BAF 02 - The King of Elfland's Daughter
Lin Carter (ed. )
Lin Carter (ed. )
It was a time when each man’s world was limited to what he could reach on foot or on horseback. Most men were content to stay within the fields we know, listening to the tales of the restless ones who travelled and brought back visions of strange places and stranger times. All was possible and true for none but the travellers had seen with their own eyes—eyes that were always filled with the dazzle of stars and wonder.So all men knew of Elfland—indeed, many had seen its misty beginnings that bordered on the fields we know—never getting too close, of course, for all also knew the special powers of elves. Nevertheless, the good burghers of the peaceful Vale of Erl were eager to benefit from this special magic; consequently they were happy indeed when Alveric, Prince of Erl, ventured off through the mists and brought back with him Lirazel, the shining daughter of the King of Elfland.This was an auspicious beginning. But Lirazel was elf, not mortal. There was no malice in her but neither was she suited to the limited ways of man. No elf could ever be content. And certainly not in the fields we know…
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