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Stetson Farm: Contemporary Western Romance (Lone Pine Cowboys Book 6), page 1


Stetson Farm: Contemporary Western Romance (Lone Pine Cowboys Book 6)
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Stetson Farm: Contemporary Western Romance (Lone Pine Cowboys Book 6)


  Title Page

  Books In This Series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One


  A Note From Maggie



  Maggie Carpenter

  Copyright © 2023 Maggie Carpenter

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design

  Fantasia Frog Designs

  Published by: Dark Secrets Press

  Visit Maggie Carpenter


  Book One: Rough Rancher

  Book Two: Lone Wrangler

  Book Three: Daredevil Cowboy

  Book Four: The Good, The Bad & The Cowboy

  Book Five: Stallion

  Book Six: Stetson Farm

  While each book in the Lone Pine Cowboy series is HEA/Standalone, the reading experience will be enhanced if the novels are read in order. These books contain power exchange elements and are intended for a mature audience.


  As Cody entered the barn and began walking down the aisle, a sense of achievement and gratitude surged through his being. The owner of the stud farm, Noah Jackson, had headed off on his honeymoon and left him in charge. Caring for the precious four-legged residents of Stetson Farm was a huge responsibility.

  Stopping in front of the first stall, he smiled as Noah’s prized stallion offered a welcoming nicker and ambled over.

  “Hey there, Stetson. Just lookin’ after you is an honor, let alone all the moms and babies,” Cody muttered as he ran his hand down Stetson’s neck. Stetson nudged him. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” Cody said with a grin, stepping across to the carrot bucket. “I’ve got one right here.”

  But as he handed Stetson the treat he heard a car drive into the courtyard. Not expecting any deliveries, he prepared himself to greet a client. They would often show up unannounced, and with Noah out of town Cody expected a few might stop by to check on their beloved animals. But as he stepped outside, a frown crossed his brow.

  He knew the car.

  It belonged to Bethany Prescott.

  Though she had caused Noah’s bride, Eleanor Mitchell, a great deal of trouble, it turned out Bethany had been under the thumb of a vicious gangster.

  There’d been a briefcase full of cash hidden in the Mitchell’s grand home above the lake, and Bethany had been ordered to scare Eleanor and everyone else from the house in order to conduct a thorough search. By sheer accident, Bethany had stumbled across the fortune. Ultimately, Noah, along with his close friend Matt Thompson, had stepped in, rescued Bethany and kept the remarkable find from the criminal’s grasp. Now Bethany and Eleanor were close friends. Cody wished only the best for Bethany, but the last thing he wanted was to have her around the barn…especially with Eleanor and Noah away.

  Bethany was hot.

  The kind of hot that spelled Trouble with a capital T.

  Her knockout body was always packaged in tight-T-shirts and jeans, and watching her step from the car, a salacious scenario suddenly popped into his head.

  They were up in his loft. He was raising her shirt and exposing her glorious breasts, then peeling her jeans down her legs. Would she be wearing panties? A thong? Nothing at all?

  As she turned to face him, he tried to focus on her dark brown eyes and caramel colored hair falling around her shoulders. In spite of her voluptuous charms, she possessed a vulnerability that made him want to hug her tightly and promise to protect her. So far he’d managed to keep her at arm’s length, no thanks to Eleanor. She’d been trying to get them together since the frightening events at her father’s estate. Cody knew Noah had warned her off, but Eleanor could be stubborn and not easily dissuaded.

  But it didn’t matter.

  Cody wasn’t free to pursue the beautiful Bethany—or anyone else.

  No-one knew about his deeply guarded secret except Noah.

  And it had to stay that way.

  * * *

  Climbing from her Hyundai Elantra, Bethany let out a happy sigh. Though the modest car was a far cry from the Ferrari she’d once been driving, it was hers, not the property of a merciless mobster. But as she spotted Cody striding from the barn all thoughts of her former life disappeared.

  The rugged cowboy always looked hunky, but as he marched towards her, his unbuttoned shirt flapped open revealing his washboard stomach. She wanted to throw caution to the wind and do something dramatic and seductive, but her mind went blank.

  Beside his naked torso, the shirt did nothing to hide his wide shoulders and muscled arms. She could imagine his rough cowboy hands wandering over her naked skin—but he suddenly stopped and put his hands on his hips.

  She caught her breath.

  There was something insanely sexy about the simple gesture…then she broke into an unexpected smile. He reminded her of a tough sheriff in an old western movie marching up to confront a villain. When he didn’t smile back, an unexpected flurry of butterflies burst to life in her stomach. Had she made a mistake arriving unannounced? But the voice in her head pushed her forward.

