Lethal homecoming tanner.., p.1
Lethal Homecoming (Tanner Hollow #1), page 1

Lethal Homecoming
Lynette Eason
Lynette Eason, LLC
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Dear Reader
To my family,
who believes in me 100%.
I love you.
To Jesus.
I love you more today.
Lethal Homecoming
© Copyright 2016 Lynette Eason
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — for example, electronic, photocopy, recording— without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, it’s coincidental.
Published by Lynette Eason, LLC
Cover and interior design by Ken Raney.
Printed in the United States of America.
Bad things happened in the dark.
At least that’s what Callie Ainsworth had learned. She’d always hated the dark and that childish fear had followed her into adulthood.
Which was why she’d planned to be home in Tanner Hollow, North Carolina, before the sun fell. Unfortunately, the flat tire had delayed her and now she was on a back mountain road that led to a place where she was unsure of her welcome. Since she’d been gone for six years, she couldn’t hush the uncertainty that shimmered just beneath the surface.
Christmas music flowed from her radio and the words reminded her why she was making the trip back to the place from which she’d run. The place she’d vowed never to return to until it was safe.
And now it was.
A lifetime ago her stepfather’s abusive actions had sent her running, but now he was dead and had no more ability to instill fear in her.
Anticipation hovered.
She’d dreamed of this moment. Not necessarily Rick’s death, but of coming home and being reunited with her family. It had been bad enough that Rick had moved in on her mother and she’d married him, but he’d also insinuated himself into her father’s law firm. She still wasn’t sure how that had happened. It didn’t matter now. He was gone. Forever.
Mature pines to her left led to her family’s back yard, and a sheer drop-off to her right made her nervous in spite of the guardrail. She pressed the gas a little harder, focusing on the road in front of her and not the darkness surrounding her.
A sudden impact from behind threw her forward. Callie screamed as the car swerved and she jerked the wheel to keep the tires on the road. Heart pounding, she managed to right the vehicle only to feel the second slam, this time to her left rear.
Again her car headed for the edge of the road. Callie didn’t have to see the drop-off to her right to know that if she went over, she was dead. Fighting the force of the hit, she pulled on the wheel and nearly stood on the brake. Tires squealed and tried to grip the asphalt. The vehicle shuddered to a stop and shut off.
Her attacker shot past her and Callie saw the brake lights come on. He was coming back?
Tremors shook her. She twisted the key and the engine ground, but didn’t catch. She tried again. And again. The car in front of her had turned around and was heading back toward her.
“No,” she whispered. She grabbed her purse and scrambled out of the passenger door. The cold hit Callie hard, stopping her for split second. Her heavy winter coat rested on the backseat. She looked back at the car that had hit her, now idling in the middle of the road. The driver’s door opened, but the interior light didn’t come on.
The attacker planned to continue the chase.
Callie ran to the back of her car and crouched behind it. Darkness covered her, and she hoped he couldn’t see her. At the trunk, she paused, her pulse thundering in her ears. Think, think.
He was coming for her.
Terror spiking, she looked at the drop-off. It wasn’t as sheer here as it was in some areas, but one misstep could send her to the bottom. There were some trees not too far down. Could she find a hiding place behind one of them?
Her mistake was clear. She should have rounded the back of the car and beelined across the street for the wooded area that led to her backyard.
Only now she was a sitting duck.
Footsteps crunched closer.
“I know you’re there,” a voice whispered.
Callie’s breath caught in her throat. She whispered a prayer for protection. The figure moved along the edge of the street. Callie could see him looking over the edge. If he looked to his right, he would see her.
Could she move without attracting his attention?
A shudder ripped through her and she clutched her purse to her chest as she tried to think.
She couldn’t stay here. She had to try.
Keeping her eyes on the figure at the front of the car, she took a step back, then another. His focus stayed on the drop-off.
Once on the other side of the vehicle, she paused and looked at the open space between her and the cover of the trees. It was only about ten yards, but it might as well have been ten miles. With one more glance over her shoulder to confirm he wasn’t looking her way, she darted for the trees.
His shout spurred her on, his running footsteps sending another splash of terror shooting through her. Callie’s only goal was to escape him and make it to the back door of her childhood home.
She knew this area. She’d played in these woods since the day her mother had finally decided she could explore on her own as long as she stayed within shouting distance.
Now all she had to do was find the path before he found her.
Detective Nolan Tanner stood in the living area of the Goodlette home and scanned the solemn faces before him. Callie Ainsworth’s family.
