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His Mafia Sugar Daddy (Dark M/M Mafia Romance) (Toscano Doms Book 4), page 1


His Mafia Sugar Daddy (Dark M/M Mafia Romance) (Toscano Doms Book 4)
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His Mafia Sugar Daddy (Dark M/M Mafia Romance) (Toscano Doms Book 4)

  His Mafia Sugar Daddy

  Leo Rivers

  Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers

  All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


  1. Chapter 1

  2. Chapter 2

  3. Chapter 3

  4. Chapter 4

  5. Chapter 5

  6. Chapter 6

  7. Chapter 7

  8. Chapter 8

  9. Chapter 9

  10. Chapter 10

  11. Chapter 11

  12. Chapter 12

  13. Chapter 13

  14. Chapter 14

  15. Chapter 15

  16. Chapter 16


  Chapter one

  Jason Waters trudged wearily up the creaking staircase of his rundown apartment building, the weight of exhaustion clinging to his every step. The fluorescent lights above flickered intermittently, casting an eerie glow on the faded wallpaper that adorned the narrow hallway.

  His body ached. That was unfair. He worked in a call center—why did just sitting in a chair all day make him hurt so bad? It wasn't bad enough that he spent all day getting yelled at, he had to feel like he'd been mugged, too?

  Finally reaching the door of his cramped apartment, Jason fumbled with his keys, the metal clinking in the stillness of the evening. As he pushed open the weathered entrance, a wave of stale air washed over him, mingling with the scent of takeout containers and neglected responsibilities.

  Ah. His landlord's typical style of housekeeping.

  "Another day, another dollar," Jason muttered to himself, his voice laced with a tinge of resignation.

  His weary eyes surveyed the disheveled space, taking in the cluttered coffee table where Neil dumped everything he didn't want to deal with. A bunch of letters were left for Jason—open, of course. Neil never missed an opportunity to pry.

  I'm your uncle, Jason could almost hear Neil reply. I have to look out for my nephew, don't I?

  After all, it's not like anyone else is around to do it.

  Jason picked up a letter, and groaned. An unpaid bill for his last set of car repairs. Of course. He'd kicked that can down the road as hard as he could, struggling to space out his repayments to keep all his creditors quiet, but now this one was here in his hand, with a big fat red UNPAID stamp…

  Another day, another dollar? In this city, Jason was going to need more than a dollar.

  A surge of frustration and disappointment coursed through Jason's veins, intertwining with the weariness that threatened to consume him.

  When will things change?

  Jason slunk into his bedroom. He tried to keep it as clean and orderly as he could, but the cramped little space didn't exactly give him a lot to work with. It was just his bed, his clothes, a pile of long-neglected art supplies, and his computer…

  His tired gaze fixed on his computer. Thoughts swirled in his mind, a tempest of uncertainty and desire.

  Over the last couple of weeks, he'd had a thought. It had crept up on him, tugging at his attention, and then it had only burrowed in closer to him, getting under his skin.


  The mere notion of it sent a wave of flustered shyness through Jason's veins, making his heart race and his palms grow clammy.

  He'd had one good friend at the call center, Lucy. Months ago, her side hustle had become her main money-maker. She'd happily given their boss the finger, and flounced off with her head held high.

  She hadn't waited for change to happen—she'd chased it down herself.

  Even if it involved flashing pervs online, it still had to be better than cold-call sales.

  Jason squirmed. The thought of exposing himself to strangers, baring his vulnerabilities in the hope of a better life, was both exhilarating and terrifying.

  It hadn't stopped him from wondering about it for months.

  It hadn't stopped him from picking out the outfits he might wear.

  It hadn't stopped him from making an account on the cam site Lucy talked about.

  Just out of curiosity, of course.

  Tonight, however, desperation clawed at Jason's chest, overshadowing his reservations. The weight of financial burdens pressed upon him, threatening to crush him for good.

  With a deep breath, Jason tentatively approached the desk that housed his computer, his trembling fingers dancing across the worn-out keyboard. He hesitated, his mind grappling with a maelstrom of doubts and insecurities. The flickering cursor on the screen seemed to mock him, daring him to take a leap into the unknown.

  Desperate times called for desperate measures.

  As beads of sweat slid down his furrowed brow, Jason nervously muttered to himself, "Okay, let's do this."

  He set up his laptop on a small table by the window, the soft glow of streetlights casting shadows across the room, and changed into something that was a little more sexy than 'telemarketer': a muscle shirt and a set of tight pants.

  He didn't exactly have the muscles to fill out that shirt, but, hey, men on these sites liked twinks, right?

  He swallowed. That was, he hoped. Otherwise, this was going to be not just a complete waste of time, but an embarrassing one, too.

  Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Jason logged onto the camming website and pressed the "Start" button, inviting viewers into his intimate world. Piles of art supplies gathering dust counted as intimate, right?

  Lights. Camera.


  "Hey, everyone," he said hesitantly, forcing a smile as he tried to maintain eye contact with the camera. His hands trembled, betraying his anxiety; he kept them out of view. He knew that he needed to be confident and sexy if he wanted to make any money, but it was hard not to feel self-conscious when he’d never done anything like this before.

