Nine ball corner pocket, p.1
Nine Ball, Corner Pocket, page 1

Nine Ball, Corner Pocket
An erotic short story by
Michelle Houston
Nine Ball, Corner Pocket © copyright 2010 by Michelle Houston
Cover art © 2013 Michelle Lee
Edited by Jenna Byrnes and D Musgrave
Published by Unleashed Ink at Smashwords
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Nine Ball, Corner Pocket
Michelle Houston
Grin on his face, Jesse leaned against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankle. A cue stood at attention in front of his groin, gripped between strong, folded arms. Across the pool table, Rhiannon leaned down and lined up her shot. The tip of her tongue licked between her lips as she concentrated.
"Two ball to the nine, corner pocket," she said.
Jesse spared the table a quick glance before giving a soft, derisive snort.
Glaring, Rhiannon's gaze lifted to his. "Don't think I can make it?"
"Not a chance, Honey" was his self-satisfied response.
"Oh really?" She pulled away from the table, striking her 'I can't believe you're doubting me' stance.
Jesse snorted again. He was accustomed to her moods and poses. When it came to pool, he was also familiar with her abilities, or rather, lack of them. After all, they'd played many similar games at his home, on the same table. They'd also played a different kind of sport, fucking each other senseless on its emerald green velvet. He could almost hear the tiny whimpers in her throat as she climaxed, her sweet juices running down her legs as he pounded into her from behind.
"Care to make a wager on that?" She snapped, interrupting his sordid thoughts.
Jesse startled, realizing he hadn't heard what she'd said. He asked her to repeat herself. When she did, he grinned. "Rhiannon, I'm not going to take your money."
"I wasn't talking about money darlin'. I meant something more wicked." As she spoke, her eyes danced with mischief.
Intrigued, he pushed off from the wall and stepped towards the pool table, leaning on its edge, "How wicked?"
"Mmmm," she purred, licking her lips. "How about if I miss this shot, you get to fuck my tight little ass?"
Straining to think straight at her announcement, Jesse wondered what the catch was. "And if you make the shot?" was his faintly suspicious reply.
Quick as a whip, she retorted, "I get to watch you get your tight little ass fucked." Her amusement was rapidly increasing.
Bingo, there was the catch, although somehow, it didn't seem such a bad trade. Rhiannon had been hinting about wanting to watch him and another man for a while, ever since he'd confessed his interest in gay porn. Her idea contained a certain dark appeal.
Before he lost his nerve, he agreed to her sinful dare. "You're on babe, but on one condition, if you win I still get to fuck your tight little ass sometime soon, just the way you've always wanted. You can't fool me, I know you're dying for it."
He was tempted to startle her with a sudden noise, but the glare Rhiannon shot stopped him. Sometimes it sucked to be with someone so long that they knew you well enough to predict your next move. But on reflection, given the killer blowjob Rhiannon had given him the night before, it was a welcome trade off, having that person know your personal hot spots.
The tip of her tongue flicked out again, causing him to squirm as his attention was drawn to her lips. The way she stroked the pool stick didn't help his peace of mind, either.
Drawing the cue back, she slid it slowly forward again, almost tapping the cue ball. Jesse's attention was further divided as she widened her stance, took a deep breath, and slowly swung her arm back.
The cue slid forward between her fingers and Jesse held his breath. Regardless of the outcome, they both knew Rhiannon's ass would no longer be virgin territory, but he wasn't so certain about his. As much as he worried, he found himself hoping she made the shot.
The two ball gently tapped the nine and for a moment, it hugged the rim, before falling into the pocket. In that moment, Jesse knew Rhiannon had triumphed. He only hoped that in the end, he'd win as well.
* * *
After her victory, Rhiannon planted a quick kiss on Jesse's lips and then headed home for the night, leaving him to dwell on what was to come.
Jesse brooded over his situation as he sat in front of the TV, intently watching several rented videos showing gay men in various erotic situations. For two days, he rushed home from work, first checking his answering machine, before playing a video and lubricating his hands.
He masturbated to scenes of construction workers, college roommates and military men, but his favorite movie featured two men in a pool hall. He stroked his cock raw as he repeatedly watched one man bugger the other with the butt end of a pool cue, before the cue wielder fucked his willing victim.
It gave Jesse an added thrill when he pressed a finger inside his ass, wriggling it as he jerked himself off. He'd even been tempted to try something a bit firmer and bigger, like the mini-vibrator Rhiannon kept in the nightstand, but he hadn't been able to work up the nerve.
As evening fell on the third day, Jesse's cell phone rang and he glanced at the display. Rhiannon had finally decided to call. As he answered, loud techno-music assaulted his ears. He could barely hear Rhiannon's shouts, but eventually he made out what she was saying.
"I'll be at your place in about an hour. Wear those jeans of yours I like, and nothing else, and darlin' - make sure you have the lube and a few condoms handy."
