Rough and hardcore eroti.., p.1
Rough and Hardcore Erotica, page 1

This book is devoted to any and all lovers of the lewd, nasty, and bawdy filth that fills our world. Erotica is not a plague or blight upon society – no! It is a wonderland of fantasy and adventure, a place to live out those wanton dreams we try so desperately to keep to ourselves. Set them free and read on!
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Temptation Tales
…for all the naughty tales you can't resist...
The Naughty Stories
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 8
Story 9
Story 10
Story 11
Story 12
Story 13
Story 14
Story 15
Story 16
Story 17
Story 18
Story 19
Story 20
Story 21
Story 22
Story 23
Story 24
Story 25
Story 26
Story 27
Story 28
Story 29
Story 30
Story 31
Story 32
Story 33
Story 34
Story 35
Story 36
Story 37
Story 38
Story 39
Story 40
Story 41
Story 42
Story 43
Story 44
Story 45
Story 46
Story 47
Story 48
Story 49
Story 50
Story 1
Chapter One
The air reeked of cigarettes, alcohol, and poor decisions- and I was eager to get my own mixed into that lot.
Midnight, and the televised ball drop, was just a couple hours away. I was going to be turning 20 in the new year. If I didn’t do something about it soon it means I was going to be out of my teens and never done so much as kissed a guy.
It was pitiful.
These days it’s so easy to get a date, so easy to find someone interested in you. Phone applications can help you find the right person, they can make sure that only the right people find you, and although I’d heard of all of them and considered using them, I had never followed through.
I was a chicken.
It’s not that I never wanted to date, but I always backed out at the last moment.
I even skipped out on going to my own prom because I was terrified.
There’s no way I was going to bring this lifestyle with me for another year.
Pulling out my phone, I fired up the latest application I made myself download. ‘KissKissMakeOut’ was the kind of app that prided itself on a near-endless match selection, and fine tuned location services. They’d send out a notification if someone was within twenty feet of me, and I’d get to choose if the application can let them know where I am.
Since it was new years, and I was firm in my resolve, I set the app up so that it would automatically let every man who was interested know where I was.
I was going to kiss someone, maybe even more if the mood struck me, no matter what.
Gathering as much courage as I could gather, I pulled out my phone and stared it down.
My college threw the party, saying they wanted everyone there- but with almost five thousand students going there, i wasn’t sure how that was possible.
Dropping my hand to my side, I was surprised to see there was a chance that many people were actually there.
The parking lot was crowded beyond belief, and I was glad I took the bus instead of carpooling. My dress wasn’t thick enough to fight off the cold, but I didn’t wear it to stay warm. It was black and red, with sheer fabric that showed just enough to tease, revealing my legs from my heels to halfway up my thighs.
It felt like I was getting a second chance at prom.
The rest of the crowd, as I gathered in with them for the last couple hundred feet, was split on how dressed up they were. Half looked like they were getting ready for a high class party, the other half looked like they were getting ready to go pick up a pizza and watch a movie at home. It was comfortable, and perfect.
Before I even made it into the main field my phone was buzzing.
Glancing down, I watched as lit up and shook uncontrollably about six different matches within a hundred feet of me. My face quickly flushed with color in embarrassment, and I wanted to cancel the whole thing.
Who on Earth would take me seriously?
What if this made me into some kind of campus joke, the girl so desperate she’ll match with anybody. Rolling my eyes at myself, I didn’t let myself turn off the app or delete it. I was doing this for a reason. I hoped the second I kissed someone, the second I broke the ice in that way, I’d be able to move on with my life and stop obsessing over this.
I desperately wanted to move on.
Checking the faces in my app, I looked for matching ones in the crowd.
It was too dark out, past ten in the evening, and I couldn’t make out who was who. A couple faces were glowing from looking down at their phones, but I was too worried that if I approached them they’d be the wrong person.
I kept my pace, trying to keep from being too obvious.
Glancing down at my phone again, my jaw dropped. I wasn’t even in yet, and I was already matched with ten people within a hundred feet of me.
This was going to be one hell of a party.
Feeling blush crawl up my cheeks, I suddenly wished I’d brought some kind of coat. I left any kind of cover at home, though, knowing I’d use it as a safety blanket to keep covered. Still, goosebumps were prickling all over my arms and legs, leaving me shivering. Winters in South Carolina are by no means freezing, but the chill was definitely enough to make me almost cry in relief when I saw the flames of a bonfire in the middle of the field.
Thank god.
Shoving my phone back into the pocket of my dress, I was sparking was energy to get to that fire.
To get warm.
