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The Initial Fall (Devinicus University Book 1), page 1


The Initial Fall (Devinicus University Book 1)
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The Initial Fall (Devinicus University Book 1)

  The Initial Fall

  Copyright ©2020 Michelle Dare & Victoria Renteria

  Cover Design by ©MaeIDesign and Photography

  Interior Design by Champagne Book Design

  Editing by Barren Acres Editing

  Proofreading by Landers Editorial Services

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  About this Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Other Books by Michelle Dare

  Other Books by Victoria Renteria

  About the Authors

  There was a time when I was an average teenager. That was before I woke up surrounded by white feathers.

  Turns out, I’m an angel and didn’t know it. Life went from normal to this can’t get any worse.

  Unable to attend a human college, I’m enrolled in Devinicus University. Angels and demons have their own school, and since I’m now one of the divine, it’s time to embrace my calling.

  Then I met him—Lucien Anara, grandson of the devil.

  He’s tall, dark, and cocky. I’m screwed from the first moment I see him. Apparently, I’m not alone.

  Lucien invades my dreams. He makes me feel something for him I’ve never felt for anyone. He tells me he feels it, too. Unfortunately, his actions speak louder than words.

  Arranged marriage isn’t something I thought I’d have to worry about. Too bad the guy I’m hopelessly in love with is marrying someone else.

  A decision needs to be made. I can either watch as Lucien ties himself to someone else for eternity or fight for who’s mine.

  To reclaim the demon of my dreams, I must strike a deal with the devil. No price is too high to get Lucien by my side where he belongs.

  Chapter One


  “Hand me the breaker bar,” Dad says as I lie under the car next to him. He’s currently fighting a bolt that won’t budge.

  I slide out and grab what he’s looking for and hand it to him.

  Spending my weekday mornings working with him will soon come to an end. College starts in a week. Not that I want to go. Far from it. Actually, I want to go to a normal school. One mortals attend. Maybe the one I had my heart set on and got accepted into.

  Dad gets frustrated and, with a toss of the tool, pushes his way out from under the Accord. “I’m taking a break. How does lunch sound?”

  “Good. Just let me get cleaned up.”

  I make my way to the bathroom, weaving around two other cars that are on lifts, both being worked on by mechanics my dad employs. Inside, I close the door and flip on the light. It’s a big room but has seen its fair share of grease and grime over the years. There are dark stains in the sink that are never coming out. Luckily, I’m not very dirty today since we’ve only been working for a short while.

  Scrubbing my hands, the only thoughts flowing through my mind are ones about college. I’ve been dreading it since the week after I graduated. The same week I woke up to find myself surrounded by feathers—white feathers to be precise. Who the hell wakes in a bed that looks like they slaughtered their pillow the night before? Oh right, that’s me. Only it wasn’t a pillow. That would have made sense.

  After cleaning up and sweeping my hair into a high ponytail, I flip the light off and go in search of my dad.

  Decarus Auto Repair is his pride and joy. And me. I never doubt how much he loves me. But when he’s not at home, I can always find him here. He’s also who I inherited this angel business from. Well, it was passed down. Luckily for Dad, it skipped his generation.

  “What are you in the mood for?” he asks.

  “Mexican for sure.” I have a thing for spicy food. Luckily, there are a few amazing restaurants where we live in St. Augustine, Florida.

  I open the door of my dad’s old Chevy pickup and climb in. It’s seen better days. The outside has Bondo in spots. In others, the paint is completely faded. But the engine is a beast and runs smoothly.

  Lunch is quiet since we’re early enough to beat the rush. We sit in a corner booth and talk about whatever comes to mind, except for college. That’s the one thing that’s off-limits and he knows it. I’m sure he’d like to discuss it. I put a stop to that once I knew I had no choice but to attend Devinicus University. Angels have to go there. Every single one as they mature.

  No one wants to wake up in the morning and basically have all their dreams crushed and their whole life mapped out for them. Finding out I was an angel did that to me.

  At least I’m part of the light. Things could be worse. They always could be darker. Demons are out there—ones I haven’t learned enough about yet. That will be part of my schooling. Most angels find out who they are at a younger age. Around seven. Not me. I found out the morning of April fourteenth, my eighteenth birthday. Good times for all.

  After lunch, I tell Dad I’m going to walk home. I’m not in the mood to go back to the shop, and he seems like he could use some alone time. He’s frustrated with the Honda he’s working on, and I know better than anyone that sometimes being left alone to work out your problems is best.

  It’s August, and the Florida heat is blazing. However, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. We’ve been on vacation in winter to the mountains in the northeast, and while it was pretty, it wasn’t for me. Give me the sand and the sun every day over the cold and snow.

