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Museum of Murder

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  a Merry Wrath Mystery



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  Copyright © 2024 by Leslie Langtry

  Cover design by Janet Holmes

  Gemma Halliday Publishing

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  This book describes, sometimes in detail, the murders in previous books in the series. Therefore, if you haven’t read them yet, you may want to reconsider reading MUSEUM OF MURDER until you’ve caught up. You have been warned.











  It wasn't the first time I'd seen it, but I still couldn't believe it! It was like looking in a mirror…without the, um…mirror. I was staring at a life-sized mannequin of myself. Then I reached up and poked myself in the shoulder. The other me was standing on a "road" in front of my car as it screamed in horror at the scene. I recognized Carlos the Armadillo as he lay on his back in front of my car.

  The mannequin they had for Carlos looked a little different this time and seemed a little more lifelike. I bent down and pressed my index finger against his cheek.

  I shot up to a standing position. What the hell? That wasn't firm plastic I'd touched! It was human skin! And the man lying in front of me wasn't a mannequin. He was real and very, very dead.


  "What do you mean they're making a museum about me?" I asked after a moment of stunned silence. It was such shocking news that I nearly dropped my lava-covered rag.

  The girls exchanged knowing glances usually reserved for my impending death from old age at thirty-two. We were just cleaning up after a rather unfortunate Girl Scout meeting. Kelly, my co-leader, had gotten the flu this morning, and she was in charge of the snacks. This was a serious offence in a troop that held snacks as sacrosanct. But still, Kelly wasn't bringing anything, which meant I scrounged around in my body-sized freezer until I found five dozen frost-covered pizza rolls. Fortunately, I had a gallon of ranch dressing, which went a long way in hiding the taste of freezer burn.

  The girls were working on their Thinking Day project, where each troop presents a booth representing a foreign country at a one-day event at the local expo center. The troop had picked Iceland and had built a replica Eyjafjallajökull volcano, and they'd decided it had to be a working volcano. Unfortunately, we ended up spending the better part of an hour cleaning "lava" off the ceiling.

  And then there was the idea that we should serve hakarl, or rotten shark. Lauren, our junior zookeeper, announced that she was watching the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago to negotiate for the corpse of any shark that might kick the bucket. I was a bit concerned that Betty would send an assassin for the job, but Lauren insisted that most shark deaths were suicides, which for some odd reason made everyone feel a little better.

  The girls had insisted we make hakarl authentically by burying the big fish's corpse in the ground for six months, unearthing it when the toxins (because of course, there are toxins) decayed. We'd cut it up and serve it as diced cubes with a little toothpick bearing the Icelandic flag. The girls showed me a mock-up made of tofu. I had to admit, it was festive.

  When the girls realized we only had a month until Thinking Day, they said they were going to order harkarl in bulk online. I ran to my purse and pulled out my credit cards, stuffing them into my back pocket. They weren't going to use my credit card this time!

  And now we were talking about a museum about me.

  Betty rolled her eyes. "Oh sure, it's always about you."

  I was confused. Moments earlier the girls had told me there was going to be a museum about me. "But you said…"

  Mayor Ava held her hand up to silence me. "It's not about you, exactly. But it also is because you are always murder-adjacent."

  "Explain," I insisted.

  A museum about me would be bad. I'd been a spy for the CIA for seven years, and most of my cases were still classified. If Langley heard about this, I'd probably be on a hit list tomorrow. I've been on the hit list before. I didn't like it.

  Lauren spoke up. "It's called the Museum of Murder. It's because we have so many murders here."

  "More than any other town pretty much anywhere." Betty pulled a stiletto out of her pocket and began repeatedly opening and closing it quickly, which was annoying. "In the last eight years, which is how long you've been here, there have been sixty murders. When you compare it to Iowa statistics, you get thirteen percent. Which is a lot. Which is also awesome."

  I'd been here eight years? I counted on my fingers. Huh. She was right.

  "You're involved in all of those murders," two of the Kaitlyns said in unison.

  "Literally," the other two said.

  I had four Kaitlyns in my Girl Scout troop. They looked exactly alike, had M as their last initial and, as near as I could figure, operated on an elaborate hive mind system.

  My name is Merry Wrath Ferguson, and I was once a CIA operative, until the vice president "accidentally" outed me to get back at my senator dad. After accepting a huge settlement and the sad fact that I would never again work in my chosen profession, I moved back to my small hometown of Who's There, Iowa, where my best friend, Kelly, decided we should start a Girl Scout troop.

