The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining

O. Susmita

O. Susmita

Cancer. A sentence passed. Can they live with it? or will they crumple to its pressure and forget how to live?When facing the most difficult challenge that life can throw at us, can we come together as a family or will we fall apart? It is an everyday battle that Savya and her family, ever since that fateful day when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. It didn't seem fair or reasonable that her mother had to suffer when everybody else just went about their lives unhindered. But, it is what it is and it is time to understand the true meaning of family.
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Once Upon A Time And Other Poems

Once Upon A Time And Other Poems

O. Susmita

O. Susmita

10 stories narrated in verse for those with a love for poetry.So many stories to be told and so many words to do it in. Not every story need be in prose, with sentences and paragraphs and an intro-body-conclusion structure. Some stories are better this way- narrated in verse and sang as poetry.
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His Tiny Toes

His Tiny Toes

O. Susmita

O. Susmita

He was my little brother. I loved him, from his tiny toes to his drug-addled mind and his selfish heart.I love my brother. I loved him when he was a little baby with his tiny fingers and toes. I loved him when he was growing up and stopped following me around. I loved him when my parents gave him everything he asked for, even sometimes at my expense. I loved him in his rebellious teenage years that took him down the mean streets and away from me. I loved him when I would wait up all night and he wouldn't return at all. I loved him when I pulled gun on him and asked him to leave. He was my little brother and I always loved him.
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