Manga and murder, p.1
Manga and Murder, page 1

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a Merry Wrath Mystery
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Smashwords Edition
Copyright © 2021 by Leslie Langtry
Cover design by Janet Holmes
Gemma Halliday Publishing
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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"So then I crushed his trachea…" My dramatic flourishes as I acted out the scene were interrupted when my cell began ringing.
The king vulture cocked his head to one side as if saying Are you gonna get that?
"Sorry. Just a second." I tapped my cell's screen. "Claire, this isn't a good time right now."
"Hello Merry," the beautiful redhead replied. "I have a message for you."
"Are you calling in your Riley capacity or for the Chapel of Despair?" I asked. It was a fair question because Claire was a receptionist/wonder woman at my former CIA handler, Riley Andrews' private investigation firm. She was also High Priestess of the Cult of NicoDerm—mostly volunteering in the evening.
I'd broken into Obladi Zoo for a quick chat with Mr. Fancy Pants—something I can only do after hours. And something the zoo didn't really know about. It was better this way because I was sure they didn't want to know about it. Especially since I had financially adopted the vultures.
"Mom!" Dickie the scarlet macaw shrieked. "I just take long showers!"
Dickie liked to repeat things he heard the sullen, angsty teenage keeper say on the phone, which included disturbing confessions I'd rather not hear.
"The Dred Demon Stewie requests your presence," Claire said in a bored tone. "Now would be preferable." And with that, she hung up before I could ask when Stewie went from Dred Demigod to Dred Demon. That seemed like a big deal, and as Bird Goddess of the druid cult, it seemed like there should've been a memo delivered by talking raven or something.
I really had no choice but to go. I emptied a box of crushed shortbread cookies (his favorite) and a box of crushed peanut butter sandwich cookies for his girlfriend, and after a quick pat on their chick, Hilly Pants' head, I headed out.
The Cult of NicoDerm consisted of four textbook-angsty teenage druids, including Stewie, Kayla, Mike, and Heather. These kids were literally the stereotype of awkward adolescents. They meant well but were largely clueless. For example, they didn't realize they'd named their cult after a patch that helps people stop smoking. But since they liked the name, they kept it.
This cult had stumbled into wealth as they were given the rights to Beetle Dork—a comic book shrouded in mystery that only had one edition and was loosely (and wrongly) based on my life as a spy. One of the first things they'd done when they came into money was buy the old Lutheran church, which they renamed the Chapel of Despair. The teen druids hoped that having a location would encourage area teens to flock to them in droves. They hadn't. So far, they only had Claire. And me.
Five minutes later (it only takes five minutes to go anywhere in Who's There, Iowa), I was sitting in Stewie's office. The ridiculously over-the-top office was pitch black except for a purple neon beer light, a cheap baroque lamp featuring a girl in period costume on a swing, covered with a purple scarf, and the flashlight Stewie aimed upwards, beneath his double chin to appear more menacing.
"I am the Dred Demon Odious!" he squeaked, raising his hands over his head and wiggling his demony jazz fingers.
"Hey, question." I stopped him. "When did you go from demigod to demon?"
Stewie sniffed. "I got a promotion. Now…" He slipped back into dramatic mode. "Bird Goddess! You must do my…" He was distracted when the purple scarf covering the faux rococo lamp slipped off and fell to the floor. The girl on the swing appeared to be laughing at him.
I got up and turned on the overhead lights. "What do you want, Stewie? You called me away from a very important meeting."
Stewie slumped in his chair and pouted. He didn't like it when I didn't go along with the whole teenage druidy culty thing.
"Bird Goddess." He sat up straight and tried to continue with whatever dignity he had left and intoned in a high-pitched voice, "Your reverent and esteemed presence is requested at a most auspicious occasion that…" He threw both arms in the air and shouted, "Will change everything as you know it!"
"What are you talking about?" I've seriously considered creating a Druid to English dictionary because there were times like this when I couldn't understand him.
Kayla called out from the doorway, "He, like, wants you to go to Druid-Con as Beetle Dork." She hesitated. "It's like Comic-Con, but they've trademarked the title, so we have Druid-Con."
She walked in and slumped into the chair next to me. Kayla was the least dramatic of the group and worked at my favorite ice cream place where the Bird Goddess got a discount, which meant that she was my favorite.
I shook my head vigorously to let them both know I meant what I was about to say. "Nope. No way. You know how I feel about that stupid comic book."