A click sounded in his ear as the loud music, and Rhiannon's voice, was replaced by a dial tone. His hand suddenly shaking, Jesse ended the call and then rushed to pick up the clutter in his apartment before company arrived.
An hour later, he'd just finished clearing the mess when the doorbell rang.
Closing the dishwasher and flicking the switch, he surveyed the apartment as he headed to the front door. The rented videos were hidden, the couch cushions were flipped over and he'd moved the lube into the bedroom. The tube now sat on the dresser, next to a full box of condoms. Everything looked normal, except he was wearing jeans that were slightly baggy over his hips, no boxers, no shirt - and he was about to have sex with a man he'd never met.
Forcing a smile to his lips, he concentrated on steadying his hand; first one deep breath, then another. Closing his eyes, he pictured Rhiannon leaning over the pool table, her legs spread and her asshole lubed and ready. Glancing at his hand again, he noticed it was steady, but he also caught sight of the increasing bulge in his jeans. With a nervous flourish, Jesse opened the door to the wonders that were to come.
Jesse's eyes widened as they trailed over Rhiannon's 'friend.' It only took a moment for him to realize he knew Neil, though normally, Rhiannon's editor was dressed in a nice suit and sported slicked back hair. He oozed heterosexual vibes and turned many a feminine head.
Yet, the man standing in front of him was rugged, dressed in tight black cargos and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His tattoos were clearly visible and a very noticeable hard-on strained against the seam of his pants.
"Jesse, I hear I get to pop your cherry," Neil taunted. He placed a hand against Jesse's chest and gently pushed him back into the apartment. Slowly sliding his hand down his willing victim's torso, to the waist of his jeans, he hooked his finger in a belt loop and pulled the unresisting man towards him.
Rhiannon closed the door behind them.
"Between you and me, I think I'm going to love every minute of it. I have a feeling you will as well." Neil's words contained an almost addictive seductiveness.
Jesse gulped silently and opened his mouth to respond, but he never got a chance. Neil leaned forward and pressed his lips to Jesse's, sparking sudden feral desire. Almost instantly, Jesse's cock grew stiffer. Unfulfilled fantasies began to roar through his mind. The texture of those male lips was similar to Rhiannon's, but different somehow. They were firmer and more impatient.
Neil took possession of Jesse's mouth, thrusting his tongue past willingly parted lips. The insistent organ searched out its wet and warm opposite number. Neil's hands slid around Jesse's hips, pulling the shell-shocked man against him.
Jesse admired this display of dominance, even as he submitted. Groin to groin now, Jesse ground his hips slowly, igniting a trail of need in them both.
It turned him on more knowing that Rhiannon was watching he and her best friend dueled for control.
Jesse saw Neil
As Jesse's eyes locked on Neil's, his seducer leaned down and kissed him again. At that moment, Jesse noticed the light floral scent of Rhiannon's perfume. She'd moved to stand beside him. He felt her carefully grasp his hand.
Half directing, half-pulling, Rhiannon led the two men to the bedroom. Jesse allowed himself to be guided backward; to let Rhiannon and Neil set the pace. It was nice to have the decision and details taken out of his hands.
As the door closed with a soft click, Jesse pulled away from Neil. For a second, the sensual haze cleared from his mind and the true reality of his situation dawned. Panic began to creep in.
"I can't do this," he whispered, his eyes darting to Rhiannon in a mute plea.
"Shhh baby," she whispered, stepping between the two men. Raising her hands to Jesse's chest, she also nodded slightly towards Neil, before turning back to reassure her boyfriend, "Nothing's going to happen that you don't want."
Slowly twining her fingers in the soft golden curls covering her lover's chest, she coaxed his lips down to hers. They kissed passionately, as her hands roamed over his ribs, down to the well-worn buttons of his Levis. Undoing them, she slipped his jeans over his ass and gravity took its effect.
Jesse watched as she kneeled down in front of him and lifted his feet one after the other, until he'd stepped out of the worn, blue denims. "Just relax baby, and let me take care of you." She straightened up and met his gaze.
With a quick flick of her tongue to dampen her lips, she leaned forward slightly and kissed the head of his cock. A small drop of pre-cum oozed to the tip and she teased him, swirling her tongue over the glistening drop, before sucking him into her mouth. She tasted an inch, then pulled back, each delay driving him wild. Another inch, then again she backed off.
Slowly, sensually, she aroused him to fever pitch. His hands twisted in her perfectly made up hair, pulling the pins free and leaving her long tresses dangling down her back. Soon, he forgot all about the other man in the room, watching his beautiful siren have her way with his willing flesh.
Her hands tenderly cupped his ball sac, playing gently with the sensitive skin. Moaning softly, he arched into her mouth, thrusting his cock in a steady rhythm. Muted sucking sounds filled the room, his groans a low accompaniment.