Sharon Goodlette, Callie’s mother, was still beautiful in her early fifties. If he remembered correctly, her youngest daughter, Megan, was twenty-three and the exact opposite of Callie in physical appearance. While Callie had straight blond hair and blue eyes, Megan had dark curls that reached to her mid back. Her eyes shone like black onyx and her full lips showed a permanent pout.
And then there were the stepchildren. Rick’s two grown sons and one daughter. James, Richard, and Shelley.
Right now they all stared at him like he’d grown an extra head.
Rick Goodlette, Callie’s stepfather, had been dead for three days, and his funeral was the day after tomorrow. The reading of the will would take place immediately afterward, and the family had swooped in like the vultures he’d heard them to be.
“I hate to deliver this news at this point, but it might mean you have to delay the funeral.”
“Are you crazy?”
The chorus of objections met his announcement as he’d predicted. He sighed. “Look, I’m sorry, but the evidence says that Rick’s death was not an accident.”
“But it was a car wreck.” Sharon stood and paced to the mantel. She turned. “A car wreck. On a curving mountain road.”
“And the brake line was cut.”
Her jaw dropped and several gasps echoed around the room. “What?”
Sharon Goodlette was either an Academy Award-winning actress or she truly had no idea her husband’s death could have been anything but an accident. She stumbled back to her seat and slumped into the wingback chair. “But …no. I thought it was just that they hadn’t taken care of the car like they should have. It was a company car, you know? I mean, Rick drove it all the time, but he had someone else in charge of the maintenance.”
“His secretary, I believe. She was supposed to keep up with all the details on that.”
“I’ll ask her about that.” And he would, but since the brake line had been cut maintenance on the vehicle wasn’t an issue.
“I know this is hard,” he said, “and I promise to do my best to wrap this up quickly.”
“I can’t believe this.” She raked a hand through her hair. “Callie will be here soon.”
Nolan’s heart thudded. “Callie?”
“Yes, why?” Megan asked. She sidled up next to him. A hint of spicy perfume reached him, and he thought it was the same scent she’d worn in high school. He hadn’t been fond of it then and found his opinion hadn’t changed.
He stepped back. “Ah, I just suppose that surprises me. I didn’t think they were that close.”
“They weren’t.”
But she was still coming home for her stepfather’s funeral? Probably to be support for her mother. Rumors of Rick and Callie’s arguments rolled around in his head. And the fact that she’d just up and left one morning with no word to anyone, not even him.
He’d missed Callie. They’d been friends since high school. Friends, then more. But she’d left and taken his heart with her. He gave his head a slight shake. He couldn’t think about that right now. “Do you know when she’ll
Sharon looked at the clock on the mantel. “She should have been here about an hour ago but texted and said she would be delayed because of a flat tire.”
Nolan frowned. “Is she all right?”
“Yes. At least she didn’t say she wasn’t.” She pulled her phone from the front pocket of her black slacks. “I’ll try calling her again.” She dialed the number and listened. Then shook her head and hung up. “Nothing.”
Megan walked over to stand in front of him. She looked up at him with big dark eyes. “You don’t think anything happened to her, do you?”
“No, of course not.”
She turned to her mother. “Maybe we should go look for her.”
Her mother sighed. “Let’s give her a few more minutes. Maybe she just doesn’t want to answer the phone while she’s driving.”
Megan frowned and nodded. “All right, but if she’s not here soon, I’m going looking.”
Nolan thought of the girl he’d once loved and said a quick prayer for her safety. But a small part of him couldn’t help wondering if Callie had thought of him while she’d been gone. He gave a mental sigh. It didn’t matter if she had or if she hadn’t. She’d left him after he’d asked her to marry him.
She was only nineteen-years-old. Too young to know what she wanted. But she sure knew what she hadn’t wanted.
And that still hurt.
Callie didn’t stop at the tree line. She worked her way through the undergrowth, listening for her attacker to follow, yet focused on getting to the other side of the woods. She had to find the path.
Footsteps pounded behind her and adrenaline sent her pulse skyrocketing.
If he caught her before she could reach—
No. Being caught wasn’t an option. She dared a glance over her shoulder and couldn’t see anything but shadows.
But he was there.
Why? What had she done to merit someone trying so hard to hurt her? Or even kill her?
A branch caught her in the face. Pain sliced through her cheek and warm blood trickled down to drip from her chin. She winced and ignored it.
Callie reached a large tree with a wide trunk. She slipped behind it to catch her breath. Her regular runs and workouts at her company’s gym meant she was in great shape, but there she didn’t have terror making her weak. The cold sent shivers through her, but the running kept her from feeling too chilled.
Her lungs grasped for air even as her ears listened for the sound of footsteps.
Not even the crunch of the underbrush to indicate he followed her.
