Adventures in Heels

Adventures in Heels

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

Kev Harrison is a teenager, looking for a boyfriend and friends who will accept his cross-dressing. Only thing is, he lives in a small village near Salisbury, England, and it's the nineties.Tony Collins is Kev's best friend, a Goth with a passion for fashion and anything to do with the Human League. He stands as the voice of reason while Kev muddles his way through coming out, career choices, and dating…in heels.
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Kicking Up My Heels

Kicking Up My Heels

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

It's the year 2000 and Kev's twenty. He's a proper grown up now. Maybe. He knows what he's doing. And what he's doing isn't what he wants to be doing. He's working in TK Maxx and instead he wants to be singing and dancing and bantering and laughing on stage. He. Loves. It. And they pay him too!Kev's continued search for his Prince Charming leads him to look in all the wrong places for all the wrong men and, inevitably, gets him in something of a pickle: physically, emotionally, and medically too.But his mum and friend Tony are there to help pick up the pieces when it all falls apart as it so often does with Kev.Optimism, a plan, and being really good at performing on stage, drive Kev forward. After all, he's been performing off stage all his life.Contains gay pride marches, multiple incidents of alcohol-induced idiocy, friends and family who stick with you no matter what you do, a lot of showtunes and camp humour, and a complete absence of...
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Don't You Want Me

Don't You Want Me

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

Looking for love in all the wrong places. Toe-curling, guilt-laden sex with 'married men seeking discreet fun'. Why doesn't anyone want a social worker by day, drag queen by night and a Human League fan all day long?He deletes the hook-up apps, swears off men. Mentoring Nick, they move beyond friendship. Forced to share a hotel room, Nick's mixed signals point towards one conclusion. (Hint: it's well beyond professional.)NickRecently single, he's trying to work out who he is without his ex-boyfriend, who told Nick he's too this, not enough that, being gay in the wrong way.His career gives him purpose, direction. Yet he wants more from Tony than an employee should from his boss. After their passionate night, he needs more than friendship—f**k buddies...or forever boyfriends. (Hint: it's well beyond physical.) Except Tony's sworn off men...Don't You Want Me is a friends-to-lovers, forced-proximity, boss/employee gay romance featuring more...
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Wrong Room, Right Guy

Wrong Room, Right Guy

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

Simon's the wrong man in the wrong place; trying to teach English to kids who couldn't care less, he'd really rather be a writer – but it's only when his best friend bullies him into it that he takes the plunge and joins his local creative writing group. Even then things don't quite work out the way he planned; blundering into the wrong room at the Village Hall he encounters a group of recovering cocaine addicts and he wants to know more ... which is the start, for Simon, of a double life and a whole new secret identity, not to mention an intriguing relationship ...
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Escaping from Him

Escaping from Him

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

Darryl's on the run – from controlling boyfriend Chris, an air-conditioner called Dave (deceased), an intolerable, claustrophobic situation and a person he just can't be any more. The trouble is, he doesn't have a plan – or any money – and all he knows is he needs to get away from everything. That's where a lucky lift to Glasgow comes in, which turns out to be just the beginning of a whole new life ...
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The Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel

Liam Livings

Liam Livings

What happens when a man falls in love with his guardian angel?Richard Sullivan is plagued by white feathers turning up at the oddest moments. Amy, his best friend, suggests his guardian angel is trying to contact him, but he dismisses the idea out of hand as nonsense.Until, that is, he meets Sky. Six feet of muscle in a man skirt with white feather wings.What exactly is a guardian angel? And what happens when your guardian angel takes leave and sends in a temp to cover? Do you wait for a perfect boyfriend on the off chance you may be able to touch him, to be with him, or do you grab happiness with another human? And, why the hell has Richard's life suddenly become so complicated?
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