Pleasure crew avery, p.1
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Pleasure Crew: Avery
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Pleasure Crew: Avery

  Pleasure Crew: Avery

  Morgan Robinson

  Copyright © 2025 by Morgan Robinson

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact

  The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

  Book Cover by Skemzart

  Illustrations by Skemzart


  Content Warnings


  1. Avery

  2. Phial

  3. Avery

  4. Phial

  5. Avery

  6. Phial

  7. Avery

  8. Phial

  9. Avery

  10. Phial

  11. Avery

  12. Phial

  13. Avery

  14. Avery

  15. Phial

  16. Avery

  17. Phial

  18. Avery

  19. Phial

  20. Avery

  21. Phial

  22. Avery

  23. Phial

  24. Epilogue

  25. Epilogue

  Want Extras?

  About the Author

  Also by Morgan Robinson

  Content Warnings

  As with most of my writing, I try to keep my stories lighthearted and fun. However, this one contains a character put through some terrible things.

  Avery, our FMC, was saved from a group of human smugglers in the first book in this series. While in the custody of the smugglers, her DNA and body were altered to another species of alien. While none of this is discussed in detail, I want to list everything that will be brought up in this book.

  Human smuggling

  Body modifications


  Loss of mobility


  The crew of the Jolly Folly assists the Intergalactic Alliance in reducing sentient smuggling. They've recently completed a mission to meet with human smugglers and secure their cargo. En route to the rendevous spot, Alik and Jovi, two Varon males, fell in love with the human woman, Sloane, sent to act as their pleasure crew.

  During the mission, a human woman, Avery, was rescued from the smugglers. Her DNA was altered to that of another alien species, Rytharian, that goes through heats. Due to her condition, she secluded herself in Phial's room.

  Phial, a Sytharian male, allowed Avery to stay in his room, in the dome-like nest where he usually slept. After a brief encounter with a crew of space pirates, Avery's collar was removed, and her translator was reinstalled so she could understand everyone on the crew again.

  The scent of Avery's previous heat was enough to trigger a rut response in Holoth, the Rytharian co-pilot of the Jolly Folly. Since the crew was waiting to hear back from the Intergalactic Alliance about their next steps, they found someone to help Holoth through his rut.

  K'Vella, a Varon female, joined the crew to act as Holoth's pleasure crew in exchange for him impregnating her. The crew stayed in space for a couple of weeks while waiting to hear back from the Intergalactic Alliance.

  During this time, Avery started going through her heat, and since there was no one on the ship to help her, the crew traveled to Rythar. While on Rythar, K'Vella and Holoth found out they were mates and decided to stay there to start their family. Avery found help in a sanctuary for Rytharian females who had to or wanted to go through their heats alone.

  Our story begins on the last day of Avery's heat.



  The nightmares are still just as awful as ever. You wouldn't know it from how easily I wake in the mornings. No sweat, no screams, no jerking movements. On the outside, I'm fine, but on the inside, I'm just waking up from a hell I thought I was done with.

  I blink a few times, going through the steps to remind myself I'm safe now and no one will ever hurt me like that again. I fixate on the bedside table. Wooden, dark brown, cluttered with water, food, and some herbs that were supposed to help with my heat. I reach out and touch it, reminding myself this is what's real. I'm no longer a prisoner on a smuggling ship.

  I was rescued. I am safe.

  I'm in a sanctuary on Rythar meant to help women like me. Women who go through heats who have no one to help them with it. I'm safer here than I would be anywhere else, but it still hurts, and I'm still scared most of the time.

  Rythar is an alien planet whose species experience ruts and heats. Due to their genetic disposition to mating and the ease at which pregnancies occur, they're biologically some of the best procreators in the universe.

  I was one hundred percent human before I was kidnapped on my way to a family dinner one night. I was taken to a smuggler ship where my DNA and body were altered to act more like a Rytharian female than a human.

  I go through heats now. Rytharians only have to go through them every few months, but not me. Oh no, I'm a special little cookie who was altered to go through them once a month.

  The light blanket one of the sisters threw over me when I finally passed out falls to the ground as I sit up. For the first time in days, I don't feel like I'm overheating. My skin isn't hypersensitive, and I'm not more horny than I've ever been in my life.

  I rub at my temples, making sure that I'm not still asleep. That'd be another cruelty added onto all of this. For me to wake up from a nightmare, thinking my heat is over, just for it to be another nightmare.

  "Avery?" a soft feminine voice calls my name.

  I reach for the blanket, the only covering I have here. It's not that I'm ashamed of my body for the most part. I hate the new scars I have from the slave collar, but other than that, I like my body. Maybe on Earth, I was a little self-conscious of the extra weight in my stomach and thighs, but not here on Rythar.