  The rest is, apparently, a history that would soon be on display. Sixty murders? That was kind of hard to believe. Then again, bodies tended to fall around me like mice on Chechnya's Mice Rain From Sky Making Harvest Lucky Day. Of course, the mice don't literally fall from clouds. A guy named Oskar drops them from a biplane. And no, the mice don't survive the fall, which is probably for the best since Chechens are a superstitious people and would take it as a bad omen if the mice hit the ground running.

  "Who's building this museum?" I asked after a moment.

  Ava shrugged. "No idea. The donor wishes to remain anonymous."

  "We'd found out the money was transferred through forty-seven shell corporations, so we can't trace them yet," Betty admitted. "Which is pretty cool because forty-seven is my lucky number. Because of samurai warriors and stuff."

  "The dude Betty likes, Conrad, is into samurais," Inez said.

  Betty's eyes flashed. "I don't like boys."

  Inez wasn't intimidated. "Whatever."

  According to the girls, Betty had become obsessed with a boy named Conrad, who I'd just met over the holidays. Recently it made her glitchy, which made me nervous. I reached over and calmly took the stiletto from her, just to be safe.

  "Why"—I shoved the knife into my sweater pocket—"is the city supporting some mystery backer who's so dodgy he has to filter the funds through forty-seven shell companies?"

  Lauren shrugged. "He gave money to Ava's campaign."

  Ava threw her arms up. "I know I'm supposed to say that's bad. But why? They're giving me money!"

  Hmmm…we might need to see if there's a way we could stage an intervention without the other city officials finding out. Especially the city council. Those people were always trying to figure out how to remove Ava from office…mostly because they were all afraid of Betty.

  "What's this museum called?" I wondered. The Merry Wrath Museum had a nice ring to it, even if I didn't want a museum.

  "The Who's There Museum of Murder!" Two of the Kaitlyns grinned.

  "That's totally awesome, right?" the other two finished.

  Ava held out her hand. "Come on, then. We have to go to city hall."

  I looked up at a bright-red stain on the ceiling, which would never, ever come out. "What? Now? Why?"

  "Because there's going to be a press conference in fifteen minutes, and the donor who's launching the museum wants to see you there or they won't give us the money." The mayor motioned me towards the door, and after grabbing my coat and hat, we made our way to my silver minivan. Betty, Inez, and Lauren went with me. The others went with Ava in a very expensive Rolls Royce that had the mayor's seal on it.

  "You ordered the hakarl, right?" I heard Inez whisper to Betty in the seats behind me.

  "Of course," the girl said. "I even put the card back in her pocket after. She'll never know."
r />

  To my complete surprise, city hall's grand rotunda was packed. It looked like half the town was here. I spotted my husband, Rex, the town's detective, who stood next to Officer Kevin Dooley, village idiot and resident paste connoisseur. On his shoulders sat four uniformed hamsters, all improbably named Officer Hamlet. The rodents gave me a short nod as I joined them.

  "Hey!" I sidled up to my husband and squeezed his hand. "Where's the rest of your team?"

  Rex smiled and squeezed back. "Troy and Joanna are covering the office. Officer Dooley and I are representing."

  Looking around, I saw there were a number of faces I'd never seen before. New people to town, I wondered?

  "This must be a big announcement," Rex whispered. "There are a lot of people from out of town."

  I knew what it was about, but since I was still in denial, I denied telling my husband about it. What was he going to think about a museum of murder? Since these crimes were all committed on his watch, I didn't think it was going to be his new, favorite place.

  Ava didn't so much as climb the stairs to the risers but ascended them with great drama and stepped on the stool behind the mayoral podium. Betty came to the front of the stage and whistled loudly. The crowd was silenced and waited for whatever was going to happen.

  "Do you know anything about this?" Rex whispered.

  I couldn't ignore it any longer. "Oh yeah. It's apparently all about me," I admitted.

  Betty shot me a glare, and I took that as my cue to be silent.

  "Thank you all for coming," Ava said. "Before we begin, I have an important announcement. Who's There is all about inclusivity. So we are introducing a new interpreter who will interpret for a sadly underserved population."

  "Sign language?" Rex's eyebrows went up.

  A man stepped next to Ava and gave her a smile.

  "Today, we are announcing…" She turned to the man.

  He proceeded to neigh and whinny like a horse. It made sense in a way that no one else would understand. The girls were nuts about horses and believed in unicorns. Looking around the room, I spotted a Shetland pony. Apparently, this was all for its benefit.

  "The newest, great thing for Who's There!" Ava smiled and turned to the horse guy, who neighed and whinnied some more.

  The mayor went on. "Funded by a really rich, anonymous donor is the Who's There Museum of Murder!"

  The horse man looked a bit surprised but continued interpreting, which I thought was very professional of him.

  The packed room burst into loud applause. A man next to me, who I didn't know, seemed confused.