She dragged in another breath and started to move. Then stopped. What if he was listening for her? Indecision held her still. Fear wanted to simply freeze her. The longer she stood there, the colder she got.
How she wished she had her cell phone, but there’d been no time to grab it from the passenger seat.
What should she do? Move or stay still?
The flicker of a light caught her attention. It moved from side to side, advancing slowly.
Then she heard the soft crunch as his footsteps brought him closer. Her heart thundered in her ears. She watched him and realized he was searching every tree close to the path.
She’d have to chance it. In the dark, there was no way she could venture off the little dirt road. If she did, he’d have no trouble finding her. She stepped back onto the path and moved as quickly as she could, making as little noise as possible.
But he still heard her.
The footsteps picked up speed.
Callie doubled her efforts. Just a little farther. And then she was there. She broke through the tree line and released a gasping sob of relief as she stumbled into her childhood backyard.
A hand fell on her shoulder. She screamed and spun, lashing out with the palm of her hand. She connected with supple flesh covering hard bone and her attacker grunted and cursed. His fingers tightened around her upper arm and another scream ripped from her.
His other hand went around her throat.
She brought a knee up hard and caught him in his upper thigh. He stepped back, but his grip never lessened. Callie’s nails dug into the hand squeezing the life from her. He flinched and his fingers flexed, giving her a precious gulp of air for one brief moment.
The back floodlight flipped on, blinding her for a moment.
“Is someone out here?”
“Help me!” Callie forced the words from her tight throat, grateful they came out louder than a whisper.
“Hey! What’s going on?”
She lashed out one more time and caught his shin with the toe of her boot. He cursed and stumbled back. The vise grips on her arm and throat released. She fell to the ground and her attacker bolted.
“Police! Who’s there?”
She recognized the voice now. Nolan. Callie rolled to her feet, swallowing hard. “It’s me. Callie.” Her voice came out hoarse, rough, but loud enough. “He’s getting away!”
Nolan rushed down the steps towards her. “Callie? Who’s getting away?”
“The guy who tried to kill me.” She took off after him.
“Callie, wait!”
He fell into step behind her as she figured he would. Nolan hadn’t been able to see what had happened on the fringes of the spotlight, but now that he was behind her—and armed—she felt a bit braver.
Callie darted back into the trees and stopped. She had no light, no way to see in the inky blackness. He could be hiding anywhere. Behind any tree.
She stood still, listening. But only heard Nolan’s running steps that led him to her. “What’s going on? Who tried to kill you? And why?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “Did you see him?”
“I saw something.”
“His car is parked just through the woods. He tried to run me off the road, but I got out and ran.”
Nolan pulled his phone from a clip on his belt and she scanned the woods, trying not to miss any sign of light or movement that would indicate her attacker was still nearby.
Nolan hung up and activated the light on his phone. “Come on. Show me what you’re talking about.”
“This way.” She stepped ahead of him onto the path and retraced her steps, reaching the road more quickly than she’d expected. She supposed the terror made the run seem like it lasted forever. Seconds before she stepped out of the woods and onto the asphalt, she heard an engine crank and a car pull away. “That’s him. He’s leaving.”
“Maybe,” Nolan said.
Her car still sat there, but the one her attacker had driven was gone. They’d missed him by seconds.
A tremor shook her and she shivered. Callie wrapped her arms to hug herself against the chill.
He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Where’s your coat?”
“In the back of my car. I didn’t have time to grab it. Or my cell phone.”
“Let’s get it. You’re freezing.” He jogged over to the open back door of her car and pulled out her coat. When he returned, he wrapped it around her. Shaking, she slid her arms into the sleeves and let the warmth envelop her. She pulled the gloves out of her pockets and slid them onto her hands.
“What now?” she asked.
“You said the guy bumped you?”
“Slammed me is more like it. Twice. In the back on the left side.”
He walked to the rear of her car and used the light on his phone to inspect the damage. “Got you pretty good, didn’t he?”
“Unfortunately.” The shaking began to ease. The fact that she was safe allowed her adrenaline surge to slow.
And allowed her to notice the man who’d come to her rescue. Nolan Tanner. “What were you doing at my mother’s house?”
He straightened. “It’s a long story. Let me call this in, then we’ll get you back to the house and I’ll explain everything.”
He dialed another number and gave her pitiful description of the car that had tried to run her off the road to the person on the other end of the line. “Keep an eye out. Stop the driver and question him. See if there’s any collision evidence on the front of his vehicle. If so, take him in and I’ll be there to question him.” He hung up and nodded to Callie. “All right, do you think you can drive back to the house, or do you want me to?”