My name is Merry Wrath, and I was once a CIA field agent who had undercover assignments all over the world, from Russia, to Colombia, to Okinawa. That is, until the vice president of the United States "accidentally" outed me to get back at my senator father. My real name is Fionnaghuala Merrygold Czrygy. But when I lost my job, after collecting a very healthy settlement for agreeing not to sue, I changed my name and moved back home to the small town of Who's There, Iowa. Now, in addition to being a bird goddess, I'm co-leader of a very precocious Girl Scout troop. I liked my new life, but things like this often made me nostalgic for the hellscape that is Turkmenistan.
Kayla rolled her eyes as she sat in the chair next to me, "It's a graphic novel, duh."
"You must!" Odious the Demon slammed his fist on his desk so hard that he startled himself. He whined as he nursed his injured hand. "Come on! You have to! Please?"
"I don't have to do anything," I insisted.
"Stewbutt," Kayla said in between gum snaps, "promised you'd be there. That's how we were able to get the media to go."
"He can't promise I'll do anything." I fixed her with a stare. "What exactly is a Druid-Con, anyway?"
Stewie's eyes grew round with disbelief. "It's only the greatest thing ever! Thousands of people will show up, and you're the star of the two-day event!"
I shook my head. "Get someone else to play me."
"It has to be you!" he insisted.
"I'll pay an actor." I countered. "No one will ever know."
Stewie pulled something from behind his desk and rolled it out. It was a poster, with my photo on it as Burd Gddess Beetle Dork, Live and In Person.
"You misspelled bird and goddess," I pointed out helpfully.
"I did that on purpose," he lied unconvincingly. "Burd Gddess will go viral and become canon for the Cult of NicoDerm."
Kayla added, "We've got one hundred and fifty of those posters."
"The printer won't take them back," Stewie said, hoping this would change my mind.
"Well, you're not putting them up anywhere." I pulled the poster closer and examined it. "You need permission to use my likeness, and you aren't going to get it."
Which was good because the photo of me was horrid. It looked like I'd just woken up from a nap in my hammock, with rope marks on one side of my face as I yawned. How did they get this shot? I was just about to ask when I looked up from the poster and froze.
Kayla and Stewie exchanged a weighted glance. I knew that look.
"You've already put them up, haven't you?" I sighed.
Kayla nodded. "All over town, Bladdersly, and Des Moines. We've sold three hundred tickets already."
I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up in my bed at home. No such luck. "When is the Con thingy?"
"Tomorrow," Stewie said, sensing a win, "Claire will text you the time. It's at the Radisson. You can wear the Bird Goddess cloak if you want!"
"No" was all I said as I walked out the door.
I'd made it all of five steps out the front door, when two gangly, pimpled teen boys walked by and sneered, "Hey, Beetle Dork!" They laughed as they walked away.
I congratulated myself on not giving them each a permanent limp that they'd have for the rest of their lives. With what pathetic shreds of dignity I had left, I turned and walked to my minivan, chanting over and over that I would not ram it into the Chapel of Despair.
It didn't make me feel any better.
"Hey babe!" Rex kissed me as I walked into the kitchen.
"You're making your homemade mac and cheese!" I squealed.
Rex, my gorgeous husband and the town detective, was an excellent cook, which was awesome because I was not. My culinary skills ran to turning on an air fryer after dumping in a whole bag of Pizza Rolls. I did like to mix things up once a year when Kelly and I spent all day picking up and organizing the cookie orders for our troop. I called the evening meal on those nights, Merry's Cookie Buffet.
"Can you set the table?" he asked. "It's done."
No one sets a table faster than me when good comfort food is on the line. Iowa is the state of comfort food. Our traditions ran to the aforementioned mac and cheese, sloppy joes, grilled cheese and tomato soup, and casseroles in every shape and size.
My husband brought the dish to the table, poured me a glass of wine (pinot grigio goes best with mac and cheese) and we started to eat.
"Ohmygodthisisthebestthingever!" I said in one breath.
Rex smiled. "You know, I spotted some interesting posters around town today."
My heaping fork stopped midway to my mouth.
He went on, "I didn't know you were doing the Druid-Con tomorrow."
In a move that was completely unlike me, I set the fork down with the cheesy goodness still on it.
"I just found out about that. I told the druids I couldn't do it."
My husband nodded. "It's probably for the best. Although you'll be missing out. I've heard that a major celebrity is going to be there."
I rolled my eyes and picked up my fork. "I don't care. I'm not going. They want me to make an appearance as Beetle Dork! Can you believe that?"
My husband handed me his phone, which had an image on it.
I screamed. "No! You're joking! Deliria is going to be there???"
Deliria! The woman was famous and had a late-night horror show called Delirium of Evil! I used to watch it as a kid and recently discovered it was still on. Rex watched with me one time before giving up. I loved this mistress of the dark, who scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.
I frowned. "Why didn't the druids tell me? I'd have said yes if I knew."
