Michael D. Britton
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Mystery & Thrillers / Religion & Spirituality
With billions killed by a global swarm of voodoo-hexed ghosts, New Orleans paranormal expert Tyson Lynche is the only person left alive who can put an end to the genocide. But a local spirit - a chess grand master - steps in to stop the ghost hunter. When the deceased genius makes his move, will Lynche have what it takes to become the last man standing?Two half brothers, Peter and Jim in Sydney Australia discover the phenomenon of short selling equities or shares on the global stock markets and set out to make their fortunes. With a little early bending of the rules the crime spree that follows encompasses industries as diverse as agriculture to manufacturing, banking and finance to horse racing. Crime and betrayal are not just the prerogative of the central characters however as others are drawn from across the globe to join in the frenzy. Regulators who should be there to supervise and prevent errant behaviour are themselves subject to human frailty when vast amounts of money are involved. The crime spree expands to major markets and ensnares even some rich and powerful players. In the end blind greed leads to an unwelcome denouement for some of the players while others may perceive that a certain amount of crime does, in fact, pay.
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