  And when there was no-one watching.

  The viewer count changed from a 0 to a 1. One person was watching him! Jason's heart jumped into his throat. "Hi there," he stammered. "Um, sexy. I'm Jason, and I'm here to entertain you tonight."

  The viewer replied with a simple 'hey' in the chat.

  Okay, that wasn't much, but it was enough to boost Jason's spirits just a bit. He decided to try some dirty talk, hoping it would help him get into character. "You know, I've been feeling pretty lonely tonight," he purred, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Would you like to keep me company?"

  k, the viewer responded.

  Who said romance was dead? Jason's cheeks went red.

  Okay, this was never going to be easy, but at least he had his first viewer. He had their attention, and now he just needed to hold onto it.

  "Great," Jason replied, trying to sound sultry as he unbuttoned his shirt slowly, revealing his toned chest. Lucy's pick-up lines floated through his head. "I've been thinking about what I'd like to do tonight, but I can't decide. Do you have any ideas for me?"

  Despite his best efforts, Jason couldn't shake the feeling of awkwardness that enveloped him. Every movement felt forced, every word stilted. But he knew that he couldn't afford to give up. This was his chance to earn some much-needed cash.

  If he got enough cash, he could get some breathing room. Pay his bills, stop his car from crapping out on the way to work.

  And if he got even more…

  He couldn't think about that right now. The idea of being able to move into his own place, away from Neil… It was too much.

  The 1 of the viewer count turned into a 2. He was on a roll! Forbes list of billionaires, here he came!

  Summoning his wry humor, he tried to lighten the mood. "You know, they say great things come in small packages. Well, here I am, a small package of nerves and questionable dancing skills, ready to make your evening a little less ordinary." He chuckled nervously, hoping his attempt at wit would be well received.

  k, was again the reply he got. Wow, a regular Shakespeare. Jason's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Well, at least he had their attention, no matter how brief or cryptic it might be.

  With a shaky breath, he mustered up the courage to continue, hoping to connect with his newfound audience. "So, um, how about we spice things up a bit? I mean, not too spicy, because I'm still figuring this whole thing out, but maybe we can explore a little? What do you say?"

  Taking a deep breath, he continued with a shy smile. "I'm open to suggestions, really. I mean, within reason. No circus acts or fire-breathing dragons, please. But if there's something you'd like me to try, some fantasy you want me to explore, I'll do my best."

  Despite the awkwardness that enveloped him like a second skin, Jason persisted. Every movement felt forced, every word stumbled upon. Yet, deep down, he knew this was his chance, his opportunity to change his circumstances and make some much-needed cash.

  As the viewer count ticked up, Jason's confidence wavered, threatening to crumble under the weight of his inexperience. But he clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, he could make a connection. That someone out there would appreciate his clumsy attempts at charm, and be patient with his stumbling attempts at seduction.

  With a mix of anxiety and determination, Jason let his shy smile transform into a tentative, bashful smile. "So, um, any ideas? I'm all ears," he murmured, his voice laced wit
h vulnerability. "And, uh, thank you for being here. It means a lot to me."

  take it off, was the reply.

  Well, that was why he was here, wasn't he? Jason winced, but pushed the embarrassment aside.

  "Okay," he mumbled. "Here goes…"

  With trembling hands, Jason unbuttoned his shirt, his movements hesitant and unsure. "Like this?"

  As stripteases went, it wasn't exactly a winner. His cheeks flushed with humiliation at how terrible at this he was.

  But instead of going elsewhere, his viewers started typing more.

  keep going

  take it off

  yeah, like that

  show us everything baby

  They wanted more of some loser fumbling through a striptease? One that was as erotic as a medical exam? Huh?

  But then Jason understood.

  They wanted someone who didn't know what they were doing.

  They wanted vulnerability and innocence.

  Jason's heart raced, his shyness warring with the desperate need for validation. He felt a knot in his stomach, a mix of excitement and apprehension. With a deep breath, he mustered a small smile and continued to undress, his body betraying his hesitation.

  "Um, I... I hope you're enjoying this," he mumbled, his voice barely audible, as he slowly tugged off his shirt. Bare down to the waist, he blushed. His fingers lingered on his chest, unsure of what to do.

  more, came the demand.

  But with the demands, so came the tokens. Jason's heart raced with the ping of each digital tip. The tokens trickled in, one by one, each chime bringing both relief and frustration.

  It wasn't enough, not even close to covering his rent or the mounting bills that taunted him daily.

  But he couldn't deny the thrill that accompanied each tip, the knowledge that someone out there found pleasure in watching him.

  Somewhere out there, men were watching him, eager to see more.

  As he reluctantly stripped down to his underwear, the chat buzzed with mixed reactions. Some viewers urged him to go further, while others praised his courage and vulnerability. The conflicting messages only heightened Jason's unease, leaving him torn between pleasing his audience and preserving his own comfort.

  Sweat dotted his forehead as he grappled with his inner turmoil. He needed the opportunity to make a better life.

  But at what cost?