  I look like all the other females here. I'm short with round hips, a full chest, and curves that would make a Rytharian male want to bend me over and breed me. It's one of the reasons I was altered to be a fit for a Rytharian. If my body had fit the ideals of another species, I'm sure I would've been altered for them instead.

  So, yeah, one of the positives that came out of this whole thing was realizing that my body might not have been ideal where I grew up, but on this planet, people think I'm gorgeous. Not that anyone else's opinion should matter when it comes to my sense of self-worth, but I can't help that I'm human. Knowing someone else—lots of someone elses—likes how I look. Well, it really does help boost my self-esteem.

  "Hey," I say, keeping myself partially covered as I walk toward the small cooler in the corner of the room where the water's kept. "I think my heat's over."

  "It is," the sister says. I don't remember her name, even though she's one of the handful of women who've been helping me get through this heat without a male. "The scent of it diminished while you were sleeping, but we didn't want to wake you."

  I snort and roll my eyes. Not at her, oh definitely not. I'm not so rude as to think she could know that I wouldn't ever have any issue with anyone waking me up. I hate having to sleep, and if I had it my way, I never would.

  "How's everyone doing out there?" I ask. What I really want to know is how my friends are doing and whether they waited for me.

  The female beams at my question as she comes over to me with a fresh set of furs in her hands. She hands me the clothing, and I appreciate that they're on the more conservative side. I've seen what the women here wear. One of them in particular, Helna, wears the smallest scraps I've ever seen, but when I asked about it in all my heat-induced agony charm, she laughed and told me she'd go around naked if her brother weren't here now.

  "Your crewmates have all acclimated very well to our customs," the woman says, turning away from me to give me some privacy to change. "I'm not exactly sure, but I believe Holoth and his mate will stay here on Rythar when you all leave."

  "They're staying?" My brows almost touch my hairline.

  I met Holoth a handful of times on the ship. The first time I saw him, I had a panic attack and cried for hours because he, and most Rytharian males from this tribe, look like the male who altered and tortured me. The second time I saw him, his face was shaved and his hair braided, making him still look like the male who hurt me but different enough that I knew it wasn't him.

  Holoth's mate is a Varon female who was on our ship for maybe two weeks with the sole intention of getting pregnant and returning to her home planet. To hear that they're staying here is a little more than surprising.

  "Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it? They scent matched and everything. Though some females were very upset at that," the female continues talking.

  I tie the top around my neck. It's a long fur that covers my chest completely and goes down to my lower abdomen. It ties at the neck and in two places at my back to keep everything from falling out. The skirt I'm given isn't just the little scraps the females wear to cover their pubes and buttcracks like I've seen on some of the others. This one has fur all the way around and reaches my mid-thigh. I sigh in relief when I put it on and don't feel like I'm a walking sex symbol. All the power to the females who can do it, but I'm still not even s
ure if I can have a male touch me right now.

  My mind flashes back to some of the worst moments during my heat, the moments where I begged and cried for them to bring me Phial. I shake my head, moving the thought from my mind.

  Phial is my friend, the closest thing I have to someone I trust right now. He keeps me safe and talks with me about almost anything. I can't ruin that friendship by reminding myself of how I begged for him during my heat and how the sisters all denied me access to him.

  "That's amazing," I say, and I mean it. I just am still reeling a little bit at how Holoth and K'Vella have known each other for like not even a month and already want a baby and are mated to one another and moving to a whole new planet. "Where's everyone now?"

  "Probably the great hall since it's so late." The woman's eyes go wide when she says it, but she masks the reaction as she leads me out of the white marble room I've been in for the last five days. "I'm taking you back to the ship, though. The great hall isn't somewhere you'll want to be."

  I clench my teeth together, not liking how I'm being told where I will and won't like to be. I'm sure she only has the best intentions. I'm sure she doesn't mean to make me feel like a child who can't handle all the same things that everyone else can. I know she doesn't mean it that way because every female here is here to help because they've been through something that hurt them, too.

  None of them told me what hurt them, and I never asked. The same as how they never asked for my trauma. So, when I give the female a dirty look, and she doesn't do anything but hold my gaze, I know she's serious when she says I need to not go to the great hall. I can't let myself be ruled by what could be wrong or not doing something because I might not be able to handle it.

  Maybe it's stubborn or stupid or something else, but I don't want to be timid. I want to be the same me before I was put into a collar, before I was altered, before I was kidnapped off Earth. I was brave, I was strong, and I did things even if there was a chance I could get hurt.

  So even though I'm probably about to do something foolish, I say, "Take me to my friends."

  The female gives me a nod. Her hands are on her hips, but that's the only indication that she doesn't like me not listening to her suggestion. "It's late, so there will be lots happening. Many males and females go to the great hall at night in the hopes of finding someone to spend the night with. Many of them don't even go home."