Rex shrugged. "Who knows? But maybe you should call them back before they get someone to replace you."
I finished dinner quickly and called Stewie, who was thrilled with my change of heart.
"I'll bring your costume over in the morning! By the way, it's a different costume because the Bird Goddess cloak is at the dry cleaners. Kayla spilled Mountain Dew on it. Be ready at eight! We'll go in the Doom Chariot!"
"That's what you're calling the hearse now?" I asked.
"We changed it to better reflect the brand. See you then! Bye!" And with that he hung up.
Kelly called literally one second later. "You're going to that comic thing tomorrow? As Beetle Dork?"
Leonard, our Scottish deerhound, was sneaking around the side of the sofa, probably wondering where my evil cat, Philby, was. The obese feline bore an unfortunate resemblance to Adolf Hitler physically and in her personality. And she loved tormenting a dog who was much bigger than her.
Philby sprang out of nowhere like a cannonball and, in an attempt to jump on the couch, hit face first into the front of the cushion, which knocked her back to the ground. She tried again and managed to run along the top of the couch and then jump, four legs splayed, onto Leonard.
The dog shook the cat off and raced toward Rex, who decided to give the poor beast a break by taking him outside. Her attack on her prey thwarted, Philby jumped up on a chair in the dining room and glared at Rufus, our golden poison dart frog, who lived in a giant aquarium. The cat hissed. The frog blinked. Philby decided this was a win for her, jumped off the chair, and trotted out of the room.
"Yes," I told my best friend and Girl Scout co-leader once I remembered I was on the phone. "Why wouldn't I?"
Kelly saw through my words. "You hate Beetle Dork. You're just going because Deliria is going."
She knew me too well. Kelly and I spent many, many late nights as kids sneaking down to her living room to watch the show. She also knew other stuff. Blackmailable stuff. This was why we were so compatible. My best friend knew things about me that she would never share with anyone, and I wanted it to stay that way.
"I'm not missing this," Kelly said. "I'm bringing my backup charger for my phone so I can film everything."
Of course she was. "Whatever," I said before hanging up.
For the rest of the night, I was practically floating. I didn't usually get starstruck. I've met the foreign heads of at least a dozen countries, a handful of celebrities, and the guy who invented deep-fried Twinkies. But this was special. This was my one shot to meet a hero.
I searched for the actress on my phone and read up on her history. Originally, her show started in Davenport, Iowa. She wore a blood-red dress, had a Medusa wig, and was drop-dead gorgeous as she presented some of the scariest, and sometimes worst, B movies of the 1950s and 60s.
That night, I happily fell asleep dreaming of giant, mutated insects, lizard swamp monsters, and human-sized carnivorous rabbits.
I was up and ready to go at six a.m. I'd showered, fed the animals, scarfed down half a box of Lucky Charms, and vibrated in the doorway until the hearse showed up. Before Stewie the Dread Demon could get out of the car, I ran down, grabbed the costume from him, and took it inside to put it on. If only I'd really looked at it first.
"Not. One. Word," I warned my husband as I stared at myself in the mirror.
Rex walked over, kissed me on the lips, and walked out. Good man.
The costume consisted of one shiny and body-skimming spandex suit, huge, jewel-tone folded wings, and the creepy half-face mask with giant bug eyes and antennae.
"Why am I a beetle?" I shouted to no one. "Beetle Dork wasn't a real beetle!"
Rex wisely did not answer from the other room. As I walked out to the car, out of the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw him take a picture.
Getting into the hearse was another matter. I finally took off the inflexible carapace wings and tossed them in the back. Now I just looked like a weirdo in a shiny brown set of footie jammies.
"You have to wear the whole thing!" Stewie whined as he drove away.
"How do you reach the foot pedals?" I deflected.
The short, rotund kid sniffed. "I drive just fine." He swerved and just narrowly missed hitting a streetlight, which caused him to go up on the curb. There was a terrible crunch under the car before he drove off the curb.
Please, I prayed. Don't let me die in an accident in a hearse driven by a teenage druid while I'm dressed as a beetle.
We pulled into the parking lot, and I jumped out while it was still moving. I couldn't wait to meet Deliria. Stewie panted as he ran after me screaming about my wings. I got inside the door, and a bored-looking college kid looked me up and down before consulting his clipboard.
"Aren't you a bit old for this?" he asked. The kid looked like a jock, with an athletic frame and long brown hair.
Stewie arrived and threw me my wings before collapsing onto the floor, panting heavily. It was then that I realized he was dressed as a pirate. He had the billowy shirt unlaced, which accentuated his pasty, puffy chest, black tights, and he was wearing a sword.
"You can't bring weapons in here," the clipboard dude lectured, although I didn't think he'd do anything about it.