  I glance down and realize my sneaker is untied. Bending, I quickly tie it, but when I stand, I jump in the air like a cat who’s spooked.

  “What the hell?” I yell. “Can you not pop up like that?”

  My grandfather chuckles. Chestnut hair cut short and styled away from his face gives him a younger appearance. Clean shaven. Light blue eyes. “Hello to you, too, Indiana. I dropped by the house, but your mother said you were at the shop, and then I didn’t find you there. I knew you’d be close, though. You never go far.”

  “Thanks for the reminder of how boring my life is,” I mutter.

  “Your life isn’t boring. I’m sure any teenager would be thrilled to be on the path you are.”

  “Yeah, because to everyone else it’d be a fantasy. To me, it’s a damn nightmare.”

  He lays a comforting hand on my shoulder. “I know it wasn’t what you wanted. But I promise you’re going to love it. You have my blood in you. You’re meant for this life.”

  I glance around, ensuring there’s no one near us and lower my voice. “I don’t want to be an angel. I want to be a normal teenager who gets to spend her college days drinking and partying and going to class hungover. How am I supposed to do that with angels for teachers?”

  “I’d like to tell you there aren’t parties at Devinicus, and everyone is focused on school, but I can’t. You’ll have to be careful who you make friends with. I’m sorry to ruin your life, but your destiny is written in the stars, my dear.”

  “Goodie,” I say sarcastically.

  “I want you to come over for dinner tonight. Just you. Not your parents. I have something I want to show you.” With him, and my newfound knowledge of what goes on in the world, who knows what I’ll be walking into. Last time I went over there, I got the crash course on angels and what they do.

  “What time?” I ask solemnly. In reality, I have no friends left. I can’t hang out with them anymore. I couldn’t tell them how there was this whole good and evil thing going on, where I’m going to be one of the warriors of the light to help keep the balance. That sounds sane.

  So instead of coming clean to my friends, and possibly ending up in a hospital for evaluation, I just let them slowly drift from my life. It’s not like I had a lot of close friends anyway. I’ve always been the weird girl: the one who preferred art over hanging out and partying. Although, I was hoping college would change that a little. Maybe I could experience some things I’ve been missing out on.

  “Six and don’t be late.” With that, he ducks between two buildings and is gone from sight. The
re must be a portal around here somewhere. They’re hidden amongst the buildings in the city. Another thing I had no idea about until I found out I’m an angel.

  I start walking down the street again, only this time I’m left wondering what I’m in for tonight. Could be anything at this point. Maybe I’ll find out the Fountain of Youth in town is actually real and has mystical powers.

  Rounding the corner, I run smack dab into someone. A tall and solid someone. I stumble back, but a strong hand grips my forearm to keep me from falling. Peering up, I notice who caught me.

  This is one of those times when everything moves in slow motion. Like the rest of the world ceases to exist, except for the one person in front of you. And here I am looking at this gorgeous man, dumbstruck with my mouth agape.

  Jet-black, shoulder-length hair frames a fair-skinned face. Eyes that are the rich color of honey stare at me and for a moment, I forget to breathe. Where did this guy come from? I’ve never seen him before, and I’ve lived here my whole life. Then he smirks, and it breaks my spell.

  “Excuse you,” I shake him off. “Get your hands off of me.”

  He cocks his head to the side as if he’s studying me. It makes sweat break out on the back of my neck and forehead. “I’m Luc,” he says in the most seductive voice I’ve ever heard. He can’t be much older than I am. I mentally force myself to come out of the haze his presence caused.

  “I’m uninterested,” I reply. It’s a total lie. If he dipped his head to taste my lips, I’d readily open up for him. Way to sound like a slut, Indy.

  “You look familiar.”

  “Great. I’m leaving.” I move to walk around him, and it’s then I notice the two other guys he’s with. They don’t move or say anything. I get a bad vibe from them and walk in a wide arc so I don’t come in contact. The last thing I need is to end up on the nightly news after being attacked by three strange men. Yes, the one guy did give me his name, but that doesn’t mean I know him. Could be a fake name or the one of a serial killer.

  I get about ten feet before his hand is on my elbow, pulling me to a stop. He can’t be serious.

  I spin and glare at him. “Didn’t I just tell you not to touch me?”

  “I didn’t get your name.”

  “And you won’t.”

  He releases me, but instead of leaving, walks in a slow circle around me. I stay in place. Not wanting to follow him or show just how intimidated I am. What’s he doing? I feel like I’m under a microscope.

  Stopping in front of me, he smiles, and it’s almost predatory. He lightly coasts the backs of his fingers down my arm and leans in close. “White wings, huh, angel? You must be powerful.”

  I gasp and freeze. He must have seen my mark. The mark all angels have. It’s a set of small, white wings behind my left ear. No bigger than an inch tall. Only other angels or demons can see them.