  My stomach goes tight at the description of what I'm about to stumble into. She opens the door to the sanctuary, and my heart deflates a little when I see that no one is here to greet me. It's pitch black outside, though, so it makes sense that they wouldn't be out here waiting. Still, I don't know why I got it in my head that someone would be.

  As we walk through the clan, the sounds from the great hall become more and more distinguishable. There's the sound of loud music, moans of pleasure, and lots and lots of laughter. My stomach does another flip, and I'm about to tell the woman I changed my mind and don't want to go anymore.

  We're close enough to the great hall that the open doors are only a few yards away. I stop in my tracks, my skin clammy and my face pale.

  I forgot. I somehow managed to forget how alike Rytharian males from this tribe look until two walk over to me and the other female. She doesn't see them because she's facing me, making sure I'm okay since I stopped moving.

  My eyes are wide, the panic in my brain flicking that switch that tells me to protect myself. I'm more animal than human now, and I don't know if I can communicate with any of them. I definitely can't tell them to get away from me before they're right behind the female, and her nose is twitching in the understanding of why I'm freaking out.

  "Jia," one of the males lays his arm over the small female in front of me. Their height difference is so great that I tremble in terror. I'm so much smaller and weaker than these males.

  The male who did this to me didn't need to put the collar on me because he could overpower me easily enough, just like these males could overpower me.

  "You smell like heat." The male with his arm around Jia nuzzles his head closer to hers and takes a deep sniff.

  "You and your friend need someone to help you with any lingering effects?" The other male shoots me a wink that makes me want to curl up into a ball.

  I'm standing stock still, my eyes wide, and I don't even know if I'm breathing. The males can't tell that I'm not interested, though. They don't know where I just came from or who I am. They aren't treating me like some traumatized female who can't be near them, but I am. Oh god, I am. Jia's trying to tell the first male to go back into the great hall and let her deal with me, but the other male is trying to talk to me.

  "Hey, are you okay?" he asks, lowering his body slightly so he's not towering over me. It's nice in theory, but he just keeps getting closer and closer. His hand reaches up to touch my arm, and I know he's not trying to hurt me or cause me any undue stress, but if he touches me, I'm going to have a full breakdown.

  "I got this one." Phial's scales shimmer slightly as he steps in front of me. His feathers are standing on end, the tips of the ones on his back tickling my nose with how close he's standing to me. He doesn't turn around to check on me, but I can feel his tail thumping against the insides of my ankles as it moves back and forth slowly. "Go have fun, Jia. I'll make sure she's safe."

  "Are you sure?" Jia asks. She doesn't look to me for confirmation, which has me asking plenty of questions. Or I will as soon as I can think of anything other than running and hiding.

  "You know I'll keep her safe," Phial says, his voice sounding tired. I didn't see him come from the great hall, but I don't know where else he would've come from to notice me having a meltdown over being approached by a male.

  "I'll let the others know that she's back on the ship," Jia says, giving us a once-over before herding the two males back into the great hall.

  The males look a little shaken, but I'm sure it's because they're good men who care that they just sacred me. It's not normal for Rytharians not to cherish their females, so I have no doubt they had no intentions of doing anything to me that I wouldn't have loved. They just didn't know I'm also a little messed up right now.

  "Let's get you home," Phial murmurs, finally turning to face me.

  He offers me one of his four-fingered hands and even retracts his claws back slightly so his hands are easier to hold. I don't take it. Not because I don't want to but because my whole body is shuddering, the shakes coming on now that the threat has passed. I crumple to the ground, curling in on myself, sobbing hard into my hands, and feeling foolish for having such big responses to such simple interactions.

  "It's okay," Phial says softly. His hiss is a calming sound since I'm used to hearing it from how much time we spend together. "You're safe. I'm never letting anything happen to you again."

  He kneels in front of me, making sure not to touch me. His claws play in the dirt in front of me, drawing little doodles over and over again that gives me something else to focus on instead of how fucked up I am. He keeps drawing, only moving when his legs get tired or one of them is holding his weight for too long.

  We sit there for who knows how long as couples leave the great hall, laughing and moaning and having a great time. None of them matter, though. Not when I can watch Phial doodle in the dirt as I wait for my panic to subside.

  "I'm ready," I sniffle when I'm finally able to think clearly enough to know I don't want to sit out in the dirt all night.

  "Back to the ship?" Phial asks, cocking his head at me, his big eyes blinking in the weird way that they do.

  I nod. "Back to the ship."

  He stands from where he was crouched down, his tail lazing about against the ground in a soft swish. He watches me as I get up, dusting my furs off and trying to make sure I don't look like too much of a mess. He doesn't touch me, except for accidentally with his tail. Not since he carried me onto the ship after rescuing me weeks ago.

  I don't miss how it's ironic that the only male I want to touch me is the only one who I'm pretty sure never will unless I ask him. Something I'm not going to do because this friendship is worth so much more than whatever fantasy I concocted in the throes of my heat.

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