  I leaned toward him. "New in town? It's okay. You'll get used to that."

  He wore a concerned frown. "Um, yes. Just moved here from Chicago. I wanted to get away from all that noise to a nice, quiet little town."

  "As you all know," Ava continued, "there have been a lot of murders in town over the last eight years. Sixty, in fact. And I'm proud to say that we make up thirteen percent of all murders in Iowa!"

  The townspeople applauded loudly. If there was anything that got a small town excited, it was being the best at something. When I was a kid, May Merriweather won the first prize at the talent show of the Iowa State Fair for her interpretive dance of a rather violent Iowa Hawkeye vs. Iowa State football matchup. The town had a billboard made that stood outside of town for twenty years until a twister took it.

  "Did she just say this is basically the most murdery town in the state?" The new-to-town guy's face looked like he'd just witnessed mice raining from the sky. It really was a shock the first time you saw it. It also helped to have a sturdy umbrella. Oskar never had very good aim due to being legally blind. Still, he could fly a plane and wasn't afraid of mice…which were the only requirements.

  I cast a sideways glance at my husband, who wore a neutral expression. That seemed like a good thing! I probably shouldn't have worried. Rex was a smart guy who could roll with almost anything. I mean, the man allowed four hamsters to be considered police officers just to make the village idiot happy. I looked over to see the four Hamlets scanning the crowd for possible disruptions. One of them appeared to be holding a miniature walkie talkie, as if he was ready for action at the drop of a hat.

  "The Museum of Murder," Ava went on, "will feature murders from the distant and present past," the mayor said.

  "Present past?" Rex mused.

  "Shhh…" I pressed my finger to my lips. "She's on a roll."

  "Ah." My husband grinned. "So that's why this is about you."

  The new guy couldn't help but overhear. "You're responsible for all the murders in town?"

  I tried to reassure him. "Well, not really. I just always happen to be in the vicinity of most of the dead bodies, so technically I don't think that counts."

  The man visibly gulped. "I just bought a house here! And I thought that Welcome Wagon, Helping Hands and Tentacles, was just part of the town's quirky charm!"

  Helping Hands and Tentacles was Betty's mom's pet project. Carol Anne had allegedly been kidnapped by aliens often enough to know that they needed a little guidance and a friendly face when moving to Earth. I was just guessing, but the lack of aliens lining up to live here was probably why she was now visiting humans who'd just moved to town.

  Ava grinned. "And now, to talk about this exciting project, please help me welcome Mrs. Merry Wrath to the stage!"

  People turned to me, clapping, as the interpreter let out a very loud whinny, followed by a belch. Was that supposed to be my name? And why was she calling on me? I only found out about the project mere minutes ago! I didn't know anything about it. What was I supposed to do? Talk about the forty-seven shell companies?

  "Mrs. Wrath," Ava glowered. "The mayor demands your presence on the stage."

  Betty appeared at my elbow. "Don't make me make you."

  I actually went. I literally walked up onto the stage, not having any idea at all what I had to say on the matter.

  "Merry Wrath is a serial killer!" a voice shouted.

  Ah. My sister-in-law Ronni must be here. She and her twin, Randi, were on the verge of delivering two sons, soon to be named Blasto and Blasto, to Ron and Ivan, a pair of Chechen muscles-for-brains, who were also their husbands.

  "Mrs. Wrath, everyone!" Ava motioned to me, and the horse interpreter did that loud whinny and belch again.

  I hoped the thunderous applause would last forever, because I had no idea what I was going to say. This was worse than the time I had to give a speech to a powerful committee at the UN, disguised as Sandra Bullock, about how the movie Speed could be seen as a metaphor for peace in the Middle East. That, at least, went smoothly.

  This however…I think I'd rather eat hakarl, made from a suicidal shark and prepared by thirteen-year-old girls who didn't know what they were doing.


  Betty had warned me on the way up that the mystery donor needed to see me at the event as a requirement for their backing of the museum. For a moment, I almost refused, thinking this might be what I needed to get out having the museum here in the first place. But Betty didn't take no for an answer, and so there I was, walking up on stage, hopefully getting noticed by whatever sadist came up with this idea.

  "Hello," I said after Ava shoved the mic into my hand. "I'm Merry Wrath Ferguson, and I guess they're opening a museum of murder here…"

  I wasn't quite sure what to say next, so I just gave two thumbs-up. This could be a solid strategy depending on where you were. For example, in most places, the gesture is considered positive. But in Bangladesh, it's a very rude insult, and in certain parts of Chechnya, it means your mother hates your goats, which is pretty much the worst insult you can make and is surprisingly worse than your mother hates you.

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