting to get out of the car. “I don’t owe you anything.”

  But Darren had just laughed and pushed her down again, pressing his full weight on top. She felt him trying to unzip his fly as he groped between her legs, hunting for the prize he intended to take whether she wanted to give it to him or not.

  Her virginity.

  She had fought him then, using her nails and not caring if she marked his face, and eventually managed to scramble out of the car and run home.

  Her brother had been on his knees in his study, praying, when she came in. She had wanted to tell him everything straightaway, but when she saw him there, communing with God, she suddenly felt so ashamed. She knew what Robert would say. “Why did you sit in a parked car with this boy?” And the simple answer was, “Because he’s my boyfriend and I wanted him to kiss me.”

  Instead, Darren had tried to rape her.

  But it was partly her fault.

  She should never have agreed to sit in that parked car with him after the baseball game. She should never have worn such a short skirt or these sluttish fuck-me high heels. She might be a virgin but she knew the rules of dating as well as anyone else. Darren had assumed that meant her morals were as loose as her friend Samantha’s, that she was available to be … fucked. It was as simple as that.

  Now she had to face Pastor Robert and tell him what had happened tonight. She certainly did not want to shame the man who had raised them both when their parents died in a terrible car accident. Nor did she want to be turned out of her own home for being corrupt.

  But it was her duty to tell Pastor Robert about Darren. To make a full and heartfelt confession to her religious step-brother. She had committed a sin with that boy, knowingly and without any excuse, and if she died tomorrow with that sin on her heart …

  Pastor Robert knocked on her bedroom door and she jumped in shock. “Virginia, is that you?”

  She could not put off the evil moment any longer.

  A voice whispered inside her that she was beyond redemption, that nothing could stop her from being a slut now.

  But surely an experienced pastor like Robert would know how to bring her back to the path of righteousness?

  “Yes, Pastor Robert,” she whispered, and turned as he opened the door. Tears were running silently down her cheeks. “Oh Robert, I’m so sorry!”

  Robert was still wearing his robes from the evening service. He stared at her, bemused, then hurried forward to embrace her.

  Pastor Robert was a big man, thirty-two years old, very solid in his build, and much more mature than her. She had often hated the difference in their ages when growing up under his roof and his guidance, thinking it made him aloof and hard to talk to. But tonight, she appreciated having a father figure to comfort her and protect her. His arms were strong and warm about her, reminding her that while she was under this roof she was safe from harm. Safe from Darren and his brother. Safe from being raped.

  “You’re shaking! Honey, has something happened to upset you?” When she did not immediately answer, he held her out at arms’ length and studied her face, his expression concerned but wary too. He was no stranger to sinful behaviour, she realized, and squirmed inwardly at what she must confess. “What on earth is the matter, little sis? Come on, stop crying and tell me. Even if it is bad news, best to get it off your chest before you make your eyes sore and drive me crazy.”

  As he said the word “chest” his gaze flickered down to her rather large breasts, both nipples erect and clearly visible through her white blouse, for Darren had pulled off her bra and in her struggle to escape she had left it behind in his brother’s car.

  A flush entered her cheeks at his downwards glance, for she felt sure her older step-brother must have guessed part of it already. What kind of girl goes out without a bra on, he must be wondering? Especially a girl with as generous a chest as her?

  A whore , that voice whispered in her head. A slut looking to get laid .

  “I was out with D … D … Darren tonight,” she stammered, and rubbed her wet eyes. “We went to the baseball game first. His older brother’s on the team.”

  “Are you dating Darren?”

  Virginia nodded reluctantly. “Yes, Pastor. At least, I was until tonight.”

  Pastor Robert looked at her sternly. His eyes were very dark. “I know you’re eighteen now, Ginny. But I thought we agreed you would ask me before starting to date boys. So I could make sure they were suitable for my little sister.”

  “I’m sorry. I just … ”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter now. I’m more interested in what happened tonight. Start talking, I want the whole sordid story.”