As Rhiannon pulled back, he could hear the sound of her mouth on his flesh and his eyes flickered open. He saw Neil standing to his left, naked. Only the occasional tattoo covered his tanned flesh. Then Neil's ink black eyes met his and Jesse couldn't look away, even when Rhiannon's satiny mouth moved back over his straining erection.
He watched, fascinated, as Neil cupped his own cock and he gently stroked himself. Desperately, Jesse wanted to feel it pound into him and stretch him to his limits. His fears were soon pushed to the back of his mind when Rhiannon's mouth drove him back to the brink, before she suddenly pulled away again.
Now, he watched as her lovely lips closed around Neil's cock, sucking it deep within her warm, velvety mouth. Jealousy pulsed inside him as he gazed, but not because his woman had her lips wrapped around another man's cock. He wanted to taste Neil's flesh against his tongue as well.
Dropping to his knees, he gently pushed Rhiannon away and moved to take her place. Hesitantly, he kissed Neil's stiffness, tasting the salty essence leaking from the bulging tip. Taking a deep breath, he opened his lips and sucked the inviting phallus deep into his mouth. For a moment, he gagged, then backed off, remembering past girlfriends and their tentative attempts. Trying again, he took Neil's erection more deeply into his mouth and then pulled back.
Softly, Neil's hands came to rest on Jesse's head, guiding him without pressure until he found a comfortable rhythm.
Jesse's eyes now focused completely on Neil, watching for subtle clues. He wasn't sure what to do next. When Neil's lids fluttered closed, and his Adam's apple bobbed, Jesse knew he was doing okay. Filled with confidence, he sucked harder, stroking his hands up and down Neil's thighs, enjoying the feel of the wiry hair beneath his palms.
Jesse knew Neil was close to orgasm when he felt the man's hands tighten in his hair. He knew because, when Rhiannon went down on him, he reacted the same way, holding her face still as he fucked her throat.
Jesse watched as Neil's eyes opened suddenly and his nostrils flared a little. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw what had drawn Neil's attention away. Rhiannon was slowly undressing, her hands running over her stomach and thighs, caressing her smooth skin. For a moment, his hands itched to return to his sweet love's softness, but as drops of pre-cum leaked from Neil's slit, he returned his attention to his male paramour.
Only her heels, hose, and garter remained as Rhiannon knelt, once again, next to Jesse. Carefully lying on her stomach, she shifted as close to him as possible and then softly parted his ass cheeks, sliding her tongue along the cleft. Jesse trembled as she rimmed him, her tongue slipping past his ass-ring. Many times before he had tasted of her forbidden crevice, sampling the tangy, sweaty flesh, imagining it being done to him, but he had never been able to ask for it.
Jesse could feel Neil's gaze on him, as he experienced this delight for the first time.
Jesse felt Rhiannon pull her tongue from his ass, giving the crevice one last deep lick before moving away. Sucking Neil's cock deep, he focused his attention solely on the taste and sensation of the velvety flesh in his mouth. A whisper of sound behind him barely gave him warning before Rhiannon pressed a finger against his sphincter and pushed.
He jerked in response. Instantly Neil was soothing him – tenderly brushing his hands over his face and shoulder. He quickly guided Jesse back into a steady rhythm, as Rhiannon's finger slipped deeper, and was joined by another, provoking a curious tingling.
Minutes passed as the three reveled in their exploration. Then Rhiannon pulled away from Jesse and stood. Stepping around the two men, she moved towards the bedside table and grabbed the tube of lubricant, squeezing some into her palm.
She rubbed her hands together, before carefully spreading it between her buttocks. She forced a finger inside her anus and wiggled her hand. Jesse's eyes almost crossed. He swallowed a hint of panic, as Neil pulled his cock free from Jesse's ass and moved to stand behind her.
She slipped her finger free and held her ass checks apart as Neil thrust his lube-coated digits deep into her ass. With his other hand, he guided her onto her belly across the bed, her feet planted firmly on the floor.
Jesse watched as Neil forced his fingers in and out of her butt, gently twisting them as he did. He was intrigued by the look on his lover's face, as her ass fought against the invasion. Small streams of fire flooded his body, his cock hard and throbbing as he imagined it was his fingers up Rhiannon's ass, while Neil manipulated his virgin sphincter.
"Spread your legs further," Neil demanded, as he settled his body between her silky thighs. His palm firmly planted against her back, he pinned her legs against the bed with his, and continued to fuck her with his fingers. The fire that raced through Jesse soon turned into an inferno, as Rhiannon responded to the sensual invasion, arching her hips, guiding Neil deeper.
She lifted her body from the bed, and moved her hand down to her clit. Jesse moved closer, his emotions whirling as his hands stroked his cock of their own volition.
Fisting his cock, Jesse watched as Rhiannon bucked against Neil, timing her finger's thrusts to his until, together, they fucked her into a quivering orgasm.
It was a breathtaking sight. In that moment, looking at the satisfied look on his girlfriend's face, he knew she'd made the right choice for him. Neil was patient, tender, and obviously skilled.