  “Who are you?” I ask. He obviously knows what I am, but is he one of us or one of them?

  He brushes his hair aside, revealing a set of his own wings. His aren’t like mine, however. His are black with the bones visible through the skin of the wings and sharp points on the tips.

  My blood runs cold. This is the first time I’ve encountered a demon. And here I am lusting after him. Great. One point for Team Demon.

  I stumble back a few steps then take off in the opposite direction. This time he doesn’t follow me, and for that I’m grateful.

  Every step brings me closer to home and causes my mind to whirl. I found a demon. One of the creatures of the Underworld. I’m lucky he didn’t kill me. Though killing in public is frowned upon, but who knows what they actually do. I doubt demons follow the rules. Not like angels are expected to.

  For me to talk to a demon—let one put his hand on me—I shudder to think what will happen. I have to tell my grandfather tonight. I have to find out all I can. It’s in this moment, I realize how truly unprepared I am for this world, and yet I’m immersed in it with no chance of escaping.

  Back at the house, I greet my mom in the kitchen and go into my room where I close the door. I begin pacing the small area like a caged animal. I can’t believe this. A demon. I knew I’d meet one eventually. Both our universities are here. Well, not here… here, but close. They go hand in hand. You can’t have the light without the dark. But to find me? To touch my arm? To try to get my attention and point out he knows what I am?

  I turn and stop in front of the full-length mirror on the back of my open closet door. Wisps of blonde hair have come loose from my ponytail. Sweat dots my face from walking fast in the heat.

  My fuchsia tank top hangs slightly askew and feels too tight on my skin. I quickly strip it away and leave myself in nothing but a white lace bra and navy shorts that hit mid-thigh. Most guys see me and think of sex. I get it. I’m slender, yet curvy in the right spots. I’m well-endowed, thanks to my mom’s genes. My blue eyes are so light that sometimes they look clear. And I’m taller than a lot of girls I went to school with. Five foot nine inches meant the gym teacher kept trying to recruit me for basketball or volleyball. I always declined. I’m not the athletic type.

  A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly put my tank back on and deal with the material feeling like it’s a vise around my abdomen.

  I open it and find my mom on the other side. Her hair is blonde like mine but cut shoulder-length. She’s shorter than me by a good five inches. Her curves are more pronounced, and she wears them well. She’s all attitude and fire to anyone who crosses her.

  “Sariel said you’re going over to his house for dinner tonight.” Sariel. My grandfather. The man whose name I thought was George growing up. The man who was one of the founders of Devinicus University and who has the angel campus named after him.

  “Yes,” I reply. “I saw him on my way home, and he invited me over.”

  She nods. Neither of my parents pushed me into this life. In fact, my mom told me she would have rather I hadn’t known it existed, nor was ever a part of it. Even after she said it, she told me she’ll always be here for me and support me, no matter what. “Be careful. Who knows what that crazy, old man has in mind.” I smile. Crazy? Yes. Old? Definitely. He’s two thousand years old. Finding that out made my heart stop for a moment.

  “I will. It’s just dinner.”

  She chuckles. “It’s never just dinner where he’s concerned.”

  Chapter Two


  The nerve endings in my fingertips tingle as the warmth from her skin begins to fade. For the first time in my life, I’m unable to move despite the desire raging inside of me to hunt the angel down. I have no idea who she is, but I’m enthralled. Her scent permeates the air around me, and I find myself inhaling a deep breath. She smells like crisp, clean summer air and warm sandy beaches. It’s intoxicating.

  Thick, sensual heat fills my blood as an intense wave of arousal washes over me. Suppressing a groan, I shift uncomfortably, trying to relieve the pressure in my suit pants. The friction only serves to irritate me. Fuck. No one has ever made my body respond like this.

  And to think an angel was responsible.

  Anger explodes inside of me at the thought. I have always been the one to incite carnal desire in others. Men and women alike flock to me, wishing to have their deepest fantasies fulfilled with just a look. It’s what I do, and I take pride in it. To have the tables turned on me is irritating as fuck. A haze of red clouds my vision, blurring out everything around me as I think of how she denied me the basic pleasure of her name.

  Who the fuck does she think she is?

  Angel or not, I will make her bend to my will. No one denies the grandson of Silvius Anara. Being the Devil’s progeny has its perks. Closing my eyes, I take a moment to recall the way the afternoon sun highlighted her features. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone more beautiful. She’s tall and slender, with just enough curves to allow a man to get lost.

  The angel also happens to be the kind of woman who garners notice whenever she walks into a room. Her sun-kissed skin, long, blonde hair, and high arching brows only add to the beauty of her vibrant blue eyes. She is the perfect example of angelic grace.

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