  Thinking about him has been driving me crazy. I have to at least try, she thought, strolling towards him.

  “Hi, Cody. How are you? Where’s Sherlock? He’s usually racing around happy to see me.”

  “He’s stayin’ with Matt. His German Shepherd and Sherlock are an item. They’re nuts about each other.”

  “Really? That’s so sweet.”

  “So, what can I do for you, Bethany?”

  “I’m here to see Candy,” she replied, grateful and relieved the thought had popped into her head. Cody knew Noah had been teaching her how to ride on the placid grey mare. It was the perfect excuse.

  “She’s out in the paddock. Go ahead. Sorry I can’t join you. I’m real busy right now.”

  “Can I help?”

  “Nope, thanks anyway,” he replied brusquely, then turned and walked away.

  Her face burned with disappointment and embarrassment—then out of nowhere she was hit with a flash of anger.

  “Why are you so…so…?” she muttered under her breath, her fingers curling into fists. “This is bullshit.”

  With her pulse racing she charged into the barn, quickly spotting him in Stetson’s stall raking through the shavings.

  “Hey, Cody…!”

  “Yeah?” he replied without pausing his work.

  “Look at me!”

  He abruptly stopped, then slowly turned and faced her.

  “I don’t take kindly to bein’ barked at,” he declared, though his voice was low.

  “And I don’t take kindly to being treated with such…such…”

  “Such what?”

  “I don’t know the word, but you obviously don’t like me. Why? What have I done to piss you off? Whatever it is, or was, just tell me!”


  Staring at the red-faced young woman, Cody ached to grab her and kiss her and tell her how gorgeous she was, but being involved with her was out of the question.

  “Bethany,” he began, softening his voice and taking a breath as he searched for the right words. “It’s not—“

  “Please don’t say, it’s not you, it’s me. I swear, if you do I’ll scream.”

  “Then I guess I’d better not,” he replied, stepping towards the stall door. “The horses aren’t used to screamin’ females, and I know Stetson wouldn’t like it.”

  “Wow. A sense of humor,” she quipped sarcastically
. “Who knew? Sorry, that just came out,” she apologized hastily. “But I don’t get it. I’ll ask you again, what have I said or done? Why are you so cold to me? I’ve seen you with Ellie and Noah and you’re not like that at all.”

  As she looked up at him, her eyes filled with hurt and confusion, he found himself wanting to confess everything. Though he couldn’t share his secret, he could offer at least a morsel of an explanation. She deserved that much.

  “How honest do you want me to be?” he asked solemnly. “I mean, just how much truth can you handle?”

  “Cody, do you know anything about my background?”

  “Sure, I know you’ve had it rough. Why?”

  “Whatever it is you have to say, I’ve probably heard worse.”

  There was nothing coy in her demeanor, and she carried herself with a subtle fearlessness. Taking a breath, and trying to ignore his stiffening cock, he realized she wouldn’t leave without an explanation. Stepping from the stall, he leaned the rake against the door as he closed it behind him, then crossed his arms and dropped his eyes to the ground. He needed to find a way to placate her without giving anything away.

  “Please don’t scream,” he began, “but actually, it is me, not you.”

  “I cannot believe—“

  “I haven’t finished,” he said curtly, cutting her off and darting his gaze up to catch her soulful eyes. “I like you, and that’s the problem. If I didn’t you’d be welcome here any time.”


  “Yeah, Bethany, really, and that’s the issue. I have to keep you at arm’s length.”

  “Ooh, I see,” she murmured, stepping closer to him. “You can’t have me around because things might happen.”


  “And you can’t tell me why that would be a bad idea?”

  “No, Bethany, I can’t.”

  “Well, this sucks.”

  In spite of the awkward situation, the comment made him break into a grin.

  “Cody, I don’t find this funny!”

  “It’s not, but your comment was, and I’ve said enough. It’s time for you to go.”

  “I want to ride Candy, but I promised Noah I wouldn’t unless you keep an eye on me.”

  “Noah will be back in a week. It’s not a lifetime.”

  “Cody, look,” she exclaimed, staring down the aisle. “She must have heard my voice. Her head’s out of her stall. I’m not leaving until I’ve said hello. I’m taking her some carrots.”

  Though Bethany’s voice had been defiant, as if daring him to say no, he chose to ignore the subtle challenge. But as she turned and moved across to the carrot bucket, his eyes fell on her curvaceous backside. He imagined striding over to her, slapping it hard, and marching her out to her car.

  “I’m sure she’ll appreciate that,” he muttered, fighting the impulse. “I’m goin’ back to work.”

