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Ethan's Naughty Submissive (Silver Creek Ranch Book 3), page 1


Ethan's Naughty Submissive (Silver Creek Ranch Book 3)
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Ethan's Naughty Submissive (Silver Creek Ranch Book 3)

  What’s Inside

  Back in the bedroom he found Cecily in the same place. He ran his finger over her ass, and then said, “Wake up, my Cee.”

  She mumbled and turned her head.

  Ethan went to where he’d taken off his pants the night before. He’d pulled off his belt when he’d stripped, mainly because he knew Cecily loved to see the leather doubled over in his hands. He’d teased her with it before he’d fucked her, tapping it against his thigh as she’d stripped.

  Now he picked it up and doubled it over before he walked to the bed and let it fly across her ass.

  “Ouch!” She rolled over and stared up at him, her beautiful eyes wide with surprise.

  “Back on your stomach, slut!”

  She did as he asked, and he let the belt fly once more.

  “Master, Master,” she said, her voice wobbly.

  A third swat made her cry out once more.

  “Hands and knees, Cee,” he said.

  She scrambled to follow his order and his dick stirred. He hoped he was right about being able to draw things out.

  “You know where the dungeon is, Cee?”

  “Yes, Master,” she said.

  “Crawl to it.”

  She started moving and he fell into step behind her, tapping the leather against her bottom as she moved. When they were almost to the bedroom doorway, he ordered her to stop. When she was in place, he gave her five hard swats, hitting the same spot. She whimpered and sobbed, and then he tapped her ass again.

  “Move it.”

  When she’d made it inside the dungeon, he stopped her once more.

  “Shoulders on the ground,” he said.

  When she was in position, he gave her ten swats, moving from her ass to her thighs, and then back again.

  “Master Ethan,” she mumbled. He could hear from her voice that she was crying. “Hurts.”

  “Really?” He gave her ten more and she stayed silent. “How about now?”

  “I’m sorry for whatever I did,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “How about being a smart ass in front of Mistress Cassidy?”

  “I’m sorry.” He slapped her ass again. “I’m sorry.” Once more. “I’m so, so sorry.” He gave her five more in quick succession, and then moved in front of her. “Come with me, Cee.”

  He walked to the frame, which had a hard-wooden back. “Get up there, on your back.”

  She winced as she followed his order, but not as much as he’d expected. He should have given her more swats, so she would be feeling it for the next part. He attached her arms and legs to the frame, and then hit the lever to lower the chain that hung from the X between the four posts. The look of fear on her face made him smile.

  Ethan rubbed her stomach and said, “You like having a smart mouth, but I’m going to give you something else to do with that mouth. And you’re going to be in pain while you do it.”


  Silver Creek Resort Book Three


  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  ©2019 by ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc. and Melinda Barron

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Melinda Barron

  Ethan’s Naughty Submissive

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-013-5


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Melinda Barron

  EBook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books

  Chapter 1

  Cecily Blackthorn stepped out of Capp’s and shielded her eyes from the late August Las Vegas sky. She’d left her sunglasses in her car when she’d gone into the restaurant at noon, and she regretted it right now, since the sun was at an angle that made it difficult to see.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket and her body tingled in response. It was the right time of day for the text to be from Ethan Pratt, her lover of a year, and, hopefully, the man who would collar her before long. Of course she thought that last year, too, and it hadn’t happened yet.

  “Don’t count your chickens,” she said to herself. Ethan Pratt was one of the most fascinating men she’d ever met. He was handsome, a brilliant lawyer, a shrewd businessman, and a fantastic lover and Dom. He wielded a mean whip and left her feeling the effects for days afterward. It always made her smile. But for several months last year he’d closed himself off to her, and it was almost a year since that happened.

  A few blunt questions to his partners at the BDSM Silver Creek Resort, Shawn Hollis and Randy Westin, who had both been less than forthcoming with their answers. She knew Ethan was a widower, whose wife had been killed, and her murder had never been solved. She knew his withdrawal from the world last year had something to do with that. She wished she could help him, but she knew he wouldn’t let her.

  She made her way across the parking lot and got into her car, turning it on and making sure the AC was on full blast. It would take a few minutes to cool down totally, but in the meantime she fished her phone out of her pocket and checked the text. True to what she’d thought it was from Ethan.

  Ethan: My dick needs your ass. Are you coming this weekend?

  Cecily: Coming to Silver Creek? Or just coming? Because I can do the latter here in Las Vegas.

  A few moments later the phone dinged again.

  Ethan: Five minutes in the corner when you get home. Naked, hands behind your back, ass pointed toward the camera on your computer.

  She smiled.

  Cecily: I’m sure my blank computer will enjoy seeing my ass.

