Daddy’s Housekeeper

Daddy’s Housekeeper

Lena Little

Lena Little

For the last thirty days, I’ve tried my hardest to keep her off my mind. Trying not to look at her, think about her, and certainly not to touch her.

She’s too young, too innocent, my little maid. But there’s no logic in the world that can convince me to avoid doing what I’ve needed to do since first laying eyes on her.

Make. Her. Mine.

As much as my need is primal, there’s clearly another part that extends well beyond that.

Something that’s been missing…something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Until now. Until her. Until the word, daddy spills from my lips.

And Daddy is most certainly what I am meant to be for my little girl.


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Protective Daddy

Protective Daddy

Lena Little

Lena Little

I shouldn’t want her. My life is way too dangerous, she’s much too young, and the cherry on top is the fact that this is my best friend’s daughter. But my feral need for her reminds me that there’s no way I can even try to rationalize not pursuing my dream, my desire, my everything, her. I can protect her from the illegal activities her dad and I are involved in. Hell, I already do.   I know she’s untouched because I’ve made sure of it.   I can be her protector and her Daddy. I can teach her all the lessons her father never did and much, much more.   She will be mine. Daddy’s little girl.
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Possessive Daddy

Possessive Daddy

Lena Little

Lena Little

I feel a surge of heat rush through me at the sight of her.   Jewel, her name tag reads.   There’s a reason I come here every day, making sure there are no other little boys her age looking at my Jewel. Making sure everyone around here knows who she belongs too.   Even if I’m too old for her, and forty-one is way too old for an eighteen-year old, as I keep reminding myself, I still need to be here. To protect her. To watch over her. To be here just in case.   She’s the light to my darkness, the smile that can give my scowl balance, and more accurately wipe it from my face forever.   I don’t care if she deserves better than me, it’s me she’s going to get. No other is ever going to lay a hand on her. No one will take her from me.   She’s my little Jewel and I’m her Daddy. Forever
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