Lip smackin good, p.1
Lip Smackin' Good, page 1

Lip Smackin’ Good
Natalie Weber
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Cindy - 1
Sherry - 2
Wayne - 3
Sherry - 4
Cindy - 5
Wayne - 6
Sherry - 7
Cindy - 8
Carmen - 9
Sherry - 10
Wayne - 11
Carmen - 12
Cindy - 13
Wayne - 14
Carmen - 15
Cindy - 16
Sherry - 17
Wayne - 18
Sherry - 19
Cindy - 20
Carmen - 21
Cindy - 22
Copyright Page
First, I would like to thank all my fans for supporting me. There would be no me if there was no you.
Thanks to my editors, you are definitely a dream to work with.
Thanks to my dearest husband for putting up with my abandonment at times. I couldn’t continue to do this if you weren’t in my corner. Love you unconditionally.
Lastly, thanks to Urban Books for all your hard work. Lonnie, Karen and Jeff especially. Love you like cooked food.
“A’ight, bitch, this is how yo’ first night gonna work . . .”
This bitch can’t be serious. I looked at her cockeyed. “Umm, excusa’me?” I sure as hell didn’t want to start any shit ’cause heaven knew I needed this to work out. Working that bullshit home aide crap wasn’t cutting it for me. So I made sure my attitude was still sweet when I asked.
“So, ain’t nobody school you?” the fire-red-haired, Amazon-looking chick asked.
There I stood with a hot pink string up my ass, neon green net dress over it, my 38-Cs perky as ever, and glitter on damn near every inch of my body. I didn’t have my heels on yet, just some sandals, but shit if she wanted to throw down then so be it. When Sherry told me about this place she definitely didn’t tell me nothing about this fuckin’ bitch. I knew this was a ghetto spot, but I had to see how this shit really was before I went out of state. Now here we go with this chick. This bitch killing my vibe.
“Well, this is how it works. All the money you make tonight I get a small percentage,” Big Red said, smiling ear to ear.
Oh, really! No, this chick didn’t just say she gets a percentage of my fucking money. From the looks of it she must be the queen bee in here. The only reason she was tryin’a take my money was because her ass older than my mother and couldn’t make none of her own. Biting my bottom lip so I wouldn’t start laughing in her face, I played like a foreigner. “Qué?”
She slowly reached for my bouncy curl hanging down the side of my face; her voice determined how serious she was. “You heard what I said. Bitch, I know where you from. You probably could’ve gotten over on the next chick, but you sure as hell gonna respect my ass. I don’t give a shit. There’s rules in this game, newbie.”
Stepping back a bit, I looked around to see if there was anything I could pick up to hit this bitch with just in case she wanted to brawl. Like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar my eyes darted about and I asked the obvious: “So what if I don’t make any money then what?”
“Oh, trust me you gonna make some money tonight. Let all these niggas in here see they got some new pussy to smell. They gonna be hitting that ATM out back just to get a whiff of what you got.” Her eyes stared at my nipples peeking through the holes in my dress.
“I see.” I turned around, putting my back to her ’cause I wasn’t about to get hit in the face. I never fought anyone naked, but I sure wasn’t gonna let this big bitch get over on me. I’ma kill Sherry when I see her ass. I saw the glass candle holder on the small counter space in front of me. Some of my makeup was on the counter, too, and I started fiddling with the compact mirror. I opened it, positioning it perfectly to see if she would swing. Damn, if this chick hit me I had to be fast, duck and clock her ass over her head with the candle holder.
Before Big Red could even say another word, a short, older white, eight-month-pregnant-looking man with sunglasses on strolled in with a wide grin. Quickly I turned around to see Big Red in a hurry to greet him. Damn, he could be her father. I didn’t have a clue as to who he was. His gray hair had a Donald Trump comb over and he looked like he belonged on some casino floor in Vegas. All the ladies flocked to him. I was the only one just watching the scene. He moved around the room groping every girl he passed: pats on their asses, kisses on their cheeks, even rubbing his fat, little, nubby hands across their breasts to help perk their nipples up. I could see him getting closer. I purposely turned my back toward him and just started fidgeting with everything on the countertop in front of me.
“And you must be Cindy.” His arms opened wide ready to feel my goods.
Oh, no, we ain’t playing that game. Reaching down toward my travel suitcase hoping to avoid those touchy-feely hands of his, I answered, “Yes.” I made sure to put my best smile on. I prayed that it was good enough.
“Well, aren’t you a doll. Stand up and let me take a good look at you.” He put his hand out to help me to my feet.
His hand felt clammy. I couldn’t run, I couldn’t hide, so I complied and took his hand. When I got to my feet I quickly stepped to the side and shook my tits from side to side. As I displayed my goods I could see Frank approaching. He was the guy who hired me.
“Cindy, what’s your stage name going to be?”
Taking the opportunity to remove myself from the room I said, “Am I up first?”
“Frank, aren’t you going to introduce us?” the older bald man asked.
“Lou, we don’t have the time for this. You can see her when she’s up there. Didn’t Sam talk to you about that shit?” Frank asked annoyed.