It seemed like a lot of people had the same idea, moving in hoards towards the fire like moths to its light. I could feel the heat from twenty feet away, and as I got closer the cold melted completely away. Ease swept into me so much, that I didn’t realize someone had been trying to get my attention for the last thirty feet.
A hand, now feeling cold against the heat of the fire, brushed my bare shoulder.
Surprised, I turned quickly to see who it was.
Mark… Marcus maybe? I couldn’t place his name, but I knew he was in my calculus class. Smiling politely, I greeted him.
“Hey,” I breathed.
He was gorgeous, a strong square jaw, curling dark hair that fell to his cheekbones, and bright green eyes that looked like they were holding more than a couple secrets. Why on Earth did I download an app when a man like this was just in my class?
Because I wouldn’t have had the guts to talk to him without it.
I knew that, and yet the next sentence he said he was almost devastatingly embarrassing.
“I didn’t expect to see you on the app,” he smiled.
Oh god.
I could feel blush flooding my cheeks even more than before, and I tore my eyes from his to focus on the fire instead. God, of course people who see me in class are going to be on the app. There’s no anonymity when you’re in a group of people who might know you.
Thank god I didn’t do this in my hometown.
“Well, you know, everyone’s on them these days,” I tried to justify it.
I knew that it was insane, that I was almost childish for being embarrassed when he was obviously on the app as well, but I hadn’t actually been confronted with this before.
“Still, I’m glad to have an excuse to talk to you,” he genuinely seemed interested.
“Yeah, you always seem in your own world in class,” he laughed. “You’re damn pretty, I’ve always wanted to tell you that,” he continued.
“Thank you,” I couldn’t fight the feeling of fate.
He could be the one I’m meant to kiss tonight.
Before I could really reply, before I could flirt or figure out what to do next, his attention was pulled away from me.
“Marcus! Man!” a guy said from a few feet away from us.
“Sorry, one sec,” he apologized. As he walked away I felt like I missed my chance with him.
Why did I freeze up like that?
Rolling my eyes at myself, I watched him walk away.
My phone buzzed again in my dress pocket, and I pulled it out to take a look.
Thirty matches.
Scrolling through the list of matches, I recognized a couple names and faces.
Including Marcus’.
I kept scrolling, though, wanting to move on to the next option. It was best if I didn’t do anything with him since we shared a class. If it didn’t work out, if things got messy, I didn’t want to have to see him three times a week in class.
One of the matches said it was only five feet away from me.
A boy named Anthony.
The boy, looking every bit as attractive as his profile image, was making eye contact with me as he approached me. His hair was short and dark, his skin was a warm caramel color covered in constellations of freckles. As our eyes met, a smile slipped onto his soft looking lips.
“I’m Tony,” he greeted me. Reaching out, he shook my hand with his broad warm hand. Our touch lingered there, making me wonder how I was feeling such immediate sparks for him.
“I’m Ryn,” I offered back even though he obviously saw my name on the app. “What major are you?” I asked.
“Health and physical education,” he explained. “You really want to talk about majors?”
He stepped closer, his eyes sparkled in the glow of the fire. I wasn’t sure what to say, what to do, but he was right.
I really didn’t want to do small talk.
How could he tell?
“No,” I admitted.
“How much are you comfortable with tonight?” he asked.
“I’m not sure yet,” I confessed.
There was something about him that pulled an honesty from me that I didn’t expect.
Leaning down to me, his face got close to mine.
“We can start with this,” he offered. His lips touched mine, and like that I’d finally had my first kiss. It was firm, before melting into something softer as I kissed him back. Tony’s lips were hot, hungry, and yet he pulled back before he could have possibly had his fill.
“You’re cute,” he chuckled. There was something in his eyes when he said it that told me he knew.
He knew I’d never even kissed a boy.
How could he tell?
Was it that bad, or?
He kissed me again, pulling me out of my spiraling thoughts, and rested his hands on my hips. I tried to relax, letting him lead the kiss. I never expected my first kiss to be with a stranger, I never thought it would be anything like this.
Still, as his tongue parted my lips, I had to admit I was buzzing with pleasure.
How could a simple kiss feel this good?
Tony’s arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Usually, in all this cold, I would have loved that- but I could feel something firm pressing against my hip as he did it.
It was thick, and warm, and I swear my mind short circuited.
I kept kissing him, unsure what else to do. This is what I wanted, right? One of his hands moved down to my ass, groping and grasping it in his hot palm. His touches were steady, heavy, and it was obvious what he wanted. Keeping going, almost kneading my ass with his hand, I realized the motion was making my labia part and push back together again and again, leaving my body throbbing.
He shifted, his cock pressed against my clit through our clothes, and I had to stop.
Pulling away, worried that this was going too far too fast, I broke the kiss.