  There was a short pause, and she imagined him staring at his phone. He was either frowning because she was being a brat, or he was smiling for the same reason.

  Ethan: Do I have to spell it out for you? Do I need to order you to take a computer class, or do you know how to set up a video chat?

  Cecily: Better than you, I’m sure.

  She hoped her words would spur him on; but with Ethan you never really knew how he was going to react. That’s one of the things that made her want him more and more each day.

  Ethan: You’re trying to piss me off.

  Cecily: Is it working?

  He paused again, which threw her off her game. She was never quite sure if she’d pushed him too hard in trying to build a little tension between them.

  Ethan: Is the lunch rush over?

  Yeah, she’d gone past the point where she should. He wasn’t talking about her standing in the corner anymore, and she wondered if he’d bring it up again.

  She pushed a few buttons on her console and said, “Call Ethan.”

  The phone started to ring, and he answered with a short, “Yes, brat.”

  Cecily laughed. “I’m about to go get my hair done, so yes the lunch rush is over. I thought I’d switch to hands free while I drove.”

  “Good plan,” he said. “Are you coming in Friday night, or Saturday morning?”

  “Saturday,” she said. “Marcus booked a huge party for Friday night, and we’re short-handed.”

  “I understand,” he said. As a businessman himself, even if it was with a BDSM resort, he knew business came first. She’d spent many a weekend at home alone when he had things to tend to at Silver Creek. But she had to admit that at times she wondered what it would be like if they were actually a couple, if she were living at the resort with him, helping to take care of the running, and taking part in the scenes and parties that took place there.

  Cecily rather liked the idea when it came to mind, but she’d never brought it up to Ethan. That was something he would have to do, and so far, he had not.

  She pulled into the traffic and headed toward Henderson. It was quite a drive just to get her hair done, but she really liked Rose, who had done her hair for years. When Rose had moved her business, Cecily had followed. She hit the 515 and blended into the traffic.

  “Are you booked up this weekend?” she asked.

  “We are,” he said. “Saturday night I’m working the public room, so you can be my hostess.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she said. She rather liked the idea that Ethan liked to keep things private between them. He didn’t like to play in public, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like to watch. Of course while he was working, he was checking to make sure no one was breaking the rules
. They’d had a problem last year with someone sneaking a cell phone into the area, and the photos getting out. The few times she’d worked with him he’d had her on the lookout for phones, or other recording devices. She was sure that’s what he would have her doing Saturday evening, too.

  Truth be told she would rather be playing. But after the playroom shut down, he would hopefully take her back to his private dungeon and play with her there. Cecily shivered as she thought about him using the whip on her ass. He was, without a doubt, the most talented Dom she’d ever met.

  “What time do you think you’ll be here?” he asked.

  “Say noon?” She exited the highway and came to stop at a light. A glance in her rearview mirror showed the car behind her was closer than she liked. She inched forward just a bit, and he did the same.

  “Buy me dinner first,” she said.

  “We can go into town if you want,” Ethan said, although he sounded a little put out by the idea. “I can meet you there.”

  “I’m not talking about Saturday,” she said. “I’m talking about the ass behind me.”

  “What’s wrong?” He sounded as if he would come through the phone and attack the driver.

  “He’s so close behind me he should buy me dinner, get it?”

  “Yeah, I get it,” he said. “Can you see his license plate?”

  “I can’t see his bumper,” she said.

  “Be careful,” Ethan said. “Try to get behind him somehow. Pull into a parking lot or turn onto a side street. Then get behind him and snap a pic of his license plate.”

  “Sure thing Mr. Bond, James Bond.” She laughed. “You’re acting like this is a spy thriller. It’s just a driver who can’t stand it when he’s behind someone at the light. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I’m a woman.”

  The light turned green and Cecily shot forward as fast as she could. She turned right into the first parking lot she came to. The driver behind her followed suit.

  “Okay, that’s odd.” She drove to the edge of the fast food parking lot and pulled into a spot between two vehicles. The car pulled up behind her and stopped.

  “Now I’m concerned,” she said. She told him where she was, and the fact that the car was sitting right behind her, blocking her exit. “I’m going to get out and take his picture.”

  “Don’t!” Ethan yelled, his voice filling her car. “Stay where you are. I’m texting Murphy.”

  Chase Murphy, she thought to herself, an LVPD officer they’d met last year.

  “I could get out if the car in front of me left,” she said. “This is a fast food place. What’s taking them so long inside?”

  “Stay where you are,” Ethan ordered. “Murphy is dispatching a patrol car. Tell me exactly where you are.”

  She named off a local fast food restaurant, and then jerked when she heard a voice outside say, “What the hell, man? You’re blocking me in. Move it or lose it.”