Hearing the slight tension in his voice I tried to step away.
“Cindy, what’s your stage name going to be?” Frank asked again.
Now it seemed that he was annoyed at me. “Let’s see, how about Candy?”
“Are you asking me or answering me? Cindy, I really don’t care what the fuck you call yourself. Shit, as long as you keep this place packed for at least the next few weeks you can call yourself whatever you like. Lou, come on; let these girls get to work.” Tugging on Lou to leave, Frank nudged him out after a couple of minutes.
I sat there waiting for Big Red to approach me again after Frank and Lou left, but she didn’t. Watching all those ladies letting that old man fondle them in every which way was disgusting. I cringed at the thought. I wanted to barf, literally. But, it was hypocritical of me to feel that way when I was there to allow who knew who to do the very same to me. I shook my head.
There had to be another way to make this work. I wasn’t about to sell drugs and selling my pussy could kick rocks. Sex was the biggest hustle and the compensational benefits was a must. From all I’d heard it was certainly easy money for years if you did it correctly. Shit, I couldn’t depend on that sorry-ass nigga Wayne. I glanced down at my watch; it was almost ten. If this nigga ain’t here by ten his ass gots to go. Trying to convince myself that it would be the last chance he had with me. I kept repeating the words in my head: His ass gots to go . . . His ass gots to go . . .
I loved Wayne to death; he was my first and only love I had known. But lately it had been the same shit just different days. His little stickups weren’t getting us shit. It was survival only; none of it produced enough money to really evolve. It just held us together for the moment or six months tops.
My head was spinning and my stomach was tied in knots. This was my first time ever doing this in front of total strangers. I had danced a million times for Wayne, even put that shit on video. But it wasn’t the dancing I was scared of; it was the hands and the slaps on the ass that I was nervous about. Asking Wayne to be out there would make it a whole easier.
I paced a bit before I looked into the crowd from the side stage. I couldn’t see anyone completely; everything was a bit dark. I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust then I saw him sitting at the bar talking to one of the dancers. From his smiles and head tilts I knew she was throwing him everything he wanted to hear: compliments fit for royalty.
Wayne had soft, curly black hair, light eyes, and chocolate-toned skin. His height was average, but his well-formed abs and defined muscles made up for that. When I first met him he was eighteen and I was almost sixteen; my sixteenth birthday was only days away. He was skinny and his hair wasn’t even cut on a regular basis. The people we knew back then wouldn’t even recognize him now.
I stared at him sitting there looking as fine as ever. I couldn’t be mad at the chick chatting him up. If I see anything more from his ass I swear there’s gonna be more than a striptease happening. Sherry, my best friend, was sitting at one of the tables close to the stage. That’s my girl; she’s always there to support a chick.
My stomach was still in knots. Why in the world did I even say I would do this shit? Suddenly I felt a slight slap on my ass. “What—”
“It’s time, Candy. The DJ will be announcing your name in a few. You ready to make some money?” Frank hollered.
Before I could even answer his ass, I heard the music lowered and the announcement that new pussy was in the house. Well not in those terms, but he might as well have said it straight up. Since the m
I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage ready to shake my ass. I just had to make sure not to stay in one spot to long. Lawd knows they gonna have their hands ready to feel everything.
Shit! Shit! Shit! This bitch gonna make these niggas go insane. I could only smile as I tossed twenty singles in the air and watched them land all over Cindy’s half-naked body. If only she had listened to me a long time ago, her ass would be making even more money now and damn sure wouldn’t be in this shithole. I had to admit seeing her like that—opening her legs wide, exposing her bald kitty, grinding on that pole, and shaking her fat ass—got me more than a little excited.
Yeah, sure I’d been with girls before, but no one ever made me feel like this. My pussy started to throb. I had to sit back down before I reached out and touched her like most of these men. Trying not to stare as she did her thing, I grabbed a hold of my drink to keep my hands occupied. All the girls I’d been with were just threesomes with my boyfriends. It was never anything serious like a one-on-one type thing. She’s been my girl for years. I’ve been around her for years. Where did all this come from?
Trying to keep my eyes off Cindy, I turned my head toward the bar. I could see Wayne’s stupid ass smiling and profiling next to some big-tittie bitch, acting like he really bought a drink. Please, I knew for a fact that Cindy made sure to give him money to tip her. Let me go break this shit up before she jump off that stage and start some drama. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she kept getting back with this dude. He sucked ass!
“Hey, Wayne . . .” The “oh shit I’m caught” look flushed his face when I tapped his shoulder. I snuck up on his ass.
“Oh, shit, Sherry? I ain’t think you was gonna be here otherwise I would’ve came with you.”
“Whatever, Wayne, you full of shit. Why you ain’t over there throwing them dollars in your pockets for your girl up there?” I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. He was pathetic.
“Oh shit, I didn’t even realize that she was on.” He turned around and stared at the stage.
“Well, maybe if you wasn’t trying so hard to be the player you woulda heard the announcement, jackass!” I was so pissed at him. I should have slapped him for Cindy.