  She hung her head at the disapproval in his voice. “I sat in a parked car with Darren, though I knew that was wrong. We were in the back. My friend Samantha was in the front with his older brother, Shaun. They were making out like rabbits so they didn’t notice what Darren was up to in the back. God, I hope Samantha will be OK on her own.” She bit her lip. “Though she really likes Shaun, and I think they’ve had sex together before, so she probably isn’t in any danger.”

  His look was grim. “Go on.”

  “I kept saying no, but Darren wouldn’t listen.” Her voice stammered to a halt before the expression on his face. “We … I … ”

  “Did he rape you?”

  Her cheeks were scarlet. “No, no!”

  “But he tried?”

>   She managed a slight nod, her whole body trembling as she relived those awful few moments in the car, that undignified struggle to hold onto her precious virginity.

  “I don’t think Darren meant to rape me. I just don’t think he was listening anymore. He couldn’t seem to stop touching me, kissing me … When I realized what he wanted, I hit him and managed to get out of the car.” She started to sob again. “I ran all the way home.”

  Her brother embraced her again, holding her close. His voice sounded choked with emotion. She guessed he must be very angry indeed. Angry with her, and angry with Darren. “There now, don’t cry. It’s over, Ginny. He can’t hurt you.”

  “Oh Rob, it was awful!”

  Her brother had never looked so forbidding. He put her aside and turned to the door. “I want you to stay here, Ginny. I need to find my car keys. I’m going to find that little bastard and kick his teeth in.”

  “Rob, you can’t!”

  “Why not?’ her brother demanded. “He tried to rape my sister!”

  She was aghast. “You’re a pastor. You can’t attack him, not even over this. You have to … ”

  “What, turn the other cheek?”

  “Two wrongs don’t make a right, Robert. That’s what you’ve always taught me. He had too much beer at the game, he made a stupid mistake. I got away from him, it’s OK.”

  “It’s not OK.”

  Her dark-haired brother slammed down his hand on her study desk, then paced about her bedroom as though he wanted to rip Darren apart with his bare hands. She watched him, trembling. She thought he looked sexy and dangerous tonight, not the calm, mild-mannered preacher she was used to having about the family home.

  “No way is it OK for any man to try to have sex with an unwilling woman.” He turned, staring at her, and again she felt his gaze linger on her almost visible breasts under the thin blouse. He sounded half out of his mind with fury. “I mean, look at you. You’re only just eighteen. That bastard was using your innocence against you. He may not be very much older than you, but he knew you were a virgin, he wanted to see how far he could push it.”

  “Not very far,” she whispered and laid a hand on his arm. “Pastor Robert. Rob, please … You’re frightening me.”

  Something clicked inside him, and his face changed. Her brother gathered her up in his arms. “I’m so sorry, honey. It’s just the thought of you struggling with Darren, having to fight him off on your own, no one about to look after you. If I’d been there …”

  She buried her face in his strong chest, listening to the erratic beat of his heart. “I won’t go out with him again.”

  “I should think not.”

  “I’ll stay home every night with my safe pastor brother instead,” she murmured teasingly, and raised her head to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m sorry I disobeyed you, Rob. It was very wrong of me.”

  “That boy led you into sin,” he said, brooding.

  She nodded, managing a tentative smile. “I know. But it’s not going to happen again, I can promise you that. From now on, this body is going to be a sin-free zone. For at least the next few years.”

  Robert did not smile in return, looking her up and down. “Your body does not look like a sin-free zone to me, Ginny.”

  She bit her lip, suddenly aware of those huge breasts again, bare nipples pressing against the fabric of her silky blouse. Her skirt was too short, creased and riding high after being mussed about by Darren. And she was wearing shiny black high heels that made her legs look even longer and more slender. The sort of sluttish heels her brother had expressly forbidden her to wear until she was at least twenty-one.

  “I’m sorry, Pastor Robert,” she stammered, hanging her head again.