  Finally, unable to bear the overwhelming pressure, Jason paused and typed a message in the chat, his fingers shaking. "Thanks for the support, but I think this is as far as I can go for now," he confessed, his vulnerability on full display.

  As his first camming show came to an end, Jason allowed himself a sigh, equal parts exhaustion and resignation. He shut down the laptop, the screen's blue glow disappearing and leaving him in darkness, save for the light spilling in through the window.

  He had barely done anything, but it felt like he'd run a marathon. His heart beat fast, heat running through his veins.

  Those men had wanted to see more.

  And he'd liked it.

  Chapter two

  Before he could ruminate on that, Jason's phone chimed. Hey, the message read, are you at your place? I have that book for you.

  He hastily pulled on his clothes, fumbling to type. Yeah, come on up.

  In a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.

  "Hey, Jase!" Lucy breezed in, her bright red hair framing her face like a fiery halo. She looked like a vision of sunshine. "Here you go, I'm done reading. I hope you like it as much as I do!"

  "I'm sure I will." Long fantasy novels had got Jason through the worst that a call center had to offer. When a customer screamed at him for ten minutes straight, he could just let it wash over him, and think about what might happen in the next chapter.

  Lucy paused, not even done with their pleasantries. She narrowed her eyes. "What did you do?"

  Shit. "W-what do you mean? Nothing!"

  "I can tell when someone's got something on their mind. It's my job, Jase." She glared at him. "Spill. Oh damn, did you get fired?"

  "No, nothing like that." Jason bit his lip. "Um, though it is kind of work-related. I, uh… had my first camming session."

  "Jason!" She rounded on him like an angry bantam, puffing up. "I told you not to!"

  He put his hands up in surrender. "But you got so much money!"

  "And I have to deal with so many creeps! You can't just go into it blind, Jase. It's dangerous. You'll get taken advantage of."

  Her anger and concern couldn't last long. After a bit of huffing and puffing, they were soon replaced by curiosity. "Well… how'd it go, then?"

  "Uh, well…" Jason hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was… interesting? I mean, I got a few tips, but nothing substantial. I don't know if shaking my skinny ass is going to get me out of the call center any time soon."

  "Aw, well… That's just how it is when you're getting started. It takes time to build an audience and get comfortable with the whole thing. Trust me, I've been there."

  Jason couldn't help but chuckle at her unwavering optimism. "You always know how to make me feel better. I just wish I could be as successful as you. I'm drowning in bills, and Neil is breathing down my neck about rent."

  "Ugh, Neil is the worst," Lucy grimaced. "And your parents were so nice, too…"

  "Yeah," Jason agreed, his face softening. "They were always so supportive and loving."

  He sighed deeply. "I just wish they could see me now... I wonder what advice they'd give me."

  "Hey," Lucy said gently, reaching out to touch Jason's arm. "They'd be proud of you for doing whatever it takes to survive. And besides, there's no shame in using what you've got to get by." She winked at him, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.

  "Is that what you told yourself when you started camming?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Absolutely!" Lucy exclaimed with a laugh, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I mean, come on, have you seen these?" She gestured to her breasts, giving them a little jiggle for emphasis. "Might as well make some money off of them!"

  "You're incorrigible," Jason chuckled, shaking his head.

  "Maybe so, but it helped me get through some tough times," she confessed, her voice suddenly softer. "When I first started camming, I was terrified. I thought everyone would judge me or worse, not even bother to watch my shows."

  "Really? But you're so confident now," Jason observed, genuinely surprised.

  "Trust me, it took time," Lucy admitted, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I had to learn to embrace my sexuality, to really own it, you know? And once I did that, everything changed. I started seeing myself as a powerful, sexy woman—someone in control of her own destiny."

  "Wow. I never knew you went through all that."

  "Yeah. But…" Lucy continued, her gaze suddenly serious, "I can't help but wonder if camming is really the right fit for you."

  Jason's heart sank a little at her words, feeling the weight of his uncertainty. "But what else can I do? I'm already working two jobs just to make ends meet."

  "Jason, I've seen your paintings! You're an incredible artist. You have so much talent inside of you. Why not follow your heart?"

  "Believe me, I'd love to," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion. "But I don't even have time to think about art, let alone create it. My equipment is gathering dust." He thought about his easel and paints, their once-vibrant hues now dull and lifeless.

  He knew he should just sell it all. It wasn't like it was doing him any good to have expensive art supplies when he wasn't ever going to be able to do them justice.

  But the idea of going through with that, finally getting them out of his life…

  Jason swallowed. It felt too extreme. Too final.

  Lucy sighed. "You deserve so much more from life, my sweet, tortured artist," she said, in her best theatrical voice.

  He snorted. "Thanks, Luce," he replied, trying to muster a smile despite the despair gnawing at his gut. "But right now, I just need to figure out how to keep a roof over my head."

  "How about we watch a movie, and just relax? It sounds like you deserve a break."

  "Sounds like heaven," Jason agreed, feeling the weight of the day slowly lifting from his chest. As they settled down on the couch, Jason couldn't help but feel grateful for Lucy's presence in his life.

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