  Abruptly grabbing the rake and stepping back into Stetson’s stall, he began picking up the soiled shavings, but from the corner of his eye he could see her walking down the barn. Doing his best to focus on the task at hand, he rolled the wheelbarrow out to Stetson’s corral and began cleaning up the manure. As he worked, he reminded himself he had no regrets about the tough decision he’d made. He’d almost reached his goal, and he wouldn’t allow anything—or anyone—to stand in his way.


  Ignoring her, he picked up the last of the manure.

  “Cody! I need you.”

  “Bethany, I’m—“

  “It’s Candy,” she shouted frantically. “ Please, something’s wrong.”

  Lifting his gaze, he saw her standing outside Stetson’s stall door urgently waving him over.

  “What do you mean, wrong?” he asked, pushing the wheelbarrow quickly but calmly past the stallion.

  “She didn’t want the carrot, and she looks unhappy.“

  “Dammit!” he declared, knowing the refusal of the treat signaled a problem.

  Quickly closing Stetson’s door, he left the wheelbarrow and strode past Bethany to the mare’s stall. As he walked in, the first thing he noticed was the uneaten hay in her feeder.

  “Hey, girl,” he murmured, stroking her neck. “Not feelin’ so good?” “What’s wrong with her?” Bethany asked, her voice full of worry.

  “Probably colic,” he replied, lifting his phone from his pocket. “I’m callin’ in the doc.”

  “Hansen Vet Clinic.”

  “Hey, Susan, it’s Cody over at Stetson Farm,” he began. “I think I’ve got a colicky mare. Is the doc around?”

  “He’s out on an emergency close to your place. I’ll let him know right away.”

  “Great, thanks.”

  “Colic? Is that serious?” Bethany asked breathlessly as Cody ended the call. “Will she be okay?”

  “The doc will fix her up.”

  “I feel so helpless,” she mumbled, a lone tear trickling down her cheek.

  “Hey, thanks to you this has been spotted real quick, and that matters,” he said reassuringly, and in spite of the warning voice in his head, he placed his arm around her.


  Fighting a wave of emotion, Bethany sank her head into the hollow of Cody’s shoulder. Though his comforting arm around her had been completely unexpected, it felt as natural as breathing, and where she belonged.

  “Bethany, this happens occasionally, and she’ll be okay,” he murmured. “The doc will have her back to normal in no time.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “He’s a great vet and she’s not real bad.”

  “But how do you know it’s colic?” she asked, raising her head to look up at him.

  “When you’ve been around horses as long as I have you get a sense about these things,” he replied, lowering his voice. “It’s important to stay calm. You’re close to her and she’ll pick up how you’re feelin’.”

  “You’re right, she does. There have been days when—“

  But his phone rang, cutting her off.

  “It’s the vet clinic,” he said, lifting it from his pocket glancing at the screen. “Stay with her. I’ll be right back.”

  As he stepped into the barn aisle and walked away, she realized just how attached she had become to the kind, grey mare. Growing up, she’d always envied her friends with pets, but her father didn’t want an animal in the house, and her mother had never supported the idea. It was only when she was older she learned her mother had been worried he’d be abusive.

  But Bethany didn’t like to think about the wretched man. With help from Matt Thompson and Noah, she’d finally managed to get her mother away from him. Though she’d been scared, the long-awaited rescue had been surprisingly drama free.

  “The vet will be here any minute,” Cody declared, reappearing and interrupting her thoughts.

  “Thank goodness he was so close,” she muttered as a fresh wave of tears threatened. “I guess that’s the thing about Elk Valley. Everything and everyone is close by.”

  “Yep. He was over at Lone Pine Ranch. Have you met Callum and Kelly?”

  “Not yet, but Kelly’s teaching Ellie to jump and she invited me to watch. When she and Noah get back from their honeymoon—”

  “Sorry—hold that thought,” he said abruptly. “I hear a truck. That’ll be the doc.”

  Continuing to fight back the tears, it occurred to her the heavy emotion wasn’t just about Candy, but also her frustration with the handsome cowboy. Feeling his arm around her had been a slice of heaven, but would it happen again, or would he continue to push her away?

  * * *

  The unexpected intimate moment with Bethany had affected Cody more than he cared to admit. When she’d leaned into him, he’d ached to hold her tightly against his body. But now the vet had arrived, and focusing his thoughts on the emergency at hand, Cody walked briskly out to the courtyard. But as he waited for the truck to roll up to the barn entrance, the beautiful girl popped back into his head.

  He imagined gripping her long hair between his fingers, jerking back her head and pressing his lips on hers. He knew the kiss would begin with a soft touch of their mouths, then their passion would take hold and the kiss would grow fervent.

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