  She always called him Pastor Robert when he was angry or upset with her, because she hoped it would remind him to go easier on her. Pastors were supposed to be more understanding than big brothers, after all.

  “Are you?”

  “Of course I’m sorry. What … what do you mean?”

  “Only that any red-blooded man looking at you tonight … Well, I hate that bastard Darren for trying to have sex with you. But I can understand what he was feeling. Because you do look very … ”

  Pastor Robert suddenly reached out and slowly traced a fingertip round the outline of one nipple, tickling her through the silky fabric. His face was a mask of intent concentration.

  Her spine tingled at her brother’s touch, and it was hard to think straight. Her whole body appeared to be leaning towards him. He always looked so hot and severe in his church robes.

  “Very … ?” she repeated breathily.

  “Sexy,” he finished.

  As Robert pulled her towards him, and their lips touched, igniting a wicked desire deep within her belly, Virginia had to remind herself several times that this was her big brother. Because the sinful thought flashed through her head that she very badly wanted to see Robert without his pastor’s robes. Without any clothes at all, in fact.

  “Oh Robert,” she whispered against his mouth.

  His hands slipped down her back, stroking her gently, and his tongue entered her parted lips, probing her mouth. “Ginny,” he muttered, and their tongues stroked together sinfully.

  She kept thinking, “This is my brother,” and being shaken to her roots by the sin they were committing. But then her common sense asserted itself, and she recalled what Darren had said, that Robert was “not even a blood relative”. All the same, he was her step-brother, and her pastor, and deep inside her she knew this was just plain wrong.

  Besides, had she not just run from a rapist tonight?

  He was already unbuttoning her blouse and stroking inside. “We mustn’t, Pastor Robert,” Virginia managed shakily.

  His dark gaze met hers. “You want me to stop, Ginny?”

  She thought about it for a few dizzying seconds, what it would mean to say yes, what it would mean to say no. The thought of her brother doing to her what Darren had tried to do tonight …

  Her virgin pussy throbbed and her nipples stiffened. Her belly churned with nervous excitement.

  She licked her lips and said, slowly, “No.”

  His smile made her toes curl up. “Well then,” he murmured, and bared her breasts. His careful stare and intake of breath was so deliciously different from how Darren had reacted to her breasts, she felt guilty for having even compared the two. Her big brother was no rapist. He was making love to her, not taking advantage of her innocence.

  “If you want me to stop at any point, just say so and I’ll stop,” Robert added, as though aware of her thoughts. “You’re safe here, Ginny. We can learn about this together.”

  Her eyes widened as she struggled to understand him. “Are … are you a virgin too, Pastor Robert?”

  He grinned. “No,” he admitted, and cupped her breasts, the light touch making her gasp. “But I’ve never made love to my sister before.”

  “Step-sister,” she corrected him.

  He bent his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it fiercely before releasing it and looking up into her shocked, astonished face.

  “You are the closest I’ll ever come to a blood sibling, Ginny. I think of you as my sister. I’m sorry if that’s wrong, it’s just the way I’m built. And I love you.”

  “I love you too, Pastor.”

  He smiled, and blew a warm breath over her nipple, then traced it with his tongue until it curled up, strongly erect. “I know you do, baby. And I’m very aware that I’ll be taking your virginity. I want to make this first time good for you.”

  “Maybe I’m not a virgin,” she managed.

  He laughed. “Of course you’re a virgin, Ginny. You didn’t give your virginity to Darren, but you’ll give it to me, right? I know why you fought him so hard. Besides, you’re trembling like a leaf. I wasn’t always a pastor, and I’ve been to bed with other women. You think experienced girls shake before sex?”


  He sucked her other nipple into his mouth, only releasing it when she cried aloud, her hands gripping his strong shoulders. “Oh, indeed.”

  He was guiding her back towards the bed, a firm intent in his face. When the back of her knees met the bed, she collapsed onto it, and he followed her, his arm about her waist. They lay there kissing in a satisfying silence for a long while, just holding each other, touching, kissing without any sensation of hurry.

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