Wolf school, p.1
Wolf School, page 1
part #9.10 of Psy-Changeling Series

Wolf School
This scene was originally written as part of Play of Passion, but I think it works quite well as a fun short story. I hope you enjoy!
A few hours after her discussion with Hawke, Indigo glanced around the clearing and felt her heart warm with pride. The young soldiers lounging in a rough semi-circle, their legs stretched out and backs against the trees, were all strong, smart and honorable. She'd be happy to have any of them at her side in a fight.
"Tactics," she said after they'd settled in. "I know most of you want to--" Pausing, she cocked her head and frowned, hearing something unexpected on the breeze. It sounded like a child--and this area was off-limits to children unless they were with an adult.
Glancing at Tai, she nodded at him to begin the discussion while she went to check out the noise. The young male did so with a confidence that made it clear he was almost ready to be promoted to full soldier status. Making a mental note to discuss the situation with Riley, she thought about which of the others might be near to "graduation". Charlie was right on the edge, but the girl had a temper problem. Then again, so had Jem once upon a time--channeled right, that temper could become strength.
The wicked temptation of Drew's scent whispered over her before she saw him crouching beside a small wolf pup, the boy's fur soft, his scent innocent. Ben, she realized at once. Though Drew had to have scented her, he didn't look in her direction, so she stood with her shoulder against a tree and watched, trying to figure what in the world they were doing.
Ben angled his head upward, drew in a breath and then made a sharp whistling noise.
The look of embarrassment on his face threatened to make Indigo smile but she caught it. Yes, he was a baby male, but he was still a male. Pride was something that seemed to come hardwired in the Y chromosome.
"That's better," Drew said, one hand on the pup's back, "but you need to bring the sound from lower down." Lifting his own head, he took in a deep breath and let it out.
The haunting music of a wolf's howl echoed over the trees.
It wasn't as strong as the sound that came from the wolf's throat, but it was powerful enough. Several packmates responded from far and wide and it made the hairs on Indigo's neck rise, her wolf immediately ready to join in the joyful singing. But understanding that this was a lesson, it agreed with her silence.
"See?" Drew said, eyes locked with Ben's. "Bring it from your heart. Be your wolf."
Ben took another deep breath, held it, then raised his head.
The howl that came out was cut off summarily as the pup stopped with a yip, having apparently startled himself. Drew began to laugh even as packmates responded again, a concerned question in their tones this time. As she watched, Drew replied, telling them all was well.
Ben wiggled out from under Drew's hand at that moment and ran over to Indigo, his body bursting with pride and excitement. She bent down to stroke back his ears. "Well done, Ben."
Butting up under her hand, he lifted his head and showed her his throat. It was a gesture of active submission, a sign that he wanted to play. Leaning down, she touched noses with him in open affection. "I have to go work, but we'll play later, okay?"
Drew picked the pup up as she rose to her feet. "Don't let him fool you--he's already got a play date with Marlee."
As Ben hid his face against Drew's chest, Indigo began to smile. That was when Drew streaked out a hand, pulled her close and kissed her with such heated thoroughness that steam came out her ears.
"Hello, Lieutenant," he said afterward.
Nalini Singh, Wolf School
(Series: Psy-Changeling # 9.10)
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