“I wasn’t doing nothing; this bitch just rolled up on me looking for a sucker,” he said, quickly jumping off the stool and shifting away from the 36-Ds he was so nestled up to a minute ago.
I laughed when the chick stuck her middle finger up at him and walked away. I rolled my eyes at him and walked toward the bathroom. He was such an idiot. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk that bottle of water. I just hoped there was a lock on the bathroom stall. I got the bartender’s attention and asked, “Excuse me, where’s the ladies’ room?”
“There’s only one next to the VIP room, toward the back.”
Now what kind of place is this? How this place only gonna have one fuckin’ bathroom? “You can’t be serious. Thanks.” Now that’s just stupid. I hurried my little ass past all the horny men because I was almost pissing on myself. It was so dark in the back. I could still hear the music from the main floor, but not loud enough to drown out the moans and groans coming from the VIP room. I saw a glowing sign for the restroom right next to it. I really had to go to the bathroom, but those sounds just made me curious. I was already horny after seeing Cindy. What would happen if I turned this doorknob? There was nobody guarding the door, so what kind of VIP room was this really? I felt a little urine trickle out. I did a quick squeeze and held it in.
On the door there was a small little window. I could see a red dim light seeping through at the bottom of it. I had to get on my tippy toes to peek in. Whatever they had covering it was starting to peel away. Oh, shit! There were whips, belts, spiky shit tacked on the back walls. I squinted my eyes a bit then saw the naked bitch hanging from the ceiling like a puppet enjoying both men and women licking, fucking. It was tempting, truthfully.
The woman hung there hungry for the touch of everyone around her. From what I could make out, there were two guys and three girls. I had no idea how she was rigged, but it looked intense. It seemed like each person had control of her. All four of them were twisting and turning her into positions I had only seen in Kama Sutra books. They controlled how wide she spread her legs to how low she was to the floor. She had both dudes fucking her: one stroking deep into her flesh while the other guy used her mouth in the same manner. Her deep throat was no joke after seeing how far back her head was. The two girls kept themselves busy by sucking on her nipples and playing with their clits. I could see the two girls starting to twist their hands securing a rope. Then I saw the hanging woman’s knees bending toward her chest. The dude fucking her didn’t skip a beat either; he was still stroking while they was pulling her legs back.
Suddenly I felt a light hand on my back and a soft voice whispering into my ear: “Would you like to join?”
I damn near pissed myself I was so fucking scared. I stood against the door for a moment to catch my breath. “Can you back up?” I scanned the scantily dressed female in front of me. I moved swiftly so my back wasn’t against the door anymore. “It ain’t that type a party. I’m just here supporting my friend,” I said hastily.
“Do you want a closer look? I can get you in there.”
“No. I was actually headed to the bathroom.” I tried to go around her and bypass her offer.
“C’mon, you know you want a closer look. I’ma let you in free of charge only if you promise me you’ll come back for a taste,” she said smiling.
Oh, my God, did she actually suggest that like I was some stupid bitch? Damn, her game is weak. “Listen, like I said it ain’t that type of party.”
“Yeah, okay, I bet money that if I didn’t touch you when I did yo’ ass would’ve been rubbin’ yo’ pussy by now. So, stop frontin’.” Her grin showed her true pimp game.
She wasn’t wrong or right, but I wasn’t about to do no dumb shit. “It’s all good. I know you got to sell something in order to get it. I get it, you looking for next chick to hang from that ceiling. It ain’t me.” I arched my eyebrows and stood back waiting for her reaction.
“A’ight, shorty. Calm it down, ain’t nobody tryin’a force you into nothin’.” There she went flaunting those gold teeth again. It was corny.
I brushed past her and walked into the bathroom. I almost slammed the door against someone. There was a line. When the fuck did all these bitches get here?
After waiting for what seemed like forever I finally got into a stall to relieve myself. But if I’d known that I had to hold the door I would’ve pissed in the alley next door. Shit, I was already holding my pocketbook with my teeth, tissue paper in one hand, holding on to the broken lock with the other, and hovering over the toilet hoping that my dress didn’t get splashed on.
This strip spot was crazy and I just wanted to get out of there. Cindy was just gonna have to understand that I couldn’t stay around there until she was done. I headed out the bathroom and back to the bar. She wasn’t on the stage anymore so I waited until she came out onto the floor for the up-close-and-personal lap dances. I didn’t bother to order another drink. I couldn’t dare go past that VIP room without another peek if I had to pee again.
Five minutes passed. No Cindy. Ten minutes passed. Still no Cindy. Where the fuck could this bitch be? I pulled my phone out to call her. I knew it might have been a stupid idea ’cause she wouldn’t be walking around with her phone, but maybe she was getting dressed to come back out or something.
2 missed calls.
I was surprised to see she tried calling me, and then a text message popped up on the screen.
I’m out front. Come now.
This bitch out front; she can’t be serious. She must be crazy. Doesn’t she know all these horny-ass niggas got money to throw at her ass just to get a little closer? I hurried outside to see what her problem was. I thought she was there to make money.
When I saw her standing there smoking a cigarette that’s when I knew something was wrong. She never smoked unless she was stressed or drinking. “Cindy, what happened?”