  The car behind her sped out of the lot. The man who had yelled, or at least she thought that’s who it was, came and knocked on her window.

  “You okay, lady? Do I need to call the cops?”

  “They’re already on their way,” she said as she ran a shaky hand through her hair. “Thank you.”

  “You cut him off somewhere? Or is he just a jerk?”

  “Just a jerk,” she said. Ethan hadn’t said anything while she’d been taking to her rescuer.

  Finally he said, “Ask him to stay until the cops get there to back up your story.”

  She rolled down her window to relay Ethan’s message. She’d been talking through it before, and she thought it was rather rude to a man who had come to her aid.

  “I’m Cecily Blackthorn,” she said.

  “Dennis Sayers,” he answered. “My wife, Louise, is inside taking our son, Carl, to the bathroom. I came out to turn on the air before they got into the car.”

  “I’m glad you did,” she said as a patrol car parked behind her. She got out and after the patrolman identified everyone, she told him her story. It was just then that she remembered Ethan was on her phone, and she hadn’t ended the call.

  “You were using your cell while your drove?” the officer asked. “Did you maybe cut this guy off?”

  “No,” she said. “I was using my hands free.” She went back to the car, even though the officer, named Tim Baker, ordered her back.

  “Ethan?” she called out. There was no answer, and a glance at the console told her the call had been disconnected. She imagined him pacing at his house and staring at the phone, yelling at her to call him back.

  “Your husband?” Officer Baker asked.

  Oh there was a question. How should she describe Ethan to the police? Finally she said, “Lover? Boyfriend? Companion? I’m thirty-three years old, Officer Baker. I’m not sure what word to use. We’re involved, how is that?”

  She glanced over at Dennis Sayers, who was looking at the ground so she couldn’t see his expression. The officer was impassive. Then, to her delight, another car pulled up, and Chase Murphy and his partner, Mac Gregory, got out.

  They greeted the officer before Murphy said, “Ethan is sick with worry. Call him back.”

  She nodded and went back to her car, which she’d turned off earlier and now felt like an oven inside. She hit the first button on her console and Ethan answered immediately. She could tell by the sound that he was outside.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “I’m on my way,” he replied.

  “There’s no need,” she said. “I’m fine, really.”

  “I’ve asked Murphy and Gregory to escort you to the hairdresser’s. Call me when you’re done.”

  “Ethan, don’t be ridiculous.” There was no answer, and she said his name again. Obviously, he’d disconnected the call.

  She went toward the group of people. Baker was asking the crowd that had gathered if they had seen anything.

  “It’s just a little road rage,” Cecily said. “All this fuss for something that happens to people all the time.” She was more than a little put out by Ethan’s reaction, and the fact that he’d drawn Murphy and Gregory into the situation. “It’s not like he took a shot at me.”

  “Thanks to Sayers,” Murphy said.

  Sayers shrugged, and Cecily went back to her car. She fished a business card and a pen out of her purse and wrote a short note on the back. Then she took it back to Sayers.

  “I’m part owner of Capp’s,” she said as she handed him the card. “This is a free dinner for you and your wife.”

  “Wow, thanks,” Dennis said.

  “When you call for a reservation, give them the number on the back of this card and they’ll work you in on the night you want to go.”

  “Louise is going to love this,” Dennis said. His wife had gone back in the restaurant with their son. Officer Baker dismissed them all and said he would call Cecily with any updates. She got back in her car and silently cursed Ethan as Murphy and Gregory followed her to the salon.

  Rose was not happy that she was late, until she heard the story of what had happened. Then she gasped and said, “Holy crap. Well, the person behind you hasn’t shown yet, so let’s get you shampooed, and you can tell me all about it.”

  Cecily took her place in the shampoo chair. Something told her she would be telling this story for some time to come, and to many different people.

  Cecily had just lowered herself into a tub full of bubbles when she heard her front door open. She sat upright and listened as carefully as she could over the CD of thunderstorms that she always played when she wanted to relax in the bath.

  Either someone had picked the lock, or one of the two other people who had a key were here. One of those two was her brother, Marcus. But it was just after ten, and she knew he was supervising the late shift at Capp’s. She should be there working on the huge party that was being hosted, but he’d told her to go home, so she had.

  The other person who had a key was Ethan. She’d left several messages for him after the incident, which he hadn’t answered, which told her he on his way from Silver Creek to Las Vegas. Why it had taken him so long she didn’t know.

  “Where are you?” Ethan called out, his concern evident.

  “Follow the storm,” she said. When he appeared in the bathroom doorway, she lifted a handful of bubbles and blew them in his direction. “Fancy meeting you here.”

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