“Sorry, I uh,” I bumbled through my words. “A friend said she was going to meet me here, I have to find her,” I lied. He looked disappointed, but like he understood, and nodded as I turned away. Walking quickly, I made my way through the crowd. I could feel my pulse in my ears, my whole face felt hot with it, and there was this strange buzzing sensation that seemed to be moving in waves through my body.
Why did I have to push away from him?
He seemed interested, and I was definitely enjoying the contact, but it was like I had this weird mental block up. Something was holding me back, and I wasn’t sure what.
It was best to just get all of this over with, wasn’t it?
Just have sex and enjoy myself.
I should have.
Still, I couldn’t convince myself to turn around. I didn’t want to see his face, I didn’t want to explore why my heart was beating so damn fast. I panicked and needed space.
That’s okay.
Pulling myself together, I made it to the tables of food and drinks. There was enough to feed an army, everything from fruit, to fried chicken, to desserts, I settled for a plate of chocolate covered fruit, and shoved something in my mouth to occupy it.
There was a lot to figure out.
I could have spent hours going over my own thoughts, if I didn’t see from a field that it was almost eleven.
An hour to midnight.
I had my first kiss, and sure that was fantastic, but god I still wanted a kiss at midnight for the new year. I ate as I thought about it. I could always go back and find Tony, he seemed more than willing to help me figure this out. The warmth of the bulge in his pants came back to my mind, and I couldn’t bring myself to seek him out.
Picking up a chocolate covered pineapple slide, I took a bite and scanned the crowd. I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket still, but after how much I froze up with Tony I wasn’t sure how much more is a good idea.
I wanted to find someone for that midnight kiss and I had less than an hour left.
I couldn’t decide what the best idea was, but it wasn’t long before someone else made that decision for me.
As I took another bite, someone tapped my shoulder.
“Are you Ryn?”
Chapter Two
The man approaching me was older than the others had been.
He looked nearly twice my age, but something in that was alluring. He was built thicker, stronger, and I couldn’t help but wonder what his coat was hiding. His eyes were darker than the night around us, and he stepped closer to talk to me.
“Ryn, right?” he repeated. Holding his phone aloft, he showed my profile on his phone.
“That’s me,” I nodded. Blush broke out across my face in embarrassment. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get over how timid it made me feel for these men to pull me up on their phones. This is what I literally asked for, and yet it took so much to let myself accept it.
“Good, do you go here?” he asked.
“I do,” I nodded. “Do you?”
“No, I teach here.”
His brow furrowed in guilt for just a moment, before he pushed past it and came closer to me.
“You’re not an English major, are you?”
“No,” I say.
“This should be fine then,” he laughs. The air around us eased a bit as he stepped closer. “You’re not cold in that?” he asked.
“Well,” I said slowly. “I’m not exactly warm,” I admitted.
“Come here.” Setting down his drink, he pulled his jacket off. It was warm, and smelled faintly of a good cologne, as he wrapped it around my shoulders. I knew it would give a wrong impression to anyone passing, but I’m not entirely sure what a right impression would have been. I wanted more than just his coat.
“Thank you,” I murmur. He’s close to me, his hands still gripping the lapel of his coat where he’d placed it around me.
I decide to make the first step this time.
I’ve already had my first kiss, what’s the danger in a second one?
Leaning forward, pressing past any discomfort I would have felt usually, I kissed him. The stubble on his jawline tickled against my skin as he kissed me back, deepening it. I could distantly taste cigarettes and hot chocolate on his lips. It was a soothing mix, like something dangerous and comforting bundled up into pleasure and contact.
I didn’t know his name yet, but it didn’t matter.
He was warm, thick with muscle, and left each of my senses buzzing for more.
“I’m Joseph,” he murmured against my lips. It was like he could read my mind, I was happy to hand it over to him. We kissed again, and I moved my hands and cupped his face as it pressed against mine. His skin was hot beneath my fingertips, like I was stoking a fire in him bigger than the bonfire a couple hundred feet away.
Someone brushed by us, and I was suddenly very aware of how many people were around us.
I felt my face grow hot in embarrassment and I pulled away from him.
“Sorry, I-” I started. I couldn’t help but be unsure if I was doing the right thing, if this was an okay way to ring in the new year. It’s not like there are college courses on how to open up to someone.
“You’re fine, maybe we should go somewhere a little more private?” he offered. The implication was strong, and made my heart beat like a drum under a plane propeller. I didn’t want to say no, despite how terrifying the idea was.
So I said yes.
Taking my hand in his large, warm, one- Joseph lead me away from the snack table. Despite the obvious worries, all I could think about was what if I was missing out. He’s older, sure, and obviously skilled- but what if one of the other boys had been a better choice?