

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

In the blink of an eye, everyone disappears. Gone. Except for the young. There are teens, but not one single adult. Just as suddenly, there are no phones, no internet, no television. No way to get help. And no way to figure out what's happened. Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day. It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen, a fight is shaping up. Townies against rich kids. Bullies against the weak. Powerful against powerless. And time is running out: On your 15th birthday, you disappear just like everyone else...
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

It's been three months since everyone under the age of fifteen became trapped in the bubble known as the FAYZ. Three months since all the adults disappeared. GONE. Food ran out weeks ago. Everyone is starving, but no one wants to figure out a solution. And each day, more and more kids are evolving, developing supernatural abilities that set them apart from the kids without powers. Tension rises and chaos is descending upon the town. It's the normal kids against the mutants. Each kid is out for himself, and even the good ones turn murderous. But a larger problem looms. The Darkness, a sinister creature that has lived buried deep in the hills, begins calling to some of the teens in the FAYZ. Calling to them, guiding them, manipulating them. The Darkness has awakened. And it is hungry.
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

It's been seven months since all the adults disappeared. Gone. It happens in one night. A girl who died now walks among the living; Zil and the Human Crew set fire to Perdido Beach; and amid the flames and smoke, Sam sees the figure of the boy he fears the most: Drake. But Drake is dead. Sam and Caine defeated him along with the Darkness—or so they thought. As Perdido Beach burns, battles rage: Astrid against the Town Council; the Human Crew versus the mutants; and Sam against Drake, who is back from the dead and ready to finish where he and Sam left off. And all the while deadly rumors are raging like the fire itself, spread by the prophetess Orsay and her companion, Nerezza. They say that death is a way to escape the FAYZ. Conditions are worse than ever and kids are desperate to get out. But are they desperate enough to believe that death will set them free?
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

It's been one year since all the adults disappeared. Gone. Despite the hunger and the lies, even despite the plague, the kids of Perdido Beach are determined to survive. Creeping into the tenuous new world they've built, though, is perhaps the worst incarnation yet of the enemy known as the Darkness: fear. Within the FAYZ, life breaks down while the Darkness takes over, literally—turning the dome-world of the FAYZ entirely black. In darkness, the worst fears of all emerge, and the cruelest of intentions are carried out. But even in their darkest moments, the inhabitants of the FAYZ maintain a will to survive and a desire to take care of the others in their ravaged band that endures, no matter what the cost. Fear, Michael Grant's fifth book in the bestselling dystopian Gone series, will thrill readers . . . even as it terrifies them.
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

It's been eight months since all the adults disappeared. GONE. They've survived hunger. They've survived lies. But the stakes keep rising, and the dystopian horror keeps building. Yet despite the simmering unrest left behind by so many battles, power struggles, and angry divides, there is a momentary calm in Perdido Beach. But enemies in the FAYZ don't just fade away, and in the quiet, deadly things are stirring, mutating, and finding their way free. The Darkness has found its way into the mind of its Nemesis at last and is controlling it through a haze of delirium and confusion. A highly contagious, fatal illness spreads at an alarming rate. Sinister, predatory insects terrorize Perdido Beach. And Sam, Astrid, Diana, and Caine are plagued by a growing doubt that they'll escape - or even survive - life in the FAYZ. With so much turmoil surrounding them, what desperate choices will they make when it comes to saving themselves and those they love? Plague, Michael Grant's fourth book in the bestselling Gone series, will satisfy dystopian fans of all ages.
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Front Lines

Front Lines

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

World War II. The most terrible war in human history. Millions are dead; millions more are still to die. The Nazis rampage across Europe and eye far-off America. The green, untested American army is going up against the greatest fighting force ever assembled—the armed forces of Nazi Germany. But something has changed. A court decision makes females subject to the draft and eligible for service. So in this World War II, women and girls fight, too. As the fate of the world hangs in the balance, three girls sign up to fight. Rio Richlin, Frangie Marr, and Rainy Schulterman are average girls, girls with dreams and aspirations, at the start of their lives, at the start of their loves. Each has her own reasons for volunteering. Not one expects to see actual combat. Not one expects to be on the front lines. Rio, Frangie, and Rainy will play their parts in the war to defeat evil and save the human race. They will fear and they will rage; they will suffer and they will inflict suffering; they will hate and they will love. They will fight the greatest war the world has ever known. New York Times bestselling author Michael Grant has created a masterful alternate history of World War II in Front Lines, the first volume in a groundbreaking series.
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The Snake

The Snake

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

The Snake delves deeper into New York Times bestselling author Michael Grant's world of harsh justice. Fans of Stephen King will be mesmerized by this chilling yet deeply thought-provoking horror story. The Messenger and Mara witness a crime. Someone is dead. Someone has to pay. But when they travel back through space and time to uncover the truth, they come to learn that two people had wicked intentions. They had seen an act of revenge. In a twisted web of lust and vengeance, only Mara, as Messenger's apprentice, can decide who will play a game for redemption. Two wrongs don't make a right. . . . Only one will pay the ultimate price.
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BZRK: Apocalypse

BZRK: Apocalypse

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

The Matrix meets Inner Space in this third book in the BZRK trilogy from New York Times best-selling author Michael Grant. The staggering conclusion to the BZRK trilogy, from the author of GONE. The members of BZRK are preparing for their final stand, in the world's capitals and in the nano. Expect the unexpected in this novel packed with the author's trademark jaw-dropping action, violence, and pace.
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The Key

The Key

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

Time is short for Mack MacAvoy and the Magnifica! Mack hates doing homework (that's what golems are for), but it seems that the only way to defeat the Pale Queen and her evil daughter, Risky, is to learn the magical language of Vargran. If only ancient, magical languages came with cheat sheets . . . . . . Oh! But they do! (Or at least, this one does. We can't speak for any other ancient, magical languages.)Mack, Jarrah, Xiao, Dietmar, and Stefan travel to Europe to find the Key, an engraved stone that unlocks the power of Vargran. But can they locate the invisible castle of William "Blisterthöng" MacGuffin, who guards the Key?(Yeah, we said "Blisterthong." Yeah, it's as painful as it sounds.)Mack has less than thirty days to master Vargran, round up the rest of the Magnifica, and defeat Princess Risky. Will the Key be enough? Or is there something else Mack must find in order to save the world?The Magnificent 12:...
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

In the stunning follow-up to the globally bestselling Gone series, Michael Grant continues the story of the teens who morph into superheroes—and supermonsters—when they ingest an alien virus. Four years after the events of the FAYZ, new meteorites are hitting Earth, and the whole world is exposed to a strange alien virus that gives humans unique superpowers. As some teens become heroes and others become dangerously out of control with their new powers, the world will become more terrifying than the FAYZ—and only a monstrous battle between good and evil can save them.
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Love Sucks and Then You Die

Love Sucks and Then You Die

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

In this short-story prequel to Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant’s Eve and Adam, fifteen-year-old E.V. (Evening) doesn’t know where she fits in to the universe. After a particularly disastrous school dance experience, she’s begins to wonder if she fits in at all. She did bloody the school heartthrob’s nose and all because he tried to kiss her. Having been accused of being a "frigid bitch," E.V. begins to question her place in the cosmic world of relationships and dating to little avail; her CEO mother is emotionally unavailable, her dad is dead, and her best friend thinks true love exists in the back seat of a used Honda. But then E.V. spots someone, a blip on her otherwise indifferent radar that suggests there just might be someone out there for her . . .
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The Power

The Power

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

Michael Grant, author of the New York Times bestselling Gone books, shows his funny side in this fantasy-adventure series, which concludes with this fourth book.Monty Python--like humor makes the Magnificent 12 perfect for fans of funny, action-filled series like Dan Gutman's Genius Files. The characters travel across the world, which also makes this series a great pick for readers and teachers with an interest in geography.In The Magnificent 12: The Power, time is running out for Mack MacAvoy and the Magnificent Twel--er--Seven! In just a few short days, the Pale Queen will emerge from her earthly prison to destroy the world.But Mack and the Magnificent Twel--er--Seven are all but powerless against the Pale Queen and her evil daughter, Risky, unless they can assemble the other five Magnifica. The first step is to convince the evil traitor Valin to come over to the good side, a task that will force Mack to face his pogonophobia once and...
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Silver Stars

Silver Stars

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

She’s fighting to survive. The summer of 1943, World War II. The Germans have been bloodied, but Germany is very far from beaten. The North African campaign was only the beginning of the long journey for Frangie, Rainy, Rio, and the millions of other Allies. Now the American army is moving on to their next target: the Italian island of Sicily. Frangie, Rainy, and Rio now know firsthand what each of them is willing to do to save herself—and the consequences. With their heavy memories of combat, they will find this operation to be even tougher. Frangie, Rainy, and Rio also know what is at stake. The women are not heroes for fighting alongside their brothers—they are soldiers. But the millions of brave females fighting for their country have become a symbol in the fight for equality. In this war, endless blood has been spilled and millions of lives have been lost, but there could be so much more to gain. The women won’t conquer Italy alone. But they will brave terrible conditions in an endless siege; they will fight to find themselves on the front lines of World War II; and they will come face-to-face with the brutality of war until they win or die.
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Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

Set in the near future, BZRK is the story of a war for control of the human mind.  Charles and Benjamin Armstrong, conjoined twins and owners of the Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation, have a goal:  to turn the world into their vision of utopia.  No wars, no conflict, no hunger.  And no free will.  Opposing them is a guerrilla group of teens, code name BZRK, who are fighting to protect the right to be messed up, to be human.  This is no ordinary war, though.  Weapons are deployed on the nano-level. The battleground is the human brain.  And there are no stalemates here:  It’s victory . . . or madness. BZRK unfolds with hurricane force around core themes of conspiracy and mystery, insanity and changing realities, engagement and empowerment, and the larger impact of personal choice. Which side would you choose?  How far would you go to win?
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BZRK Origins

BZRK Origins

Michael Grant

Young Adult / Alternate History / Science Fiction

Grey McLure had a brilliant mind. When his wife was diagnosed with lung cancer, he was determined to conquer the disease with his biggest weapon: science. Throwing himself into the world of an emerging technology--nanotechnology--Grey develops the biot. Unfortunately, it is too late to save his ailing wife. But little does he know his creation gives birth to the next great war: for humanity's free will. An e-original story that sets the stage for the BZRK series, BZRK ORIGINS will give Michael Grant's legion of fans the much-desired back story to the founding of the BZRK cell.
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